MTL - Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom-Chapter 16 create tables and chairs

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The next day, early in the morning.

Before Chang Xia opened her eyes, there was a noise in her ears.

The sound of conversation, and the chirping of birds. At the same time, it got into Chang Xia's ears, forcing her to open her eyes and sit up.

"Has Chang Xia woke up?"

A face stuck out from the door of the animal den and waved to Chang Xia.

"Yadong, why are you here?" Chang Xia rubbed her eyes, crossed her legs, and yawned.

"He's on duty today, and I asked him to help carry wood and stones." Nan Feng explained.

Gen and Xylophone Hui tribe, told the tribe how to make fish **** and fried meat. Last night, various scents were wafting over the tribe.

Nanfeng didn't sleep well all night, so he caught Yadong who was shaking in the morning.

"Get up quickly, Shen Rong's breakfast is ready."

"Chang Xia, get up quickly."

Early in the morning.

There are many people from the tribe.

In addition to resin, wood and stone were also sent.

Of course, there are many kinds of meat and wild vegetables. Roughly estimated, enough for the two of Changxia to eat for a month, and there may be a balance.

"In such a hurry?" Chang Xia muttered, got up, and walked out of the animal den to wash up. However, when he saw the piles of things near the beast den, he immediately widened his beautiful eyes and said in surprise, "Oh! What happened?"

Shen Rong smiled and replied: "The clansmen sent it in the morning, saying it was to thank you for the fish **** and fried meat."

He guessed early in the morning that the clan might come over today.

Early in the morning, I went to Baihu to collect the fish basket. He started to build a kiln today. He thought that someone from the tribe might come over, so he built a stove outside the animal den to prepare breakfast. Sure enough, Tiangangliang people sent a lot of things one after another.

"This is too much!" Chang Xia sighed.

Not to mention resin for the time being, meat, roots and roots of various wild vegetables are directly piled up into a hill.

Shen Rong stirred the stewed meat with a wooden spoon, pointed to the white lake under the hillside, and said, "In addition to the wood and stone materials brought by the south wind, the clan also brought a lot of them."

"I'm afraid you won't be enough. The tribesmen who have no plans to marry recently have all sent some of them." Nanfeng helped explain. In fact, she refused to come forward and was scolded by the clan.

Yadong and another male clansman, Shan Kun, squatted beside the stove, staring intently at the pottery pot in front of Shen Rong. They swallowed saliva from time to time, if it wasn't for Shen Rong to stop them, they would have wanted to stick their faces in the pot.

Compared with the stew made by the tribe last night, Shen Rong's cooking is undoubtedly more fragrant.

Smelling it, it's mouth-watering.

Before, I learned that Chang Xia had found a sick partner. Yadong Shankun and the others secretly tried to find an opportunity to train Shen Rong. They raised Changxia as their own younger sister. Due to her race and health, they even considered raising her for the rest of her life.

Unexpectedly, in a Normandy market, Jiao sister found a partner by herself.

If Shen Rong is powerful, they have nothing to say. However, Shen Rong looked like he didn't live long...

that moment.

They fully realized the feeling that Gen usually hated them.

"So much, building the courtyard wall is enough." Chang Xia did not refuse, and generously accepted the love of the clan, glanced at the two Yadong who were squatting in front of the stove, and said speechlessly: "Shen Rong, don't tease them. Now, the saliva is about to flow into the pot, and it's dirty."

Didn't she realize that Shen Rong had a dark side before? !

Or, what happened to them in private?

Thinking about it, Chang Xia's eyes swept over a few people subtly.

Nan Feng shrugged and pretended not to see anything.

"Changxia, can we eat?" Shan Kun said excitedly.

Yadong Ma Liu prepared the tableware and placed it on the wooden table beside him. This long wooden table was made by Shen Rong this morning. The style was custom-made according to what Chang Xia said, and the wooden chairs were made by Yadong and the others.

As soon as it was done, it was well received by everyone.

"Hey! Who made the tables and chairs?" Chang Xia washed his face and looked at the long table neatly arranged in the open space, with six wooden chairs beside it.

The wood-colored tables and chairs are very beautiful against the warm glow of the morning.

