MTL - Transmigrating Into The Male Lead’s Villainess Older Sister-Chapter 59

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Lu Yeye paused for a long time. Si Yu noticed that his eyes were fixed on his lips, and his warm thumb rubbed his lips. As if playing something rare and antique, she had an inexplicable illusion of being hunted by hunters.

Fortunately, Xu Qingwan is an uneasy master. She twisted her body desperately, trying to break free from the bodyguard's hand, shaking her throat to calm down, and shouting at Si Yu: "Si Yu, what is this, you fast Let your friends let me go. This is at the screening. It would be so bad in the event of being seen ... "

She completely forgot that she had moved her mind first, and followed Si Yu here all the way, intending to seize the handles of others, and secretly prayed that Si Yu had better have no secrets, so that if she got it, she would It's time to do it wildly.

Now she talked like a grandiose girl, as if she had no sneaky behavior just now.

When Si Yu heard Xu Qingwan speak, she was relieved. She pretended to look over to Xu Qingwan, quickly avoided the hands of Lu Wuye, and then pulled away to the side. Then she felt the kind of being followed. Feeling slightly weaker.

"This is not my friend. My words will not work. Xu Qingwan, you ask that you don't ask me for love." Si Yu saw Xu Qingwan looking at him earnestly, and frowned.

She is not a fool. Besides, there is a lesson from Han Tiantian. Xu Qingwan followed her silently. What she wanted to do was clear at a glance. Si Yu didn't want to let her go so easily.

Xu Qingwan was still restrained by her arms, maintaining a tense twisted posture, and her entire upper body was painful and numb, which made her face slightly twisted. Especially after hearing Si Yu's crisp refusal, her eyes suddenly showed a bit of resentment. .

Wu Wuye seemed to really notice one more person at this time. He retracted the hand that had just arrived on Si Yu's lip, dropped to his side, and rubbed his thumb and abdomen involuntarily, as if still reminiscing about that. The soft touch for a moment, but the other hand slowly turned the beads, sending out dust.

"Your words work." Lu Wuye said the first sentence when he dismantled Si Yu's desk. When Si Yu looked at it in puzzlement, he lowered his eyes and smiled, not even giving the light from his eyes to Xu Qingwan. "This What do you want to do? "

ask her? Si Yu thought he had heard it wrong, but after looking at it, he found that Lu Wuye's look was serious-he was really asking for his opinion.

From the beginning to the present, Si Yu dare not say how much he knew about Lu Wuye, but one thing is absolutely certain: this man has an extraordinary desire to control, and everything must follow his development, he will Satisfied, but as long as it deviates slightly from the established track, he can't stand it. For example, Si Yu drinks all the medicines that he has prepared in advance. For example, he gives Si Yu the skirts. The styles and colors are all picked by him. He likes it, for example, methyl ethyl butyl, which is unlucky in front of him.

So Lu Wuye suddenly asked her opinion, and made Si Yu a little embarrassed. She whispered, "I, I don't know ...?"

Because Lu Wuye's expression was very serious, Si Yu couldn't help thinking about it. She was really annoying to Xu Qingwan, but if she was alone, she would be far away from the intersection, and the others would be too much. She didn't think much about it.

Seeing Si Yu's expression, Lu Wuye could roughly guess what the little girl was thinking, so he sighed softly in his heart. It was so soft.

"Throw it out." Wu Wuye no longer waited, and decided directly.

"Wait, Mr. Lu, no-Lord Five, you listen to me, I didn't mean it!" Xu Qingwan felt the sudden increase in strength on his shoulders, and his teeth were biting, and he couldn't care about pretending. This man of extraordinary temperament was not joking, and panicked suddenly, "I, I promise I will never do this next time ..."

At this moment, all jealousy was left behind, Xu Qingwan only knew that she couldn't be dragged out like this. There were so many media reporters outside, she was finished as soon as she went out!

Suddenly thinking of Han Tiantian, Si Yu said immediately: "Wait a while, I have something to ask her."

When the group of black bodyguards saw her speaking, she didn't ask, and she let go very simply, and stood back in the corner silently like a shadow.

"Xu Qingwan, did you design Han Tiantian before the screening?" Si Yu took a step forward and frowned.

Xu Qingwan was wearing high heels, and almost didn't stand still when she was released. The carefully curated hair just disappeared a moment ago. The whole person showed a wolverine atmosphere. She looked up at the long skirt in front of her, and looked coldly, Si Yu. Frightened, I wanted to ridiculously say something about you, but her eyes touched the terrible look of the man behind Si Yu as if looking at a dead object. She flinched suddenly, as if being controlled, nodded, and the ghost confessed badly : "Yes."

She regretted it as soon as she said it, how could she recognize it?

But the eyes of that five lords are so stubborn, as if she didn't tell the truth, she would be instantly stunned ... If Xu Qingwan had been a little romantic and thoughtful about this man before, she would be lost now Going outside Jiuxiaoyun, the whole person shivered involuntarily.

Si Yu, no matter how regretful Xu Qingwan was, he continued to ask, "Who is the person to connect with you? Is there any recording about Han Tiantian in your hand?"

Xu Qingwan shook his head this time.

