MTL - Tomb Raider: Storytelling and Writing, The Mystic Nine is Confused-Chapter 245

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Er Yuehong, who was on the side, naturally thought of this. At this time, he looked at the people below with anger in his heart.

These robbers are now taking advantage of the fact that the dragon country is now weakened by the war, and everyone is thinking of robbing the treasure of the dragon country.

These people are really, their hearts can be punished!

"So what if they know? For people like them, do you think that if you enter Genting Heavenly Palace, you can come out alive (Li Hao)?"

Lord Zhang Dafa is not very worried about this thing, because only they know the danger of these ancient tombs in the Dragon Kingdom.

Just these stunned young people, if they dare to go to the tomb, they must go there and never return.

"In my opinion, it's better to just kill them all, and let these foreigners know that Long Kingdom, it's not that they come and leave when they want!"

Chen Pi, who was standing behind Er Yuehong, spoke fiercely.

He didn't have any good feelings for these foreigners at all, and he wished to kill these foreigners directly.

Let them never dare to come to the Dragon Country again.

"Chen Pi, shut up."

Er Yuehong glanced back at Chen Pi and said something.

"These foreigners have records in the Dragon Kingdom. If they die in the Dragon Kingdom, it will inevitably lead to foreigners' hostility to the Dragon Kingdom, so we can't kill them."

At this time, Master Zhang also said something.

Chapter 259 Repeatedly jumping in the face of death

"But if they die themselves, they have nothing to do with us."

Master Zhang continued.

Hearing what Master Zhang said, several people next to him also knew the deep meaning of Master Zhang's words.

He didn't say anything, just nodded slightly.

Anyway, these people are not destined to go back, but it is not a good thing to do it on the bright side.

In addition, this foreigner dares to make trouble in this place, that is really courting death.

They don't have to do anything now, just watch.

"So are these foreigners. Before they came, they didn't inquire about the rules here. Judging from their appearance, I'm afraid they don't know the rules at all."

Qi Tiezui looked at the situation below and said.

At the same time, he also sighed in his heart, and soon, another person will lose his life.

"They are damned. They dare to be disrespectful to Mr. Zhang at this time. No one can save them."

Er Yuehong said softly.


At this moment, Jude Kao on the other side frowned as he looked at the young man below.

There will be so many people from other countries coming here this time, and the Jude 530 test is not surprising, and there is nothing to worry about.

After all, these people, just hearsay, came to the Dragon Country to try their luck, but the final result would definitely not be what they thought.

These people are here, and they are most likely to die.

It's just that now this person is making trouble here, which makes Jude very uncomfortable.

At this moment, Jude Kao is waiting for Zhang Chen to talk about the follow-up content, as well as the map of the Seven Star Lu Palace behind.

This guy said this at this time, and he was wasting everyone's time.

"This fool, jumping out at this time, is really courting death!"

Jude Kao said fiercely.

The men next to him looked at Jude Kao, then looked at the young man below, and asked softly.

"Boss, this one below seems to be from your country, do you need to help him?"

Hearing this, Jude Kao immediately turned around and looked at his subordinates.

"What nonsense are you talking about here? This man dares to make trouble here with Mr. Zhang, and you still want to save him?"

"Don't say it's me, even God can't save him."

"Furthermore, this kind of person is not worth saving. He is completely clueless."

Jude Kao glanced at the man below and said that he didn't think of his fellow countryman at all.


However, Zhang Chen was not angry when he heard this person say this. Now is the time for discussion for the people in the audience. He naturally doesn't care what these people are discussing. Some people do not agree with their own storytelling and do it to others.

However, the second riot did not stop there. Many people below were scolding the young man for talking nonsense without knowing anything, and some other foreigners were supporting the young man.

Seeing this, Zhang Chen picked up the gavel and patted it on the table.


When everyone heard this voice, they stopped talking for a while, and even these foreigners stopped talking for a while.

They didn't know what happened, but they were a little surprised when they heard the sudden sound.

At the same time, everyone around them shut up at this time, and they didn't know if they should argue anymore.

"The last time I received the book, Wu Xie and everyone chased them all the way to a descending staircase. Everyone looked at the black blood on the ground and knew that the corpse must have gone down the stairs. Although everyone was quite tired at this time, However, no one wants to stop just like that, and insist on solving this corpse and degassing it."

"It's just that everyone has been chasing down, but on this ladder, the speed of everyone has been greatly affected, although they have already tried their best to chase, but when Wu Xie chases into another tomb, However, the trace of the corpse has been lost, and after all, the corpse (daaj) escaped."

"Everyone knows that it is impossible to catch this dead body, so they stopped to rest for a while, but at this moment, they heard an extremely intense gunshot."

"Everyone turned on their flashlights and looked at the surrounding environment, but found that this corridor turned out to be a bridge, and there seemed to be other spaces under the bridge, and the gunshots came from under the bridge."

"Everyone walked to the bridge, but found that it was Aning and his party under the bridge."

"And in the crowd, there was a young man who was carrying a person on his back. Wu Xie glanced at it and almost exclaimed, this person is Wu Xie's third uncle, Wu Sansheng!"


"I'll go, this Wu Sansheng is indeed in this place!"

"This Wu Sansheng is really a genius. Wu Xie and the others have worked so hard to get in, but this Wu Sansheng has already penetrated into this place!"

