MTL - Too Early-v2 Chapter 1611 Realization of change in the world of reincarnation

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   Lingtian has sprouted new green shoots, and the lushness spreads to the distance, it seems to be connected with the sky.

  Qin Haoxuan stood above the gully of Lingtian, looking at the girl who remained in Lingtian Valley after three years of re-entry, even if her qualifications were poor, and found that she really had a relationship with the child.

  He had just entered the world in the first cemetery of Yin and Yang Xianwang in ancient and modern times. He couldn't find the first one because he met Tan Linglong who was a fool. He cured Tan Linglong and took Tan Linglong back to the beginning.

   And this time, I was encountering a bottleneck and I didn’t know how to find my way to the path of reincarnation. I thought that I couldn't find a way. I might have to wait until I left to find the free devil, find the reincarnation of the reincarnation of the fairy king II, etc., and perhaps only have the opportunity to find the direction of my cultivation.

   did not expect that he met Tan Linglong, but because of the inadvertent words of the other party, he found himself in his own direction.

   has been madly searching for all the laws between heaven and earth, observing the sun, moon and stars, observing the grass, the tree, the insect and the bird, looking for the laws of their existence, and feeling the reincarnation between heaven and earth.

   But is that really reincarnation? That's just the reincarnation that I thought! Are they really reincarnation? Grass is born in spring and died in winter, how is it different from human being born and died? Over the years, I have been observing all the rumors of reincarnation in this world.

  Even in this world, no matter whether it was the reincarnation fairy king or the reincarnation demon king, they are all looking for the truth in this world!

  If they comprehend the real reincarnation, it is better than why they died, they can only deposit all their treasures, and just wait for them to renew their inheritance.

   This seems to be reincarnation, but it is not really reincarnation.

  Reincarnation may have never been really discovered? Or in this world, there may be no real reincarnation!

  If there really isn't... then Qin Haoxuan is silent, if there is real reincarnation between heaven and earth, there are countless people who have been shocked and fascinated since ancient times, why no one has found it and mastered it completely?

  If not? Then... create a reincarnation! It's like creating a skill from scratch!

  The deepest person in the world of samsara, such as the samsara king, he seems to have completed samsara through heaven and earth.

   It seems that samsara is completed by itself.

   What about the first Yin Yang fairy king in ancient and modern times?

  The two of them are yin and yang, and yin and yang complement each other. This is actually a method of eternal life they are exploring.

   However, their methods are different, but they are still following the rules of the world that look like reincarnation.

  Qin Haoxuan finally came to his enlightenment, his frowning eyebrows were loosened, and a bright smile appeared on his face. He said with a smile: "Okay. I will definitely create your own best practice for you!"

   Tan Linglong smiled happily, and his eyes were like crescent moons: "I believe in you, I can do it. Qin Zhangjiao, I am waiting for you to give me exercises."


  Qin Haoxuan went back, returned to Miaoyifeng, and began to retreat.

   is not the realization of reincarnation, but the creation of exercises.

   Create a real skill for Tan Linglong.

   He was not looking at this side of the world, but closed his eyes and pondered.

   He pondered all the exercises he controlled. He pondered that the exercises that were printed from the ancient scriptures of the Yaochi ancient scriptures, he thought about the exercises of the fairy king.

  He thought of a problem.

  Gongfa, what exactly is it used for?

   is simply, relying on the running route to allow the practitioner to absorb the heaven and earth aura at the fastest speed?

   So what is the essence of absorbing heaven and earth aura?

   Everything has its origin.

  Why do exercises have to consider the route of operation and the speed of absorbing the Qi of the heavens and the earth instead of pointing directly at the source?

  Qin Haoxuan thinks about heaven and earth, thinks about all the geomantic turbulences between heaven and earth, and thinks about the most original existence.

   He did not consider the route of the exercise method, but the relationship between the source and the person and the relationship between the immortal species.

  Every individual's immortal species is different, each immortal species contains different, free, and each immortal species is the general existence of heaven and earth.

   Its growth is uncertain.

   For example, when some kind of fairy species grows like dandelion, some kind of fairy species may grow like peonies.

   is not just a fairy, but every way of existence and growth between heaven and earth is different.

   Five consecutive days.

