MTL - To Be A Virtuous Wife-Chapter 1 I am a reasonable person

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The morning of Duan Wangfu is no different from the past. The people in the kitchen are busy, but there is no trace of fuss. After the horseman finished the cakes needed in the inner court, she returned to the kitchen with a few hoes, but her face was a bit ugly.

"What happened to the old sister, his face was so ugly?" Another woman wearing a dark-colored pair of shackles saw a slap in the face and handed a cup of tea to the other party. Some wondered: "You are not going to send cheese to the main hospital, how... ..."

"Don't mention it, Wang Hao wakes up in the early morning. We have made the next person into the yard, and I saw the silver willow girl around Wang Hao." When it comes to this, Ma Po has poured a cup of tea and looked around. The voice said, "I looked at the people in the East House and I was in a hurry."

After listening to this, the sigh of the pair of sighs was sighed, and half of it was to watch the fun and half pity: "The red account hanging in the house has not been finished yet."

Wangfu married into the government but only two months. After the wedding night, Wang Ye did not step into the Eastern Hospital. On these two days, Wang Ye was so bad that he only sat down and left. It is no wonder that the upper and lower faces of the main courtyard were not good. She also had the privilege of seeing Wang Hao, dignified atmosphere, beautiful appearance, and I don’t know where Wang Ye did not like it.

"Don't talk nonsense, I only saw the **** around Feng Wei's side going to this side." When the horse was not finished, both of them understood that they stopped talking and flew away.

In the courtyard, a cognacly waited for Wang Hao to wash, and the fine silk was slightly rubbed over the lush fingertips and put it aside.

Qu 裾 裾 裾 一 一 裾 裾 裾 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Kim Min-soo heard a slight glimpse, and then waved to the few maids behind him. Several boxes were presented in front of the frivolous, with a pair of pairs of colored bracelets. Gold, beaded, jade, all colors are extraordinary.

The line of sight swept through a row of bracelets, and finally picked a beautifully carved chicken blood jade bracelet, blood red jade bracelet lined with white wrists, can not tell the good looks.

Jin Hao saw a slight change in his face. In the past, Wang Yu’s chicken blood jade bracelet was gorgeous, so he never went to the body. Now he is actually picking this jade. When I think of entering the palace, these days, her heart is bitter, Wang Hao is not married before the temper is gentle, this is also a woman's virtue, knowing that once married into the royal family, such a temper will suffer.

He noticed the expression of Jin Hao, scorned and chuckled, and got up and stretched out his arms to let the maids wear the selected wide-sleeve skirt for themselves. On the white background, embroidered brocade, embroidered with a little red plum, gently A move, like a real plum blossoms swaying in the wind.

The waist is fitted with a skirt and the flower is opened and the sachet and the jade bead are placed. A smooth silky blue silk pulls the beautiful Feixian pipa, and the face depicts a gorgeous red peach blossom, a willow-like eyebrow. The pink and moist lips are just a glamour that people can't tell.

I personally put an ostrich in the clouds and stepped into the hair room. Qufu slowly stood up and looked out of the window like a smile. "This time is the time to ask for peace."

A few steps away from the Golden Jubilee, the gongs heard a loud smile: "Wang Hao, you were sick a few days ago, and the prince told the backyard so that other servants would not disturb you."

"Oh," caressing the tired silk with red jade earrings in his ear, squatting on the chair and lazily sitting down, adjusting a more comfortable sitting position, taking over the warm water from the silver willow, and moistening the throat. Put a tea slap on the corner and say: "If this is the case, send someone to each yard to say that the king is just getting better and he misses the side and the aunt."

Wang Hao’s four big rumors exchanged a look, although I don’t know why Wang Hao woke up and changed a lot, but still retired.

After waiting for the main house, Kim Min is worried: "Wang Hao wakes up early this morning and is not quite right, and I don't know how."

"The Wangfuli face is respectful to Wang Hao, but he went to the side of the West Park in private. Wang Hao passed the door for two months. Wang Ye stayed in the main house for the next three days, and at other times he was in other places. Too embarrassed Wang Hao." Silver will frown and whispered, "When Feng side is holding that gesture, I really think that I am a personal thing, but I am left."

Yuxi heard the words of Yinliu, and looked around without seeing the traces. Seeing no one in the neighborhood said: "You also say a few words. Although Wang Ye is a favorite of Feng, he also respected Wang Hao. Give Wang Hao a curse."

"This kind of respect," Yin Liu snorted, remembering the softness of his master, and finally sighed helplessly. "But it, Feng Wei and the river side, where I went with Jin Hao, other waiters will be Second class gimmicks please."

The hibiscus, which had never been open, nodded. "It's so good. It's enough for Roche and Han to go from Bailuo and Pu'er."

The 丫 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃However, the Wangfu population is complicated. Wang Hao was not treated by his stepmother before he left the cabinet. So he arrived here and fell ill in two months.

Mudu has always been worried about Wang Hao. Now seeing Wang Hao seems to have a faint intention to stand firm in the Wangfu, naturally relieved, not afraid of Wang Yuzheng, afraid of Wang Hao as always the clay man.

Seeing the **** around him retreating, Qu Qu 裾 站 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾It is.

The woman in the mirror is only sixteen or seven years old, looks very beautiful, placed in the age of her life, but is a beautiful and proud high school girl, combing the memories of the brain, sighing and sighing, ignoring, stepmother Uncomfortable, the husband does not love, there are a bunch of unscrupulous little sisters, the original subject is soft and soft, in this complicated palace, inexplicably got seriously ill, inexplicably by his own woman who does not know what kind of warmth, the body, It can be said that death did not wait until the fairness of heaven.

