MTL - Transmigrating into a Demon Spirit to Blow up the Entire World-Chapter 81 President's Little Milk Cat 19

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However, Li Shaozhen had not hesitated before the kitten caught fire: "It doesn't matter if he doesn't like me, I like him." The man's tone is like a confession. "This way has been Beside him, I believe that I can always wait until the day he really likes me."

The kitten's face is inexplicably red.

Too, too, too foul! The servant is really too bad, always thinking about seduce! !

However, look for your forgiveness in the case of your love. Oh, only you can only support your explicit seduce.

"You, you," Lu Ze was completely wide-eyed. "Are you still Li Shaozhen? You won't be possessed by something weird. You will one day be emotionally guilty..."

Li Shaoshao’s expression did not cause any fluctuations due to the murder of these two words. He only raised his eyebrows and said: "If you do, you will wave your sleeves and roll quickly."

However, the poet who wrote the sleeves and walked away gently, but the most will die. He Li Shao is so easy to hit the treasure, others can envy the eyes green, the fool will push out.

The only thing that Li Shaozhen wants to do now is to take care of everything. Life is too short, and you can't hesitate and regret it. Once you don't catch it, you can't find it again.

Lu Zeyi saw the appearance of Li Shaozhen and knew that it was useless. The more curious he was, the more people Li Shaozhen liked to be like this. Not only did he not roll, but he pulled the swivel chair to sit down and smiled with a contract. No, I still have something to talk about, the city..."


The voice stopped with a loud noise, and he just said that half of the words were also awkward. I saw Lu Zeshi fell to the ground in a real way, and the swivel chair that was clearly placed was pushed to the side of the moment when he sat down, magically and silently.

As he turned his **** and turned his head, he saw the little white cat licking the cat's step and passing by, and he gave a very soft and soft ‘咪~’.

Lu Ze was so angry that he did not know where he had offended the cat, but he could not talk to a kitten. However, this was just the beginning. He just opened the folder, and the kitten on the table was jumped on the table with a fluffy little tail, intentionally or unintentionally, and suddenly half a glass of water poured on clothes and pants; busy With the assistant's help, take a paper towel to wipe the pants, and the documents that were spread out were taken up by the kittens inadvertently lifting their claws.

The claws that had just been glued to the ground and stepped on the water on the table pressed like a pattern on the paper, and dropped a series of cute little plum blossoms with a wet answer and a gray rush. Finally, they sat down with a small head. Go back to Li Shao's arms.

The president took the handkerchief and seriously helped the little guy to dry the four claws a little bit, and the corners of his mouth showed a bit of helpless smile.

Saturday is the day when I recorded "Where are the pets?"

The first mission site was set at the farm. The content was to help the breeders catch the chickens in order to capture the number of winners.

The Husky, who loves to kill the birds, is excited. He feels that he is finally useful. He didn’t want to rush to it, but he forgot that in the short period of two years, he never succeeded in catching even one. As a result, the result was obvious. The little haha ​​had only got a chicken feather for a long time. It was a real chicken flying dog. Instead, the chicken caught by the owner Liu Yang was also ran away.

This is where catching chicken is simply anxious. Liu Yang finally discovered that the real use of Xiaoha was to make trouble, and to use it to harass other opponents, and to make himself more efficient.

This move is really useful, almost everyone has lost in the destructive power of Xiaoha. The picture of the small fresh meat caught by the high-cold people is still very interesting. The Huskies’ 360-degree tricks make the audience feel unbearable. But the most amazing thing is that in front of everyone, there is a dog head. A big day, no one is afraid. The more you say, the more dissatisfied the huskies are, the more you can’t do it in front of the kitten. Witness the moment of miracles.

As soon as he gets close to the kitten, the huskies will automatically lean down | the body sticks out his tongue, although he does not wrestle his tail like Labrador, but the pleasing meaning is equally obvious.

However, the meaning is different. Labrador’s attitude towards the kitten is like trying to please the master’s servant. The Huskies obviously have the taste of courtship, like a idiot who wants to please the sweetheart, and even tries to lick the kitten’s face. .

The result is of course a slap in the face of the kitten, and fortunately, the kitten received the paw, or three blood marks.

Xiao Ha did not dare to squat again, but he was not discouraged. He continued to work hard toward the kittens. The stupid appearance made people laugh.

In fact, in terms of appearance, Xiaoha is absolutely beautiful. Its bloodlines are pure, the fur is rich, the dark blue near-ink fur is thick and fluffy, the hair on the face and belly is shiny, the tail is big and fluffy, like a handsome and handsome wolf. Let the audience once again have a heated discussion, and the number of comments has soared.

Oo laps around: I want to stand up again, change the cp of the kitten and Xiaoha, but before the interaction between the kitten and the small cloth is too swollen?

The homework was raised by me: Xiaoha, is this the rhythm of Xiaosan? 233...

Shooting whales の teenager: This year, even the two hahas are pursuing true love, why are you a bachelor!

Can attack and accept can be before and after: free help upstairs to correct the typo, is a single dog, no thanks.

