MTL - Too Early-v2 Chapter 1621 Dare to move my son to death

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  On the ancient road of Yin and Yang, Qin Haoxuan and the corpses of the first Yin and Yang fairy king in ancient and modern times exchanged their feelings on the avenue strangely.

   Qin Haoxuan finally began to understand why, so many people who walked the road of Yin and Yang from ancient times to now, only these two are called the first immortal king of ancient and modern Yin and Yang, and their perception of Yin and Yang is too deep!

   To some extent, Qin Haoxuan even thought that the two also embarked on the road of creating yin and yang. They analyzed the essence of yin and yang. The road of yin and yang at the foot of Qin Haoxuan's three people is their deepest concrete manifestation.

Gradually, Qin Haoxuan began to understand that these two initially set up this big formation, fearing that it was not for pursuing resurrection or so-called reincarnation like the fairy kings in the past. What they wanted to do was just to pass on and pass on their own ancient road of Yin and Yang Go on, so that the successors can push it to a higher level.

  Qin Haoxuan found that the Yin and Yang Fairy King had even gone through Zhang Kuang’s road, that is, turning the Six Immortals Six Arts into six different fairy palaces, and wanted to perform more Yin and Yang Ways.

   It turned out... A long time ago, the celestial princes of the dynasties had been trying to find a way out of different ways of cultivating immortals. The Yin and Yang Xianwang also thought of the six arts of cultivating immortals in such an early age.

Zhang Kuangjing swallowed the six arts left by the Yin and Yang fairy kings, although the other two also built the six art palaces, but at this point, Qin Haoxuan and Xu Yu are not the pioneers of the three, Zhang Kuang can understand One of the mysteries.

  Qin Haoxuan is more focused on understanding yin and yang, and life and death turn into yin and yang infinitely, there are yin and yang in reincarnation, and yin and yang are mixed in reincarnation.

   Xu Yu still maintains her state of Buddhism. Look at everything, learn everything, and absorb everything. Instead, her heavenly palace is rapidly expanding in this state.


  The two sarcophagi were another shock. The endless power of Yin and Yang made Qin Haoxuan feel the breath of life appearing in the sarcophagus. Is that... the Yin and Yang fairy king woke up?

  Qin Haoxuan stared at the sarcophagus, and he did not know that after the first ancient and modern Yin and Yang fairy king awakened, he would reveal the hostility and the mentality of dispelling the world as he did before his death.

In the exchange of consciousness, Qin Haoxuan knew that there was a special fairy king that was originally called the devouring fairy king, but over time, this fairy king found that he would eventually end up because of his life. Death, he changed...

   Devoured the fairy king and did not want to fall. He made a crazy action and began to kill the fairy repairers indiscriminately.

  Cultivation of the Immortal World, life and death is a common thing, which has become the fairy king's hands did not kill the sea of ​​corpses?

  However, even the blood of the corpse mountain, the fairy king or the deity, they will be relatively controlled. There is no need to kill out of the devil, and no one will ever touch it.

   devoured the fairy king to study the magic, intending to try a path he had never wanted to try, devouring all life in the world! And he really did!

   So, there was a hero in the world and the Xiuxian Realm. The demise of the Wanzai Church, even the Supreme Church, could not stop this once engulfing the fairy king.

  As the power of engulfment expands wildly, the engulfing fairy king has also completely entered the path of the demon, and has become the engulfing demon!

   Devoured Deity is not alone. At that time, there were also a large number of followers who fought with him. Among them, Wan Du Mozun wanted to find out the way to seek longevity by poisoning by killing different cultivators.

   Some people in history called this war a war of righteousness and evil... but the truth behind it has been flowing over time... gradually submerging.

   In the end, a war between man, demon and demon was completely launched.

  Venom Demon Venom exploded and died in the end. Although most of the poison was dispersed, there were still a few of the most elite poisons left, forming a place called Immortal Demon Entering and dying.

In that battle, devouring the Demon King alone to fight the big fairy kings, even the Yin and Yang Fairy King could not take any advantage. In the end, the Yin and Yang Fairy King design let Devon Devourer know where this Yaochi is, and let Devon Devourer know the Yaochi. What is the true essence.

   Devoured Demon Venerate was tempted into Yaochi. This ancient and modern ruthless man entered Yaochi and quickly devoured a little power of Yaochi to be recognized by Yaochi. Then he started to hunt down the creators in Yaochi.