"I just don't know what Wu Sanxing wants to do, and looking at it like this, it's still being carried by people, so there must be a problem."

"That's for sure. It's no wonder that there are no problems in this place. From the beginning to the present, there have been so many life-and-death crises. Wu Sanxing will naturally encounter dangers himself. It is a miracle that he can survive."

"But how did Wu Sansheng get together with Aning's group? Isn't this group of people not the same as Wu Sansheng?"

Just when everyone was speculating, the foreigner from before was still disdainful at this time.

"It's just a cliche plot arrangement. At this level, it can be respected by others. If it is so simple, then I will tell the book in the future."

In these words, it is obvious that he is looking down on Zhang Chen.

The people around listening to the book were not as angry as before, because they had already figured it out just now. If this person just talked to Mr. Zhang like this, he must not be able to live, and they don't have to argue with the person who is bound to die.

However, they are still a little puzzled, why Mr. Zhang has not started yet?


At this time, it is not only the following people who are puzzled, but Zhang Dafa and the others are also very puzzled. Why are these people still alive?

Mr. Zhang has not done anything to these people.

"What's wrong with Mr. Zhang today, so kind?"

Chen Pi is also very puzzled looking at the situation below. If he were Mr. Zhang, he would have taken action at this time. These people dared to seek death like this.

"It's not kindness, think about it carefully, Mr. Zhang didn't do anything, but they didn't break the rules. Every time Mr. Zhang said a paragraph, he would leave a period of time for everyone to discuss. Since it is for people to discuss, it is naturally good. Yes, there are bad ones, Mr. Zhang doesn't really care about other people's comments on his storytelling."

Looking at the situation below, Master Zhang said softly.

But this kind of person who repeatedly jumps on the line of death is really damn.

The two hundred and sixtieth chapters got their wish

It's just that Zhang Chen didn't say anything about it. Seeing that the discussion was almost over, he slapped the gavel on the table again.

"The last time I read the book, Wu Xie was shocked when he saw that his third uncle was in this place. He was about to jump off the bridge, but was pulled by Fatty..."

"Come down, you, this book has no meaning at all, are you still talking about it? There are really some problems with the aesthetics of you people from the Dragon Kingdom."

Just as Zhang Chen opened his mouth, he heard the young man below speak loudly and interrupted him directly.

At this moment, Zhang Chen's eyes stayed on the young man's body in an instant.

When the young man saw Zhang Chen's eyes, his body trembled suddenly. For some reason, he suddenly felt that his body temperature had dropped several degrees at this moment.

The voice of speaking also dropped at this moment.

"What? It's not good enough to say it?"

The young man also found that he was actually frightened by Zhang Chen's eyes, and couldn't help blushing a little, and immediately raised his voice.

And Zhang Chen just glanced at the young man, and then withdrew his gaze.

"Haha, why don't you talk, you know yourself..."

Seeing this, the young man thought that he had already overwhelmed Zhang Chen in his aura, and he was so excited that he continued to shout.

But halfway through the words, the voice stopped abruptly.

No one was surprised. This man had been courting death, and now he finally got his wish.

And the young man's companion saw that he suddenly fell, and quickly reached out to support him.

But he found that his whole body was cold, and he was already dead and could no longer die.

Seeing this, how could they not know that this was exactly what Zhang Chen did, and immediately pulled out the gun from his waist.

"What did you do to him?"

Seeing these people like this, Zhang Chen didn't raise his head at all, just continued to speak softly, talking about the book.

"At this time, Fatty Wang immediately held down Wu Xie and whispered in Wu Xie's ear: Wait."

"The reason why the people below shot, because they didn't know why, provoked countless scorpions. At this time, a scorpion with the thickness of an arm was frantically attacking the group of Aning, on the ground, on the wall, It's all crawling and it looks very scary."

And as Zhang Chen opened his mouth, the people who shot them fell to the ground one by one, until in the end, none of the people who pointed their guns at Zhang Chen survived.

"Fatty continued: These people may not be all the way. After they lose some people, it will be safer."

"Wu Xie felt that Fatty was right, so he stayed on the bridge temporarily, not in a hurry."

Zhang Chen is still talking about the book on his own, and the following people who planned to do it have already died.

Looking at this situation, everyone felt relieved and fearful at the same time. Mr. Zhang, indeed, was able to kill all these people with a wave of his hand.

Damn these unruly people.

And other foreigners who came with these people were almost scared to pee when they saw this kind of thing.

Before, they didn't believe that there would be ghosts and ghosts in this world, but they just saw clearly that there were black shadows passing through the bodies of these people, and then they died just like that.

So simple, there is no resistance at all.

Moreover, the people who did these things are still talking and writing books on the stage, which has no influence at all, and he doesn't even want to take a second look at the deaths of these people.

As if these were just junk that could be cleaned up.

At this time, while these foreigners were frightened, they were more fortunate. Fortunately, they were not so impulsive and provoked the gentleman on stage like the young man just now.

Otherwise, they might also become one of the **** that is now on the ground.


At this time, Boss Yin was upstairs looking at the situation below. Seeing this, he turned around and stuck the stick slave behind him and spoke softly.

"Go, drag these corpses out to feed the dogs."

The stick slave behind him heard this sentence and knew in his heart that Boss Yin was indeed angry.