MTL - Tomb Raider: Storytelling and Writing, The Mystic Nine is Confused-Chapter 225

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"Except for the bronze door, I really can't think of anything else that can have this kind of thing."

The other elders beside him whispered.

"Did the first elder forget that this tree appeared in this huge capital overnight, and he didn't come out without the slightest guard."

"Hahaha, doesn't this confirm the extraordinaryness of this gentleman?"

The second elder said grumpily.

"A arrogant and rude little boy, how can he know so much? I don't believe it if there is no more powerful family behind it, just a few people who just practiced in the fog, do you know who they are? That's Zhang Chen's two A servant, as for that behemoth, it should be a six-winged centipede."


The elder shook his head firmly.

"Impossible. If there was a stronger Zhang family, they would have come to explore the secrets inside the Bronze Gate of Changbai Mountain. How could they have stayed until now."

"Why not?"

Everyone looked at the elder in confusion.

The elder on the side did not respond.

I took a look at this other courtyard.

Greed flashed in his eyes.


It's still raining.

The blood on the ground was washed away and disappeared, and the scattered body of the scorpion had already been cleaned up, or it was taken away by a caring person.

The lobby of the Crescent Hotel.

Everyone in the family who was still sheltering from the rain chatted and discussed.

"Time's up! Let me just say, that group of people are definitely relatives who are now, there is no other possibility."

"Cut, what's the use of persisting for a long time, in case these few people are tied with Mr. Zhang, and the stalemate can't stand, and these people are directly killed, maybe, you are excited and begging!"

The man shook his head frantically.

"Impossible, impossible!"

"How is that possible? Those men in black look very mysterious and powerful."

"Come on, isn't the cockroach that Jude tested that foreigner made before, was it still killed by Mr. Zhang's centipede?"

The people on the side were instantly dissatisfied.

"You're just farting. Can this be compared, two beasts fight, and six to one, can this be compared? It's just bragging and not drafting."

The crowd was unconvinced.

"What? Do you think Mr. Zhang is not as powerful as these people?"

"Hey! Let's not brag, let's see if those people can come out."

"Ai, if they are really Mr. Zhang's family, how terrifying this family must be."

"That is, I feel that such a family can kill our ordinary family in minutes."

At this time.

One person sighed.

"I originally thought that our aristocratic families were already considered to be first-class families outside the Nine Gates of the Dragon Kingdom, but now we look at us as scum at the end."

"The aristocratic family in the Dragon Kingdom is complicated. Maybe Mr. Zhang's family is a more powerful hidden family than the Zhang family in the northeast."

"Nane, look at the things in Mr. Zhang's hands, such as ghost seals, hexagonal bells, these things are not so easy to get."

"When you say that, I think this thing is a bit like something from the underworld. Could it be that Mr. Zhang is an underground zongzi?"

Everyone looked at this man with contempt.

"Fuck you, return the things in the underworld, why are you not the king of the underworld."

I saw the man nodded seriously.

"It's really possible."

at this time.

corner of stairs.

Several figures slowly walked out.

Everyone saw it at a glance.

(daaj) "Look! It's out."

"It's not simple. These people were not killed by Mr. Zhang. They were aggressive when they came, and now they came out so peacefully."

"What is the identity of these people?"

"I don't know. Go and ask Mr. Zhang now and see if Mr. Zhang can tell you."

The man had a drowsy expression on his face.

Ask Mr. Zhang, is he stupid to dance on the tip of a knife at this time?


One of the crowd screamed.

"People from the Zhang family in the northeast!"

"What? People from the Zhang family in the northeast! Where! Where."

Everyone around looked for a circle, but couldn't find anyone from the Zhang family in the northeast.

Immediately, everyone turned to look at the men in black who were now leaving towards the door.

He said again with a little doubt.

"Could it be that these people are from the Zhang family in the northeast?"

"Are you sure? What about that person you just said? Come out! Explain clearly."

But no one responded, and the few black-robed men were about to run out.

Another person in the crowd spoke.

"Those men in black robes are from the Zhang family, hurry up and catch them!"

"What, the Heipao people are from the Zhang family in the northeast?"

Suddenly a group of people reacted and swarmed up.

To catch the Zhang family is to seize Changsheng's tail, whoever doesn't want Changsheng is a fool!

Seeing this, the big elder fluttered his sleeves and shot out a few silver needles.

The person who had just spoken in the crowd immediately fell to the ground.

This scene terrified everyone.

The people who were still crowded ahead stopped straight.

Still muttering.

"This family member of the code is so decisive in killing people?"


Box on the second floor.

Master Zhang said with a smile.

"I didn't expect that I really guessed it right. The Zhang family in the northeast still couldn't sit still."

Qi Tiezui said with interest.

"Can't sit still is the next thing. After all, the secret of the guardian is revealed, and anyone will be anxious if it is released."

"But what I don't understand is that Zhang Zhang's family should be very angry. Why are they so happy? I don't understand."

Master Zhang Dafa did not think so.

"Mr. Zhang's strength is there, and even the people of the Zhang family in the northeast will be suppressed. Since the people of the Zhang family have the courage to step forward, they must have made sufficient preparations, and naturally they will not do it. What annoys Mr. Zhang."

"But why are you so happy to come out? It's the first time I've seen it. Could it be that Mr. Zhang has benefited them?"

The two of them happened to see under the black cloak, a mouth leaked out, and they smiled crookedly.

Apparently it was cheap and sold well.

to this.

The two of them didn't understand.

"However, this method seems to be just throwing a needle, but now the man's body has been destroyed by the needle."

"so smart?"

Qi Tiezui asked in surprise.

"The needle has internal energy, like a bullet, but it's silent."


the other side.

The old man glanced at Zhang Sanchain.

Mr. Zhang sips tea leisurely there.

He didn't pay any attention to changes in the outside world, such as the battle in the lobby on the first floor.

"Master Zhang, do you think that as long as you catch this group of Zhang family members, you can really get the secret of longevity?"

Zhang Sanlian pondered for a while.

"Old man, if the people of the Zhang family in the northeast have the secret of longevity, it will not be returned to the sky. The ambush in Changbai Mountain is not only the Wang family, but the Zhang family will appear."

"It's true. If I have longevity, the first thing I will do is to hide in the mountains and be unknown. If I come out, I will be arrested and studied directly.".

Chapter two hundred and thirty white shadow, broken head door

Zhang Sanxian nodded and said.

"So this group of people from the Zhang family in the northeast have no longevity."

"To come to look for Mr. Zhang at this time is nothing more than two things. The first thing is to ask Mr. Zhang to let the matter of Changbai Mountain Yunding Tiangong go to the past, and the other thing."

"Remember what Mr. Zhang said before? Zhang Qiling is the patriarch of the Zhang family in the northeast. He must have asked Mr. Zhang where Zhang Qiling is."

The old man shook his head and his arms violently.

"When Zhang Qiling comes back, the people in Changbai Mountain are not going to die! Mr. Zhang said about that combat power.-"


Early the next morning.

The broken roof of the Crescent Hotel has been repaired.

The lobby on the first floor has already taken the diagonal tickets and entered it.

It's Jude's turn to test.

Boss Yin personally came out to collect the money for repairing the house.

It made Jude Kao's face turn blue.

The people around were really laughing.

"I finally waited until today. It's a good day. Mr. Zhang, I'm here. Genting Tiangong, I'm here."

"I'm really anxious to wait. I've been wanting to listen to this part of the crater for a long time."

"That's right, once every three days, Mr. Zhang, I can't stand it."