Seeing that she didn't cooperate, Si Yu said in a low voice: "You tell that person, and I will let you go back to the meeting place. Otherwise, it is very simple for these people to make you disappear. Do you understand? ? "

Si Yu didn't want to threaten people like this, but in the face of such slyness as Xu Qingwan, only by taking this opportunity could she tell the truth from her mouth, because she was obviously very afraid of Lu Wuye.

After hearing this, Xu Qingwan was a bit shaken. After thinking about it, he didn't dare to continue to talk about it. He reluctantly called himself to a reporter who provided a package.

After getting the detailed information, Si Yupan calculated that he would ask Lu Xingzhou to warn him. As soon as he took out his mobile phone, Lu Wuye frowned: "Who else do you want to call?"

Others are still standing here. Who does this little girl want to contact if he doesn't have a solution? The guts are getting fatter.

Si Yu answered for granted: "Lu Xingzhou, isn't he the president of Huanyi, he should be familiar with the media circle, I will ask him if he can contact this person to retract the manuscript ..."

Xu Qingwan listened carefully, and she felt half-hearted for a moment, listening to Zhou Siyu's tone. She seemed to have a good relationship with the president of Huanyi. In this way ... Does she still have the chance to overwhelm her?

Wu Yeye frowned even more. He was too lazy to ask again. He simply instructed his hands to go down to work and incidentally threw Xu Qingwan, who had lost his soul, back to the hall. Then he approached Si Yu step by step, with a smile: "You Now I think of Lu Xingzhou first, eh? "

The last ending was raised slightly, as if with a smile, but Si Yu did not know how to hear the thick threat.

She shook her head with a strong desire to survive: "No, absolutely no, I just think it might be more convenient to find him ..."

Lu Wuye looked at this dodging little rabbit, and he was full of anger. He collected all kinds of rare drugs in Tiannanhaibei, and finally managed to make the girl a little fatter. He was not as thin as when he first met. At the bones, the little girl turned her head and refused to confess her account. He contacted Lu Xingzhou more often than he contacted him-and when he contacted him, he was all active.

That does not work.

He put the white rabbit by his side to fatten himself and not to sell it to others, so Si Yu's behavior of "turning his elbows out" made him look very, very unpleasant.

Lu Wuye acted casually. As soon as his long legs crossed, he stopped in front of Si Yu. The hand holding the bead gently lifted her chin, looked at it for a few seconds, while Si Yu was still immersed in doubt. At this time, the man leaned down / come, like a dragonfly, and touched her eyelid with his lips.

Si Yu: "!!!"

Si Yu was stunned.

What's this for?

This action is not a kiss at all, it is just a touch, and even Wu Wuye touched only the eyes, but the impact on Si Yu was shocking enough. This surprise even covered her urge to spit blood. Let her just stare at the man in front of her for a long time, speechless for a long time.

Wu Wuye was quite righteous. He didn't think there was anything wrong with this kind of intimacy. He rubbed his lips with his thumb, and the cold buddha dangled on Si Yu's chin. It was a little uncomfortable. Coaxed, "What's the problem next time, remember not to find someone else, eh?"

Si Yu's head still didn't turn normally, didn't hear it, but nodded numbly, and didn't know what he had promised.

"Don't be afraid." It seems that Si Yu's mood can be guessed, Lu Wuye whispered, "It doesn't mean anything."

It was only temporarily stamped. He was already thinking about the courage of the little girl, afraid of scaring people. He didn't cover the place this time, and he didn't say anything?

Wu Yeye has been on the high level for many years, and he knows how to put it away. When I stay, I'm afraid that when the little girl reacts, she will burn into a ball, so she patted Si Yu's tender cheek very thoughtfully. Said: "Go back, I'll pick you up later."


Si Yu drifted back to the venue like a wandering soul, and her mind was chased into a pot of paste. Naturally, she didn't pay attention to the last sentence of Wu Wuye. She walked too much, and almost got out by Han Tiantian when she returned to the seat. She tripped on both feet, but even so, she still had no focus on her eyes and almost groped back to her seat.

Just at this time, the film had come to an end. Yun and the princess of Si Yuyan were already dead. There was a slight depressing cry in the venue. Fans were immersed in the film, and no one noticed Si Yu's dysfunction.

Han Tiantian was also wiping her tears and was tripped by Si Yu. The three souls and seven souls came out of the play. She quickly supported Si Yu's hand and asked, "Why did you go? Is it uncomfortable, Why are you walking staggering? "

Taking a close look, Han Tiantian glanced at the redness in Si Yu's cheeks, ears, and pupils with a little light, especially the apricot eyes with water, as if someone was bullied and crying. Han Tiantian Startled.

What's the matter? Didn't Si Yu go out with Ji Lin just now, the relationship between the two people is so good, it won't be a fight, otherwise why is his face blushing, and it seems like tears?

Han Tiantian called out worriedly: "Si Yu?"

"... I'm okay." Si Yu responded reflexively, her eyes gradually gaining focus, and the three emotions of shock, shame and confusion intermingled instantly, making her eyes look wet . Within a few seconds, Si Yu couldn't help covering his face, and the calmness of the pretense had no effect. "No, I still can't accept it ..."

Wu Ye is kidding, right? Or is it a hint of this action, suggesting that she will find her again?

Si Yu desperately made excuses in his heart, but Han Tiantian next to him showed a surprised look and involuntarily launched his brain supplement.

Can't accept anything? The relationship between Si Yu and Ji Lin broke down? !!