MTL - Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom-Chapter 1219 swollen feet

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"Chang Xia, eat some dried apricots."

"I have fried nuts here, which are delicious."

Chang Xia decided to go back to the Baihu Cave, and was fed by everyone along the way. There are countless dried fruits and nuts, not to mention hands, there are several animal pouches around Chang Xia's waist. It is filled with dried fruits and nuts of various colors, which is everyone's wish.

Chang Xia wanted to refuse, but before she could speak, the thing was stuffed into her hand.

Wild fruits from the Holubad Basin, whether fresh or sun-dried, are delicious. In the end, all comers from the long summer will not be rejected.

Put a pen and paper in your waist, a mouthful of dried fruit, a mouthful of nuts.

What to eat, nothing to say.

As he walked, Chang Xia hurriedly speeded up.

She can't speed up.

The orcs in the distance wanted to feed Chang Xia.

If Chang Xia doesn't hurry up, they will all come over and stuff things.

"Chang Xia, where are you going?" Nanfeng sat on the threshold, watching Chang Xia come back from the direction of the Xiaohechuan wilderness, and before she could speak, he continued: "You went to the Xiaohechuan wilderness to open up wasteland? Your belly is still there." Can work, beware of injury."

"No." Chang Xia waved his hand and explained: "I'm going to count the cultivated land in the Xiaohechuan wilderness, understand the progress of land reclamation, and do some research along the way."

With that said, he untied the animal bag on his waist.

Then hand it to Nanfeng and tell her that it contains dried fruit and nuts.

"Dried fruits and nuts from the three tribes." Nanfeng was very pleasantly surprised.

Dried fruits and nuts are the most delicious in the Holubad Basin. Unfortunately, the quantity is limited, and the orcs of the three tribes did not exchange supplies. There are quite a few tribal warehouses, and Nanfeng will exchange for xylophones every now and then.

"Yes. Patriarch Kaku and the others gave it to you. You like to eat it..." Chang Xia said.

There are still many in her cellar, and Nanfeng likes to eat.

Every time the south wind comes, Chang Xia will prepare for the south wind.

"They planted a lot of wild fruit tree saplings in the wilderness of the small river. After a few years, even if we don't go to the Horubad Basin, we can still eat all kinds of wild fruits. It's really cool!" Nanfeng chewed the dried fruit and put The rattan basket at his feet kicked Chang Xia.

"I've picked a few new pickled fruits for you. Let me know which pickled fruit you like, and I'll bring you some more."

Chang Xia bent down and lifted the rattan basket.

Shout the south wind into the cave courtyard.

Taking off the leaves covering the rattan basket, looking at the colorful pickled fruits in the pottery bowl, I suddenly felt my mouth saliva and hungry.

"You're so beautiful! Wild fruit tree saplings can't grow so fast. Besides, the climate in the Baihe River Basin is different from that in the Horubad Basin, so the taste of the wild fruit must be different." Chang Xia picked up a blue pickled fruit. Stuffed it into the mouth, in an instant, a sour taste filled the whole mouth.


This tastes a bit like greengage.

However, it has a sweeter taste than green plums.

Gan taste is different from sweet taste. This green pickled fruit, the more you chew, the sweeter it tastes in your mouth. This should be the sweetness aftertaste.

"Nanfeng, what kind of fruit is this?" Chang Xia picked up another green pickled fruit and asked Nanfeng the name of the fruit. After the fruit is pickled, it looks a little different.

In addition to the wild fruits of the general public, such as peaches and flat apples.

Chang Xia really couldn't recognize the name of the blue pickled fruit.

"Do you like the fruit of the big tree fruit?" Nan Feng said.

Chang Xia threw another one into his mouth, and said vaguely: "The fruit of the big tree fruit looks like this? I don't seem to have eaten a fresh big tree fruit, and it's the first time to eat it today. The taste is not bad, it's pretty good. It tastes a bit like Muzi fruit and green plum fruit, but a bit sweeter than Muzi fruit and green plum fruit.”

"I like it, I'll get you a jar next time." Nanfeng pointed to the other pickled fruits and asked Chang Xia to taste them one by one. If you like it, just write it down.

