MTL - Top Quality Beauty Cultivation System-Chapter 685 The abilities of stealing memory

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Looking closely at the passengers around him, Surin carefully looked at the people and wanted to find the one who had just attacked him.

However, on this plane, there are nearly two hundred people. Surin can now look at it at a glance, and there is no way to find the one who just attacked himself.

Because the other side attacked him, through the mental power, Su Lin is not a mental power abilities, can not capture the other side's spiritual power traces, naturally can not find him.

"Not good! Why do the versatile people do it to me? Where is the abilities of the abilities? Is it our China? Or the abilities of the sneak sneak into the country?"

In addition to the inability to find the abilities, Surin has not figured out what forces are being sent to him, even the spiritual powers.

"It shouldn't be our country. After all, Master and Chen Commander are very good to me. They are not like people with two sides and three knives. It is impossible for me to do things for them. Let the abilities come to deal with me. What?"

In any case, Surin is not willing to believe that the country's power team will deal with him. If that is the case, it will hurt his heart. However, knowing that he is on this flight, it is precisely Yuan Mingliang. Because of the ticket to and from Surin, Yuan Mingliang ordered it for him. Of course, this ticket is all done with Surin’s ID card. It is not excluded that other forces have found Surin’s whereabouts. This is not difficult.

If the Huaxia State's ability group is excluded, Surin feels that the most likely group is the power group of the country, and if the country is also a power group. That is obviously more likely to be a dwarf country.

I looked around this flight because it was a domestic flight, flying from Wuyishan to Beijing, so Huaxia people accounted for the majority. Surin counted, foreigner looks, there are two in the first class, there are seven in the economy class, four men and five women.

However, Surin does not have any evidence at present, which can indicate who among these people is the one who attacks himself.

This made Su Lin a little anxious. Even if he has the best beauty growing system. There are a lot of time abilities, and there is no way to find this abilities from so many passengers. Unless the abilities can start working on Surin again, it is possible to find him.

But now it seems that the abilities. There is no more use of Surin at all. Obviously he must have also discovered that Surin has noticed. I dare not go out easily.

Just as Surin watched the passengers on the entire plane very carefully, he wanted to wait for the rabbit, and waited for the other person to catch him when he shot him again or shot at someone else. The flight attendant Luo Qingqing pushed the trolley all the way to the passengers to send drinks.

"Sorry, sir, what do you want to drink?"

Still maintaining a professional smile, Luo Qingqing came to Surin's front, then leaned down and asked.

"Hey! Give me a cup of coconut juice."

Surin's current attention is all looking for the one who counts his own power, so he just ordered a drink. He didn't know that Luo Qingqing is now normal on the surface, but there seems to be a little deer in his heart. He is jumping wildly. When he handed Su Lin over the coconut juice, he secretly took out a card and pressed it. Under the cup.

After doing this, Luo Qingqing did not dare to stay in front of Surin, and quickly pushed to the back of the economy class, and then did not dare to look back, although she would like to know, Su Lin saw that the one given After the card, what kind of reaction would be, but Luo Qing really did not dare to look back.

"The cautious abilities, did not even shoot again?"

Surin noticed for a long time, the plane was about to reach the end, a little disappointed to pick up the coconut juice, a sip, and then saw the card under the cup.

"Hey? This card? Is that flight attendant Luo Qingqing stay?"

Picking up the card, Surin laughed, a very cute little card with a cute little **** it, apparently Luo Qingqing hurriedly painted with a signature pen, then next to the little girl, writing a line of words "Thank you for your time, Su Lin." At the same time, I also attached a string of mobile numbers. Needless to say, Su Lin certainly knows that this is definitely the mobile phone number of Luo Qingqing.

"Hey! Why is this?"

If it was before, Su Lin would definitely find a way to hook up with this beautiful big **** steward. After all, this Luo Qingqing is also a type that Su Lin likes. He needs a face, a body, and looks pretty cute. of. But now, Su Lin’s own troubles are so many, the women around him are enough for him, and where can he dare to provoke other women?

Therefore, although Su Lin knows that Luo Qingqing is interesting to himself, he can only say sorry in the heart with this beautiful big **** stewardess.