Everyone looked very happy, but Li Shaoshao’s face was very ugly. The president of the company who even ate the vinegar of a dog, when he saw his little guy running to fight the chicken with the stupid dog, was completely gloomy and thundering.

Xiao Ha really learned the skills of fluttering chicken under the guidance of the kittens. They were responsible for chasing one responsible for containment, and finally let the Huskies succeed in pressing one, and suddenly excited and barking. The kitten slammed 凛 凛 喵呜 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Everything is difficult at the beginning, and Xiaoha’s next head is getting better and better. In just a short while, he has stopped nearly ten, and the whole dog is bright, even replacing Labrador’s last look for 'boy looking for a box’. The title became the new generation of 'catching chicken gods'.

It is a pity that the chickens that it rushed into were all in the team of Li Shaozhen and the kitten, so that Liu Yang was crying.

After catching the chicken, I played another pre-dinner game called ‘福到了’. I didn’t realize that the morning passed. When I was in the lunch break, Li Shaozhen was finally able to vent the suffocating suffocation of the morning, and squinted at the kitten: "I will not play with the stupid dog again in the future. Did you hear it?! Other dogs will not do it. do you know!!"

The jealousy and jealousy in the tone are full of sorrow, and the look is still very serious. I wanted to come in and look for Li Shao’s sternness to talk about things. I couldn’t help but smoke my mouth.

Yan Dadton paused and said: "...that, in fact, I also secretly love my family, but I still want to chase it, but I have never dared."

Li Shaofu frowned, "...not dare?"

"Well," Yan Da directed a serious answer: "You know, the big gray is very smart, I am afraid that it despise my IQ is not enough."

This is actually a pun, addictive, because before Yan Yan said this, the kitten that had finished washing his face had turned around and scornfully thrown a small **** to Li Shaozhen. Li Shaoyu was sulking and shut the door with a stern sigh of optimism, then picked up the kitten. The kitten was obviously unhappy because of the inexplicable training that had just been made. He twisted his body and did not touch it. He also jumped to the cabinet on the left hand side.

Oh, I have a little emotion.

As a servant, he dared to blame the following crimes and punish you from the side of you, at least one meter away! !

While thinking about the cat, she walked from the cabinet to the bookshelf while walking on the shelf, but did not hear the movement behind her on the way, and she couldn’t help but support her ears.

...Nani? Did the servant not catch up?

Waiting for a while, I finally couldn't help but be very careful, very careful and careful to sneak a look behind me.

- Hey, although you are penalized one meter away, you are not allowed to run three meters away.

Li Shaozhen noticed when the kitten paused. It was the magical reading of the meaning from the eyelids it sneaked into. It only felt that there were such cute and painful things in the world. I regretted how I was willing to be fierce in the end. I was busy going to the side and said: "Sorry, I shouldn’t say you, I am just jealous..."

The kitten accepted the hair, but the attitude is still a pair of love to ignore the appearance, giving people a feeling of having a rehearsal. Then, when Li Shaozhen wants to change hands, raise a paw and gently hold his hand.

Don't run, then give it to you! !

I fell asleep along the way.

When the little guy is sleeping, he is used to alternating his mouth and nose. The small mouth is lightly powdered under the fluff, and when it is human, it is very beautiful and moist, and it is tempting to kiss deeply.

On the way to the scene of the filming of "Xianmeng Qiyuan", Li Shaozhen kissed the boy's lips deeply, until he stopped the man's breath, and then stopped, and then repeatedly worried: "...Is there to let Jiang Heng deal with it. If Jiang Heng can't handle it, he will call me directly. If it's okay, you can call me. I will pick you up early in the afternoon..."

Jiang Heng is the agent that Li Shaozhen specially arranged for the Shen kitten. Looking at the nose and nose, sitting in the front row of co-pilot, listening to the teenager in the back seat being favored by his boss, not only did not feel honored, but also dissatisfied with the complaint: "I know you can rest assured, ... 啰 嗦 嗦 像The little old man seems to be."

Li Shaozhen and the customer had an appointment to talk about things at nine o'clock, so they sent Shen Shen to the door and left. Sinking is the first time to film, I think it is quite novel. A lot of people in the studio are busy, there are props, cloth, lighting... It looks very chaotic, in fact, all departments have sequence.

"It’s still very early." He was holding a book and a loudspeaker, and Xie’s arrival saw Shen Shen’s coming. He exaggerated him and said to the assistant next to him: “Take him to make up the makeup. Costume."

Because it is a fairy-tale drama of ancient background, the dressing of headwear and costumes is quite time-consuming, especially for actresses, and it is often necessary to get up early for two or three hours. Only the pipa played by Shen Yu is relatively simple. There is only one hair band on the head. There is only one robes on the body. Even the hair sets and makeup are saved. The long hair and the skin are ready-made. .

The makeup artist even sighed and said that he had never seen such a good person in the skin for so long. The teenager's skin is tender and incredible, as if to drip out the water, but also with a bit of a sense of transparency, the makeup artist studied for a long time can not start, and finally only carefully put on a light makeup, help him lengthen the eyeliner, and sweeped Sweeping the end of the eye, adding a few traces of the round cat's eyes to the character's needs.