   Qin Haoxuan finally created a brand-new exercise suitable for Tan Linglong from scratch.

   A special kind of exercise that has no running route and points directly to the origin. It is a kind of exercise that has never been seen in the world and is different from all exercises.

   The moment the practice was completely shaped, the whole place was shaken wildly at the beginning.

  Natural Hall, Lingtian Valley, Miepufeng, Pingpufeng...

  Everywhere in the beginning was shaking madly.

  In the early days, a group of disciples looked at the shaking world with horror, and looked at the world that seemed to be shattered, one by one.

   "This is a vision of heaven and earth!"

   "How come suddenly there is a world vision?"

   "I heard Master said that when there is a peerless genius, when the superpowers break through, there will be a heaven and earth vision. Did we break through in the beginning?"

   "Is it the palm of the church?"

   "Zhangjiao is already the pinnacle of Taoist palace realm, and the breakthrough is to achieve the fairy king!"

   "I am not an adult in charge. If it is a breakthrough, it will not only be a vision of the world, but there will also be a figure of education."

   "What about the vision of this world?"

"do not know……"

   is not just the beginning. At this time, the Yaochi where the first Yin Yang fairy king of ancient and modern times shakes wildly.

   Outside the Tomb of the Immortal King.

  The endless seawater was surging wildly, and thick water columns flew into the sky, seeming to fly nine days away. A vortex full of appalling suction emerged, growing bigger and bigger.

  Shenji Gate, Puguang Pavilion, Yaochi Ancient Church...

   At this moment, the whole world was shaking madly.

   The mountains are surging, the river is rising, the waterfall is reversing, the sun and the moon rise together, and the stars appear.

  In the void, there were even huge cracks, and soon the cracks closed automatically again, then cracked, and closed again.

In the ancient teachings of Yaochi, within a fairy land, a fairy ancestor looked at the volcanic Yaochi, and murmured in his mouth: "The vision of heaven and earth, the fragmentation of the void, this is a big change in the way of heaven and earth. The shattering of... Someone appeared again and changed the way of heaven and earth!"

  Free mountain.

Above the main peak, the Devil Lord's black robe fluttered against the wind. His seemingly handsome look could be seen closely, but it made people feel vague and unclear. A look of admiration appeared on his face, lamenting: "This life, There are so many heroes. In just three years, the world's vibration is not once or twice, but this time the world's vibration is greater than the previous times.

   This time, the way of heaven and earth has changed more than ever! "

"I don't know who it is, so many ways of heaven and earth have changed." The free demon master said to himself, but he suddenly laughed, the wildness of laughter, the wanton laughter, as if it was just a simple smile, without any Other meanings.

   "Interesting, really interesting... Unfortunately, Xiao Qin is not here, otherwise it would be interesting to chat with him, this trend is really more and more interesting and splendid."

   Suddenly, a figure flew in the void.

  Reincarnation of Demon King II!

She was dressed in a black long dress, her figure was beautiful, and the void came along, as if walking on the flat ground, every step, falling on the void, the space under her feet swayed with a visible ripple, the space around It seems to be caught in reincarnation instantly.

  Void seemed to be disappeared by her incarnation at her feet, seemingly far away, but she fell a few steps and appeared in front of the free demon master.

   The vision of heaven and earth, the sun and moon and the stars shining on the sky, but at this time, the radiance between heaven and earth seemed to be still concentrated on her.

   A pair of reincarnation Demon King II seems to be able to put the eyes of all the world's reincarnation on the free devil, asking: "This time, but you caused it?"

   "It's not me." Free Devil Lord shook his head and said: "Two times before, the vision of heaven and earth changed, and the way of heaven and earth changed. I made something to toss out."

   "Oh? Coincidentally, in your words, I also tossed something out." There was no change in the expression of Samsara Mozun II's body: "Let's exchange it?"

   "This is what I mean." The demon master suddenly smiled.

   In the endless deep sea, in the ancient tomb of the first Yinyang fairy king tomb, the shaking at the beginning gradually became smaller.

Qin Haoxuan stepped out of the closed chamber. He could feel that the Tao of Heaven and Earth recognized him a little more, but at the same time, he also had some more rejection. He could more clearly feel that the Tao of Heaven and Earth was taking place. Change, and this change is not small.

