MTL - Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom-Chapter 13 planning to build a kiln

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"Chang Xia, it's hard work." Xylophone smiled and stepped into the animal den. Looking up and looking around, her eyes touched the rattan baskets of different sizes in the corner. Immediately, her eyes sparkled.

See you.

There's nothing left that I don't understand.

"These are woven by Shen Rong." Gen took a rattan basket and handed it over to Xylophone, his words were full of praise for Chang Xia.

Xylophone took the rattan basket and looked at it repeatedly.

"This rattan basket is good, easy to pick and collect." Xylophone said.

It is inconvenient for tribal beast cubs to use a carrying basket. They never thought of making the carrying basket smaller. Today, she looked at the large and small sacks and baskets in the Changxia beast den, and there was nothing she could not understand.

At the same time, Xylophone deeply recognizes Gen Praise Chang Xia.

Except for his weak body, Chang Xia is very good.

Unfortunately, Nanfeng is female.

Xylophone really wanted to let Nanfeng live with Changxia and take care of Changxia for the rest of her life.

"Chang Xia, Eminem knows that you can live a good life." Xylophone patted Chang Xia on the shoulder, put down the rattan basket, and circled around the animal nest, full of satisfaction. Especially when his eyes fell on the food on the stove, his expression was full of happiness.

The children they raised were finally able to live alone.

In addition to gratification, it is more complicated to give up.

"Xylophone Amu, sit down quickly. Come and taste the food I cook, these are prepared for you." Chang Xia was very happy and invited Gen and Xylophone to take a seat. There were no tables and chairs in the animal den, so she pulled out the rattan curtain and used it as a cushion. The baskets and rattan baskets were turned over and they became a table.

Fish **** and wild vegetables soup, fried meat and fried wild vegetables, stewed meat, plus boiled river prawns and steamed river crabs. This meal is very rich.

Gen and them looked at it, their eyes widened.

The daily staple food of the tribe is roasted meat and stew.

Barbecue, as the name suggests, is to roast and eat raw meat. Stir-frying is to add meat cut into pieces and add the roots of various plants, or wild vegetables, etc. The main dish of the stew is meat, but the orcs don't know how to remove the smell, so one can imagine how terrifying the taste of the stew will be.

The fish ball and wild vegetable soup is delicious and juicy, and the fried meat and fried wild vegetables are crispy and fragrant. Coupled with the soft, glutinous and easy-to-eat stewed meat, the Q-strength of the river shrimp, and the deliciousness of the river crab.

Start eating.

The family of three eats without even lifting their heads.

"Ah! I'm so full."

"Chang Xia, tell Xylophone Amu what else is missing at home."

In a quarter of an hour, the cups and plates were in disarray.

Everyone slumped on the rattan curtain with their stomachs slumped.

With an aftertaste expression on his face, he felt that he had lived in vain for the past few decades.

"Changxia wants to build a kiln and needs to exchange resin with the tribe. Wood and stone materials are temporarily used from the south wind, and other things need to be exchanged." Gen explained, in fact, even if you don't say it, the tribe knows that Changxia wants to build a kiln, more or less. provide support.

Xylophone nodded and said, "Chang Xia, tell Nanfeng what you want to do directly, and let her help you. In a few days, the witch will come over. I will wait for the next tribe to exchange some pottery for you. The animal den lacks pottery. No way."

Before Chang Xia could speak, Gen and Xylophone made a direct decision.

In their eyes, Shen Rong was not much better than Chang Xia, the sick seedling.

Seeing this, Shen Rong, apart from being helpless, remained silent and chose to eat soft rice.

Chang Xia responded with a smile, full of happiness.

"Xylophone Amu, I won't be polite to Nanfeng." Chang Xia nodded, with the help of the tribe, maybe the kiln could be repaired before the rainy season. Just thinking about it made Chang Xia very happy.

So, she took the branch and sketched it on the floor.

"...To build a kiln, the first step is to dig the foundation; the second step is to build the cave; the last step is to build the gables and install the doors and windows."

Chang Xia carefully inspected the soil layer here.

Thick and sturdy.

It is very suitable for building a kiln.

For the orcs, mining is very simple.

The difficulty is the doors and windows. The doors can be made of wood, but the windows are troublesome. Chang Xia could not find a replacement glass for the time being, so he could only make wooden windows with field characters. Then hang the animal skin to cover it, just like the animal skin on the top of the animal nest.

Here comes.