When I changed my clothes, I was grateful to see the obvious satisfaction. The young boy is alive in his imagination. The eyebrows seem to blend the fairy and the demon, and the clean dust comes with a hint of incomprehensibility. It is entirely the Qin Ling in the script.

Thanks to many people before the expiration of the period, either too popular or too bright or not good enough. In the whole drama, other characters such as male and female protagonists are ordinary people or self-cultivators born from ordinary people. Only this character is a natural demon spirit. If the temperament cannot be distinguished from ordinary people, not only does it have no sense of substitution, but the audience also Will not buy it.

The script has been seen, and the first scene he wants to perform is Qin Ling, who went to the place where the voiceless fairy fell in the realm of the world, and remembered her, and then met the heroine who described the wolf.

The guqin is also ready. The crew rented a very expensive real piano in order to be realistic. The actor only needs to play a few bullets. Anyway, there are very few movies on the spot, all relying on the late dubbing.

Sinking did not do any extra moves. He just sat down slowly according to the script, and showed a nostalgic expression to the guqin. Then I learned how to play the piano before the unvoiced fairy, and popped the favorite piece of the song.

Actually, there was a piece of music that blew out from the fingertips of the young and slender.

Everyone is a glimpse, but fortunately the operation of the camera has not stopped. The skin of the teenager is very cheap in front of the camera. Even if you zoom in, you can't see the pores. The melodious ancient tone has a kind of power that shakes people's hearts. It is obviously a light tone, but it is not awkward in the juvenile. Under the action of Xu, there was a faint sorrow.

His grief is not superficial, and needs to be quietly perceived from a corner that is unknown. The sound of the sound of the piano and the feeling of sadness swept the audience all the time, letting everyone around them enter the play, as if they really saw the lonely and clinging Qin Ling, and his thoughts and feelings about the former owner’s voiceless fairy.

The short one ended very quickly, and the teenager closed his eyes gently. The eyes on the rafter outline a beautiful curvature, and the long-eyed eyelashes are as exciting as the butterfly wings.

The director has never called the card, and this one is naturally very smooth. The scene is still very quiet, many people have not returned to God. Thanks to the period of Xie, I didn’t expect that Shen Yu would still have Guqin, a musical instrument that few modern people learn. The surprise is naturally more than surprise, and the fit of this ancient tone with the plot is also very high, even let Xie to be born. The idea of ​​making it into an episode or theme song.

The nature of playing the piano is not sinking, but the male ghost in the bell. He finally relied on the indulgent body to pay for the reluctance of a piece of music, and even returned to the bell to think about things.

The next scene of the encounter with the heroine needs to wait, because the heroine has been bullied by the female partner before being exposed to Qin Ling and then forced to leave the house. As a small newcomer, even if Li Shaozhen has the ability, It is also impossible to leave all the actors on one side and only the part with the Qinling lens.

Xu Wei, who plays the leading role, has just won the Golden Lion Award for Best Actress. The acting is very good, and the lens feels good. Shen Shen has learned a lot through the onlookers, so she doesn’t feel bored at all, but more importantly, she is a broker. Ren Jiang Heng and assistant Xiao Wu also brought him a bunch of snacks, all he loved, milk tea sushi duck neck cakes have everything.

These are of course those that Li Shaozhen ordered. I want to know that Jiang Heng was shocked when they called the past **ss. I thought that it was wrong to be taught. The result was just a bunch of indulgent preferences and habits, including the time of nap.

Jiang Heng has brought a lot of big stars, but he has seen the world, but he has never seen Li Shaozhen. Their boss is not only to be a lover, but also to be a child, and to take care of the whole body both inside and outside, eating and drinking everything is fine. However, it seems that the appearance of a teenager is not completely ruined by such a delicate cultivation method, otherwise it may be the suffering of those who follow them.

Perhaps the request for Xie is too high, the supporting actress is not in place. From the second shot, even the ng, even the performance of the heroine is affected. Xie’s temper finally came up and could not be controlled. One side shot the machine while swearing.

This one was shot at three o'clock in the afternoon, and finally it was the turn of indulgence. The crew of the crew replaced the set, mobilized the machine and prepared for the next one.

At this time, Li Shaozhen, who was busy with things, actually took it early.

Xie was still serious about the play, and the deputy director who knew Li Shaozhen’s identity immediately greeted him and explained: “Li, this is just the beginning. You see if I want to help you in the past, or take you Go to the monitor to see the shooting process?"

"No," Li Shaozhen said faintly: "I will wait here and wait."

At the moment, the venue is a special scene set up in the film and television base. The flowers and trees are colorful and beautifully arranged. The afterglow of the evening is sown through the shadows of the trees and dyed a radiant glow, which makes people feel calm. The president's adult actually stood there, looking far away and waiting quietly, his face soft and not impatient.

The author has something to say: Because there will be a twist and tear, so the world is a few more chapters than the previous few worlds. It’s been written slowly by me. I hope everyone will forgive me. The next world is actually thinking about it. Meng Chao wants to write ~ By the way, ask if you have any fondballs that you are looking forward to~~