MTL - Transmigrated To Be The Mother Of The Villain-Chapter 80

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What is the hottest news in the entertainment industry recently? Then it must be the cooperative relationship between Xia An and gucci!

Everyone knows how difficult it is for a star to get international high-end luxury brands.

Especially Chinese stars.

This is no less difficult than playing a role in a Hollywood movie.

But now, Xia An, who is popular and has no work, does not have any qualifications for the "Little Star" to get this "Award".

How can this keep all the topics from focusing on Xia An?

After all, even the top stars in the country, some of them have not got such great fashion resources as Xia An!

Not to mention the image ambassador of gucci, they have not even cooperated with the gucci brand's best friends.

So, when Xia An became the image ambassador of gucci, wasn't that exploding on the domestic network?

Of course, let alone the Internet, even all the stars in the entertainment industry, were stunned by Xia An's ambassador for Gucci.

They are really jealous and envious of Xia'an, who is being blocked, but also more and more powerful, mixed with wind and water.

[6666! I just want to know, how did Xia An get the gucci ambassador? Except for Xia An, there doesn't seem to be a single work? 】

[Xia An is developing too fast! The cover of the five major fashion magazines was only a few days ago, but now it has become the image ambassador of gucci? This step is too fast, right? 】

[Although it is not clear what this has to do, I am so happy that my goddess has won the image ambassador of gucci! 】

[Gucci has no official announcement yet, it is too early for you to reach a conclusion, right? Who knows if Xia An is pulling gucci on his own! 】


In the domestic network, because Xia An won the image of the gucci ambassador, it was so noisy.

And abroad--

"Sweet sister, look at this. On the domestic network, suddenly someone broke the news that our sister Xia An is the image ambassador of gucci China.

Xu Tiantian heard her assistant Xiaoli, who was responsible for the information about Xia An on the Internet, reported such a situation to her, and she frowned suddenly.

Looking at Xiaoli's handed tablet computer, at a glance, she quickly scanned the domestic news about Xia An.

"Nothing ..."

Xu Tiantian murmured softly, and suddenly saw that something was wrong.

Although, gucci did intend to cooperate with them, so that the goddess of her family became the image ambassador of gucci China.

However, they did refuse to cooperate with the gucci brand.

And they have already negotiated with the other two image spokespersons in China ...

"But sweetie, most of the public opinion on the Internet that sister Xia An has become the image ambassador of gucci China. It is ..."

Listening to Xiaoli's words, Xu Tiantian hurriedly asked.

"What is it?"

In this matter, she always felt that there was a trace of bad intentions revealed.

There was no reason for gucci to use them to make sieve in China, so this time, someone must be digging for Xia An!

"It's just that some bad public opinion is saying that Sister Xia An is using Gucci as a draft ... and also that there is no official announcement on Gucci side, Sister Xia An is hyping herself ..."

Xiao Li's words had just been finished, and Xu Tiantian's brain suddenly responded!

This is really someone digging a pit for their goddess!

And this pit is not small.

Thinking of this, her eyes narrowed, and she already had a very clear answer to this matter.

"Sweet sister, what's wrong? Is it serious?"

Because in addition to Xia An and Xu Tiantian, two people know that gucci intends to cooperate with them, and the contract was also passed by the two of them, the others really do not know the twists and turns inside.

So, when assistant Xiaoli saw this news related to gucci, she didn't feel anything keen.

But Xu Tiantian is different!

Xu Tiantian understands the twists and turns in it!

"Not too serious."

Xu Tiantian raised the corners of her lips and snorted coldly, her eyes were full of cold light.

This matter, if it is serious, is not very serious.

After all, they still have trump cards in their hands.

But ... if they didn't hold those trump cards, they would really be counted this time!

"Yes, really? What should I do?"

It was the first time Xiaoli had seen Xu Tiantian's cold face, and she snored in shock.

"Well, no need. I'll go to Xia An first, and you have been staring at the Internet well recently."

After speaking, Xu Tiantian quickly left their temporary office and hurried to the hotel where Xia An was currently staying.

Because the endorsement advertisements have been shot recently, and the company's first store is already done.

Therefore, Xia An really did nothing to do recently. Except in the hotel where he stayed, he really didn't go anywhere.

