MTL - Transmigrating into a Demon Spirit to Blow up the Entire World-Chapter 80 President's Little Milk Cat 18

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"Hey, sleepy and sleep for a while."

For the teenager in front of him, the president of the adult has been so daring that he does not know how to be baby, and in the state of human form, he can not give a smooth hair, and he pats his back like a child.

The boy nodded and promised, but still can't sleep. In just a short time, Li Shaoyu saw him change his posture. He lie on his side and lie on his side. He held his pillow half-width and leaned for a while. He was squatting for a while, just like no bones, and he felt sleepless.

Li Shaozhen had not loosened his brow again and wrinkled again. He reached out and touched the juvenile's amount. He tried to ask if he had a fever. "What's wrong, is it still uncomfortable?"

"Nothing is uncomfortable," the young man said in his mouth, but he changed his position again, then whispered: "...the cushion is not thick enough and panic."

The president’s adult looked at the soft mattress under the boy’s body and couldn’t help but sweat. Because it is 20 cm thick, and the comfort and support are the best.

The juvenile continues to complain: "And there is no hair on the body, I always feel that it is leaking everywhere, cool..."

The president’s adult looked at the teenager who wrapped himself up as a silkworm baby with a quilt. He couldn’t help but sweat more and even couldn’t help but laugh. He didn't have any way to the little guy. He could only helplessly pinch the young boy's face and smiled and said: "...It's a little lazy cat."

For the sake of no reason, he was pinched, but the boy blinked and suddenly said to Li Shaozhen: "You finally laughed."

The sinking kitten was very happy to smack the lips: "I have been frowning before, and I have to caress. I will be so old and be an ugly uncle."

Li Shaozhen was actually stunned for a moment. The other party is soft and soft, 'You finally laughed,' but it made his heart move, the smile on his face has not dissipated, and the love in his eyes spread all of a sudden, and the scorpion that is hiding in love has become more profound. But I don't know what to say.

Because what language is more than a boy's sentence, so soft and sincere concern, even if only from other angles and does not contain a trace of love, it is enough to make people move.

Indulging in fact is still somewhat worried. He remembers that he changed back to the cat before he was seriously injured. Now he is wearing a pair of cat ears. Even if he is stupid, he must know that he is the little white cat. It is difficult to guarantee that he will not accept it. . However, Li Shaoyu did not mention the matter, and his attitude was more concerned than before. He let all of Shen’s concerns disappear, and inexplicably a hint of sweetness.

It’s so easy for me to accept the fact that there is a cat demon in this world. Li Shaozhen also feels incredible, but this is just so natural. I don’t have time to think about it, no matter whether it’s a person or a cat, it’s all The one that loves the most.

Since she couldn't sleep, the sinking kitten didn't plan to sleep anymore, and went to the study room with Li Shaozhen. The wall leaning against the desk is a large bay window. The cat boy in pajamas is in a soft cushion on the bay window. He is connected to the netbook that the president has given him. The eyes under the light are particularly bright.

There is a baby to accompany him, Li Shaozhen is in a good mood, and the motivation for work is naturally greater, but suddenly he is worried that he will not like the kitten. After all, the little guy is still young, and the cat is the kind of curiosity creature. He should like the popular fun things, but he is an old man who is 30 right away. I don’t know the young people today. They all love what to play, and there is no novel romantic hobby. Besides doing business and making money, he seems to have nothing. Life is so boring, even how to chase people how to date does not know.

To the president of the letter from the infatuation, I feel that I am nothing and even a little depressed. Just then, suddenly I saw the young man lying on the mat and straightened up. "Oh, I forgot a big thing!"

Li Shaozhen immediately put down his work, "What's wrong?"

"I just discovered that it is already Wednesday," the boy’s sharp ears have to be pulled down. "Xie told me before I told me to sign the contract on Tuesday. I finished the egg..."

A qualified man is the first time to solve all the problems for his lover. Li Shaozhen even said: "I will let Tan Zis contact him, there will be nothing, rest assured."

It was indeed a bit unhappy to thank the pigeons for two consecutive episodes of the pigeons. When I received a call and heard that it was going to talk about the indulgence, Zhangkou began a serious criticism and education: "Oh, I said that you young people can’t do things. In this way, what is punctuality, what is dedication, what is the spirit of contract, when you go to school, the teacher did not teach? Shen Xiao, you are still young, the road is still very long, can not because you feel that you are good at acting... ..."

"I am Li Shaozhen."

In just five words, I immediately hit back to the full stomach, and suddenly I sighed, "Li total?"