   The Yin Yang fairy king launched a sneak attack on him while engulfing the deity, and although the creator was seriously injured after the wound, he still helped the Yin Yang fairy king to complete the suppression of the devoured deity.

  Obtained part of the power of Yaochi Demon King is too strong, Yin and Yang Fairy King can not kill him, only to seal him, hope that through the loss of time, this Shou Yuan is not a lot of Demon King live and die! Then his body will be crushed!

   Yes! I don’t know if it devoured the power of the deity, and swallowed the power of Yaochi, and actually lived in the seal for a short time, but instead killed the Yin and Yang fairy king who was injured in the war.

In order to prevent the demon from being born again, the Yin and Yang Fairy King used his last strength to set up a large formation. At the same time, he selected many mortals to give up, and left a lot of practice books, hoping that someone can practice the practice to a certain level. Finally, wake them up, or seal the underground seal.

   But...Yin and Yang immortal kings still count the Yao pond itself, lost the creator's Yao pond, and started a special reproduction of self, that is the monster that Qin Yilan hunted.

   However, the immortal classics left by the Yin and Yang fairy kings are incomprehensible to mortals, and they disappeared over time.

The reason why the Yin Yang fairy king is so determined, someone can have a great chance to wake them up, because this Yaochi is an incomplete new world, and their various arrays can relatively guide the rules of this small world, various sources Will bless Dao's newly born children, so that they have a better possible good species.

   The world outside is complete, no one can influence it, unless you are above the heaven and earth, otherwise there is no possibility.

And... this side of the world is also heterogeneous. In theory, no one, even the fairy king, will be the opponent of the creators here, but... there is a fierce master of the way of devouring to the unprecedented. Demon, hunting and killing the creators here, let the Yin and Yang fairy king discover the infinite possibilities here.

   It was just that the Yin and Yang fairy kings did not think that it was not the pieces they laid that awakened the two of them, but the difference among the strange numbers, from the outside world... from a little teacher beside the fairy fairy poison valley: too early!

   "Three Dao friends, be courteous."

   The two sarcophagi ceased publicity. A man and a woman slowly rose from the sarcophagus and gently clenched their fists at Qin Haoxuan.

  Qin Haoxuan looked at this man and a woman while holding his fists in return. The man looks handsome and handsome, as if the sky is falling, as long as this person is there, you can feel at ease.

  The woman's expression is cold, like a goddess in the stone, the power of pure Yin surrounds the whole body, and the fairy palace behind him slowly forms three.

  Qin Haoxuan knew that this fairy king II was not awake or was the pinnacle palace. It was not easy for them to have three palaces each.

Of course, Qin Haoxuan or Zhang Kuang will not despise the two people who only have three immortal palaces, because the ancient road of Yin and Yang under their feet has already returned to their bodies, and more importantly, the Yin and Yang fairy kings in this world Although the yin and yang qi are not fully absorbed by them, they will completely obey their orders here.

  Xu Yu knew that out of this world, if Qin Haoxuan really wanted to kill them, it was not difficult! Even if they are the fairy king II!

   If it is in this side of the world, the three people may not be able to win over the two together. The immortal king's legacy of yin and yang are still in this big formation, in this Yaochi.

   "In the early days, the vice-president Qin Haoxuan had seen the first Yinyang fairy king in ancient and modern times."

   "Teacher Zhang Kuang in the beginning."

   "Teacher Xu Yu at the beginning of the early days, I have seen the first Yin Yang fairy king in ancient and modern times."

   "The first king of yin and yang immortals in ancient and modern times? Is this what we are called outside now?" The man smiled with a bit of surprise: "After all, will no one surpass me in the way of yin and yang?"

   Qin Haoxuan nodded bitterly, and said that the two of you are also the top-level existence in any era. It is too difficult and too hard to exceed you.

   "Three people can call me Yangxian, this is my wife Yinxian."

   "Yang Xianren, Yin Xianren..." Qin Haoxuan clenched his fists.

   "Just now that the consciousness transmission, let me two know that the three want to lead your teacher away?" Yang Xianren spoke again.

   Zhang Kuang nodded and had an impulse. He wanted to suppress his fairy palace to three, and invited the other party to have a real discussion, because the hands could better understand many things that could not be understood by the exchange of consciousness.

   "The two of me wake up now, and it's easy to send your teacher to leave. It's just..." Yang Xianren said slightly: "I don't know if the three of you can do me a favor before leaving?"