"In the beginning, when my fairy trees became forests, the way of heaven and earth had changed far more than this time. But then the fairy trees became forests. A person can only have one fairy species and one fairy tree. Just two fairy trees.

   And I researched the fairy trees into forests, and the changes in the way of heaven and earth were not as great as the changes in the way of heaven and earth that I created this time. My way is right, I already know my way! "

  Qin Haoxuan sighed, and suddenly, his eyes were bright.

   In the distance, the mountain where Zhang Kuang is located, the glow of the sun is great, and the whole shining is very bright.

  Qin Haoxuan was stunned for a while, and then he yelled: "You are a shameless thing. Lao Tzu worked hard to create a skill, and made something to change the way of heaven and earth.

   Obviously, this is Zhang Kuang because of the change in the way of heaven and earth, he suddenly realized.

  In the early days, only a few of the disciples discussed why the discord of heaven and earth appeared. A young disciple immediately pointed to the mountain where Zhang Kuang was, and exclaimed with excitement.

   "I'll tell you, it must be Master Zhang's breakthrough. You still don't believe it. Seeing that Xiaguang is not there is really a breakthrough!"

   The rest of the disciples beside him were stunned.

   "Is it really a breakthrough for Master Zhang?"

   "Teacher has become a fairy king?"

   "No, this is not the achievement of the fairy king. This is an understanding of the masters, and cultivation has become more refined."

   "The world can be induced to shake, the master is too strong!"

   The disciples are so proud of each other, but this is their teaching!

  Qin Haoxuan just glanced at the mountain where Zhang Kuang was, and went directly to Lingtian Valley, and found Tan Linglong. He just wanted to speak, but Tan Linglong had already spoken first.

   "Qin Zhangjiao, did you see that Master Zhangjiao broke through again. And it also caused a vision of the world, Master Zhangjiao is really amazing..."

Qin Haoxuan was very depressed. He worked hard to work out the exercises, which led to changes in the rules of the world, and then let Zhang Kuang’s guy make a profit, let alone say that his own exercises have not yet been sent. It was beginning to praise Zhang Kuang in his face.

  What is the relationship between the vision of this world and Zhang Kuang?

  Do you know that this vision of the world is formed by your practice!

  Qin Haoxuan was full of depression and said, "I have created your exercises, and now I will teach you the exercises."

Tan Linglong became more and more excited when she heard the voice: "My skills are already good? Only five days later, Qin Zhang taught you to create the exercises. Qin Zhang taught you too much, second only to Master Zhang. ."

  Qin Haoxuan was more and more depressed. He hurriedly passed the exercises and left. He couldn’t explain to a little girl who hadn’t gotten started for a long time. The vision of the world was because he was not mad.

  Qin Haoxuan left Lingtian Valley and went to see Pan Dacheng who was in Zhenxian Mountain, then he closed and practiced.

   On this day, suddenly the book of heaven and earth ran out from the ground, floating in front of Qin Haoxuan and shouting: "Old Qin, old Qin, it's time, let's release the seven silly boys."

  Qin Haoxuan looked up at the Book of Heaven and Earth without speaking. It was just in his hand that he didn't know when he had already grabbed a pen. This thing became more and more unruly.

The Book of Heaven and Earth looked at the brush in Qin Haoxuan's hand, and suddenly shook wildly, and repeatedly shouted: "No, Master, Master, I'm wrong. They all blame the demon, he always calls you like this, I am used to it. No , Erroneous, erroneous, I am affected by it."

  Qin Haoxuan put away his brush, and unconsciously, since the last time, he had bet with the captain of the Pupu team, it was 15 days.

   He looked at the Book of Heaven and Earth and asked, "How are they now, now?" After he put the Taichu Qizi into his heart demon fairy palace, he didn't pay any more attention to the Taichu Qizi.

   That was his heart demon, but it was just to hone the heart of the seven sons in the beginning, and let them defeat their heart demon.

   is a book of heaven and earth. These days, I got into his heart demon fairy palace, and I can't understand the situation of the seven sons in the early days.

"Seven of them, master, you don't know, as they started counseling, I have never seen such counselors. But now, under the teaching of the great book of heaven and earth, they have completely defeated their demons. I Now, I can’t wait to see my masterpiece.” The Book of Heaven and Earth is very excited. It is in the Heart Demon Immortal Palace these days, not only watching the excitement, but also paying a lot of attention, helping to hone the Seventh Son of the Taichu.