It is said that the strong dragon does not suppress the head of the snake, other cities do not mention it first, but in the boundary of the city of Lishui, if Li Shaozhen said that he is the second, I am afraid no one dares to call the first. Filming is a matter of networking. As a slick director and producer, Xie will never easily offend anyone who can't afford to be offended. Those small investors or nouveau riche on weekdays will be fine, but Li Shaozhen absolutely belongs to the city's sinless no.1, Xie's attitude has changed in a blink of an eye, and he coughed up with a positive color and asked: "Is there anything wrong with Li? ”

"I am making a special trip to apologize to the children at home."

The first sentence of Li Shaozhen’s opening made Mr. Xie’s sincerity and fear, and it’s incredible to hear the former gangster’s old apology. Also said what family children, Li Shaoshun actually have children?

If this is passed out, it is definitely the city's big news.

The man on the other side of the earpiece didn't have the time to manage the thoughts of the mess, but continued: "There was a car accident in front of the two, so I didn't get to see you according to the agreed time. I also hope that Xie can Forgive me. His body needs to be retrained for two days. I will arrange Li’s lawyers and agents to talk to you in the past. Can you see it?”

It turned out to be the case. Thanks to the full period, I have fully understood it. - Did your old man say that I still can't forgive? You have moved Lie out, can I still say no?

Li's lawyers and agents can be powerful roles. As a result, the insane payoffs may not be as ordinary as the newcomers thought before the deadline. They will definitely extend their rights to Maximize, even the scenes and rankings, etc. have to be asked one by one.

Correspondingly, Li will also facilitate the early investment and post-publication. Sure enough, after seeing Xie’s consent, Li Shaozhen said that even the special atmosphere of Te Tu Hao Te: “How much money does your crew still lack? Li is willing to invest in this drama.”

When Xie was in the midst of the indulgence, he did not expect to bring out Li Shaoshao, the great Buddha. This can be said to be an accidental surprise. After hanging up the phone, he informed the sub-producer of the news and asked him to re-calculate it. Funding comes.

Shen Yu only knows that he is holding a computer and watching the entertainment news. Li Shaoyu will come back and tell him that the matter has been solved. He will go straight into the group next week and immediately feel that the servant is very strong, and he is very happy. Start and make a gesture to hug.

Appreciate you a hug, but don't be proud!

In Shen Shen’s view, he was a compassionate servant’s reward. Li Shaozhen only felt that the young man’s sorrow caused him to hurt, and he carefully and gently put the person in his arms, kissed the young boy’s hair, and could not help but touch. The tip of the ear that shook and shook.

The sinking kitten gave him a kiss, but he escaped when the ear was touched. He was not happy to glance at him.

Don't let your ears go!

The more you don't touch it, the more you want to touch Li Shaoyu. The temptation of human-shaped cat ears is too great. A long hair with a long hair with a snow-colored ear is enough to provoke a crime. Li Shaozhen feels that the little guy in front of him is attracting and even tempting himself all the time, even if it is just a look, inexplicably evil from the gallbladder, thinking that it is my cat, why can't I touch it, actually raise my hand and touch it. A hand, also bowed a kiss on it.

The kitten suddenly got a little fried.

Bold! presumptuous! !

If he is a cat at the moment, it is estimated that the beard will blow up. This soul servant is too much, that is, squatting, squatting, squatting, and a little bit like you...

Can be arrogant and arrogant, should be guilty plus one, so drag out to play the board! !

Li Shaozhen also saw that the little guy had fried hair, but at the same time, he saw that the pair of cat ears were red at the speed visible to the naked eye. Under the cover of white fluff, the tender powder was revealed, and it was tempting to let him I want to kiss another bite.

Said to be fried hair, in fact, more shy ingredients, right?

But when the cat is fried, you still want to provoke him, the consequences will definitely not be better. I am afraid that I will give you a claw in the claws, and then glance at you with a beautiful cat's eyes, and finally walk away with a small step of pride, and ignore the day.

Li Shaozhen immediately tasted the consequences. He could only endure the smile and yelled at the teenager who was facing him. "I am wrong, not angry, okay?"


"How about eating crabs for dinner? Tan Zishang has a friend who specializes in raising hairy crabs, only to say that he has chosen the five pairs to send the biggest..."


- Wait, hairy crabs?

These three words let the sinking cat sneak out of the throat, but the face is still very disdain.

Can ten hairy crabs be bought? It’s just too naive! !

- At least twenty.

