MTL - Tomb Robbery: Starting From the Classic of Mountains and Seas-Chapter 41

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Landslides and earth quakes, the earth complains. When officials sell their titles, scholars resent the government; if the government imposes levies, the people are angry with the village;

Tariffs are heavily levied, and businessmen complain about the journey; corvee is frequent, and workers complain about it...

The town wants to use up 3.6 million land and water officers and soldiers to fight to the death with the faint king and different dynasty.

This battle must be won! Invigorate the spirit of our Han people, restore our Han people's country, follow our Han people's blood,

Rebuild Daming, look forward to the people of the world, traffickers and pawns will rest with me! Hope Limin Yongkang!

cough cough! Well, that's all for remembering, and you organize the content of the official text below for the sacrifice. Send someone to write it!

This king wants to distribute it to all the prefectures in the world, with a total of hundreds of thousands of copies! Tomorrow spring will spread throughout the Qing Dynasty,

Before the clerks finished writing, they were all in charge, and no one was allowed to enter.

When necessary, the army guards, and trespassers will be killed! "

"Follow the prince's order, and the old minister will keep it in mind!"

Jijiu sorted out the papers in his hand, and then led the order to go out, preparing to arrange many matters.

Wu Sangui looked at the people under him, turned around and waved his hands.

A dozen or so strong men walked out of the inner room at the back, carrying heavy boxes in groups of two,

Then Wu Sangui opened one of the mouthfuls with his hands, and it contained neatly packed gold bars.

Seeing the rapid breathing below, he smiled softly.

then ordered:

"This king wants to give you eight million taels of silver, increase soldiers, and practice weapons.

Another 10 million taels will be used to buy (bgfg) grain, military horses, and there are still 2 million taels for you to share

Alright, let's all go down, and do well what this king has arranged, and this king will not treat you badly! "

All the soldiers looked at each other, got a satisfactory reply, and said in unison:

"Thank you, my lord, for your reward. My lord is considerate of the soldiers. We will always remember this in our hearts.

I will definitely preach with my soldiers that the prince loves soldiers like sons! ..."

Pingxi Wang Wu Sangui heard his subordinates say this, and was very satisfied with their vision. laugh to:

"Hahaha! Alright, alright, get out and do things!"

All the soldiers moved away the boxes full of gold bars, followed by seven or eight clerks.

These clerks are used to record the use of funds. After all, such a large amount,

If no one is tempted, Wu Sangui would not believe it. If it wasn't for the money being his own,

Maybe he will also take action to **** it. It is one thing to trust your subordinates, but it is another thing to let them go.

After dealing with military and political affairs, big and small, he is exhausted now that he is old,

At this time, Wu Yingxiong stepped forward to his back, reached out and pressed his neck.

a little cautious

"Father, do you think we can do it this time?"

Although he has confidence in the strength of their Wu family, but after all, he is just a young man who has experienced too many things.

It's normal to feel confused about the future, and Wu Sangui at the front frowned slightly when he heard this.

But he soon relaxed again, nodded and said:

"Ying Xiong, father knows that you are very afraid now, and father is also afraid, but the situation is not in your favor now,

When things come to an end, we can only fight desperately. We must win this battle, and we must win beautifully!

There is not much Father can do for you! And arrange for your younger siblings to go to northern Myanmar!

The general there had a sort of friendship with me. Bring some gold and silver finances, it is not a big problem to resettle the Wu family!

You are the eldest son, so you can't leave. If it succeeds, you will be the crown prince. If it fails, hehe!

Let's be father and son in the next life, Ying Xiong, are you still afraid now? "

It goes without saying that Wu Yingxiong heard his father say that his feelings are so deep that he can't help himself.

Twitch said:

"Boy, baby, I will make proper arrangements for my younger brothers and sisters. Keep my Wu family blood,

When the father goes to the battlefield, bring the child with him. Although the child is not familiar with swords and horses, he can still give advice to the father! "

Seeing his eldest son being so sensible, Wu Sangui smiled a few times in relief. Slowly pulled out two secret letters from his arms,

"This letter is different from the others, you can read it. Remember that these two letters do not go in person,

But at the same time, a loyal dead soldier should be sent there. "

Wu Yingxiong heard the words and slowly opened the two secret letters, the first one was easy to understand.

The recipient is the third prince Zhu. Although the former Ming Dynasty has perished, the third prince Zhu is still alive.

There are already a large number of believers under his hands, scattered all over the Qing Dynasty. Always ready to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty,

Now that Wu Sangui represents the blood of the Han people, it is natural to contact them.

Because of his special status, Wu Sangui did not hand it over in public.

And the remaining letter made Wu Yingxiong dumbfounded, and said loudly:

"Father, if you act like this, I'm afraid it will be useless. If you don't judge correctly, our plan will be ruined!

Please take back my father's order! "

Wu Sangui did not respond to his son's words, but his eyes slowly moved to the content of the letter,

At the beginning of the inside, it is impressively written, My dear brother, the first-class **** Wilbur Yechen personally confessed!

