MTL - Thunder Martial-v2 Chapter 2146 4 gods

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When the Spirit Race faced the turbulent times, they all fought on their own.

Because the crisis is coming too fast, there is simply no concern for reunification.

When the war broke out, the Eldar were constantly dying, and they were dying one by one.

So the leaders of the Eldar tribes in each place made different decisions.

Some choose to fight to the death until the last person in the clan.

Some chose to ban the Protoss, which became a later opportunity.

The remainder is to choose a more long-term calculation, including the resurrection of himself and the Protoss.

Geshan chose to guard and keep the Spiritual Race immortal, so that part of the Spiritual Race continued to inherit.

Although everyone did not communicate with each other, they all used different methods to protect the Spirit Race.

This is also the main reason why the Spirit Race has survived to this day under the suppression of the Protoss.

Generations of spirit clan ancestors made selfless efforts to make today's spirit clan.

"The rest of the adults didn't say how to deal with the **** race heroic spirits there, just said don't worry."

The heroic spirits of the Protoss on the battlefield of the gods, because they were manipulated by the rest and others, hated the Protoss after their second rebirth, so that they calculated the Protoss again and again, causing the Protoss to suffer heavy losses.

But no matter what, they are all God Race heroic spirits, and they will definitely have a battle with the Spirit Race in the future.

According to the current strength of the Spiritual Race, even if the strong are out, it is impossible to get a bargain against the Heroic Spirit of the God Race.

As for the Spirit Races on the battlefield of the gods, although Zi Chen did not see all of them, he knew that because of the initial planning, there would obviously not be many people who would resurrect the second generation.

Ge Shan said: "Since it is the arrangement of the remainder, then don't worry, they will definitely not affect the Spirit Race of the God Realm."

Liu Chenshan, Mo Xiaoyu, and Liu Zhan also nodded in agreement.

The emotions of the three were not high, far from the joy when they heard the remainder, Zi Chen's heart moved, and he vaguely guessed the reason, and his heart also became lost.

The final result of the battle of the gods may be that spirits, gods, and heroic spirits of the two races perish together.

"Let's not talk about the battlefield of the gods. Since you are here, it seems that the situation of the Spirit Race in the gods is very good, even far better than imagined."

Ge Shan's words also shocked the three of them.

The four of them are from the previous era, and they have a very deep understanding of the rules.

Zi Chen currently represents the rules of the Spiritual Race. If he can achieve this kind of achievement, it means that the God Realm has recognized the Spiritual Race. Then the highest achievement of the Spiritual Race in the future will also be the high status of God.

"Destruction has taken away a new batch of gods. Even if there are very few left, there will not be many, so we don't need to worry about the spirits of the gods." Ge Shan said: "It means that we only need to Kill all the Protoss here, then the biggest crisis of the Spiritual Race will be resolved."

This is the case, but if you want to kill all the gods of the gods, how easy is it to say?

Even the current Zi Chen can only escape from the hands of the higher gods, and it is impossible to kill them.

"There is destruction here, how do we kill it?" The old man Liu Chenshan said helplessly.

Ge Shan suddenly looked at Zi Chen.

Zi Chen immediately shook his head and said, "No, I tried it before I came here. My rule thunder is not stronger than other high-level gods. It can only guarantee a tie. It is unrealistic to kill the opponent."

Ge Shan frowned, as if in deep thought.

Zi Chen said: "Can you try to negotiate? Anyway, now, no one can do anything to the other, why can't everyone live together peacefully? The God Realm is so big, there is no need to worry about the place and resources.

Liu Zhan shook his head and said, "You can't compromise with the Protoss unless your absolute strength can crush them!"

Liu Chenshan also said: "For many years, the Protoss has always wanted to completely destroy us, and they have never given up. Even if they knew that they would start a war with us, they would lose a lot."

"Why? Where is the source of hatred?" Zi Chen couldn't understand.

"The source of hatred is fear."

Mo Xiaoyu said in a deep voice: "Our Spirit Race is born very weak and cannot be compared with the Protoss, but we have extraordinary potential. Take the Protoss as an example, there are only so many high gods, unless we die. Drop one, or the second will never appear. But our Spirit Race is different. Although we were very weak when we were born, we can rely on our hard work to cultivate step by step and become a high-ranking god, and even go further and stay in the rules. own traces."

"The Protoss is afraid of our potential, afraid that we will destroy them when we become stronger, so they have always hated us."

Zi Chen said speechlessly: "Because of this? We are not belligerent, and we have never destroyed any ethnic group. It is because we are worried that we will become stronger to deal with them, so all along, the Protoss has tortured us again and again, even at despicable attacks. ?"

"For the Protoss, this is enough. They represent the rules of heaven and earth, and they are the darlings of heaven and earth. If someone threatens their identity and status, of course they must be eliminated."

Mo Xiaoyu said: "So, we and the Protoss will never be able to reconcile. Either they die, or we disappear!"

Zi Chen thought of those ancestors, since there is no possibility of reconciliation, he can only take action and kill all the gods of the gods.