That night, the teenager who enjoyed the crab-sipping service finally forgave Li Shaozhen. Li Shaozheng has seen through the little guys eating soft and not eating hard temper, deliberately showing the weak: "Before washing the crab, I was accidentally caught in the hand, kiss it, okay?"

As it turns out, all the arrogant encounters are shameless are paper tigers. The kitten actually softened in the other side's repeated pleading, and really went over and kissed each other's lips.

This is the cat's head in the humanoid state to take the initiative to go to the mouth of Li Shao Shao.

Although it has gone through so many times, just as the petted child will never learn to grow up, the attitude of indulging in love is still pure and pure. All his kissing experiences come from passive. He has never learned how to kiss actively, not to mention the passion and deep kiss. At most, he only touches his lips and then sticks out his tongue.

Li Shaozhen only saw the young boy's small appearance very serious, cautious and cautious gesture is like eating a favorite food, want to eat and afraid to eat it or bite it too soon.

It was really a pretty cute and shy awkward kitten.

This kind of feeling of letting the other party take the initiative is not the same, but the simple one-touch, it has already made Li Shaozhen faint. The boy's lips were tender and soft like tofu brains, and they touched the warm water, which made the president's adults shudder.

Love is such a thing, I am afraid that no one will believe before I have met, let alone Li Shaozhen. But now, Li Shaozhen found that he was not only deeply trapped, but also had the mentality of being like a little daughter, and he didn't want to be separated from each other for a moment. I want to take people into my arms, touch my little hands for a while, kiss my little mouth for a while, then lick my face for a while, and I won’t be tired of watching him for a day.

The president’s adult stayed at home for two days with Shen Yu, and until Friday, he went out with a look that seemed to have recovered.

"Hey, you can finally appear." Lu Zeyi, who spoke on behalf of Lu Jialai, said that Li Shaozhen was ridiculed: "It is really rare for a workaholic like you to be able to come to work at home for a week." - But the look looks so good, it doesn't seem to be ill?"

Because of the fear that the cat is a cat demon, it will reveal any clues through the exposure of the car accident. Li Shaozhen let Tan Ziye take all measures to crush the accident, so apart from Tan Zishang and Sun Wei, others are not clear about Li Shaozhen. In a car accident, he thought he was sick for a few days with a fever. This car accident is indeed an accident, and there is no human factor, the truck driver fatigue driving, Li Shaozhen and drunk driving, both have responsibility.

Lu Ze said and said, suddenly mysteriously lowered the voice. "I heard that your video conference was halfway through because of the turmoil in the bedroom. I’m honest, I’m secretly sneaking. Hidden in the house, a little goblin, every day, the account is warm?"

Li Shaozhen looked down at the little guy who had become a cat and was sleeping on the sofa.

Well, there is indeed a little goblin, but this little goblin is not entangled.

Lu Ze was originally a joke, but seeing Li Shaozhen actually did not refute, but the eyes with warmth seemed to be the default rhythm, suddenly panic, "No, you really have a beauty!"

Then I complained: "You are too uncomfortable, but you still don't take me as a brother. So big things are not sound. - How old is she? Is the background checked? Is there any problem? How about personality? When will you introduce it to me?"

Li Shaozhen really wants to hide the boy in the house and no one will give it to him. "Next week, he will enter the group next week to shoot a movie. You can have a meal together."

"Is it the entertainment circle?" Lu Ze has known Li Shaoyu for so many years. He has never seen him in this state of deep love. He can't help but remind him, "That circle can be messy, maybe he doesn't like you at all." Just for your money..."

The kitten that was sleeping was immediately moving his ears.

- Who is for the money? I am trying hard to earn a servant's support fee. I dare to provoke the relationship between the servant and the servant.

The stupid human Luze does not know who he has been provoked.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the state of the soul, the shallow water bombs of adults and the continuous rockets, it is thicker on Saturday and Sunday!

There are also the following adults' thunder and grenades, and they will kiss them one after another. All the messages are loved by you.

The squid threw a mine

Wandering state, throwing a shallow water bomb

Soul state, throwing a rocket

Zipkin threw a mine

Soul state, throwing a rocket

Soul state, throwing a rocket

Soul state, throwing a rocket

Hongyan threw a grenade

Yu Ling threw a mine

Soul state, throwing a rocket

The squid threw a mine

Momo has thrown a mine

The crane has thrown a mine

Shadow female emperor threw a mine

Zhaohua dumped a mine

Zhaohua dumped a mine

Drinking in the wind and throwing a mine

Small transparent throws a mine

The squid threw a mine

Don’t be thrown by a mine

The wolf ghost throws a mine

The priest threw a mine

The demon threw a mine
