MTL - Tomb Raider: Storytelling and Writing, The Mystic Nine is Confused-Chapter 268

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Soon, only the elder was left in the yard.

At this time, the elder looked at the corpse on the ground and couldn't help sighing.

Chapter two hundred and ninety seventh looking for the dead

At this time, in a clothes shop, Yin Xinyue and Zhang Xuqian changed their clothes and came out, only to find that Zhang Chen had disappeared, and even Hei Blind didn't know where he went.

"Boss, where did Mr. Zhang go?"

Yin Xinyue looked at the boss beside him and asked softly.

"Oh, Mr. Zhang just said that he was in a hurry and went to the toilet."

"As for the little brother with black eyes, he went with Mr. Zhang. He also told Mr. Zhang that he will be back soon, so the two of you will wait for a while."

Hearing what the boss said, the two nodded lightly, and then they each found a place to sit down.

Soon, Zhang Chen came back.

Seeing Zhang Chen coming back, the two walked up at the same time.


"Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Chen looked at the two of them and nodded lightly.

"How do you like this dress?"

At this moment, Zhang Chen's tone was extremely calm, as if Zhang Chen really went to the toilet just after going out.

"Master, what do you think of me dressed like this?"

Zhang Xuqian hurriedly came up, hugged Zhang Chen's arm, and asked softly.


Zhang Chen nodded lightly.

This store is a 30-storey shop opened by a foreign owner. It sells some popular clothing on the other side of the ocean. In Zhang Chen's opinion, it is a little worse than the cheongsam that Yin Xinyue and Zhang Xuqian wore before, but two People are very beautiful, and naturally they are very beautiful in whatever clothes they wear.

This is the advantage of being beautiful and having a good figure. These two are almost clothes hangers. Wearing a pair of ropes can fully show the characteristics of the clothes.

However, this kind of foreigner's clothing is not very suitable for the two of them. At least Zhang Chen doesn't like that person's dress very much.

And Zhang Chen doesn't like it doesn't mean others don't like it.

At this time, a young foreign man outside the door walked in. After seeing Yin Xinyue and Zhang Xuqian, he was stunned on the spot.

Then walked up quickly.

"Oh, two beautiful young ladies, how are you? My name is Sang Xia. I wonder if I can invite the two young ladies for a drink."

The young man showed very gentlemanly movements.

And Yin Xinyue and Zhang Xuqian looked at this man and felt disgusted, and didn't want to pay attention to him at all.

Afterwards, the two seemed to have made an appointment, one hugged Zhang Chen's left hand, the other hugged Zhang Chen's right hand, and then left the place.

And Zhang Chen didn't even look at him, he took the person and left.

"You two, you haven't paid yet."

Seeing such a situation, this person stared at Zhang Chen with stubborn eyes.

His eyes were full of jealousy.

However, as soon as he finished saying this, the boss in front of the counter on the side rushed out.

"Mr. Sangxia, please don't make trouble in my shop!"

This person doesn't know who this person is in front of him, but the boss opened a shop in the capital, so he is very clear.

In the capital, no one dared to provoke this gentleman.

"Hans, don't you talk if they don't give you money? It seems that you don't do well here. You don't dare to resist if you are bullied, but please rest assured, this time I am here, and I will never let you These people don't give money to take these things away."

This young man knew the owner of the store, because this young man is a director, and he often buys clothes for actors at this place.

Usually, as long as he says his profession, and then say a few more words, let them be actors, these beautiful girls in the Dragon Country will be coaxed casually. This time, he originally wanted to repeat the same trick.

As a result, it was like this, which made him encounter such a waterloo for the first time.

How could he accept this kind of thing in his heart.

So at this time, he let this man know what the price would be if he robbed the woman he liked.

"Sang Xia, I told you to stop talking!"

At this time, the boss glanced at Zhang Chen and knew that Zhang Chen was already murderous.

So, Hans walked directly to Zhang Chen's reluctance and spoke softly.

"Sorry, Mr. Zhang, it has affected your mood. I will give you these two clothes."

Zhang Chen looked at the boss and frowned.

"You want to save him?"

When the boss heard this, his body shuddered violently, and the cold sweat flowed down.

Zhang Chen's words sounded very ordinary, but the boss was very clear about the meaning.

It's like asking again.

