MTL - Tomb Raider: Storytelling and Writing, The Mystic Nine is Confused-Chapter 5

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Zhang Chen's appearance is indeed impeccable, and it even makes him a little ashamed.

However, he dared to attack Miss New Moon's idea! Dare to say that his ability is nothing!

This time, he had to let him know that Miss New Moon was his daughter-in-law, Peng Sanbian, who had not entered the house.

Let him know what he is capable of!

"Damn, I thought that kid was a character before, but I didn't expect it to be such a thing."

Peng Sanbian didn't even read "Pirate Pen" in his hands, and threw it aside.

He reached out and grabbed his long whip, turned around and was about to go out to trouble Zhang Chen.

"Master Peng, don't be angry. I looked at Zhang Chen on purpose. He lives in the New Moon Hotel. If you go like this now, isn't this hitting Miss Yin in the face?"

"Yeah! Lord, Miss New Moon was not very satisfied with this marriage. You are going like this now..."

"Master, he's just grandstanding, you can't be angry with him!"

Peng Sanbian's subordinates quickly persuaded him to calm down.

Right now, the monthly auction of the Crescent Hotel is about to start. If Peng Sanbian goes to make trouble at this time, he will definitely fall out with the Crescent Hotel.

Peng Sanbian gritted his teeth in anger.

But the last reason finally calmed him down.

He looked at his subordinate and said, "Give me "Pirate Pen", I want to see what he said!"

Peng Sanbian looked at the contents of the booklet and quickly found the one that Zhang Chen evaluated him.

The entire booklet of 'Thorn La' was torn apart by him.

"Shizier dare!" Peng Sanbian almost didn't get blown up.

Indeed, he does not deny that he is really nothing in front of those real people.

But he dared to say that to him in public!

This can never be the case!

"Go! Order all the staff, I want to see how capable Zhang Chen is!"

ps: Ask for flowers! Ask for a review ticket! Flowers break a thousand plus one chapter, evaluation tickets break a hundred plus one chapter, reward a thousand plus one chapter, and any monthly pass plus one chapter! ! .

Chapter 7 Picking a star must ask the star, and move the mountain instead of Changsheng Mountain (begging for flowers!)

"Master Peng!"

Peng Sanbian's men looked at Peng Sanbian with horror.

This lord, do you really plan to do something at the Crescent Hotel, the monthly auction meeting?

If it really did, it would really be a tear in the face with the Crescent Hotel.

In the capital, anyone who dares to move the Crescent Hotel on the bright side is courting death.

A century-old power, it actually looks so simple?

Peng Sanbian is not a fool either, so he naturally knows that he can't be confrontational: "What! I can't do it with an invitation letter to participate in the auction?"

"Okay! Of course!" Hearing that Peng Sanbian didn't really want to come to the door to provoke him, his subordinates breathed a sigh of relief.

The owner of the New Moon Hotel has a good relationship with Peng Sanbian. Even if there is any conflict, Peng Sanbian may not have anything to do with it, but they are miserable.

"Senior brother, I've already found out. Your story was told by a storyteller from the New Moon Hotel." A girl with a medicine basket on her back said looking at the man wearing a Taoist robe in front of her.

"Senior brother, you have never been to the capital before, but I didn't expect this storyteller to know about you." The young man with the long bow slung over his shoulder said with a smile, "Senior brother's prestige is getting bigger and bigger."

These three people are none other than the three remaining descendants of the moving mountains.

Partridge whistle, flower spirit and old foreigner.

Listening to the words of the younger brother and the younger sister, the partridge whistle frowned: "This matter is not as simple as you think."

"Senior brother, what's so rare?" The old foreigner said nonchalantly, "Senior brother, your kung fu is definitely this!" He said with a thumbs up.

After he finished speaking, he bumped Zhuang Hualing with his shoulder and asked, "Are you right?"

"En!" Hua Ling nodded quickly.

The reverence for the partridge whistle in their eyes could not be concealed.

"That Mr. Storyteller is definitely not an ordinary person." Partridge Shao looked at Hua Ling and asked: "Our region is in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang generations. If it wasn't for the whereabouts of Zong Chenzhu this time, we would not have come here. How do you know about me?"

"Still so sure, that Peng Sanbian is not as good as me."

Before he met Peng Sanbian, he had no way of judging who was stronger or weaker between himself and him, and Zhang Chen was so sure.

"Maybe he has seen senior brother somewhere before." Hua Ling and the old foreigner both said nonchalantly.

"..." Partridge Whistle shook his head: "Let's go, let's go to the Crescent Hotel to see, I want to see what kind of person Mr. Zhang is."

Changsheng Mountain, refugees poured in from the bottom of the mountain.

In the middle of the mountainside school field, a young man wearing a short jacket, a pair of small round-frame glasses, and his hands behind his back, stood on the high platform and looked at the refugees below calmly.

This young man is none other than Chen Yulou, the leader of Xieling.

"Keep your head up, now that there are more and more refugees, you can only hold on for ten days at most when you open a warehouse like this."

