MTL - Thunder Martial-v2 Chapter 2214 Gratitude

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Latest website: Cao Tong trotted over and was very excited to see Zi Chen.

Zi Chen also smiled, "Why are you here?"

Immediately reacted, this was a feast of dragon raising and catching demon masters. As a dragon raising and catching demon master, Cao Tong, of course, would come here.

"Zi Chen, since you've met a friend, let's have a good chat. Ling'er and I are waiting for you inside."

Wu Haoqi blinked at Zi Chen, this hint is very obvious, I hope Zi Chen can leave enough space for the two of them.

"Go away by yourself, I'll be with Zi Chen!" Wang Yiling saw through Wu Haoqi's little trick at a glance.

"I'm with Zi Chen too."

Wu Hao didn't go away either, and felt more and more that Zi Chen was a threat.

He saw a lot of people around him, and his eyes were consciously or unconsciously looking in this direction.

The eyes are so bad!

Wu Hao's expression changed, is it because of Wang Yiling?

"What are you looking at, get out now!"

"Go away, do you know who that person is? It's our senior brother of Terrain Sect!"

"That's right, dare to attack Senior Brother Zi Chen's idea, courting death!"

"Go away for me!"

More than a dozen people walked around, driving away the crowd.

Hearing these people's words, Wu Hao was stunned, "What are you doing?"

Wang Yiling's eyes became more and more disdainful.

She knows exactly what the Terrain Sect person is.

Up to the suzerain, down to the disciple, there is no good thing.

A huge sect is full of black smoke and miasma.

What kind of treatment did Zi Chen receive when he was in the Terrain Sect?

Now turn it around, one brother at a time.

They are all a group of guys who have no bottom line for profit!

Zi Chen also heard those voices, paused slightly, and looked at Cao Tong, "What's your idea?"

Cao Tong smiled and said, "My brain is not that easy to use."

"Let's go, first go to the Fallen Demon area to see what's going on."

A group of four entered the Fallen Demon area.

After they left, those Dragon Raising Demon Hunters from Terrain Sect also stopped showing off.

He Qingtian walked out of the crowd, and the dragon-bringing and monster-hunting masters surrounded him, "Brother, is this okay? We helped Zi Chen, but it's rude for him to just say thank you."

"It doesn't matter if it can be accomplished or not, our goal is those magic spells." He Qingtian snorted, "The way we act now is to show our sincerity and show that we still recognize him. How to do it."

The four entered the Fallen Demon area, and they saw many tents along the way, showing mess everywhere.

Going to the depths of the fallen demon area, everything improved.

After finding a restaurant, the four of them were seated, and after Zi Chen introduced it, even Cao Tong, who had already guessed, was immediately taken aback.

The three of them are all members of the Mythical Alliance, which means that they all have mythical spells.

Be nice.

Sure enough, friends of strong men are strong men!

"They didn't embarrass you, did they?" Zi Chen looked at Cao Tong.

"No, with your last words, it's too late for them to flatter me one by one." Cao Tong sighed, "This is the first time I've seen a sect that only seeks profit. There's almost no lower limit."

Zi Chen thought for a while and said, "Since this is the case, then I won't pass on your complete spells."

Because even if it was passed on, Cao Tong couldn't keep it, and Zi Chen was obviously unwilling to pass Cao Tong indirectly to give the Dragon Raising Mantra to the Terran Sect.

Cao Tong nodded, this couldn't be better.

However, Zi Chen still read a formula to Cao Tong, so that he could comprehend the journey of the dragon.

Combat spells may not be taught, but life-saving spells are still necessary to master.

After eating, the three of them found a place to live again. Now the room is tense, Zi Chen and Wu Haoqi live in one room, and Wang Yiling owns the room.

Cao Tong has already left.

An hour later, the three Zi Chen gathered in the room.

"People from all major forces have come, with a clear purpose, all for the power of the sacred dragon. Also, I found some unfamiliar faces, perhaps from outside, and they don't seem to be weak through breath perception."

After waiting for a long time and seeing nothing, Wang Yiling said dissatisfiedly: "That's it?"

"Or else?"

"What's your purpose here, forget it?" Wang Yiling's eyes were a little cold.

"From the current point of view, the forbidden land is the same as usual, and there is no abnormal situation with the monsters. I think it's the same as in previous years. It's just a routine gift from the sacred dragon, and the big monster has not recovered."

Zi Chen is now a member of the Mythical Alliance, so he knows that the mission of the alliance is to protect this forbidden place.

Even, the meaning of the existence of the two mountains, the three sects, the four clans, and the five cities is to protect this place and prevent the big monster from recovering and escaping.

But as time passed, these forces fought openly and secretly, gradually forgot their mission and developed to the other extreme.

Only the Mythical Alliance has been paying attention to the forbidden land.

This change in the forbidden land is also news from the Mythical Alliance.



After Cao Tong and Zi Chen had dinner, they left.

Zi Chen invited him to explore the forbidden land with him, but he refused. As a member of the Mythical Alliance, Zi Chen should have an important task this time.

He followed, only to be a drag.

A Terraforming Sect disciple stopped him politely, "Senior Brother Cao Tong, everyone is waiting for you."

Cao Tong sighed slightly and followed him to see He Qingtian.

He Qingtian has only been in Terrain Sect for two short years, but his status has continued to rise, and now he is the leader of Terrain Sect's current dragon raising and monster hunter.

