MTL - Tomb Robbery: Starting From the Classic of Mountains and Seas-Chapter 42

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And the third category is the cadaver immortal, no matter in various ways.

They are all counted into this category. The so-called autopsy is the method of peach zombies and plums.

In order to deceive God in this way!

The last one is the most widely used merit and incense in Buddhism today.

Through worship and faith! Ordinary people can also obtain the Supreme God. But is it really that simple?

Those who do not have enough fate will die in the slightest, and will fall into reincarnation forever and cannot be reborn in severe cases!

This is why some emperors never thought of cultivating immortals in this way since ancient times!

And even if one is lucky enough to pass, who can guarantee that one's faith will last forever? Will there always be future generations to look up to?

Moreover, these methods are to put aside the physical body and entrust the soul on the endless thoughts of believers,

If the power of thought dissipates, it can only end in the end of death!

Like the rest of the demons and ghosts, they are all different kinds of Taoists, and their methods of transcendence are not the same as those of human beings!

In fact, detachment refers to getting rid of all kinds of shackles between heaven and earth with one's own ability, and reaching a certain state of metamorphosis between heaven and man.

Zhuangzi said, "My life has a limit, but my knowledge has no limit." This is the case!

Don't think that this kind of theory of becoming an immortal is too far away. If you don't talk about it, offering the king is the combination of the three methods of becoming a Taoist.

It's okay if he doesn't succeed, if he is really allowed to succeed, I'm afraid the resurrection of the snake **** can't beat him.

The Kunlun fetus was used to achieve the body of a celestial being, and the lotus bead was born to make its corpse unexplainable,

In the end, he set up a boundless formation, and the sky is invincible! What a pity!

Even if Ye Chen doesn't go, according to the experience of later generations, he will be broken by the plane,

Because of the lack of energy, Wannian Rouzhi was damaged, and Hu Bayi and his party finally picked up the peaches.

And that Feng Shigu who is far away underground is probably already a fairy by now.

With Ye Chen's current strength, he dare not say that he is sure,

etc! It seems that this tomb was also stolen by Hu Bayi and others of later generations,

There is also an exquisite ancient city! …

Thinking of this, Ye Chen couldn't help but secretly admire him, he really is the protagonist, and he only plays high-end rounds!

There are countless legends about immortals and gods in this world. As for why they are gone now,

It may be dead or it may be buried by the years. Detachment means longevity, but longevity does not mean immortality!

Thinking of this, Ye Chen suddenly felt a sense of urgency! Must hurry! Time is ticking!

Just when Ye Chen was full of thoughts and prepared to break the situation with peace of mind.

Ten days passed by in a flash. The end of the year is getting closer, and the air in the streets is filled with the smell of gunpowder.

Mixed with the smell of meat wafting from each house. Maybe the year should be like this!

The taste of the new year that belongs to the capital is different from that of other places! At this time, a quarrel broke out in Cao's mansion, the governor of Guizhou.

A young and strong man with a solid body and a height of 7 feet urged urgently:

"Father, stop it. It's too late to repent. Now that the world has been settled and the emperor is in control,


We have no chance of winning! Don't wait until the end to regret it! It will be too late to regret it then! "

And the middle-aged man opposite him was sitting on the grand teacher's chair with an old god,

Reaching out for a cup of tea, he took a sip. Take it easy,

I didn't have any words to justify, as if something insignificant happened!

The young man was annoyed for a while, but he didn't dare to attack. I can only keep pacing in the living room,

Whenever he opened his mouth to ask again, he saw his father's face. I became dull again, then shut my mouth obediently,

I had to keep wandering around the living room. Let it out!

The middle-aged man may be a little dazzled by the big boy in front of him, and finally couldn't help but said:

"Meng'er, do you see the mark on Wei's father's face?"

Although the middle-aged man's voice was not loud, his words contained unparalleled hatred and anger!


The middle-aged man had a deep "slave" character on his cheek, carved into his skin.

Years of time have not hidden the word wash off, but it is more obvious under the wrinkles!

Before waiting for his son to reply, Cao Shenji said to himself again:

"This is engraved by a man of Zhengbai Banner when my father was a captain of the commanding army in Beijing.

It was engraved on your father in front of everyone in full view!

The reason is that we fell in love with the same girl in Goulan, when the Tartars had just stolen the artifact,

Treat us Han people like pigs and dogs! If it wasn't for King Pingxi who rescued you back then, you wouldn't have me as a father!

Do you think you should accept this love as a father? Do you want to repay this kindness!

Furthermore, I took ten thousand steps back and said that I was originally a subordinate of King Pingxi,

Now if he wants to rebel, if I want to report it, I will be disloyal and unrighteous. If I want to know and don't report to the court, I will not let me go!

Menger, since we received this letter, we have no choice! People are knives and I am fish!

Meng'er is too old to be a father! I'll leave it to you to command the troops!