"Shen Rong, he did it as you described." Nan Feng approached and helped Shen Rong bring the barbecue to the table, tsk tsk admiration, and exclaimed: "Don't say, this table and chairs are really beautiful. The key is also very practical, every time I feel awkward squatting or kneeling every time I eat. Now I have tables and chairs, which are much more comfortable.”

When Shen Rong was making tables and chairs, he didn't avoid people.

I believe that soon, the tribe will become popular.

At the same time, the clansmen will send more things.

"I'm going home, and I want to get one too." Yadong agreed.

Shan Kun was the most direct, looked at Chang Xia and asked, "Chang Xia, what else do you need? Tell me directly, and I will bring it to you. Tables and chairs... My family also wants to make a set, Nuan Chun is pregnant with a cub and sits on his knees. uncomfortable."

Nuan Chun is Shan Kun's partner, and they got married the year before.

"Okay, what's missing. I won't be polite to you. If you are making tables and chairs for Nuanchun, don't use wood, try to use rattan. Rattan chairs are more comfortable than wooden chairs to sit on, and they are cushioned with soft animal skins to match. It could be more comfortable."

Chang Xia took the wooden chair and looked up and down, just like the basket backed by Shen Rong. The edges and corners are polished very smooth, and it feels excellent to the touch.

This table and chair is made of dried wood, and it sells better than wooden barrels and tubs.

Looking at it, it is very comfortable.

No wonder Nanfeng and the others were excited.

With Chang Xia's promise, everyone was happier.

The food is brought to the table, and everyone is seated.

Chang Xia took the broth that Shen Rong handed over, blew lightly a few times, and said, "Nanfeng, I want some red sandalwood, does the tribe have it?"

"Red sandalwood, you mean black wood?" Nan Feng tilted his head, thought for a moment, and replied, "Black wood, I remember Yadong stocked up a few. What do you want black wood for?"

Orcs build animal dens and prefer solid materials.

Compared with black wood, they prefer iron wood. The wood stocked by Nanfeng is all iron wood. Iron wood that is more than 100 years old is suitable for making knives.

The knives Chang Xia used were the bone knives given by Wu.

It is a wooden knife polished with iron wood. It is said to be a wooden knife. In terms of sharpness, it is not inferior to an ordinary bone knife.

"I want Shen Rong to use red sandalwood to build a set of tables and chairs for Wu, the place on the other side of the holy mountain of Karna is empty, like tables and chairs, beds, wooden cabinets, etc., it is best to be fully equipped. ." Chang Xia rubbed his chin and tilted his head, thinking about what furniture to prepare for the witch.

Before her body didn't cooperate, she didn't have the heart to struggle.

Now, with a rare opportunity, Chang Xia is trying to make up for the emptiness of the previous years.

Hearing that Chang Xia was going to build a table and chairs for Wu, Yadong replied without saying a word, "I'll bring the black wood over later. Shen Rong, you estimate how much wood you need, it's not enough, I'll find a way."

The ones prepared for Wu must be the best.

"Changxia, can't Tiemu?" Nanfeng asked.

She couldn't understand the thoughts in Chang Xia's mind, just like Shen Rong. Having been with Chang Xia for a long time, whether it is Nanfeng or his clansmen, he will subconsciously ignore the inappropriate and incomprehensible words of Chang Xia.

"Nanfeng, furniture made of red sandalwood is more beautiful than iron wood. When my cave is repaired, I will ask Shen Rong to make a whole set of red sandalwood furniture." Chang Xia hummed.

Ever since she knew that Yadong had hoarded a few pieces of red sandalwood, she had been thinking about it.

The clan likes iron wood, but Chang Xia does not, she prefers red sandalwood. In addition to red sandalwood, rosewood, rosewood and wenge, they are all scarce goods that can be found. Rarely, the Twilight Forest is full of trees, so why would you want to miss Changxia?

Picking, of course, you have to pick your heart.

Of course, for doors and windows, iron wood is the most suitable.

Ironwood, the orcs also call it the iron tree. In the area where the iron trees grow in the Twilight Forest, even beasts will not inhabit. Orcs use iron wood to build animal dens, not only considering the sturdiness of iron wood, but also because iron wood will naturally emit an odor that beasts hate.

The leaves of the iron tree are usually made into sachets by orcs to carry around.

It can also be used for repelling beasts and repelling insects, ants, poisonous snakes, etc.