No, Xu Tiantian didn't even call. In the hotel, she found Chea On, who was holding a lot of junk food and eating and drinking in the audio-visual room.

"Sister Xia An."

After hearing Xu Tiantian's voice, Xia An turned her head in surprise, and looked at her agent.

"Sweet, why are you here?"

She remembers that her agent recently seemed to have told her that she would be very busy lately to help her figure out what kind of ambassador.

So, I won't come to her recently.

What happened? It was only a few days before this busy agent came to her from her busy agent?

"I want to tell you something."

Xu Tiantian didn't hesitate. She knew that Xia An was also a straight person, so she concealed it a little bit, and then jumped out of the Internet recently to make troubles. She broke the news to her.

Listening to Xu Tiantian's words, Xia An's first reaction was-Y! It's Xia Jinghao's dregs again!

But soon, she reacted again, this time it might not be Xia Jing, okay.

After all, Xia Jing's good background is strong, but it is not so long as the hand can be extended to the United States!

Sure enough, as soon as Xia An's idea was confirmed, Xu Tiantian heard the answer.

"Sister Xia An, when I came to see you just now, I had already investigated and understood, who the **** is this time?"

Having said that, Xu Tiantian snorted again.

The tone seemed to be very disdainful to that person.

"Okay, sweet. You are so amazing now."

Xia An patted Xu Tiantian's shoulder with a smile and praised.

"Then you said, who is the person you investigated?"

"Liang Jiayi."

Speaking of which, this matter is really not difficult to check at all.

After all, the people who know that Xia An and gucci want to cooperate will only be known to the senior management over gucci.

And the person who walked in the country with rumors who wanted to kill Xia An was quite sure. After rejecting gucci's cooperation on their side, he replaced Xia An as the star of the new ambassador .

Therefore, there is no difficulty in investigating the person who wants to dig a pit for Xia An in China.

When Xu Tiantian spoke the name out, Xia An was suddenly stunned.


"Liang Jiayi."

"Who is that?"

Xia An looked at Xu Tiantian with a grimace, and could not remember who this person was.

She has such a good memory, and she is absolutely certain that she must not know the person named Liang Jiayi.

"I am a frontline female star in China. Because of her excellent acting skills, I just won the best actress and title after the film."

Seeing Xia An's aggressive look, Xu Tiantian shook her head helplessly.

The goddess of her family, oh, it is already mixed in the entertainment circle.

As a result, no one knows this. If it is put back into the domestic entertainment industry, I am afraid that it will be a star who has a lot of crimes.

"Ah? Does that Liang Jiayi have anything to do with me?"

Listening to Xu Tiantian's detailed science, Xia An was even more confused.

Does this person have anything to do with her?

"Relationship? You can say yes or no."

Xu Tiantian took a sigh of relief and told everything she had temporarily investigated.

Speaking of which, the entertainment industry is very small. If you want to know something in the industry, as long as it is not the kind of secret that you can't see, you can't tell it.

Therefore, on the way, Xu Tiantian had already understood what the resentment between Liang Jiayi and the goddess of his family was that they couldn't go half a pole with them.

Robbed the heroine of a Hollywood movie once, and almost grabbed the image ambassador for the second time.

Speaking of which, it seems that the female celebrities in the circle really intend to get angry at this.

It's just that Xu Tiantian can understand, but Xia An doesn't understand at all.

"What's the matter with this? How can I rob her? And, just because of such a break, want to avenge me?"

Xia An felt incredible, she looked at Xu Tiantian with a smile.

"Sister Xia An, this is probably the case in this circle."

Xu Tiantian comforted Xia An and then continued.

"But sister Xia An, you don't have to worry about it either, this time it's not so serious. It can be easily resolved ..."

Then, Xia An reported all of her solutions to Xia An and let her choose.

"Sister Xia An, do you want to clarify earlier and suppress all the public opinion that has hacked you. Or ..."

Xu Tiantian raised the corners of her lips, and a wicked smile flickered across her face.

"Let's give that Liang Jiayi a good lesson and let her know that we are not in trouble at all?"

Because it has been a while since Xia An, Xu Tiantian is in front of Xia An, but that is becoming increasingly undisguised.