   "Okay, let's look at their changes now."

  Qin Haoxuan's thoughts moved, and the Demon Immortal Palace opened, and at the beginning, the Seven Sons flew out of the Demon Immortal Palace.

They seemed to be immersed in the illusion of the mind demons, and they left the mind demons celestial palace suddenly. There was no spirit demons suddenly. They seemed to be a little uncomfortable for a while, and they froze for a moment. Looking at Qin Haoxuan who was standing in front of them, the seven men slammed at Qin Haoxuan at the same time.

   "See Qin Zhangjiao, thank you Qin Zhangjiao for his teachings."

   Qin Haoxuan glanced through the eyes of the seven people. He could feel the respect from the heart of the seven people to him, and there was also awe of him. It was awe, but not awe.

Before   , the seventh son in the early days, when facing him, he was always cautious, as if he was a terrible culprit.

   Nowadays, more is a kind of respect and worship.

   Even when facing him, he could feel a kind of self-confidence from Qizi.

   This is something I have never felt before from the first son of Qichu. In addition to self-confidence, these seven sons are different.

   Zhang Yi steady, Zhang San Zhang crazy, Zhang Liu Leng Jun......

   The seventh son of Taichu is a child of Zhang Kuang, but the former seventh son of Taichu seems to be carved out of a mold, and his personality is almost average, without his own personality.

   Not to mention the same father, even if they are twins, their personalities are different.

   Taichi Qizi did not have his own personality, just because he was suppressed by Zhang Kuang. Today, the seventh son of the early days really has their own personality, like the real seven people.

   Qin Haoxuan glanced at the seven people one by one, laughing and said: "Okay, don't call the vice-president or something. My child is still your father's righteous son. You call me my righteous father."

   "Right Father!"

   "Yes, just father!"

   "Have seen a righteous father!"

   "Adult Father..."

  Seven people spoke one after another, each person's title was different. This was a situation that never happened before.

   Qin Haoxuan waved his hand: "Okay, the time has come, go to the team."

   The voice fell, and he had flown out first.

   Behind him, the seventh son heard the three characters of the Pupu team in the beginning, each revealing an awe-inspiring color, and even unconsciously a burst of murderousness poured out.

   is not the murderousness generated by the killing intention of the team leader, but a natural murderousness, a kind of murderousness similar to the formation of a long battle.

   This murderous, more similar to the fighting intention!

   Qin Haoxuan looked at the seven sons in the beginning with some surprise. What did they experience after seven years? What did his own demons and the book of heaven and earth have done so that the seven could exude such killing intentions?

  Tengteng murderous sky.

  In the beginning, a group of masters immediately noticed the murderous sentiment, and their faces changed greatly.

   "In the early days, how could there be murderousness?"

"not good!"

   "That breath, moving!"

   Many masters got up and flew towards the place where the murderousness was distributed.

   Outside the hall of Huang Longfeng, Zhang Kuang, who was practicing, even opened his eyes.

   "The breath of those seven children? Can they still have that breath? What happened?" He got up and flew out.

  Mut Pu team.

   Today, the captains of the Pupu team gathered together, and watched a group of disciples rushing to kill.

Suddenly, among the captains, one of them wearing silver fish scale mail armor, mandarin duck leather boots, a lion jade belt wrapped around his waist, a heroic woman said: "Liu Guang, we were not here before, I heard you said, Deputy Chief Qin bet with you that half a month's time, let the seventh son of the junior to fight with us, and be able to defeat us in a short time. Counting the time, it should be today."

  Although she is a woman, she can't see a feminine femininity on her face, even her black hair is shorter than many men's hair.

  Liu Guang heard the woman's words for a moment, then froze a little, and then it reacted. She didn't care about it: "That thing, if you don't say I have forgotten, I didn't even care."

After he finished speaking, he looked aside, and the captains whose faces turned a little ugly quickly added quickly: "I said, what do you think. I'm not talking about Vice-Qin Qin's mind. That's our beginning The legend is even the most admired by Deacon Pan.

