MTL - True Marvel World-Chapter 396 Symbiote

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"Who is this person?"

The appearance of the ancient mage, who wore a yellow mage robe, shocked Skye and Eddie. Both of them shrank behind Ron and asked him weakly.

I can't help it. Although Ron looks very unreliable, he is indeed the backbone of everyone present. No matter what happens, ask him exactly.

"The magician in Western mythology and legend, Gu Yi, I call for help!"

Ron did not intend to conceal Gu Yi's identity, and he said it directly.

He is already very angry that Gu Yi has been restricting his behavior, so this time he called the other party to prepare to pit her, both in terms of identity and behavior.

I walked to Gu Yi and said:

相信 "I believe you have also felt, behind this symbiotic dragon has an extremely powerful breath, not worse than us, for the safety of the earth, you must stand up!"

"I know!" Gu Yi's face remained unchanged, and she saw it at the first sight of the symbiotic dragon.

She shifted her eyes from Ron to Ron with a very serious look:

"Ron, I know you have no intention of sticking to the bet between us, and you want to tear it up with violence, but I still want to persuade you, if it is not the last moment, I still hope you can keep this agreement! "

"If you can hold on, the eyes of Agomoduo will definitely fall into your hands. This is my promise, Supreme Master Gu Yi. If there is any change, I will be reduced to ashes and dissipated in this world!"

When I heard this, I had to say that Ron's previous grievances had disappeared a lot.

An ancient master is indeed a person who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years. The words spoken really make people feel very comfortable.

There is an obvious contrast. Gu Yi is the same as Professor X, saying ‘I ’m here for you’. It is to say, I hope what you can do, and in the end, I also gave an agreement to raise the height and reduce the grievance.

With this in mind, Professor Gao Ming really does not know where to go.

He shook his head, Ron still intended to promise Gu Yi temporarily.

but! The newspaper's grievances still have to be reported.

"Gu Yi Mage." Ron brought his honorary title this time, and a winged badge appeared in his hand, and handed it to the other party:

"Since I can't take the shot, I'll trouble you. This is the junior member badge of my guardian alliance. Wear it and become a member of the guardian! Believe me, this is definitely a good choice!"

"..." Gu opened her mouth slightly and could not imagine what guardian alliance or junior member Ron would actually let her join.

Hearing this, it's very low-level!

I forget ...

Knowing that Ron was dissatisfied, Gu Yi also decided to let the other person be willful. He took the badge and wore it on his chest.

Seeing Gu Yi's compromise, Ron's resentment disappeared, and he said with a little pride:

"Well, Master Gu Yi, since you become a guardian, you must listen to my order. Now your teammates are in trouble. Go and help them, understand?"

As soon as Gugu closed his eyes, he resisted the urge to directly lock Ron into the cage of time: "I see ..."

Although he refused, Gu Yi was quite obedient when he agreed.

She has never been a nonsense person, and immediately went up to support Mr. Wonder, Invisible Woman and Little Spider.

The ancient Mage's fighting style is very special, or in other words, this world's mage fighting style is very special.

并不 This group of magic mages do not all use long-range attacks, most of their attack methods are melee, using magic to condense various melee weapons to fight.

古 一 is also, and is one of the best.

伸展 She stretched out her hands to draw a circle, and the golden mana fan appeared from her hand.

Then, she flew towards the symbiotic dragon, and the mana fan in her hand was separated from the black dragon's body, and the body that was originally inaccessible was cut instantly.

Amazingly, the cut body did not heal as fast as before, and even the wound still tended to expand slowly.

The Symbiosis Dragon also noticed this guy who broke in suddenly and didn't care, but when the opponent's weapon touched the body, the Dragon knew that it was wrong.


Feeling the pain of magic, the dragon started roaring, it no longer cares about the magical gentleman who has been entangled in him, and instead focuses all his attention on the ancient one mage, and starts to face this latest and most powerful enemy .

The attack method of the Symbiosis Dragon is actually very simple. It is to use its own strong strength to directly hit the enemy with his body and use his foot to attack.

If this doesn't work, its body can be used like a common symbiote to defend itself with various strange weapons.

Also, the reason why the symbiotic dragon is called a dragon is that it is one person, and it can actually fly.

It has a pair of large wings that spread out more than sixty to seventy meters on its back. Just a few stirs can create a strong wind, and it can also make it fly.

The Puppet Dragon quickly used its wings. It flew in the sky and began to slam into Gu Yi, hurt, and attack Gu Yi.

However, as a mage, Gu Yi is still a melee mage. If she is not flexible, then the devil of the white demon dimension would have been killed.


Just a slight leap, Gu Yi avoided the symbiotic dragons' claws and giant mouths grabbed by her, and the mana folding fan in his hand changed for a while, forming a long mana rope directly around the dragon's neck .

With a swift pull from ancient times, the power of catching the rope easily rode directly on the symbiotic dragon.

