MTL - Tomb Raider: Storytelling and Writing, The Mystic Nine is Confused-Chapter 185

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"Next time, he will just survive the episode of Mr. Zhang, it's very hanging."

"Hahaha, looking at Mr. Zhang's expression, it's fine with Fatty Wang, maybe he's still a lucky player like before."

"Your metaphor is very appropriate. It is very possible. What I want to know most is what happened to Fatty Wang in Mr. Zhang's book. Just listening to the description makes my heart itch."


Box on the second floor.

A smile leaked from the corner of Zhang Dafa's mouth.

It's like everything is in hand.

"I knew it wasn't that simple. This mezzanine is full of corpses, so how could it be a safe place."

"Haha, as expected in Mr. Zhang's previous book, this burial pit is really a burial pit. Let everyone come in to be buried with you."

Qi Tiezui sighed heavily.

"Fortunately, our people are all outside. If we go in now, we will be buried with us."

"Buddha, then our people will continue to walk in the direction of Sansheng Mountain?"

Lord Zhang Dafa on the seat shook his head and said.

Not in a hurry now.

Dangerous places are generally accompanied by huge gains, in case the mezzanine leads to the next tomb.


Possibly Genting Tiangong.

The idea is bold.

If this burial mausoleum can really lead to Genting Tiangong, this trip will be worth it.

"Don't worry, let's wait and see the news below the tomb, and we'll talk about the rest later."

"What the Buddha thought was that the place where this burial mausoleum leads is the Genting Heavenly Palace?"

As a dog-headed military strategist, how could he not understand.

That's what Zhang Dafa thought at this time.

But so did he.

It's impossible that this burial mausoleum is trapping people.

If there is no other role, it seems a little redundant.

Then these people can completely abandon this tomb.

Go straight to Sansheng Mountain.

"Buddha, Mr. Zhang said that these ancient corpses were really dug up by Wang Zanghai when he built the tomb, but can they really have magical effects when placed like this?"

Master Zhang said.

"It's really possible. In this way, this ancient corpse really has a magical effect, and the ghosts on it are real."

"Here, the fifth master will not move these corpses out, but the corpses are already connected to the rocks, and they will shatter when they move."

Lord Zhang Dafa sneered.

"The fifth master doesn't know, the only one who knows is this Jude test. Ever since Mr. Zhang finished talking about longevity, Jude test has been obsessed with longevity."

"Hehe, that's right, this Jude test needle is crazy...0"


Jude Kao's eyes have gone completely crazy.

"So many ancient corpses are still ancient shamans in ancient times."

"The boss knows this shaman?"

Jude Kao glanced at the subordinate beside him.

"I have seen it in the ancient books. The ancient books were spread abroad and auctioned by me. This ancient shaman really has magical abilities."

"A mountain of corpses..."

The subordinate on the side said.

"Boss, you are not the one who wants this ancient shaman."

The subordinate's voice trembled.

If this is to bring those ancient corpses out.

The amount of work is not small.

He gritted his teeth.

"Boss, the lower bodies of these ancient corpses are in this rock, how can they get out?"

Jude Kao sneered.

"Isn't it just some rocks, there's nothing that can't be made out, if it really doesn't work, make out the rocks together."


Get the rock out.

This is a bit perverted.

Others are digging graves and stealing bright objects.

You really want to rob a tomb, you can't wait to dig three feet in the ground.

Immediately after.

"Why can those corpses create such a mysterious ghost hitting the wall?"

"Boss, in fact, this ghost hitting the wall is a place where the energy magnetic field is chaotic in our foreign country. It's no big deal."

I saw Jude Kao waved his hand.

"Impossible. The ghosts of the Dragon Country cannot be understood by foreigners. Mr. Zhang himself is already a place full of magic, and the mystery of the Dragon Country has also been passed down from ancient times."

"So the mystery of their kingdom is not something those of us can understand."

The subordinates on the side had an undisguised look of disdain on their faces.

How is it possible, his first view when he came to Dragon Country in 0.9 was why this place was so backward and poor, and there were constant wars.

But there are really many tombs.

The contents of this tomb are even more terrible.

The key is.

What the Dragon Kingdom was buried in the ground is exactly what many nobles in the West like.

Then it attracted many foreigners to come to carry out tomb robbing.

"Be in awe of the warriors of the Dragon Kingdom."

"Do you know why the people from the small island country want to come to the Dragon Country?"

"It's not just to come here to be a businessman. The ancestors of the small island country thought they were capable people, and there are things in the books left to the residents of the small island country."

"What could it be? It's related to Mr. Zhang. It's still immortality. The people of the Dragon Country have been pursuing immortality since ancient times. We foreigners didn't know the existence of immortality until we came to the Dragon Country."

"Then could this be some kind of conspiracy?"

The subordinates on the side immediately thought of this.

"Boss, let's not talk about the ancestors of Longguo, but in the book that Mr. Zhang taught, I feel that there is a conspiracy in it.".

Chapter 187 Big-headed corpse doll!

Jude nodded.

That is inevitable.

"What the people of Longguo are best at is conspiracy theories."

"Wang Zanghai mentioned in Mr. Zhang's book is a typical person of the Dragon Kingdom conspiracy theory."

Subordinates immediately came to mind.

Wang Zanghai is indeed an extreme conspiracy theorist in Mr. Zhang's book.

You can feel it just by looking at this ancient tomb.

If not Mr. Zhang said in advance.

Changbai Mountain, including the seabed tombs, are not just one or two people who died, but a large number of people.

It's not impossible even to be alive.


Opposite box.

"Master Zhang, what do you think about this thing? Why is it so strange? Could it be really the power of the ancient shaman?"

It was also the first time that Zhang Sanlian heard such a thing.

"Probably not, except for Mr. Zhang who has such a mysterious power. Others should not have it."

"But this is an ancient shaman. Generally speaking, with an ancient word, this group generally has mysterious power."

The old man smiled.

"How did Mr. Zhang know this? This time, it's the people from the Tianwang Laozi who are here. Mr. Zhang is definitely related to the people of the ancient family."

Ancient family?

"It's really possible, the ancient family will not be born in general wars, and disaster 30 will not be born, no one can explore where it is."

Zhang Sanlian's mind became active.

"I don't know if the head has entered the depths of this burial mausoleum."


After saying this, the old man's anxiety rose again, and his heart was inexplicably flustered.

"Don't scare me, is this thing really that scary?"

Zhang Sanye said lightly.

"What Mr. Zhang just said didn't stop at all. Fatty Wang has already fallen for evil. It's hard to guard against it."

"Could it be that Fatty Wang's foot was hooked by the corpse just now, and just this moment, Fatty Wang fell into evil?"

The old man's face didn't seem to change.

In fact, a group of people panicked.

The letter was sent to Chen Yulou last time.

But he also knew that although his son's spirit was not as high as before, the arrogance in his bones would not disappear.

never mind.

Let it happen.

It's useless to worry now.

"Why do you think so much? It's better to listen to Mr. Zhang's story with peace of mind."

"It's true that you say that. Mr. Zhang doesn't tell the result for a day, and he doesn't know whether it will be good or bad later on."

After speaking, both of them looked at the mysterious man on the high platform.

Could it be that he really belonged to an ancient family?


third floor.