Once the Protoss lost their divine position and would no longer pose a threat to the Spiritual Race, their aggressive attitude would naturally change.

"What kind of existence is that God Lord? Why is he able to create a divine position?" Zi Chen asked again.

"The Lord of God is one of the most powerful beings in the world. He holds the power of destruction. He is the initiator of the turbulent era. After the war, he forcibly controlled the rules of the God Realm."

It was Ge Shan who spoke this time, "So, as long as he is still alive, the gods will always be born. Of course, the gods can't be changed casually, and every time they need to pay a huge price."

Zi Chen looked at Ge Shan, "Is the God Lord only one of them?"

Ge Shan nodded, "Yes, just one of them. There is another disorder, that is, the master of disordered time and space. He has the strength of destruction. There is also a **** called Life, who controls the unique rules of life. The last one , called Emperor Spirit!"


Zi Chen was startled, "Is Emperor Ling a person?"

"It's a title that represents the strongest among the Spirit Race! It can be compared with the Lord of the Gods!"

Ge Shan looked at Zi Chen, "If you can grow up smoothly, then the ultimate path is the Emperor Spirit of the God Lord!"

Ge Shan continued: "Disorder has always been a neutral faction. The era of turmoil was initiated by destruction, and disorder never appeared from the beginning to the end. In that battle, the Spirit Race was almost destroyed, and the Protoss also suffered heavy casualties, which represented the direct fall of the Ancient Protoss' Lord of Life. , the ancient protoss have countless casualties."

Hearing Ge Shan's words, Zi Chen suddenly thought of Yiqian for some reason.

Yiqian's bloodline is the bloodline of the ancient gods, which is different from the current gods.

Moreover, since Yiqian was awakened by the blood of the first **** in the lower realm, the world there began to change and became full of vitality.

And Yiqian's ability has improved by leaps and bounds. When Zi Chen came in, she was able to perceive the entire God Realm. Obviously, this is not something ordinary people can do.

Now he understands.

Yiqian was the life of the God Lord back then, but she hasn't grown up yet.

"The task now is to kill the gods of the gods. In this way, the absolute strength of the gods will be weakened."

Ge Shan said: "Zi Chen, Xiaoyu, you two go, remember to call the spirit outside the realm, the three of us are here."

Zi Chen had no objection, and Mo Xiaoyu stood up and said with a smile, "I haven't moved my muscles for a long time, so I just went out for a walk."

After speaking, he turned into a golden light and flew out first.

The power he masters is also ancient.

The power of ancient law.

Ge Shan patted Zi Chen on the shoulder, "Grow up as soon as possible, whether we can seize this opportunity and get rid of the Protoss once and for all depends on you. The world will tremble with a perfect immortal golden body. The body of the spirit can even shake the Lord!"

Zi Chen nodded heavily and left.

But as soon as he left the range of the mountain, there were black qi blocking the way forward.

Then Zi Chen saw a dark shadow and concluded that he was destruction.

Destroyed eyes, glanced up and down at Zi Chen.

Obviously there are rules to guard, but Zi Chen still has the feeling of being seen through at a glance.

"I thought you were amazing, it turned out to be just a mere ancient method."

Destruction smiled disdainfully, "But yes, your Spirit Race has lived by ancient methods for many years. If there is no ancient method, I don't know how many times it has been destroyed."

Zi Chen was determined to test the strength of destruction, and handed out a punch.

The thunder was overflowing, and the breath of ancient Falei was mighty.

The destroyed body exploded directly, looking vulnerable, and the black gas rules in front were also wiped out by the thunder.

"Boy, wait, when I create the God of Chaos here, that's when your Spirit Race ends!"

The sound of destruction disappeared in the sky.

Mo Xiaoyu turned into a golden light and flew back, he asked nervously, "I feel the aura of destruction, is he here?"

Zi Chen nodded, "I just left and said that I want to create the God of Chaos, what is that?"

Mo Xiaoyu's pupils shrank slightly, "It's the **** of the beginning! The first power owner representing the **** realm, the number is only half of the high **** position, but he can kill the high **** position in Zi Chen heard this, His face changed greatly, "Is there such an existence? What about our spirit tribe? How to fight? "

Mo Xiaoyu said: "Geshan used to be the **** of the beginning, but in order to get all the gods here, he paid a huge price, so much that he fell into the realm."

"Since it's a fall, you should still be able to get promoted, right?" Zi Chen looked at Mo Xiaoyu expectantly.

Mo Xiaoyu shook his head, "Difficult."

"Aren't we finished?" Zi Chen's expression was a little frustrated. Before, he felt that he could be on an equal footing with the Protoss, but in a blink of an eye, he found the gap again.

Moreover, it is still a life-threatening gap.

"It's not that easy to create the God of the Beginning, at least it's not possible to destroy it now. Let's contact the spirits outside the realm first, and then kill the gods of the gods."

Zi Chen suddenly remembered, "Isn't the alien spirit our enemy?"

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