Although Xu Tiantian ’s name is indeed sweet and people look sweet, but if this little girl is really so stupid and white, she wo n’t really run Xia An ’s entertainment business as well. Wind and water rise.

When treating Xia An, she is a sweet little fan girl, just like a silly white sweet.

However, when she was facing people other than Xia An, especially with Xia An's enemies, she was a merciless cold-blooded blow!

Seeing Xu Tiantian also followed Han Yue's nasty look, she also raised the corners of her lips, and a hint of slyness flashed in her eyes.

"Of course ... the second! Give her a lesson."

Xia An is not a good person, although she can't move Xia Jinghao for a while, and there is no substantial evidence to kill Xia Jinghao's dregs.

But what is Liang Jiayi!

Those who dare to calculate her, regardless of success or failure, must die!

"Ok, Xia An, leave this to me. You just wait and see."

Looking at the ugly appearance of the adult goddess, Xu Tiantian tried hard to restrain her mood of screaming.

Although, she didn't have any exaggerated expression on her face at this moment.

but! At this moment her heart was screaming again and again, she was so fascinated by it.

Ah ah ah ah ah! How could my goddess be so handsome! What to do with swelling! I really want to watch our goddess go on acting villains!

This wicked gas field should be recorded permanently and kept on TV! !! !!

Suddenly, Xu Tiantian thought of some time ago, and she wanted a certain American director to call her and said she wanted to cooperate with Xia An for an American drama.

Also say what director Grace is friends with.

At that time, because she also knew that the great director was famous, she accepted the script handed over by the other director.

However, at that time, because she saw the character in the script as a bit of a villain, and she was also a neutral and neutral character, she did not want to help her goddess next.

One is that it is a bit difficult to play such a role. For the goddess of her own, the difficulty may be too great.

Secondly, she feels that this character is too neutral. Her goddess is so beautiful, she should be beautiful and beautiful, and it will be pleasing on TV!

but now……

Xu Tiantian's mind suddenly flashed the bad smile of Xia An just now, and she suddenly felt that-if it was her goddess who played this evil role, and it was neutral ...

For an instant, Xu Tiantian had an urge to bleed nosebleeds! !! !!

"Sister Xia An! I'll pick up an American drama for you!"

Listening to Xu Tiantian's words, Xia An was startled.

This topic is turning fast!

And ... American drama? Wouldn't it be the one mentioned by Director Grace?

"Did Director Grace look for you too?"

Xia An looked at Xu Tiantian in amazement. She felt incredible in her heart. For such a friend's script, Grace was so afraid of trouble that she even called Xu Tiantian?

So, how important this friend is to Director Grace!

"Do you know that American drama?"

Xu Tiantian also looked at Xia An in amazement. She did not expect that Xia An even knew this American drama.

"Well, it's because I want to play a supporting role in it."

"Sister Xia An, why didn't you tell me anything?"

Seeing Xu Tiantian asking himself, Xia An poked his mouth and said helplessly.

"I don't want to play a TV series."


Listening to this answer from my goddess, it really seems to be in reason!

After all, the goddess at home is really lazy and has no ambition at all.

"Sister Xia An, I think this American drama, we can go on, it is a good opportunity for us."

Originally, Xu Tiantian also felt that the image of Xia'an would definitely not be able to play in the script, the image of a more neutral and gangster female gangster.

After all, how beautiful their goddess is! It ’s beautiful like an angel. Did n’t you see that foreign friends have given their goddess an English name Angel?

But just as the flash of expression had just passed away, Xu Tiantian understood in an instant, that character was born just for Xia An!

Because she has read the script, Xu Tiantian understands that this script is really a good script.

The role that Xia An wants to play is indeed a good one.

If the acting is excellent, then this role is afraid to be more brilliant than the male and female protagonists!

In addition, it can truly show the acting skills of the goddess, and it can attract a wave of boys and girls, as well as huge ... female fans!

Now the fans of their goddess are defeated because most of the fans are male fans, so when it comes to the fighting value of fans, they are really inferior to other stars.

After all, in the huge group of fans, field control, tearing, etc., male fans are the least able to fight.

