MTL - Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom-Chapter 1220 Soak your feet, don't worry

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"Chang Xia, is Nanfeng at your house?"

The sound of the xylophone is slightly hurried, from far to near.

Hearing the sound, the two chatting in the courtyard of the cave stood up, spoke at the same time, and replied, "Yes."

"She's not in the cave, so I knew she would definitely come to you." Xylophone smiled and crossed the threshold, lit the south wind from the air, and said: "The medicine I brought to soak your feet has already been boiled for you. Wait until For a while, I'll watch over your feet."


Nanfeng giggled.

Successfully abducted Eminem back to his cave dwelling.

Tonight, Father must be jumping in the tribe.

The feet need to be soaked several times, and it is impossible for Xylophone to let Nan Feng soak his feet in the cave alone. Fetching water and pouring water are not so safe.

Seeing this, Chang Xia glanced at Nan Feng strangely, always feeling that she was smiling maliciously.

"I'll send pickled fruit to Chang Xia," Nan Feng said.

Xylophone's eyes fell on the pickled fruit on the Sifang table, Nanfeng could do nothing but pickled fruit. In the future, instead of hunting and picking in the forest, it would be good to open a shop on Baihu Street to sell pickled fruits.

It's safe and you can support your family.

"I went to Xiaohechuan Wilderness in the morning. Chief Kaku and the others gave me a lot of dried fruits and nuts. I saw that Nanfeng likes to eat them, so I gave them to her."

Jian Xylophone noticed that there was no clean dirt on her feet.

Chang Xia didn't hide anything, and opened his mouth to explain.

If it weren't for carrying the cubs, Chang Xia would have followed up the whole process of opening up wasteland in Xiaohechuan. However, it is also very good to hand it over to Patriarch Lu Qi and the others.

"Next time you go there, remember to ask a few more clansmen to follow." Xylophone urged.

There are no fences around the tribe, although totem warriors clear out the Mutant Forest every now and then. However, it is still not very safe.

Xylophone doesn't want Chang Xia to be busy.

It would be safer to call in a few more clansmen before leaving the White Lake Cave Dwelling.


Chang Xia understood xyloqin's worry and hurriedly nodded in response.

At the same time, tell Xylophone that she did not go to Xiaohechuan Wilderness alone, but followed other orcs and went there together.

Chang Xia was also a little nervous going back and forth between the two places alone.

The road from the wilderness in the south of Baihu Lake to the wilderness of Xiaohechuan is sparsely populated, and it is not safe to walk alone.

Chatted for a while.

Xylophone shouted to Nanfeng to leave.

After all, there is still a fire in the cellar over there to boil medicine, so you can't leave it for too long.

Before leaving, Chang Xia asked Nanfeng to take away all the dried fruits and nuts on the table, and there were still many in the cellar she wanted to eat.

Nanfeng happily agreed.

Take all the animal bags on the table, happy to go home with the xylophone.

Sending off the xylophone south wind, Chang Xia enters the living room.

At this moment, it is not yet noon.

Chang Xia is not in a hurry to prepare lunch.

Kick off the rattan shoes on the feet, throw them under the steps, and take them to the water tank to rinse later. Holding the pen and paper recorded in the morning, I plan to organize them into a book for later viewing.

There are two pots of ice crystal grass branches in the courtyard of the cave dwelling.

The temperature in the cave dwelling is comfortable.

When Chang Xia went to the kang, he was not in a hurry to sort out the notebooks, and reclined on the kang bed to rest his mind.

Before I knew it, the whole person fell asleep.

When the xylophone brought barbecued meat and bone soup, he saw Chang Xia lying on the kang bed, sleeping unconscious.


Xylophone smiled and shook her head.

Put down the barbecue and soup, and shake up the long summer.

Let her eat before going to bed.

Why! Shen Rong should have been stopped in the first place and let the tribe replace other totem warriors with Yuan Yi to go hunting and picking in the forest. How can Chang Xia get away from people in this situation?