"Wang Hao, the breakfast was delivered in the kitchen." There was a little soft male voice outside the compartment. It must have been the **** of the royal family according to the rules of the royal family. In the memory of the frivolous, the original master did not Very close, but also very polite, just because these are all assigned by the Central Governorate who is in charge of the royal house when the prince is still not a prince.

"Let's put it down." Folded the golden stepping tassels on the side of the side, and swayed and turned away. The Ruixiang and the hollyhocks outside the compartment heard the movement, and they quickly opened the curtain and one person helped the curtain. I greeted the song.

Ruixiang and hollyhock were originally Wangfuzhong people. They knew that Wang Hao was polite to them, but compared with the silver willow, hibiscus, golden plaque and jade, they lost a lot of trust, and what happened in the past few days will only Let Wang Hao be more alienated from them. Fortunately, Wang Xi’s temper and softness, but if they are more powerful, they have been sent away, where can they do this?

Sit down in front of a carved red rosewood round table, squinting his eyes to the table, a stew of pork knuckles, a bowl of bird's nest black porridge, served with a few greasy little dishes, the only one that squats lightly Small dish fried green shoots.

The hollyhock that had to go forward to give her a dish, the gentleman with a smile, smiled and smiled at the door and stood a few people standing up: "How many of you are in the kitchen?"

"Back to Wang Hao, the minions are indeed on duty in the kitchen." Although several people do not understand why Wang Hao had such a question, but still did not have the answer of fear.

"A good kitchen in the palace," sighed gently and leaned against the chair. Suddenly sinking his face in the incomprehensibility of a few people, waving his hand and sweeping the pig's elbow in front of him to the ground, and soon the house would overflow. Meaty, "Come, come and fight."

A group of people still haven't reacted, how suddenly the king of the clay figurine has attacked, and no one has ever acted.

"Why, my Wang Hao can't stop you?" Qu Liang apricot eyes slightly, stood up and looked at the people in the room, "I still say, do you think that people in the kitchen are slow to treat me?"

It was swept by Wang Hao, and everyone was excited. Only then did a few eunuchs and vigorously rush to the top, and they had to drag down the kitchens of several kitchens.

The dragged down man did not dare to struggle, only beg for mercy, even a population screaming, saying that Wang Hao presented the best meal in the kitchen.

The fluttering screaming screaming man, the light and frowning eye pick, faintly said: "I still do what I want to do, drag it down, just play in the yard, I watch you play."

A clever too much to listen to this, from the body sweating a towel to block the mouth of the shouting man, dragging people to go to the yard, that is not a burly body is not small.

When other people saw it, they also dragged them down. The organic spirits moved the tables and chairs, and placed teas only waiting for Wang Hao to see the stick.

"What is the name of the eunuch, I am a bit of strength when I am squatting," Qufu said when he stepped out of the exit, asked to support his hollyhock.

"Back to Wang Hao, the little **** called Xiao Gaozi, doing sweeping in the yard." The hollyhocks had an unconscious awe, and even the movements were humbler than in the past.

"I don't think he is tall, don't change to Huang Yang, and be an eunuch." Qu scorned and walked to the courtyard. Several eunuchs had been tied to the bench and were beaten up.

Sitting down on the prepared chair, after a few tweeting in the heart, he whispered slowly and said: "Besides the person who talks to me, the other three are stopped."

Looking at the three people who endured the pain and bowed to themselves, the song scorned the tea with a sigh of relief. "I must have been wondering why I am going to punish you."

The three people who were squatting listened to the dull snoring in their ears, and the sweat on their heads did not dare to wipe them.

"I am a reasonable person. Only the people in your kitchen are deceiving too much. I have to punish you one or two." Putting down the tea in his hand, he has no choice but to take two points in his whisper.

Wang Hao is no longer favored by the prince, it is also the king of the emperor personally married, a kitchen dare to deceive too much? Although the people present at the scene did not listen to this, but no one dared to refute it, did not see the party before shouting, is this still smashing the board?

"Whoever knows that I am sick in the whole house, too many doctors have been too difficult to make up too much, but what are you up to on the day?" Qu sighed and sighed, as if it was a small bullied Cabbage, "I know that you are too lazy to wait for a sick Wang Hao. I used to think that I have gone a hundred times, but now I am getting sick, I want to live well, but you deliberately get some greasy things, not looking forward to it. Did my disease relapse earlier?" When it comes to this, it is a lament. If it is not for a while, there is a person who is smashing the board. It looks really pitiful.

The three descendants were sinned for a while, and they tried to defend themselves and did not dare. They were afraid that Wang Hao would "continue the master" and let them continue to be beaten.

Seeing that a few people’s heads are almost the same, the scorns are like a slap in the face of grief. “Well, don’t fight, just go back.” After that, turn to the back of Ruixiang Road, “ People have taken the wound medicine to them, and they must be reused in the government. The errands are not allowed."

The four people who are squatting secretly complain, and since Wang Hao said that they are not allowed to use the errands, they will climb to the end of the day, unless they are waiting to be driven out of the palace. But they are all slaves who signed the death deed. What can be done if they are taken out?

After telling the story, Qu 裾 裾 slowly stood up and turned to look at the side 妃 妃 不 不 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Come in."

After that, regardless of the expression of these women, holding the hollyhock's hand and going to the house. 2k novel reading network