"Do you want him to die alone, or do you both die together?"

The boss spoke quickly.

"You misunderstood. It has nothing to do with me if he wants to die, but I have a small request. They all say that dead people in the room are unlucky. Can you not do it in my shop?"

Zhang Chen froze for a moment, glanced at the boss, and nodded lightly.


At this time, the young man just now was stunned. He did not expect that Hans would say such a thing.

At this time, he seemed to know that he seemed to have provoked someone he shouldn't have provoked.

"It turns out that you are friends. That's my fault. I apologize to you."

Sang Xia immediately opened her mouth to express her apology. In his heart, he only hoped that his apology would be late this time.

"You seemed to be about to draw a gun just now, didn't you?"

Zhang Chen glanced at this man with interest.

Hearing Zhang Chen's words, the man quickly shook his head.

"How could it be, I just thought that if you don't give money, the boss will lose money, so I thought about letting a few of you pay first."

"But several of them turned out to be friends with the boss. I was too impulsive. I'm sorry, I apologize for my abruptness."

Although the young man didn't know who Zhang Chen was, since these 553 bosses treated Zhang Chen like this, he naturally didn't dare to mess around.

"Then since you are wrong, how are you going to compensate for my mental loss?"

Seeing this person like this, Zhang Chen smiled even more happily.

At this time, Sang Xia knew that it would be difficult for him to leave without blood this time.

So after thinking about it, he raised his head and glanced at Zhang Chen.

"What kind of compensation do you want?"

"What kind of compensation do you two want?"

Zhang Chen didn't answer, just looked at Yin Xinyue and Zhang Xuqian.

"I hate his eyes, so I want to gouge his eyes out."

Zhang Xuqian said.

She originally hated men very much, especially when this man looked at her with such eyes, which made her heart even more hated.

"And you?"

Zhang Chen looked at Yin Xinyue again.

Zhang Chen really wanted to quickly pull out his hand for the matter that the two were clinging to his arms and secretly competing.

"Then gouge your eyes out."

Yin Xinyue also agreed with this approach.

When Sang Xia heard this, she immediately took out the gun from her waist.

He was just a little arrogant, but this man was going to dig out his own eyeballs, how could he accept it, and immediately planned to shoot and kill Zhang Chen and the three of them.

Anyway, if you kill someone in this place, the big deal is to be locked up for a period of time and brought back to China, which is much better than having your eyes gouged out. 8.56109782 [Linglong]

Chapter two hundred and ninety-eight of the dense breath

Only at this time, the boss who had been inactive just now ran over at this moment, held down his hand, and forcibly pressed the pistol he had drawn out.

"Don't take out a gun if you don't want to die!"

The boss whispered in Sangxia's ear.

Sang Xia froze for a moment, then let go of her hand holding the pistol.

He knew that this didn't lie to him. Just when he reached out to grab the gun, he felt a very strange feeling in front of him, as if he would encounter something strange as long as he finished a little.

And he doesn't have any other ideas now, he only has one idea, that is to quickly admit his mistake.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please forgive me."

Seeing this person like this, Zhang Chen just smiled slightly.

"Let's go."

Then, Zhang Chen left with the two of them.

At this time, the boss finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"You are really looking for death!"

The boss glanced at the man and cursed fiercely.

"he and I……"

The man looked at the direction Zhang Chen was leaving, and he was still in shock even now.

The feeling just now made his scalp tingle.

He felt that if he really wanted to draw a gun, he would have died just now.

"Okay, let's go."

The boss sighed and drove Sang Xia out.

At this time, Sang Xia didn't know what to say, she just sighed softly, then got up and left the place.

Just before he left, the boss spoke again.

"Remember, if you don't want to die, don't think about revenge. Mr. Zhang is not someone like you and me can provoke."

Hearing this sentence, Sang Xia's body trembled, then nodded lightly, turned her head and left.


On the other hand, after Zhang Chen left with the two girls, he didn't pay too much attention to this person, but quickly entered another store.

At this time, Yin Xinyue finally spoke up.

"Mr. Zhang, he just wanted to kill us with a gun, why didn't you kill him'"?"

Zhang Chen looked at Yin Xinyue, chuckled and shook his head.

"Naturally someone will solve him, but before that, he is actually somewhat useful."