MTL - Tokyo Literature and Art Times-Chapter 31 Incessantly

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   Chapter 31 Infinity

   A Shinkansen train drove away, a beauty in a red coat and wavy hair, looking at the distant train with indescribable bitterness in her eyes.

   She is so beautiful, her beauty may not be so thrilling, but it will definitely touch the softest part of human heart.

  When her tears fell, I don’t know how many people will be heartbroken.

  Fortunately, the man who came to this platform with her just now ran over and pointed behind him with a smile.

   A man in a black coat appeared.

   She smiled.

Lovers get married. . .

   "Yeah! That's great!"

   "Sister Ming Cai is really beautiful!"

   "Hey, don't shout like that! In the end they couldn't hear what they said!"

   "What else are you listening to! I've seen it all! By the way, I heard that because of the filming, I really want to go to Italy to taste the most authentic pasta."

   "Really? I'm so envious..."

   A group of little girls cheered at the TV screen. It turned out that they were just watching a TV series.

   They are Xiao Ren and his classmates.

   The TV series just now is "Nakamori Akina's Italian Macaroni Love Story" starred by Sister Akina.

The name   … is obviously due to the popularity of Akina, but it was a success anyway.

   Akina's daily image in the play is wearing a pair of glasses, which is a little cute. There is also an actress, Togawa Kyoko, who is the younger sister of well-known entertainer Togawa Jun.

   In fact, this drama is the last season and it has already been broadcast, but if you watch it together, it will be very lively.

  Especially in the current RB, the all-in-one VCR is very popular, that is, the TV and the VCR are combined together, so that you can record TV programs, you can watch them at any time without missing the program.

  Humans are really smart.

   Shinobu is particularly active in watching dramas. Because of his sister, there are no items related to Akina Nakamori at home.

   In this regard, Xiao Ren really had to complain about her sister.

   The two of you are really not comparable. Sister Mingcai is far ahead.

   Of course, I can’t say this casually, so I’m very comfortable after finishing the drama now.

   The chattering classmates came over to see Xiao Ren smiling.

   "By the way, the summer vacation is coming to an end, and Xiao Ren has not been active with everyone before."

   "Are you going to choose a school?"

   "Yeah, which high school prep is?"

   Faced with the questions of the classmates, Xiao Ren is still young after all, and some things can't be held back.

   "Inner, actually... I mean inner..."

   She looks like this, everyone's curiosity is completely mobilized.

   "What? Who is it?"

   "Yes, what are you trying to say?"

   "Just say anything."

  Xiao Ren was a little embarrassed, but at this level, it was impossible not to say it. Of course, she wanted to say it originally.

   "I, I made a movie during the summer vacation."

   Ah, I said it, it's very comfortable.

  Xiao Ren felt comfortable, but the students were struck by lightning.

   I'm so envious, okay?

   This girl is indeed a bit too much!

  Envy, jealousy and hatred are traditional virtues of human beings.

   But fortunately, everyone was originally a group of followers, but now it has become a classmate, and it doesn't seem to have changed much.

   "It must be fun to make a movie, right?"

   "Will it be stressful to look at that camera?"

   "Idiot! Can't look at the camera most of the time!"

   "That...will it be a big sale?"

   "It's hard, right now RB movies don't seem to be booming."

   "Isn't there a blockbuster before, and the box office is very good. It seems that the rationed box office has exceeded 4 billion."

   "But that movie is also a big investment!"

   started chattering again, and it was no surprise to hear that kind of 'worry' words.

   "It should be a big sell." Although Xiao Ren said so, but her heart was:

   is sure to be a big sale!

   This girl really believes in uncle.


   Actually, RB's film market performance is not very good this year.

   A very strong blockbuster indeed appeared in the summer file.


  This movie is starring Sato Hiroshi, Nishida Toshiyuki, Nakagawa Anna and supervised by Sato Junya.

  Sato Hiroshi is a rookie actor who is favored by many people. His father is the well-known Mikuni Rentaro.

   Nakagawa Anna is a pure rookie, starring for the first time.

   Nishida Toshiyuki is different, he is very high and he is an artist with a red background.

  Sato Junya is familiar with the "Pursuit", but in fact, his first supervised film was an anti-war film, exposing the brutality of the Japanese army.

   In fact, this film is a co-production with mainland China, and the main entity on the Japanese side is the Tokuma Bookstore.

   The owner of the bookstore, Tokuma Kangkuai, has made considerable contributions to Sino-Japanese relations. Duke Zhou also met this person. Back then, he was knocked out by the right wing because of his opposition to the war. At present, he is very active in the friendship between China and Japan.

  Tokuma Yasushi also fully supported Hayao Miyazaki and produced many classic animations. It can be said that without Tokuma Bookstore, there would be no Ghibli.

   But, back to the movie "Dunhuang".

   At present, the rationed box office exceeds 4 billion, that is to say, the overall box office is more than 8 billion. The current RB box office statistics are mainly based on the rationing system. This rationing is the box office share given to the producer, that is, the theater has already deducted it.