Entering the cave courtyard, Nanfeng walks directly towards the corridor pavilion.

Chang Xia put down the rattan basket to fetch water to wash his face and hands.

Even though she had washed her hands in Xiaohechuan Canal, she always felt unclean.

cough cough!

However, whatever was in hand was eaten.

It doesn't matter if you wash it or not.

Washing, but for psychological reasons.

"Chang Xia, you've been very busy recently! What are you busy with?" Nan Feng said. Some time ago, Chang Xia might have been sleeping late at this point, but recently she was always missing. If it wasn't for sure that Chang Xia hadn't left the tribe, Nan Feng would have been worried that she had gone into the forest?

"What can I do?" Chang Xia paused and answered Nan He's question naturally.

Another month and a half.

Dusk Forest will usher in snowfall, entering the cold season.

With the experience of last year, the Heluo Tribe arranged everything in an orderly manner.

Without the fear and tension of last year, everything went smoothly.

"How do I know what you're busy with? If I knew, I'd ask you." Nanfeng pouted, and said, "My stomach is getting heavier every day, and I feel uncomfortable when I sleep at night. I wake up from time to time, and my feet always have cramps."

"Are you drinking the medicinal food?" Chang Xia asked worriedly.

She has been drinking the medicated diet and wakes up at night, but it is not a big problem.

According to Nanfeng, the problem seems to be a bit serious.

"I'm drinking, but I always have to get up to go to the toilet at night, which is very annoying." Nan Feng was very distressed. She pointed to her feet and said, "Chang Xia, look at my feet. They are so swollen that I can't even put on my rattan shoes. I can only change to this kind of flip-flops. The old shoes couldn't squeeze them in." go in."

Chang Xia came over to dry his face and hands.

Half squatting, leaning over, looking at Nan Feng's feet.

"Your feet are really swollen, you have to let Granny Su Ye take a look." Chang Xia said nervously, "Does Xylophone know your condition?"

"I know." Nan Feng said.

Xylophone learned that Nanfeng's feet were severely swollen, and has already helped find herbal medicine, planning to let Changxia soak her feet. If the swelling continued, Nanfeng might not even be able to walk. UU reading

"What did she say?" Chang Xia asked.

Contemplating, there is no relevant information about edema in my mind.

Chang Xia has no way to solve this situation.

"She is looking for herbs, and she plans to let me soak my feet." Nanfeng said: "I heard that the tribe used to have females with cubs, which is similar to my situation. The witch asked her to boil a few herbs to make a soup, and then use the soup to soak her feet .”

"It's fine as long as it's nothing serious. Soaking your feet is good. Soaking your feet at night is better for your physical and mental health. But don't soak them for too long." Chang Xia heaved a sigh of relief, fearing that it would not be resolved. If it can be solved, there is no problem.

"En!" Nanfeng nodded.

The snake went to the forest to hunt, but he also said it was the last time this year.

The cellar is full of food, so it doesn't necessarily mean that they have to go hunting in the forest. It's just that snakes want Nanfeng to eat better, so they want to stock up on everything.

Just learned that Shen Rong brought Yuan Yi into the forest.

So, Snake Xing chose to go together without thinking too much.

Busy, snakes are not the only one. Other members of the tribe also have their own tasks. This year the tribe will add hundreds of people, and the task of the tribe hunting team is very heavy.

Fortunately, there are rice sent by the tiger tribe and the bear tribe, plus the ginkgo fruit and various mountain products hoarded by the tribe. Otherwise, the Heluo Tribe will have to shrink their clothing and diet this year.

11-5: Thanks to echi Momo for feeding the 1-month ticket, and immediately feeding the 3-month ticket, jelly beans for the July ticket, Weiliang for the February ticket, Lily for the 1-month ticket, Baizhi is a hairpin seller for the 3-month ticket , Feed the 1-month ticket for the ink tone color, feed the 2-month ticket for the blowing puffer fish, feed the 1-month ticket for Xiaomei, feed the 2-month ticket for mifeng55, and feed the 1-month ticket for the tsundere bottle.

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