The same goes for the south wind.

Snake is also young, and it is inevitable that some things are not thoughtful.

"Xylophone Eminem..."

"It's me, I brought you a barbecue and soup, you get up for lunch first, and then go to bed after eating." Xylophone said warmly.

Chang Xia dazedly sat up and got off the kang.

It was only when he picked up the bone soup that he became fully awake.

The rich bone soup stimulated the newly awakened taste buds. Chang Xia lowered his head and drank it in big gulps.

This bone broth is so delicious!

While drinking soup, look at the barbecue and pancakes on the table.

Chang Xia ate very happily.

"You! It's just that you have a kind heart. Yuan Yi went hunting in the forest. There are so many totem warriors in the tribe. Anyone can go. Why did you agree to Shen Rong? You have to let him go with you. This trip will take three years at least. Five days."

While eating, listen to the nagging sound of the xylophone.

Chang Xia is in a great mood.

"A Rong can't trust Yuan Yi, so it's more reassuring to follow in person." Chang Xia didn't hide anything, and directly pointed out Shen Rong's thoughts. Yuan Yi is A Yu'er's partner and a member of the Heluo tribe. In addition, he also bears the identity of the direct line of the Yuan family.

Once something happens.

It must be very involved.

"There is someone in the tribe who is more suitable than him." Xylophone whispered: "Have you forgotten who A Yu'er grew up with? It is impossible for Elder Shui to be A Yu'er's only apprentice."

This said.

The corner of Chang Xia's mouth twitched.

She and Shen Rong really forgot about the water elder.

Unfortunately, it's too late to regret now.

" go to live in Nanfeng, and you live alone, I don't worry about it."

Nanfeng's family boiled medicine, which was to soak Nanfeng's feet. Otherwise, Nanfeng should be happy to come and live with Chang Xia.

"Xylophone, don't worry, I can do it alone." Chang Xia said.

She is a bit obsessed with the bed, and she will not be used to living in Nanfeng's house. Besides, the two families were so close together that something was wrong, she yelled, and everyone could hear her.

Persuaded several times.

Chang Xia didn't agree, and Xylophone didn't speak again. UU Reading www.

It's just that I plan to make the patrolling totem warriors more vigilant.

Walk around Chang Xia's house more often, if anything happens, you can always help.

"Don't move, just leave it to me to clean up."

Chang Xia just finished eating and was about to stand up to clean up when he was stopped by the xylophone.

After tidying up, the xylophone left quickly with the wicker basket in hand.

Chang Xia rubbed his full stomach, got up and walked around the living room. It's starting to get hot and sunny outside. She feels more comfortable in the cave!

After eating, Chang Xia went to the kang to tidy up the morning record book.

Paddy fields, vegetable fields, orchards.

"When the golden stick seeds are cultivated in the vegetable garden, a piece of golden stick land can be reserved in the Xiaohechuan wilderness. Corn, there is no rush."

The tribe has rice, and the corn can be exchanged with the wolf clan.

Harvesting corn is too troublesome, and Chang Xia feels a headache. She doesn't care too much about growing corn seeds, she might as well plant some barley/barley. Wheat species, Heluo tribe has. No, it should be said that there is Changxia.

It was given by Yuan Yi, and it was robbed last time when I was in Xiaoyutan.

At the same time, there was also the raid by Gru and Kun. Those seeds are kept in the long summer, and some of the fruits and vegetables planted in the vegetable garden come from their gifts. Some long summers cannot be recognized, and they plan to identify them after they are planted.


At present, the Heluo tribe has just started to cultivate rice.

Changxia hopes that the people of the tribe will focus on growing rice. Wait for the rice planting to mature, and then add other planting projects appropriately. This is the most stable transition.

Chang Xia was worried about causing trouble by rashly touching a variety of crops.

After all, every crop is grown differently.

They are all new to farming, so it is not advisable to stride too far, as it is easy to tear the egg and drop the crotch.

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