MTL - Tomb Raider: Storytelling and Writing, The Mystic Nine is Confused-Chapter 258

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"How can a person be dead? Stop breathing?"

"Mr. Zhang's problem can't be so simple. It should be that when everyone forgets his existence, he is truly dead."

"I think 540 is death after the reincarnation of the human soul. Otherwise, like Mr. Zhang's ghost soldiers, are they dead or not?"

"I think it is death after a person completely loses consciousness."

"Because the proof that a person is alive is that he realizes that he is still alive, and his consciousness has not disappeared."


This question is naturally everyone's thinking, especially the many bigwigs on the second floor, who are also thinking about this matter.

At this moment, in the room of Master Zhang Dafo, Master Zhang Dafo is also thinking about this question.

"I once read a book that said that people experience three kinds of death in total. The first kind of death is physical death, which is simply the loss of life, and the second kind of death is social death, that is, all death in this society. Everyone knows that people are dead."

"And the third type of death is that no one in this world remembers your existence anymore. This time it is a complete death, but I just don't know what kind of death Mr. Zhang is talking about."

At this time, Jiuye Xie said.

He felt that this sentence was very reasonable, but he just didn't know what Zhang Chen meant by death.

And what does Zhang Chen's words have to do with Jude Kao?

If you have to contact, you can only know that the death that Zhang Chen mentioned is not a physical death, because Jude Kao is physically impossible to be alive.

However, Jiuye Xie also had a feeling that what Mr. Zhang said should not be the other two deaths.

So up to now, they still dare not assert what Mr. Zhang meant.


On the other side, Wu Laogou is also curious, what is Zhang Chen saying all this for?

Among them, what is the relationship, and what is the logic?

However, Mr. Zhang's speech has always been esoteric and difficult to understand. At this time, it is the same, so Wu Laogou is too lazy to guess any more, it is too brainy.

"Mr. Zhang, don't give a shit, let's talk, we can't wait any longer."

Wu Laogou rushed down and shouted.

And when they heard this, everyone agreed.

"That's right, Mr. Zhang, we're stupid, so don't give a shit, let's talk about it, what's going on with this Jude test?"

"That's right, Mr. Zhang, we really can't figure out what you mean, you better tell us."


Seeing that everyone was like this, Zhang Chen didn't continue to sell off, but gave the answer.

"What some of you said is actually very close to the answer."

"The definition of living is actually very simple. The reason why everyone is called a person is because he has independent thinking and memory, that is to say, he has consciousness, (daaj) and once this consciousness disappears, it means that the person has died. already."

"There is a situation, although it seldom occurs in people, but this situation exists, as if someone's brain has been injured, and then the body is obviously fine, and breathing and heartbeat are still there, but they can't wake up. ."

"This kind of thing is called brain death, so the key to a person, and the brain, is to store a person's memory, provide people with thinking, and control parts of the body."

"Once the brain dies, it means that the person is dead, no matter whether his body is still alive or not, but he is already dead in terms of personality."

"Let's extend it further. If the brain-dead body is alive, it is considered dead. If the body is dead but the memory and thinking still exist, is it still alive?"

When Zhang Chen said this, he stopped, picked up the teapot on the table, poured a cup of tea, and took a sip.

At this time, everyone couldn't help but start to think about what Mr. Zhang meant when he said this.

What if the body dies, but the brain is alive haha? how can that be?

The brain is also a part of the body, so when the body dies, the brain will surely die along with it, it is impossible to live!

"Mr. Zhang, what you said is contradictory. We all know that people need to rely on their brains to do things, but the brain is also a part of the body. If the body dies, the brain will also die. It is impossible to exist. "

"That's right, Mr. Zhang, this kind of thing is too strange. Also, these yin soldiers like you obviously have thinking. They are not human, and they have no brains, but they also have human thinking."

"Also, even if the brain is alive, but there is no body that can be controlled, isn't it still the same as death?"

At this time, everyone on the first floor raised questions one after another.

This kind of thing doesn't make sense.


At this time, Lord Zhang Dafa on the second floor suddenly had a new idea.

"Mr. Zhang just mentioned consciousness and thinking, not the brain. Therefore, when Mr. Zhang said that Jude is not dead, it means that his conscious memory and thinking still exist, not that his brain is still alive."

"In this way, it is somewhat possible. After all, it is like Mr. Zhang's Yin soldier. If you say that, Jude Kao has also become a Yin soldier? And the map of the Seven Star Lu Palace is still in Mr. Zhang's hands?"

However, hearing this, Jiuye Xie, who was beside him, shook his head.

"I don't think it's that simple. If Mr. Zhang accepted Jude as an underworld soldier, why would it be better for Mr. Zhang to tell this kind of thing and let everyone not know?".

Chapter 280 The Weird Inheritance Method of the Green Tomb

"Besides, there is no need for Mr. Zhang to do this. Mr. Zhang is a very disciplined person, so the Jude test must have nothing to do with Mr. Zhang."

Hearing Jiuye Xie's words, Er Yuehong also nodded.

"It's true, it shouldn't be Mr. Zhang who did it. If Mr. Zhang wants to do it, it doesn't have to be so troublesome."