Although, Xieling's subordinates controlled more than 100,000 horses in the south, seven, north, and 613 provinces, and monopolized a large number of smoke, soil and arms transactions, and accumulated a lot of wealth.

But now there are too many disaster victims, and they have been raised like this, even if they have gold and silver mountains, they will not be able to bear it.

"How come there are so many refugees?" Chen Yulou couldn't help frowning.

According to common sense, the people who come to Changsheng Mountain should be people from several nearby villages and neighboring cities.

Even if these disaster victims flock to Changsheng Mountain, there should not be so many people.

"According to the report from the people below, there has been news from the capital recently."

"Someone spread the reputation of our Xieling, and many people came to join us specially."

"Many of these people are foreigners."

"Oh?" Chen Yulou's eyes lit up, and his body couldn't help but straighten up a bit: "Tell me, how did they say that we Xieling?"

"I heard that it was said by a storyteller. He seems to have compared a local snake in the capital with us."

Hua Maguai said with a smile: "The gentleman said that you are in charge of more than 100,000 horses in the south, seven, north, six and thirteen provinces. You are the leader of the green forest, and the people in the green forest are obedient to us."

"We are not comparable to that local snake at all."

Listening to Hua Maguai's words, Chen Yulou nodded with satisfaction, a little arrogance appeared in his eyes.

"Mr. Storyteller is well-informed."

"Keep your head up, the important thing now is that we can't hold it anymore." Hua Maguai said helplessly.

Chen Yulou waved his hand nonchalantly and said, "The money will come to you soon."

"It's the storyteller. I'm more interested. You might as well talk about it."

Hua Maguai sighed deeply: "That Mr. Storyteller, who was telling stories at the Crescent Hotel in Beijing, I heard that he has been talking about it for more than half a month."

"He mainly talks about a book called "Pirate Pen", which is mainly about some upside-down stories."

"Oh?" Chen Yulou stretched out his hand and pushed his glasses: "The story of the upside down, is this person also upside down Yuanliang?"

"It's not clear, but I heard from many people that the story he told was very real and made people feel like they were there."

"It's interesting." Chen Yulou said regretfully: "Unfortunately, if I have to do something important, I will definitely go to the capital to hear what his book is like."

ps: Ask for flowers! Ask for a review ticket! Flowers break a thousand plus one chapter, evaluation tickets break a hundred plus one chapter, reward a thousand plus one chapter, and any monthly pass plus one chapter! ! .

Chapter 8 Is Zhang Chen from the Zhang family? (Ask for flowers!)

Time flies, and three days pass by in the blink of an eye.

Soon, the day of Zhang Chen's storytelling came again.

The audience waited early at the Crescent Hotel, waiting for Zhang Chen to appear.

This time, there are far more people than before.

The top players from all walks of life gathered at the Crescent Hotel, and some of them couldn't even squeeze in through the door of the Crescent Hotel.

Yin Xinyue couldn't help but close her mouth with joy as she looked at the lively scene below.

"As expected of the person I value, it's just not ordinary!"

"Zhang Chen says a few more books, and our Crescent Hotel can be expanded."

"Miss, there are too many people this time, I'm afraid there will be trouble." Yiyi said helplessly, standing behind Yin Xinyue.

"Let all stick slaves and listening slaves be careful. If anyone dares to cause trouble, give them some color immediately."

"It's Miss!"

"Also, let people be optimistic about Mr. Zhang, and make sure to ensure the safety of Mr. Zhang."


Before Yiyi could respond, a man trotted over quickly, leaned into Yin Xinyue's ear and said, "Miss, Peng Sanbian is here and wants to see you."

Yin Xinyue's face changed suddenly: "Why is he here?!"

"It should be for Mr. Zhang's business..."

"Trouble." Yin Xinyue looked ambiguous, and suddenly turned to look at Yiyi.

"I stared him to death. If he wants to trouble Mr. Zhang, he will be abolished."

"This... yes!" Yiyi hesitated for a while, but nodded in response.

"Wait!" Yin Xinyue suddenly shouted, as if thinking of something, and hurriedly said: "I'll go in person!"

She has long disliked Peng Sanbian. If the old man hadn't had some friendship with him, she would have attacked him long ago.

Now she has finally found a handsome one who she likes.

If she was frightened by him, she would not let him go!

Thinking of the reason why Yin Xinyue did this, Yiyi and others were all shocked.

If she dares to do this, the faces of both sides will really be torn apart!

"Miss! No way!"

However, Yin Xinyue didn't care what Yiyi and others thought, and waved her hand to let them go down.

She trotted downstairs.

Zhang Chen must not have an accident!

"Mr. Zhang, it's almost time, it's time to come down and speak!"

Along with the shouts of the audience below, a handsome and handsome figure appeared on the high platform.

This person is Zhang Chen.

Looking at him, many old listeners were stunned for a moment.

From their point of view, Zhang Chen is still the same as before, with an extraordinary appearance and a personable demeanor.

However, they felt that Zhang Chen seemed to be different in some way.

It was an indescribable feeling.

At that time, many people who saw him for the first time were directly shocked and stupid.

"This is Mr. Storyteller? It's clearly the eldest young master from that big family."