   I didn't care about anyone in Liu Guang's mind, but it was impossible not to pay attention to Vice Qin Jiao. Do you still understand me? I'm just a farmer's child. We have many children. My father passed away early. The whole family counted on my mother. The mother later became seriously ill and our whole family would not survive.

   At this time, it was Deacon Pan, who came to our village and found me. He cast a spell to heal his mother, and left enough money for our family to take me into the early days.

   If it wasn’t Deacon Pan, my mother, my brothers and sisters, my family, I’m afraid they would all starve to death. I have more respect for Deacon Pan than my father.

   And Vice-President Qin is the most respected by Deacon Pan, how could I not pay attention to Vice-President Qin? It was the vice-president Qin who said, let me help myself, I won't frown. What I said was not in my heart, it was the seventh son of the first day. "

"It's true that the seventh son of the first day, I didn't care much about them." On the side, a strong man with a big back and a big waist, like a tower, said with a strong voice: "They are children in charge. I really don't understand. , What kind of master is Zhang Jiao, how could there be such seven counselors."

"I don't understand." An extremely dark-colored, shirtless captain took the conversation and said with a look of contempt: "They are children in charge. If you have any questions on the way to practice, you can always ask the instructor. And I am close to them, and I have been practicing together since I was a child. To say something unpleasant, none of us present can match them.

   But what's the use of good qualifications? They are so cowardly. We have dealt with them before. Seriously, if I have their cultivation ability and combat strength, it is enough to crush any of you, but they. It's just that it can beat us. "

   "Don't say, the last time I played, I let out the murderousness. It seemed that Zhang Liu was fighting me. I saw fear in his eyes."

   "The seven people, they are really embarrassing to teach."

"You said, with these seven counseling packages, we can let them lead our team to destroy the team! Where is our team to destroy the team? We are against the people who can fight at the beginning, we want to destroy the Puguang Pavilion. Let them Come and bring us, and bring our team members to the same level as they do?"

   A group of captains talked eloquently. They really looked down on the Seventh Son of Taichu, and the last person to order was Qin Haoxuan, who was respected by their most respected deacon and a legend of Taichu.

  If someone else ordered the seventh son to take them, they could go directly to the door.

Among the captains, a female captain wearing a **** chain mail, slender and taller than some men interrupted the crowd and said, "Not to mention this first. Since Vice-President Qin has said so, I want to come to Vice-Qin Natural teaching will naturally bring people in. What we are thinking now is, what should we do then?"

"What should I do? Sun Ziqing, how did you ask this question, naturally you hit it." The brawny man in the iron tower disdained: "We can still be afraid of them? Well, the last time you started working with them, I didn't do it. Chance, this time they come, they must let Lao Tzu go."

   "It is natural to fight, the question is how to fight!" Sun Ziqing glared at the strong man and said: "Li Ruiguan, I doubt if you have any brains, but they are brought by Vice-President Qin."

"Yes, Deputy Master Qin must lose at the end, but if he loses too badly, Deputy Master Qin can't live up to his face." Liu Guang looked at several people and said: "Now they are practicing deacons, and wait for the deacons to come out and know This matter, when the time comes, but we have good-looking."

   "How much to give face."

   "Well, how long did you lose last time? Let's just lose a little bit faster."

   "Yes, so Qin Fuzhang can pass on the face."

   "That is, Deputy Master Qin brought people in. If you change to someone else, I don't want so much, I just hit it."

   "Also, that's it. Let's not pass on this matter, it spreads the reputation that affects Vice-President Qin."

   "Rest assured, I won't say it. It's not a glorious thing to fight with the seven sons in the beginning."

"makes sense."

   "Okay, don't say anything, I saw Vice Qin teach."

   Everyone looked up, Qin Haoxuan and the Seventh Son of Taichu successively flew down.

   "Qin Zhangjiao."

   "I have seen Qin Zhangjiao."

  When everyone saw Qin Haoxuan coming, they immediately stepped forward to say hello.

Qin Haoxuan looked at the crowd and nodded in satisfaction. He waited for the arrival of the others, but the captain stepped forward, and all the members of the Pupu team were still rushing to practice in the array, and they were not affected at all. The captain of the team led the team very well.

  He didn't say much, and said directly: "Half month time is up, today I will bring seven sons to fulfill the same day's gamble. Several captains, I don't know who of you is playing?"