And the support is basically nothing to do, can not let go, completely hung by female fans, even if there are many people, there is no use.

But now it's different!

If you play this American drama ...

play! The goddess of her house must act!

"Ah, but I really don't really want to be acting. The acting is too exhausting and more costly than advertising ..."

Before Xia An refused to say anything, he was interrupted directly by Xu Tiantian.

This was the first time that Xu Tiantian interrupted Xia An's words.

It was also the first time that his attitude was so resolute and tough that he did not regress and stood on the other side of Xia An.

"Sister Xia An, I'll give you the script now! Take a good look. I will talk to Director Brian about cooperation recently."

Having said that, Xu Tiantian withdrew without waiting for Xia An's reaction.

Otherwise, she was afraid that she would stay, and could not help but change her mind by being influenced by her goddess.

"Huh? Huh ?!"

Seeing Xu Tiantian's flickering disappeared, Xia An's eyes widened.

What just happened? !!

Her most loyal fan! The agent, who has always been her principal, turned her back on her? ? ? !! !! !!

"Xu Tiantian! You rebel!"

However, even if Xia An was crying, it would not help.

Xu Tiantian had already contacted Director Grace's friend, Director Brian, as quickly as possible when she left.

After calling Xu Tiantian several times and being told that the other party was on the phone, Xia An gave up calling his agent.

"Forget it, isn't it acting? It's not the protagonist. There shouldn't be much acting. Let's play.

Xia An poked her mouth and was ready to continue eating her junk food and watch the movie.

And just when she pressed the play button again and hadn't watched for a few minutes, her phone rang again.

Originally, Xia An thought it was Xu Tiantian's phone call. As soon as the call was connected, Xia An was surprised!

The call was not from Xu Tiantian, but from the teacher of his own son's school!

"Is this Xia Xingchen's mother?"

"Well, it's me. I'm Xia Xingchen's mother."

"I'm Xia Xingchen's teacher, Catherine. Your child is in trouble at school. Please come to school as soon as possible."

After hanging up the phone, Xia An still felt that it was so unreal.

Did her good son get into trouble?

Was the troublesome and obedient son in her family in trouble?

How is this possible!

Gu Shumo's mischievous young master is almost in trouble!

Thinking of this, Xia An thought that the teacher should not be the wrong person.

However, it is a pity that when Xia An wore sunglasses and rushed to school, it was discovered that the teacher was not mistaken.

The one who made the mistake was really the obedient son of her family who did not behave as usual.

"Xiaoxing! What's wrong with you ?!"

When she walked to the teacher's office and watched a lot of young boys standing in the room with swollen noses and swollen faces, Xia An quickly walked to her own good-natured son.

After holding him carefully and inspecting it again, after seeing that there was no scar on his obedient son's body, Xia An was relieved.

"Mom, I'm fine."

The little guy was so nervous about seeing Xia An that he didn't look like everyone else. He grinned happily and smiled brilliantly.

"It's all right, all right."

When the atmosphere between the mother and the child was so warm, a grievous discourse was heard in Xia An's ears, breaking the warm and incomparable atmosphere between the two.

"Sister Fairy, you haven't noticed Xiao Chan, Xiao Chan is injured, you have to hug ~"

At this time, Xia An found out that Gu Shumo was standing next to his own obedient son.

Just now she was too worried about her son, so she really didn't have time to notice other places.

"Xiao Chan, what's wrong with you? Where did you hurt? Is it serious?"

With the help that Father Gu gave her so much, Xia An also looked at Gu Shumo's injuries very dutifully.

"Here! Here! And here! Fairy sister, I am so painful ~"

As soon as Xia An came in, he murmured a word of bird, and ignored everyone as if he were the air. The only teacher in the office was really angry.

"Ma'am, please be serious."

Catherine knocked on the table, and spoke to Xia An in a severe tone.

"You are Teacher Catherine."

After confirming that Xia Xingchen and Gu Shumo had no problems, Xia An was communicating with the teacher of the two little guys.

In this communication, Xia An was surprised to find that his son, who was always very good and sensible in front of himself, often fights in school? ? ?

Not so good with all the male students? ? ?

"Teacher, are you wrong?"

In fact, Xia An also understands that the teacher is definitely not wrong.