The light in the kiln will be much worse.

However, Nan Feng told Chang Xia that the bird tribe has a kind of stone that glows.

Chang Xia was going to find a witch, and exchanged this luminous stone with the bird tribe, using this luminous stone instead of torches/lights for lighting.

There is no direct trade between orcs, birds and fishes.

It can only be traded through witches of various races or participating in the Normandy Grand Bazaar. At the same time, the same is true within the Orcs.

In Chang Xia's memory, there was not much contact between the various tribes of the orc tribe.

Every time I make contact, I am in the holy mountain of Karna, asking for Wu's opinion. Wu nodded, and each tribe would contact and communicate. Of course, there will be surprises. For example, in the event of natural and man-made disasters, all tribes will also be in contact.

This seems to be closed and primitive, but in fact it greatly protects the development and reproduction of various tribes.

"Listen, it's similar to a cave." Nan Feng muttered.

Chang Xia shook his head and retorted: "A cave, how can it be compared with a cave. The cave I plan to build is called the Kuoshan Cave. The cave is dug on the west side of the hillside, and then the entire hillside is included."

Chang Xia is very ambitious.

Originally, I didn't plan to build a big kiln.

When Nan Feng said that the cave was like a cave, she immediately became unhappy.

The hillside of Linhu is very large, so Chang Xia decided to play with a big one. This hillside is directly built into a cave dwelling in the city. The specifications are the same as those of a courtyard house. The hillside and the cave are combined to form a back-shaped cave, which is like a sunken cave.

Thinking of this, Changxia compares the terrain of the hillside.

Found this idea seems like a good idea.

He opened the main gate on the side facing the lake, and dug out two caves on the left and right to make it look like a building. It is very suitable for living or storing things.

Chang Xia likes to hoard, and the animal den is dozens of square meters, and it can't hold much things at all.

The kilns are large enough that they can be stored in different categories in the long summer. The more he thought about it, the more excited the expression on Chang Xia's face became.


The four of them listened to Chang Xia's description.

Everyone was stunned.

Even the place where Wu lived was not as good as the cave dwelling described by Chang Xia.

Can they really build such a cave?

At this moment, even the well-informed Shen Rong quietly quieted down.

"Chang Xia, such a cave... Can we really build it?" Gen looked at Chang Xia cautiously, with excitement that could not be ignored.

The Heluo tribe has lived on this land for thousands of years. The beast nest is not comparable to the bird's nest, but it provides shelter for the beast.

Unlike some orcs who live in caves, the Heluo tribe is more willing to make beast dens as their home.

Even if it rains in the rainy season, UU reading www. uukanshu. com will be frozen in the cold season.

The animal den is still the first choice of the orcs.

"Patriarch, how do you know the result if you don't try?" Chang Xia asked back.

In the last years, the social order collapsed.

Human beings have regressed one after another from mechanical civilization, creating things with their bare hands, not just talking about it. Before, due to his weak body, Chang Xia could only be forced to get used to everything of the Heluo tribe. Now, with a choice, Chang Xia naturally doesn't want to wrong himself.

Utilize everything around you, this is what creatures with intelligent life should do. Otherwise, what's the difference with the beast? !

"I can't help you, but I can give you Nanfeng. If there are any tribal people who are willing to help, I will not stop them." Gen said seriously.

He represents the Heluo tribe and cannot express his position at will.

However, the south wind is different.

She doted on Chang Xia herself, and stayed to help Chang Xia do some outrageous things. Even if the clansmen have ideas, they will not go too far.

Chang Xia grinned and smiled lightly.

"Thank you, Patriarch!"

Looking at the sun outside, Gen and Xylophone got up and prepared to leave.

Whether it is rattan shoes, fish **** and fried meat, etc. They all need to handle it, of course, the more important thing is to exchange things for Chang Xia.

"Father, they really dote on you!" Nan Feng shouted.

Chang Xia stuck her tongue out at her and said happily, "Nanfeng, I picked a lot of ginkgo this time, and I don't have any powdered fruit in a clay pot. In the afternoon, you have to help make a wooden barrel."

"Changxia, don't you dig a kiln in the afternoon?" Shen Rong asked.

"I want to build the entire hillside into a large courtyard kiln, and it has to be re-planned. You and Nanfeng will first make the wooden barrels and treat the salt crystals." Chang Xia thought about it, and didn't rush to dig the kiln. To be the best. Or, don't do it.