   It should be said that this box office is still very successful, but if it falls on this movie, it will be different.

   The investment of "Dunhuang" exceeds 4.5 billion yen!

   It is a cruel reality that it is already possible to pre-order the top box office work this year, but it may not be able to make money.

  Shimatani, as a mid-level Toho, he also understands this reality.

   This year's Toho has done a considerable reduction in the film aspect. There are only two films at present. I will not talk about the first one, and the second one is the most critical.

   "Emperor Story", the investment is about 2 billion yen, it should be said that such an investment is considered a big production in RB.

   But getting it internationally is really not enough.

  2 billion yen is more than 10 million US dollars, which is an average level in Hollywood.

  In Shimaya Cheng's view, the RB movie market needs something new!

  In the past, ATG, which was very active in Shinjuku, is an alternative film company with youth and vitality that claims to shoot movies with 10 million yen.

  However, there have been many supervisors such as Oshima Nagisa, Shindo Kanto, Imamura Changhei... and many of them even have international reputation.

   Now in the late 1980s, the ATG company has gone to demise.

  Movies are meant to make money. There are ideals and ideas, but in the end, they cannot be realized, at least not in today's society.

   So, where does the new come from?

   Shimaya Cheng listened to the person mentioned by Teacher Shishoji, and the movie.

   It seems that the production cost is about 10 million?

   Inexplicably, he thought of ATG, a company with a strong left-wing momentum.

   So, can Takeshi Iwata complete the realization?

   This is actually the key to Shimaya Cheng's proposal of the 'divided' distribution method. From Dongbao's point of view, it won't pay anything, so why not try it?

   In the office of Takarazuka Building, Shimiya Cheng was holding coffee and looking out the window.

   It should be said that having such an office and such a good view fully shows that he is not an ordinary middle-class.

   But right now, the pressure is also huge.

   At this moment, the intercom phone rang.

   "Oh... invite them in."

   Soon, Shisang-ji Temple and Takeshi Iwata appeared in Shimiya's office.

   The three of them chatted, and Shimaya asked his assistant to make two cups of coffee, so they all sat down on the sofa together.

As far as meeting customers is concerned, there are many ways in the business world. RB's company will have a chat room, which is a place for foreigners to talk about things, but some are just a compartment, and strong companies will give Get a room.

   Going further, you can talk to big figures in the company across the desk.

   Going a step further, everyone sits on the sofa, drinking coffee and even smoking.

   The above is still the kind of 'RB rule' that no one has explicitly stated, but most of them are doing.

  Shimiya is showing a lot of tolerance now, after all, there is Teacher Shishoji, but he immediately showed another side.

   "Iwata-san, if I'm not mistaken, should I come here to discuss the issue of publishing? Then why did you go to Shishoji-sensei?"

   Shimaya said with a smile, but hidden a knife in the words:

  You Iwata Takeshi are so big, can't you come by yourself? Is Teacher Shishoji your nanny?

   But he didn't want to. Before Iwata Takeshi could say anything, Teacher Shishoji first said, "I have to come here."

   Shimaya is a little confused.

   Shishoji went on to say, "Director Iwata, he wrote another script. Although this script has not been finalized, it is only the first draft, but I think it has great potential, so we came together."

  Shima Tanicheng understood this, probably because Teacher Shishoji was in a hurry and was afraid of missing this unfinished script, so he wanted to give an explanation.

   "So that's the case, it's not a matter of negotiating distribution." Shimiya Cheng's face became a little better.

   However, Iwata Takeshi said: "This time, I still have to discuss the issue of distribution."

   This made Shimaya completely stunned.

   Then, Takeshi Iwata took out the first draft.

   Teacher Shishangji smiled on the side: "Shimagu-san, please read this script first."

   Shimiya Cheng nodded solemnly, and then took over to look.

   He was more curious, what kind of story made Teacher Shishang Temple like this?

   The result looks like this…

The two big characters    first came into view.


  The police sent an undercover agent to Yakuza, and Yakuza sent an undercover agent to the police... This is very novel!

   But soon, he saw it right away.

  This story was born out of the 'Shan Yi struggle'!

Thank you Trace Flow, Flying Dante, Sister Jing 1943, Jiahui ACC, lovely confidant sister, Yi Xiao 516, Difficult Victory 96, Moon Falls Five Cry, just hold your hand, Xiao Q, my heart has a shallow knot, Eighth Route Junyi, 17 Xunxu, beauties love me I love beauties, book friends... 4203, thank you for your reward, thank you for your recommendation tickets, monthly tickets.

sincere gratitude! I also ask for your support. Japan Entertainment is indeed a small group, and I sincerely ask everyone to pay more attention.

   The drama of Sister Mingcai was indeed broadcast in 1988. It was broadcast in April, probably on Fuji TV, but there is not much information that can be found. This ending is correct.



   (end of this chapter)