But it is also true that the impression that her own good son gave her is so sensible and well-behaved. It does not look like a bad student who will fight and cause trouble.

"I'm wrong? Look at your son hitting his other classmates."

Catherine snorted, pointing her fingers at the boys standing against the wall.

Because Xia Xingchen and Gu Shumo are also considered to be skipped, they are younger than other students.

In particular, the physiques of Asians and Europeans and Americans still have obvious gaps. Therefore, Xia Xingchen and Gu Shumo's male students are taller and bigger than the two little guys.

However, in this way, the group of little boys who were taller and stronger than the two little ones were blushed and swollen by them.


After Xia An carefully observed it, he couldn't help but laughed out loud.

"Shit, beautiful job!"

Then, Xia An quietly gave two thumbs, Xia Xingchen and Gu Shumo.

Fortunately, the teacher Catherine didn't understand Chinese, otherwise, when she heard Xia An praised the two young guys who had beaten their noses and swollen faces, she would definitely be mad.

The two little guys who thought Xia An would criticize them for being too heavy, seeing that Xia An not only scolded them but praised them, both of them had their eyes widened.

That little look, not to mention how cute it is.


Xia An coughed and looked at Teacher Catherine with an embarrassed expression on her face.

"Teacher, I'm really sorry. I will pay for the medical expenses of these children. They are all children. You should not be too angry with my son."

Seeing Xia An's attitude was okay, the look on Catherine's face always eased.

"I also informed their parents. You can negotiate with their parents yourself."

"Okay, no problem."

She listened and had to wait for other parents. She frowned slightly, thinking that this school was the best school, and her own good son would still go to school here, so she was patient Waiting for the parents of other students.

While waiting a little long, Xia An took off his sunglasses.

The moment she took off her sunglasses, the little boys who had been so hostile to Xia Xingchen were stunned and eyes widened.

"Aangel? It's Aangel!"

"Sister Aangel!"

Seeing a group of little boys suddenly excited, Xia An was really startled.

She looked at the group of little devils in confusion, wondering what kind of crazy they were.

However, how can Xia An think of her coming to school to deal with her own son's problems, and also to deal with a lot of elementary school chicken fans!

"Sister Aangel, let's take a picture together!"

"Sister Aangel, are you Xia Xingchen's mother?"

"Sister Aangel ..."

Xia An, surrounded by children, swam slightly at the corners of her mouth.

Well, there are even elementary students in her fan team ...

Thinking of the miserable appearance that her own good son had beaten these little farts, Xia An thought that she would buy the little ghosts before the parents of the little children came.

"Come one by one, don't worry, everyone has a share."

For a moment, Catherine's office seemed to be the scene of a signing sale. Xia An was taking a photo with these little farts and taking pictures of them. It was really busy.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Catherine was dumb, Gu Shumo was helpless, and Xia Xingchen ... was angry.

hateful! Many more people rob him of his mother!

I knew that he shouldn't have been so impulsive. He took too much shot and was too celebrity ...

After the parents of the beaten students arrived at the school, they were all smirking and smirking while watching their babies being beaten. They all felt that their children must have been beaten silly.

So this group of full-time wives, but rolled up their sleeves, wanted to fight Xia An.

Hehehehe Of course, everyone is a lady after all, and they ca n’t do such things.

Everyone came up with their big move.

"I will ask a lawyer to resolve this matter."

Seeing this group of noble ladies angrily speaking about the law, Xia An blinked silently.

Silently in my heart, what a big deal.

But it was just a small friction between the children, and they fought once.

Who hasn't fought since childhood?

What else to hire a lawyer ...

Xia An vomited, but in order to continue her studies in this school, she still smiled round the field.

And they are also crazy about the group of elementary chicken fans who are looking at themselves.

As a result, another noise came from Catherine's office.

In the end, with the good words of apology from Xia An and the children's request, the group of expensive wives who hurt the children still compromised.

"Well, for the sake of your sincere apology, this time it's fine."

"That's it! If our child is beaten by your child next time, I will definitely call the police!"


After soothing his wife's regiment, Xia An was a bit exhausted, and he wanted to leave here with his two little fellows.