   "Destroy the flesh that devoured the deity?" Qin Haoxuan knew that the fairy king was dead, and it was extremely difficult to truly destroy the flesh of the other party, otherwise there would be no thing that the three of them could not get close to the sarcophagus.

   "No! It's the killing of the second body that devoured the deity." Yin Xianren spoke for the first time, but his voice revealed the endless cold and cold killing intention.

  Qin Haoxuan was shocked, and the other person was alive? Why haven't you felt it in these years?

   "Although the two of us died, the Great Array has been running. At the moment when the two of them woke up, the Great Array that was laid down earlier had already sent a message, and the Devourer Devoured to die II..."

   A sword light broke through the void and fell in front of Qin Haoxuan, Zhang San's mana on the sword body condensed the image.

   "Yifu! There is a demon under the earth! Yi Lan is trapped! The disciple is reluctant to help, unable to support for a long time! Also please Yifu quickly come to help..."

  Qin Haoxuan received the sword and drove the sword light in his hand and ran straight to the place of the seal that the Yin and Yang Fairy King had informed.

  The other four people couldn't take care of the chat at this time, and they all drove away after Jianguang.

The five continued to receive the message from Zhang Sanfei's sword in the air. As several experiences of Zhang Sanlin's imminent danger, almost all the information was recorded in it. The big demon fell in love with Qin Yilan's double purple species and wanted to be independent. Standing body.

The Yin Yang fairy king was surprised first, and then the scalp became numb. They never thought that there would be such a gift for turning against the sky in the world. They thought that the purple seed was the end of the talent for turning against the sky, but they did not expect to pass countless years. , Xiuxian Realm appeared a more terrible freak.

   Double purple species! If these two purple species were taken away by the second body of Devouring Demon Venerable...Yinyang Immortal King II really did not know how to deal with the other party if they really grew up.

  Qin Haoxuan's anxious foot was quicker, but he saw a sword with devil qi in front of him soaring into the sky, and all the falling Heaven Tribulation was cut to pieces.

   "Repair my child!"

Qin Haoxuan roared and roared with Zhang Kuang at the same time, and the fairy palace bloomed to the extreme behind them. Together with Xu Yu, they went straight into the light. If the Yin and Yang Fairy King II was in this world, they would even chase The dust left by Qin Haoxuan can't be done.

   "Want to take my body? You deserve it too!"

  Qin Yilan flew out from under the earth. Although the whole body was bathed in blood, Qin Yilan had a unique pride in his eyes.

Under the abyss, the entire devouring Demon King II's body is going to be crazy. He thought he had been practicing hard for a hundred years, and the existence of the Immortal King II's body inherited too many things from the Immortal King. Even if the opponent is a double purple This kind of genius has a fairy palace, and it will be easily crushed by himself in terms of consciousness.

  However, I don’t understand Devouring Devils! why! A ‘little boy! ‘Why the consciousness is so powerful! Powerful to the point of losing money! Powerful enough to be hit hard by the opposite party! If it is not that your consciousness is running fast, and the time is delayed longer, it may be that the consciousness will be difficult to recover from the wound!

   If the battle of death does not retreat... Devouring the deity suspects that he will be advantaged by standing on the ground, UU reads through a long battle to completely destroy his consciousness.

  Not only cannot devour the deity, but it may also be incomprehensible for the individual.

Qin Yilan was born in Zhenxian Mountain at that time. Because his mother was heterogeneous and under special circumstances, he had the talent of fairy species that ordinary people can't imagine. He also inherited Qin Haoxuan's consciousness that can only be described by terror. Heredity.

   Qin Yilan, who was born with a strong sense of consciousness since his childhood, after so many years of cultivation, Zhang Kuang lamented that he was old.

   devoured the deity and wanted to swear, what kind of two young monsters are he fucking? Isn’t the other consciousness too exaggerated? If not, should I just invade the young man's body? He has a new direction for future exercises that no one else can possibly find a way to soar through that.

   "Swallow the deity, you are dead!"

   Zhang Kuang and Qin Haoxuan came to Qin Yilan instantly. The anger of the father and the godfather reached the zenith at this moment, and the fairy palace behind was shining brighter than the sun.

   A matchless sword light that shakes the world!

   A domineering Pentium prestige suits the four real dragons!

   hit the abyss with the power to tear all the space.

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