"Ying Xiong, do you know who Ye Chen is, and do you know how advanced his martial arts is?

Your father, I have seen Oboi's heroic appearance, although the camps are different, but in terms of strength, I really admire your father.

Wearing three layers of iron armor, the iron armored giant horse under the crotch. Holding a copper bow and a long knife! Charge!

Wherever we go, our Guanning iron riding equipment is broken by people and horses. That battle! It completely convinced me!

There is also a big reason why they surrendered to the Qing Dynasty!

So Ying Xiong, do you know how shocked and happy I was when I heard the news of Aobai's death?

I sent spies to the capital three times to find out the news, and the result was the same!

Such a powerful person was beaten to death with one blow. I heard that Lord Ye also helped Emperor Dog handle many things that he couldn't solve!

This dog emperor trusts him very much, but in the final analysis he is a Han,

It would be best if we could get it through a letter, anyway, we don't have anything to lose, right?

If he reported to the dog emperor, we would have raised our troops to revolt by then! "

Wu Yingxiong also praised his father's wit after listening to what his father said!

"Ah owe! Ah owe!"

Ye Chen, who was eating hot pot with his family in the capital, sneezed twice rarely! It's not right. It's definitely not right.

Ye Chen suddenly calmed down, put down the chopsticks in his hand, his physical fitness has reached this point.

Not to mention sneezing, even a runny nose is a big problem, and he has the blood of Bai Ze.

I can clearly feel a throbbing behind my back, it seems that someone is trying to frame him!

Thinking of him, Ye Chen, who has done good deeds since he was a child, and never took the initiative to provoke others, how could anyone want to frame him?

Seeing Ye Chen stop, Ye's father and Ye's mother were concerned:

"Didn't Chen'er catch a cold? Or let's leave today and let Baochai take you back to your room to recuperate!"

Ye Chen didn't refute his parents' words, but talking too much made them worry, so he went back to the room with Baochai.

After rejecting Baochai's question, Ye Chen sat cross-legged on the bed and began to think.

The first thing he thought of was Prince Zhongshun, a bastard! But his every move now is under Ye Ling's control.

There was no chance to frame him, so Ye Chen closed his eyes and opened his mind. Start probing through the veins.

Everything around him turned from pitch black to white, and silk threads of various colors were displayed in front of Ye Chen's eyes.

He obviously closed his eyes, but this real scene still appeared, maybe sometimes he can see more clearly when he closes his eyes!

The heaven and the earth seem to be the works woven by the weaver mother. Among the silk threads of various colors, the ones of the parents and Baochai outside the house are blue and white.

The people in the streets of the capital have all kinds of colors, black, red, etc.

Each color represents a different luck!

At this time, a black air hit him from the southeast. It contains a strong smell of blood

Ye Chen didn't look too carefully at the deeper things, and then thought, isn't this Wu Sangui's home!

It seemed that this was the catastrophe he was about to overcome! Everything that wants to be detached has to go through catastrophe!

This is the law of heaven and earth, and it is also the protection of humanity!

I hope you will subscribe a lot, hahaha hiccup!

The author is grateful, thank you dads! .

076 The Secret of Immortals!

Natural selection, survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest!

Heaven and earth are fair to all things, so what is all things to heaven and earth?

The existence beyond the other side is a loophole that cannot be cleared and repaired in any world.

However, the world also needs their existence to protect themselves.

Or it can be said that those who have transcended the other side are part of the world. All glory, one loss, all loss!

But if there are too many of them, it's a burden to the world.

So the world has created a lot of harsh conditions and suffocating rules!

Any creature that is about to change the mundane, or is about to transcend will be subject to catastrophe from heaven and earth!

Under the general situation of Huanghuang, all resistance is false, no one is an exception!

We often hear "walking Jiao", "Huang Pizi begs for words", "fox repays favor"...

It's all like this, recalling that Ye Chen himself was no exception! From getting the system,

Once in contact with the power beyond the ordinary, he immediately encountered the great enemy of Oboi.

If it weren't for the great rewards from the system, how would ordinary people refuse the emperor's invitation?

Even if he is extremely talented and has cultivated for ten years, how many tricks can he fight against this pervert like Aobai?

If it weren't for Ye Chen's rapid improvement, all these tribulations would be fatal for ordinary people!

Has no one thought about avoiding these disasters from heaven?

The answer is yes and it is recorded in many methods of becoming immortals,

The highest ones are celestial beings, and these people use their own abilities to resist catastrophe and escape from the world.

The next ones are earth immortals, which use special boundaries and spaces to avoid the sight of heaven and earth.

As long as you can't see me, I can live freely in the world!

Like the unique meteorite space of Queen Mother of the West! The unique Fengshui array and meteorite copper array eyes of Xianwang Tomb,

These unique extraterrestrial objects contain endless power of creation and creation,

It seems that as long as you have enough energy, you can achieve everything you want! It's amazing!

The biggest secret in "Stealing the Pen" is the meteorite jade! Everything related to it has huge secrets and layouts!

It seems that the origin of the meteorite is much more important than Ye Chen imagined!