However, before she could go out with the two little guys, she heard behind him--

"and many more!"

Xia An looked back and saw that the blonde Mrs. Kuo seemed a little embarrassed, but she opened her mouth in the end.

"Ms. Xia, how do you care for your skin?"

In fact, when the wife group first entered the office, it was not their children who noticed first.

It's ... Xia An's skin can't be better!

Obviously they are the mothers of ‘two’ children. As a result, the skin can be maintained so well!

Not to mention wrinkles, even the pores are basically invisible.

This makes this group of full-time wives not to mention how envious they are.

This group of people has money and time. All day long, they think about things related to beauty.

Therefore, they are really curious about Xia An being able to have such good skin.

But because the encounter just now was a little awkward, they were really embarrassed to ask.

Now, when they see Xia An, they are about to leave. In the end, they still can't match the pursuit of beauty in their hearts, and they are still a little frustrated and ask what they want to know.

Seeing the expressions of expectation of these expensive ladies, she looked at her with a look of anticipation, and she blinked, and after a moment of stun, her mind reacted instantly, and she advertised her store that was about to open soon!

"Ah, I usually don't care much, that is, I use [c.h] this skin care product."


"What skin care brand is this? Why don't I seem to have heard it before."

"I haven't heard of it. Which big-name skincare product has just come out?"

Listening to Xia'an, the wife delegation looked at Xia'an in doubt.

"Ah, it's normal that you haven't heard of it. This skin care product I used was specially customized for me, and it is not sold on the market.

As soon as I heard it was a personal skin care product, the eyes of the wives were all brightened up.

You know, personal skin care products are generally good!

No wonder the ‘two’ child ’s **** skin in front of him is so well protected!

"Can you introduce us to the person who customized the skin care products?"

For the beauty of their wives, they really did not let it go, completely forgotten, just now they had another attitude towards Xia An.

In the expectant eyes of the wives, Xia An shook his head calmly.

This group of wives, who is not behind the noble ladies who have a great family background?

When did you get this qi?

However, just when they were a little angry, they heard Xia An say again.

"Sorry, this master is no longer doing personal customization recently, but started a company. And c.h is the name of his company's products."

As soon as the words of Xia An had been finished, the eyes of the wives regiments were on again.

"Where is this company?"

"Is it not yet open?"

Seeing the excitement of this group of people, Xia An smugly raised his lips.

Before the company opened, she pulled a big deal for herself!

With this group of Mrs. Kuo making her a living sign, why worry that her product will not sell out?


And just when Xia An was pulling customers for its products and selling Amway.

In the domestic Internet, the matter that Xia An is about to become an ambassador for gucci is getting worse.

The more it spreads, the more it spreads with noses and eyes.

Everyone really thinks that Xia An seems to be the gucci Chinese ambassador!

And when everyone thought that Xia An was the ambassador of China for gucci, and it was already the number one hot search, touting Xia An as a little newcomer, all the stars wanted When I got this fashion resource, a huge reversal came!

No one expected that gucci's Weibo in China announced the brand ambassador!

Of course, everyone didn't even think that the brand image ambassador announced by gucci's official Weibo official was actually not Xia An, but Liang Jiayi!

[Gucci China V: Congratulations @ 梁嘉怡 to be our first ambassador for female accessories brand in China! 】

Looking at the official announcement of gucci's official Weibo, and looking at Xia An, which is on the top of the hot search on Weibo, it's ironic!

Obviously during this time, all the hot searches are saying that Xia An is the brand ambassador of gucci.

It ’s also fried with nose and eyes, but now ...

It's not Xia An!

[So ... is Xia An the gucci brand ambassador? 】

[I said it! Xia An is pulling gucci in hype! How could she be an image ambassador for gucci, and where does she have that qualification? 】

[To be fair, although Xia An is hot now, she does not have any masterpieces and no qualifications at all. Gucci is an international top brand. How could Xia An be used! 】

[Gucci has so many brands, maybe Xia An is the brand ambassador for bags? 】

[Kill it down! Don't wash the floor! Gucci officials announced that the image ambassador is Liang Jiayi, can you stop forcibly whitewashing it? 】

[I want to know how Xia An rounds Gucci now ^-^]