Liu Guang stepped forward and glanced at the seventh son of the first half of the year. He had seen the seventh son of the first half a month ago, but he hadn’t seen it for half a month. When he saw the seventh son again, he vaguely felt a different feeling. It felt like he had seen it It's seven other people in general.

   However, he did not think much.

   In this half-month period, Deputy Qin Jiao will naturally train the seven sons, and it is normal for the seven sons to change.

   However, even if they practice again for half a month, it is impossible to crush them, and it is impossible for them to guide them to practice!

   He pointed his finger at the crowd and said, "I know that the Seventh Son of Taichu is good at formation. No matter how many people are in the other side, they are always the seven people fighting together.

   In this way, we are also seven players. As for the seven people, they are selected by them. "

   The last person who talked with Qin Haoxuan was him. This time, he naturally continued to come forward. As for the candidates, he also considered. Although these captains are all captains, they still have strengths and weaknesses.

   Let the first seven sons choose, and the first seven sons will naturally choose seven weak ones, so that in the end, Vice Qin teaches the face to be more beautiful.

  Qin Haoxuan chuckled lightly: "You don't have to tell me, this time it's their fight with you, it's up to you to discuss." Qin Haoxuan said, but retreated to the side.

   Behind him, after the first seven sons exuded the murderous energy, this time the murderous energy had converged.

Among the seven sons, Zhang Yi, who is the boss, stepped forward and said in a deep voice: "You don't need seven people to fight together. If we join together to defeat you, you won't be convinced. Seven of us will be with seven of you. People, one-on-one battle."

   "One-on-one battle? Are you sure?" Liu Guang heard Zhang Yi's words and even doubted whether he had heard it wrong. what is it today? Can't these seven counselors go crazy?

   Behind him, the captains of the mass extermination teams are also unusually eccentric. In the beginning, the seven sons were the strongest when they joined forces. Switching to one-on-one, these seven guys would be extremely difficult to win any of them. It's not easy. Any timid guy, in the face of their murderousness, may even lose under timidity.

  These seven counseling packages give them the opportunity to form a battle. They don't cherish themselves, they must fight one by one!

  Unknown to the captains of the annihilation team, a figure flew away in the distance.

  Hundred Flowers Hall Master Su Baihua, Nature Hall Master, Xiaojin, who claimed to have gone to the place of origin, even appeared to teach Zhang Kuang.

  Several people saw Jing Wei's seven sons standing on both sides and the captains of the mass extermination teams, and Qin Haoxuan in the middle, one by one.

   Zhang Kuang's eyes swept from everyone, and finally fell on Qin Haoxuan. He didn't have a good air: "You're back, don't practice well, what is this going to do?"

Qin Haoxuan replied directly: "Nothing, deal with the affairs of the early days. Since you practice every day and ignore the affairs of the early days, then I can only deal with it. As a teacher, I don't care about anything, I really don't know about you. How to be."

   "How can I do not need you to teach Lao Tzu?"

   "Why? You are not a good teacher, but..."

When Qin Haoxuan and Zhang Kuang opened their mouths, they started to talk to each other Around, the rushed people all had their heads up. This teaching and deputy teaching started again. This is what happens when people meet, and now they teach one by one vice assistants.

   The key is that they can’t manage it yet.

   Some people have even started to leave, and ran to Xia Yunzi to shock these two people.

  Behind, the captains of all the team members of the team were looking at each other. Why did it seem that they hadn't fought yet?

   These palm masters and deputy palm masters cannot fight.

   "I said the two of you, can you speak well." Suddenly, a clear voice came and Xu Yufei, who was holding her belly, fell down.

  Zhang Kuang saw Xu Yu appearing and snorted, but he no longer had a relationship with Qin Haoxuan. For Xu Yu's sake, he gave Qin Haoxuan a face.

   Qin Haoxuan didn't care about Zhang Kuang anymore. His child was about to give birth. He had to set an example and not be as general as Zhang Kuang.

Xu Yu looked at Qin Haoxuan and Zhang Kuang, who turned their heads away and did not look at each other. They were funny and curious in their hearts. Both of them were fathers, and the other was the head teacher. general.

   She was really speechless to these two people. She looked at the Seventh Son, who was not far away, and asked curiously, "What's going on?"


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