Do your best! Don't worry too much about it. Alas~"

After finishing speaking, Cao Shenji stood up, walked to the child, patted his arm lightly with his hand, turned and left.

Cao Meng seemed to hear a sigh in the air, but it was not so clear.

He lowered his head and pondered for a long time before pulling out the sword on his body. Hold it in the sun for a long time.

"Forget it! It's time to see blood!"

Here comes the free flower monthly ticket,

Code words are not easy, old fans should know that the author is crazy code words.

Thank you brothers and uncles for your support! Door.

077 Multi-party Calculation

This Spring Festival is a harvest year for people in the capital.

This is true for the princes and nobles, as well as for the common people. The construction of Jia's Grand View Garden is in full swing.

The same is true for those who go home to visit their relatives in other harems. A large amount of white money is spent like running water.

This allowed Ye Chen's caravan to make a fortune, at least 40,000 to 500,000 taels.

During the Chinese New Year, Xue Pan and Ye Guang didn't stay at home for two days before they were forced to leave.

Because I have to deal with the business, I went to work all over the country early.

The review and management of caravans, business negotiations, and price negotiations all require the presence of these two managers.

Only then can unified scheduling be achieved!

For this reason, Ye Chen was often complained by Baochai and his parents, calling him a black-hearted boss!

Different from the hustle and bustle outside, Prince Zhong's mansion is another scene.

The loyal and honest prince with a strong and honest face said "six five seven" with anger on his face! The study room is full of fragments of teacups,

And the torn and tattered calligraphy and paintings of famous artists. But there was no pain in his eyes,

Some were left with eyes filled with rage and rage.

"Hateful! Hateful! What is he, Xuan Ye, who is my king? What is it like to be our royal family!

Not only did he not stand up for us, but he also warned the king not to allow him to attack that slave!

I bother! He has only been emperor for a few days and yet he dares to disregard his fellow clansmen! It really is a wild species! "

An old man in silk in the room immediately interrupted King Zhongshun and said:

"My lord, please don't break your word! What the emperor does has his reasons, we courtiers just listen!"

After speaking, he pointed to his ears cryptically, indicating that the prince has ears on the wall!

Prince Zhongshun saw the old man like this, instead of giving up, he scolded him even more vigorously!

A few more Wenwan ornaments were thrown on the ground, smashed to pieces. The old man's face twitched!

My heart is secretly bleeding. What a golden toad head, this is! White jade bodhicitta!

It's really killing me, my lord, don't you want to reward this old man!

"Old Wang, tell me, is Xuan Ye doing this properly? Anyway, I am his uncle.

Doesn't he fear that the world will ridicule our royal blood by doing this? It's okay for me to lose face alone!

Alas! The majesty of the Manchus in the Qing Dynasty was completely lost! Do you know what those common people say about me!

They've all made up their storybooks! "

"Bump! Break!"

There was another sound of something being smashed on the ground!

At this time, there was a rushing sound from outside the house!

"Report! My lord! The servant has something important to report!"

Before the outside of the room finished speaking, Prince Zhongshun seemed to have found a vent.

"Who made you yell, you dog slave! Someone dragged him away and beat him to death!"

"Wait a minute! My lord. This slave must be in such a hurry that he has something important to report. Why don't you make a decision after listening to it!"

Wang Lao immediately persuaded him.

Prince Zhongshun was originally angry, but now he calmed down and felt that it should be so.

With the words of persuasion, he went down the steps.

"Okay, just as Wang Lao said, let's see what news this dog slave brought back!

If it's useless, I'd better drag him out and beat him to death, this is a slave who doesn't care about the occasion. "

After finishing speaking, he commanded the guards on both sides of the house to open the door.

A dirty boy appeared in the study. Trembling trembling all over.

I was nervous for a while but forgot to kneel down to see Ann, and couldn't say a word.

He must have heard the prince's words outside the house, and learned that he had already walked through the gate of **** once!

Seeing how useless his subordinates are, Prince Zhongshun stepped forward and kicked him to the ground,

"Dog slave, let you speak. Instead, you are speechless. Here is a cup of tea time for you,

If this king is not satisfied, you can feed the dog! "

The boy lying on the ground just woke up like a dream, he quickly knelt down, took out a secret letter from his arms,

Passed it up and said in a trembling voice:

"The servant has met the prince, and the servant is Xinzi who walks the horse in Sichuan. He specializes in collecting news from the southwest for the prince.

According to the slaves' inquiries day and night, there is a high probability that Wu Sangui in the southwest is about to rebel.

Conscription and purchase of grain, grass and equipment from all over the country, and getting accurate information, I am afraid that the army will be mobilized in the beginning of spring!

On the secret letter are the number of conscripts collected by the slaves everywhere, and the direction of the army.

I also ask the prince to see the loyalty of the slave, and spare the slave this time, the slave will definitely repay it with death! "