Seeing that the two people around him were protecting Zhang Chen so much, Master Zhang suddenly felt a sense of crisis, as if the second master and the ninth master were no longer centered on themselves.

But at this time, it was naturally impossible for Master Zhang to say it, and he just nodded slightly, agreeing with the idea of ​​the two.

But the more it gets to this time, the more curious they are in their hearts, what is the meaning of what Mr. Zhang said.


On the other hand, Sanniang Huo was also very curious, and she felt more and more that her subordinate's guess was correct.

It should be Mr. Zhang who killed Jude Kao and put Jude Kao's soul into the ghost seal.

That's why Mr. Zhang said so directly that Jude Kao didn't die. Apart from that, she couldn't think of any other possibility at all.

Thinking of this, Huo Sanniang spoke directly below.

"Mr. Zhang, since you mentioned Jude Kao's memory and his thinking still exists, this reminds me that the Yin soldiers under your command seem to be in the same state. Could it be that you captured Jude Kao's soul?"

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

At this time, it seems that there is only such a unique explanation.


At this time, Zhang Chen had long thought that they would suspect himself.

But I didn't rush to explain, I just looked around and found that most people believed this statement.

At this time, Zhang Chen finally spoke.

"Among these things, you seem to naturally ignore the other skeleton and the child."

"Why are there two skeletons there, and why is the child inexplicably missing?"

"Because, Jude Kao, became that child, and used this child's body to escape your containment."

Hearing Zhang Chen's words, everyone was stunned, only Zhang Sanxian showed a clear look.

He has already thought of this, but he has not yet figured out some details.

Moreover, this kind of thing is really weird, so even he can't accept this kind of thing for a while.

"This... Third Master, how did you know?"

The old man on the side asked Zhang San Chain. What Mr. Zhang said just now made him unable to calm down for a long time.

He didn't believe what Zhang Sanlianzi said just now, but now with Mr. Zhang's evidence, he had to believe it.

"It's nothing, it's just some small tricks I've seen that person before, otherwise it wouldn't hurt like that."

Zhang San Chain said softly.

"So...the flesh and blood on these two skeletons were really eaten?!"

At this time, the old boss remembered the more outrageous things that Zhang Sanlianzi said just now.

If this is really eaten, then what?

This is too scary.

"Continue to listen to Mr. Zhang and you'll know."

Zhang San opened his mouth, his face still as dull as ever.

The level of strangeness in this matter, even the person who has been buried in the tomb all his life, feels his scalp numb when he thinks about it. At this time, he doesn't know what language to use to describe it. Everything, just wait for Mr. Zhang to give answer.


In another corner, the Wang family was listening to Zhang Chen's words, and their hearts were extremely surprised.

An adult, suddenly turned into a child? Anyone who hears this will find it outrageous. Even though their Wang family has always been known for their vicious and weird methods, when they heard this kind of thing, their scalps still felt weird.

"You say, is what Zhang Chen said is true, there is such a method in this world?"

"I feel that what he said should be true. He said so many things before, and it has all come true. And our Wang family has never appeared in the public eye. He can say it so clearly, so it can be seen that, He knows far more than we know."

"In that case, wouldn't we be able to know the secret of eternal life just by listening to the book here?"

Another person spoke up.

"You thought he would tell? I'm sure he already knew the secret of immortality, but he would never tell."

"Compared to the secret of immortality, I now want to know what is going on, what is the principle of such a strange thing."

"What's going on with you guy, be clear, we're not here to listen to the book now, don't forget your mission!"


When other people heard Zhang Chen's statement, they also deeply felt the word strange.

An adult suddenly turned into a child, and there were two skeletons without flesh and blood. The connection between them, and the strange feeling in them, made everyone want to stop.

Now they can't wait for Zhang Chen to tell immediately what the weirdness is.

After all, it is just relying on their poor imagination, it is really impossible to imagine what happened.

"Mr. Zhang, just beg you, please tell me why. I'm so curious that an adult can turn into a child!"


"That's right, Mr. Zhang, don't give a shit, let's talk, we really can't imagine it."

"Mr. Zhang, I'm a big fan of your old books. You can't whet my appetite like this."


Seeing that everyone was so eager to know the reason, Zhang Chen finally spoke up.

"In this world, there is an organization called Green Graves."

"And the person who controls the green tomb has the ability to assimilate the person who eats his flesh."

"If someone eats his flesh, it becomes a 'room', and at the same time, if a room eats all his flesh, it becomes a new green tomb, everything in this room, including memory, thinking, etc. Everything will be assimilated."

When Zhang Chen said this, he stopped again.

When they get here, they all know what they should know, and they don't need to talk about the rest.


At this moment, after Zhang Sanlianzi heard this, he already knew in his heart and knew the cause and effect of all this.

The person he was chasing was the so-called green tomb, and at that time Jude ate his meat and became a "room", so he was controlled by that person and did something to himself.

Then, it should be this person who let Jude Kao eat all his flesh, making Jude Kao a new green tomb, and in order to successfully escape from everyone's pursuit, Jude Kao could only let the only remaining living child eat himself. The flesh of the man became a new green tomb.

In this way, you can leave Jiu.

Chapter 281 Everyone yearns for the perverted longevity technique