MTL - Tomb Robbery: Starting From the Classic of Mountains and Seas-Chapter 82

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"Yes, I came here a long time ago, and it's a bit sad to see it again."

"My boss doesn't have to be like this. When the medicinal materials are photographed this time, the water locust will take my boss to "750" for a few days before going back!"

"No need, let Ling's mother's illness be the most important thing, you can come here anytime.

Chen, what is sad is that things are right and people are wrong, not the mountains and rivers in front of you! "

Open the door, Ye Chen and Water Locust got out of the car. The scene in front of me was indeed much more prosperous than Changsha City.

Little did he know that when he was looking at others, people in the streets and alleys were also staring at him in front of him,

Gradually, more and more people came and went, and soon they surrounded a group of them.

Not only that, but the people who surrounded him began to bite their ears, and then saw a few people running away from behind the crowd.

Seeing this, Ye Chen felt a little uncomfortable. Sure enough, there were waves of people running in the distance.

Judging from the dust outside, more people were coming from behind. There are no less than a thousand people gathered nearby!

There were even some men in police uniforms among them, apparently he was also part of the crowd.

People who come here come from all identities, young masters and ladies from high families, small businessmen and peddlers among ordinary people...

"Old Wangtou! Look at him! Is it exactly the same as the one on the city wall!"

"Yes! It's exactly the same, there is no difference at all! Wu Wang! Wu Shenxian!"

"Lao Li, you still don't believe what I said, if I hadn't dragged you over, you would not have seen the gods!"

"Senior Zhen, this time you are considered amazing, I, Old Li, owe you a favor, how did I know there are such beautiful and mighty people in the world!

I used to listen to it as a story! I thought to myself how can someone look like this, but now I see that it is really not bad at all. "

"Heh! Lao Li, I told you that it's not a story! Yejia Chamber of Commerce has them everywhere,

Isn't it the property left by the Martial God? See if the person in front of you is exactly the same.

This is clearly the Emperor Shenwu descending to earth! "


As the conversation around became more and more noisy, the water locust beside him finally felt something was wrong.

He ordered a dozen or so subordinates to protect himself and Ye Dong's family in the middle.

"Boss, why do so many people stare at us? No! They are staring at you!

Did your Miao Yelin do some good deeds in the capital, and they all came to thank you. "

Before Ye Chen could reply, he saw that the people surrounding him had gradually started to kneel down to him.

They also chanted the divine title of Emperor Shenwu in unison! He knew that it was Kangxi who sealed him after he left.

At this time, even the water locust whose IQ value is less than 10 can react,

He first pointed at Ye Chen, his mouth trembling uncontrollably. Then I recalled in my memory the appearance of the statue of Emperor Shenwu in the temple,

Because the idol has to be more domineering and majestic, so there is still a slight gap with the real person,

But this can't hide the fact that the two are very similar, looking at the water locust who is also about to kneel down for him,

Ye Chen was speechless for a while, got it! You're making trouble for me again! Quickly grabbed him, and said,

"Fourth Master, why are you? Chen is the direct descendant of this King Wu, that's all.

The resemblance is just a coincidence, you don't need to give me such a big gift, right? "

Ye Chen used his spiritual power to spread his voice to the ears of everyone present...

Not only for the water locusts, but also for the group of star-chasing fans outside,

Now he really regrets why he owed so many portraits of himself in the capital.

It has to be so realistic and colorful! At that time, I may feel that I left a mark on this era,

Just like a certain person came here for a visit, he inexplicably traveled to the Kangxi period, why don't you record it, who would have caused so many troubles!

But what Ye Chen didn't expect was that not only did the people around him not stand up,

Instead, they kowtowed 5.6 more enthusiastically, and the discussion became louder!

As if some textual research had been obtained, the people in front of them became fanatical!

"Haha! That's right! It's said in the story book, sound transmission into secret!"

"Old Li, you believe it this time!"

"Senior Zhen, I believe it! I believe it! This time, if someone says that the person in front of me is not the Emperor Shenwu,

My old Li was the first to be anxious with him! "

Support with free flowers and monthly tickets,

Thank you gentlemen, boss.

How can the protagonist hug the beauty if he doesn't care about it?

hey-hey! During the flu period, everyone pays attention to personal protection.

Drink more hot water! .

127 Prince Wu's Mansion

"Beep! Beep!"

Fortunately, the last few police whistles drove away the onlookers, and only then did Ye Chen and his party feel as if they were on the verge of an amnesty.

A total of 30 patrolmen from two teams appeared trotting all the way, wearing white fringe caps and blue and white police uniforms.

The leader in the middle was a senior police officer with a big belly, who kindly held Ye Chen's hand as soon as he came up.

"This must be the descendant of the great emperor, I have admired him for a long time! This is the chief of the police station in Beiping City,

Your surname is Sun, Mr. Ye, you can call me for anything in Beiping,

As long as I can help, I will do it for you! "

Ye Chen looked at the plump and round director in front of him, and the image of a fat director immediately appeared in his mind.