Put the card with the cute little girl in the pocket, and Surin pretended not to happen anything, and continued to watch the cabin. Even if he couldn't find the person with this power, Su Lin relied on his powerful memory to remember the faces of everyone on the plane.

The benefits of this are obvious, as long as the next time the abilities attack themselves like this, even if Surin still can't find clues, but if you compare the people around you twice, you can immediately recognize him.

Now, when Su Lin can't find this power, he has no choice but to move. However, this experience has also alerted him. Regardless of the power of the abilities, it is indicated that Surin was eyeing.

This enemy is in the dark, not face to face with Surin, which gives Surin a powerful feeling of nowhere. Similarly, because he did not know the characteristics of this abilities, Surin could not find him with the superposition of the best beauty system.

The enemy is dark, I know, Su Lin really does not like this feeling. Even in the face of the aircraft carrier of the country, Su Lin can still talk and laugh, because he knows that as long as he has lost a fast-forward time, the aircraft carrier of the country will become scrap iron in minutes. But now, knowing that this enemy is on the plane, Surin has nothing to do.

Even though Surin’s time control function is invincible, there is no specific enemy object, and Surin can’t get rid of him. Even if Surin really killed him, he was as mad as some people, and the passengers on the entire plane were harmed. But behind this scene, the leader, Surin still has no way to find out.

Therefore, Su Lin’s current problem is not to find such a sneak attacker, but to find the forces behind it. Only by figuring out who is playing the abacus behind him can he thoroughly The ground is removed from this force.

"It seems that someone has done it to me, can't keep it, and will do it to the people around me. It's like this time, if it wasn't for me to arrive in time, the consequences would be unimaginable."

There were too many things happening in these two days. I remembered the black worms and the skin sacs that had been sucked up. Su Lin was afraid after a while. If I didn’t hear the screams and didn’t save the Qin, then I would never Can't you see Qin Haoran?

There are also Fang Liping, Ye Xingzhu, Lin Qingxue, Ji Gong Qingzi, Han Xiaoxiao, Han Lingling, Sun Li, and Su Lin found that even if they have the best beauty system, they can pause time, local objects time back and so on. But it is still too weak. His ability is limited. He has to protect so many people, and he is still scattered. If he is kidnapped again, and he doesn't know anything at all, isn't he going to be killed?

No matter where a woman is killed, Surin will regret for the rest of her life and will not forgive herself for the rest of her life. What Sun is most afraid of now is the power behind this power group, and the woman around her has started.

Surin is not afraid of them coming to find themselves, because they have the best beauty system, even if it is a sneak attack, he also has the best beauty to develop a system to defend themselves. But his woman does not have this ability, and if they are caught by them, they are in danger.

"After getting off the plane, we must remind the bamboo sisters to be vigilant."

In order to prevent this from happening again, Surin decided to call Ye Xingzhu the first time after getting off the plane.

"Hey! How? Qing Qing, I just saw you getting a small card, gave Su Lin?"

The plane was about to land. Hu Lili squinted at Luo Qingqing next to her. "This time, we will stay in Beijing for about two days. You can have an appointment with him to go shopping and watch movies!"

"Lily... I... oh!"

Luo Qingqing's gaze was dodged, and she looked at Surin. In her heart, she didn't know. Su Lin looked at her card. Will she call her?

Flight c75621 landed slowly at the Capital Airport in Beijing, until the plane landed, and Surin still could not find the sneak attacker. Su Lin also knew that there was no result in this way. After the plane was below, he went directly to Qin’s address, which is the old man’s residence.

What Su Lin didn't know was that when he disappeared at the airport exit, among the passengers who followed him, there was a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face, and immediately found a secluded place, with an apparently The encrypted phone dialed the phone.

"The mission failed. Although I used the mental power to invade Surin's brain, but did not steal a trace of memory. And, it seems to have been discovered by him, but I cover it very well, not found by him. But I am afraid, he has already become suspicious. What should I do next? Su Lin must also be a versatile person. My mental power is not useful to him."

This abilities who are reporting to the higher level are actually a versatile person who can use mental power to steal the memory of others' minds. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: third!