In the spirit-seeking realm, no one could suppress him.

"Junior brother, how is it, can I get the things?" He Qingtian asked with a smile.

Cao Tong shook his head, "No, I just ate a meal."

"Didn't give it?" He Qingtian smiled, "Why didn't he give it? Shouldn't it be?"

"Cultivation of mantras is difficult, and it can't be mastered overnight. Zi Chen should still have important things to do, so he doesn't care about me."

Cao Tong looked very free and easy.

"Senior brother, what should we do? This time we enter the demon forbidden land, we must have those magic spells, the combat power will definitely be improved, and the harvest will definitely be great. This is beneficial to the entire Terrain Sect."

A disciple looked at He Qingtian.

The others nodded, this time they all counted on Zi Chen's spell to improve their strength.

He Qingtian said: "If you go to Zi Chen to talk about it, then the mantra is very important to you, you must master it!"

Cao Tong smiled bitterly and said, "Senior brother, let's not say whether Zi Chen is willing or not, I won't be able to learn it in a short time."

"It is related to the improvement of the combat power of our Terrain Sect disciples. What is it to waste a little bit of his personal time?" He Qingtian said: "What's more, he used to be a member of the Terrain Sect, and he should pay for this."

Look what **** this is.

As long as you were a little better to Zi Chen at the beginning, don't be so rude, and it won't be the situation today.

Cao Tong shook his head, "Senior brother, I can't do it."

"What?" He Qingtian's eyes froze slightly.

"I can't do it!" Cao Tong continued, "I won't go to Zi Chen."

"If you don't look for it, then we will! If you don't believe it, he is unreasonable!"

He Qingtian made a color to the side.

The two suddenly broke Cao Tong's legs, causing Cao Tong to scream in agony.

"Zi Chen, come out!"

Outside the inn, there were shouts.

The three of them were discussing matters, when they heard the sound and opened the window, Zi Chen saw at a glance that Cao Tong was being supported, his legs were weak on the ground, and there were long blood lines behind him.

In Zi Chen's eyes, murderous intent flashed.

Wang Yiling took a step back and disappeared.

"Damn this bunch!" Wu Hao gritted his teeth, he just met Cao Tong from Zi Chen.

Zi Chen jumped down from the window, followed by Wu Haoqi. He was the master who would act if he disagreed.

"Come here and I'll chop off his head!"

He Qingtian took out a sword and put it on Cao Tong's neck.

Wu Hao was very angry.

Zi Chen glanced at Cao Tong and said lightly, "What does his life or death have to do with me?"

Wu Hao was stunned.

He Qingtian sneered, "Stop talking nonsense, if you don't care about his life or death, you can take action against us. Of course, it's not impossible to resolve this matter. If you want him to live, come up with three spells."


"You owe us the Terrain Sect! You took the Sunset Bow and the Daojian!" He Qingtian said coldly: "If it wasn't for our Terrain Sect, you wouldn't be able to become a dragon-raiser and a demon hunter, let alone a monster hunter. What a witch hunt spell. So, you have to make up for us!"

Zi Chen laughed loudly, "It's really high-sounding, I bought the qualifications for raising dragons and catching monsters with money, and after that, I passed the test with my ability. As for the sunset bow, that's what I exchanged for raising dragon energy. Yes, speaking of which, my dragon-raising energy should be refined by you, right? As a result, the dragon-raising energy was replaced by a sunset bow that no one wanted. I remember that you laughed a lot about this at the beginning. Why? , now it's me taking a big advantage?"

"Zi Chen, be a man to repay the favor!"

"Reporting the gratitude? Excuse me, where is the favor of the Terrain Sect for me? Did I almost die in the trial ground, or did you throw me a sunset bow and a Daojian at random? Or when Zhenyaoshan came, no one was there. Will you save me?"

Wu Haoqi obviously heard about this for the first time, and was shocked and angry at the moment, "What nonsense are you talking to them, just kill them all!"

"We don't care what you say, anyway, in the eyes of our topography sect disciples, you owe us. If you don't want to return my sect's sunset bow, then use the magic spell instead, or Cao Tong will die!"

Zi Chen said, "What about my dragon qi? Can you give it back to me?"

"I've refined the dragon qi, what a shit!"

Zi Chen laughed, and sure enough, he couldn't reason with the rogue, "It's my fault, I admit it!"

He Qingtian laughed, "Since I know it's wrong, then..."

Before the words were finished, a dragon shadow rushed out.

He Qingtian was furious, "Zi Chen, you are courting death!"

However, when the sword slashed down, Cao Tong was no longer there.

"Stop him!"

He Qingtian shouted.

The two next to him moved forward instantly, trying to stop Zi Chen.


Zi Chen sped up behind the two of slashed with both hands like knives on the necks of the two, and the two fell to the ground.

Zi Chen entered the flock like a tiger, and began to take action against these dragon raising and catching demon masters.

This scene caught the attention of others.

I saw a strong breath released, accompanied by a roar of dragons.

One after another horned dragon, horned dragon, circling.

"It's a dragon-raiser and a demon hunter!"

Someone exclaimed.

It was rare to see a dozen or so dragon raising and catching demon masters, and everyone gathered around.

But the next moment, a shocking scene appeared.

These powerful dragon raising and catching demon masters were knocked to the ground in a single encounter.

In a blink of an eye, it fell.