Gently pulled away the hand being held, but there was no unpleasant expression on his face,

"Hello Director Sun, Chen has admired your name for a long time, and it happens that Chen still has some property in Beiping.

We must move around more in the future! "

When the director heard Ye Chen's words, he was even more delighted.

"Definitely! We must get together more then!"

"Sure, then I have some urgent matters at this moment, so I will leave first. Director Sun, please stay for 16 steps.

He must thank him in the future, and thank Director Sun for his kindness in rescuing him today! "

Although the dense crowd was driven away, they didn't go far. Just watching secretly around the side,

After all, it is so similar to Emperor Shenwu, and he is also his descendant.

This kind of opportunity is rare, and Director Sun has been standing there watching the backs of Ye Chen and his group going further and further away.

A patrolman with a sharp camera in the team walked up to Director Sun and said like a dog:

"Director, why do you respect this descendant of the Ye family so much! Even if he is the descendant of Wu Wang and Immortal,

But how many years ago was that? "

Unexpectedly, Director Sun turned his head and changed his previous kindness, and scolded the little policeman severely:

"Hmph! What do you know! The Ye family is very capable, even if a foreigner sees it, he still has to say what he said.

His family doesn't just have business in China, but I heard from the big comprador,

His Ye family has a big business all over the world, otherwise, where do you think Miao Yelin gets the money for free medical treatment and medicine for people every year?

I thought you were clever before? Can't see any of this?

snort! Stop talking! The whole team is there, go back to the police station! "

"Tata! Tata!"

Director Sun trotted away with the patrolmen again, but the clever little patrolman ran to the end of the line.

He knew that he had messed up this time, and all the efforts he had put in before, and the persona he created with the director were all in vain.

Maybe he didn't have a life to be a leader, so he should keep his own place and be a leader in the future.

I hope my daughter-in-law will give birth to a fat boy next year and study hard! Only reading can have a future!

Although it has been half an hour away from the crowd, the water locusts are still chattering in Ye Chen's ears,

Ye Chen tilted his head, why didn't he find that the blood-stained man under the water locust was so talkative before?

"Master Ye, I never thought you were a descendant of King Wu! Even the director of the capital has to respect you!"

"Fourth Master, this wonderful leaf forest has been the property of the Ye family since ancient times, it is no longer a secret,

And now it can't be called the capital, it has to be called Beiping city! "

"Yes yes yes! It must be called Beiping! It's really the emperor and the courtier!

There are still a few days before the Crescent Hotel auction, why don't we find a hotel nearby to stay. "

Ye Chen turned his head, pointed his finger forward, and said to the water locust:

"Fourth Master, where do you see the front?"

The water locust stopped and followed where Ye Chen pointed.

I saw a huge ancient courtyard at the heel of the street ahead. Water Locust and his subordinates,

Immediately be attracted by a magnificent ancient building within the walls!

The water locust couldn't control his feet and had to follow closely behind Ye Chen, speaking in a low voice.

"Boss, is this your house?"

It's not surprising that the water locusts talk like this, it's because the courtyard is too large.

Connecting several nearby streets, it took them an incense stick of time to reach the main entrance.

"Here! Is fourth master illiterate? Isn't it written on the door?"

The water locust raised its head and looked at it, and immediately turned pale with fright:

I saw a square in front of the gate mansion, and the corridor of the main gate was thousands of meters long.

Surrounded by tall cypress trees, the so-called "thousand-year green, ten thousand-year cypress" is just like this,

Two squatting lions more than three meters high stand on both sides of the main entrance, with dark green glazed tile tubes as the top, and each door has sixty-three gold nails.

A huge plaque "Wuwangfu" was written!

"Wu Wang! Wu Wang's mansion! Master, this Wu Wang's mansion is still in your hands! Be good! How big is such a big courtyard!"

Ye Chen ignored the water locust who stayed where he was, and made a look at the two servants of the Ye family at the door.

Ye Chen looked at Prince Wu's Mansion, which had been away for hundreds of years, and sighed.

It's not that he didn't want to come here within a year of leaving customs, but the old people are not here, so he has no choice but to give up.

Fortunately, there are still some servants of the Ye family taking care of it, and Baochai and 753's parents also stay here for a while from time to time.

Otherwise, the huge palace might have been abandoned! It's hard to say whether the surname is Ye or not.

In the past ten years, there are not a few rich and noble families who have lost their property in Beijing!

Leading the water locust group continued to move forward, when they entered the gate of the palace, he was still looking left and right,

Occasionally let out an exclamation! Inside the wall are ancient pine trees and ancient locust trees, with curled branches,

The sky is lush and lush, and the painted halls with high eaves and teeth are reflected on the left and right, which makes people feel deep and mysterious.

Going forward along the wide corridor, you can often meet some servants and maids who are taking care of and playing with green plants.

"Master Ye, your Prince Wu's Mansion should be the largest mansion in the capital except the imperial palace!"