The mana rope on Gu ’s hand is getting longer and longer. She moved around, pulling the mana rope directly around the dragon's huge body, and started to play the binding ... Ah, it is a binding tactic. I want to tie up the symbiotic dragon!

"Best human!"

The symbiosis dragon wanted to break free, but couldn't break it at all. Seeing more and more ropes binding himself, his voice actually roared.

Yi Guyi did not respond, but the power of pulling the mana rope in his hand was a little more.

The Symbiosis Dragon was severely strangled by mana ropes, and there were many wounds on his body, no bleeding, but still scary.

These wounds make symbiotic dragons uncomfortable. Its roar can't offset this pain, it can only struggle more insanely.

Others on the ground could see that a dragon that was dozens of meters long was **** with a rope by a man in yellow clothes on the sky. He wanted to break free but couldn't break away at all. He had fallen into madness.

"It's scary, who is she?"

I haven't exclaimed in the magical gentleman who participated in the battle. He never thought that there could be a person who could control this tens of meters long symbiotic dragon so easily. This is completely impossible.

The little spider and the invisible woman next to the puppet have the same idea. Who is this person?

Soon, they came to Ron and asked the question.

Ron gave the same answer as Skye and Eddie before, and then no longer said anything, but quietly watching the changes on the field.

Others may not feel it, but he and Gu Yi have a little hunch.

A breath of terror is coming!


The roar of the symbiosis dragon became more and more magnificent, but the voice of hatred but helplessness flooded everyone's ears, and it actually made people feel a little sympathy.

Fortunately, everyone knew that the dragon was their enemy. Even if they sympathized again, they didn't say anything, just watched in silence, waiting for the death of the dragon.

After all, from the current situation, if nothing changes, this will be the only end to the dragon!

But the situation, that is, at this time, has changed dramatically.

The symbiosis dragon's body seemed to be no longer overwhelmed. It was cut directly by Gu Yi's mana rope, and became a piece of black material.

These black substances are the previous symbiotes fused into the dragon's body. After being cut apart, they become extremely weak, like black rain, and they fall to the ground.

As soon as Gu Gu saw this scene, she also retracted her mana rope and quietly floated back to the ground, watching everything happen.

When the symbiosis dragon disintegrated, the little girl who was only seven or eight years old actually came out and fell from the sky.

The petite spider Peter Parker's eyes were swift and swift, and immediately a spider silk stuck to the falling little girl, rescued it, and hugged it in his arms, so as not to fall into the symbiotic body again.

The disintegration of the Symbiosis Dragon soon came to an end, and its body was disintegrated to the end, leaving only a small symbiotic body floating in the air.

This symbiote gave a totally different feeling to everyone present.

It's darkness, endless darkness.

In the hands of Eddie, the venom originally shrunk in the glass jar began to shake frantically, constantly hitting the glass, trying to leave this place where he hid himself.

And the fragmented symbiotes that originally fell from the symbiont dragon actually began to slowly join together again. The difference is that this time they never grew larger, but continued to merge.

In the end, these symbiotes actually formed a human appearance.

的 The person composed of this symbiotic body is very tall, about three meters high, with a long body, and even changes a suit and wears it on his body.

震惊 This scene of shocked people, who were invaded by the symbiote, so they all know that the symbiote needs the host to survive.

But now, these symbionts have become a 'human' themselves. What is going on?

在 At this moment, the floating symbiotic body in the sky began to fall slowly, and finally landed on the 'human' composed of symbiotic bodies on the ground, slowly forming the last step of this body.

That is a head, a white human head that is completely different from most symbionts.

The white skull had a bunch of dark red eyes, and he opened his eyes and looked at everyone in front of him. Although there was no expression, no matter who it was, he could feel his disdain, as if nothing was in his eyes .

"This is a good planet ..."

The chirping sound came out of this human symbiosis, very deep and hoarse.

After saying that, his body began to rise, so he floated about half a meter away from the ground, and began to float in the direction of Eddie Bullock. In his eyes, there was only the glass jar in Eddie's hand.

"Child, come back to me ..."

He made a sound again, and then the glass jar broke directly, the venom inside flew out, and flew out toward this humanoid symbiote, as if to become a part of him like other symbionts.

At this time, one hand caught the venom.

This is an ordinary arm ~ ~ But it seems to have the strength like steel. After grasping the venom, this arm came to Eddie, and after giving the venom to Eddie, the master of the arm face Meet the person formed by the symbiosis like the **** of heaven.

来到 "When you come to earth, you must abide by the rules here and report your name. Maybe you can leave here!"

"Is it?" The symbiosis formed a small smile, and his eyes were full of interest: "You are very good, not much weaker than those who think they are gods ..."

I will pretend to be stronger than me!

Ron is very irritable. As a traverser, he doesn't know who this guy is, which is simply unforgivable.

He seems to have heard his voice, and the people who formed the symbiosis began to introduce themselves slowly.

"I am the God of Symbiotes, Lord of the Abyss-Naar, Master of All Symbiotes!"

"Human, how about you?" The guy who called himself the God of Symbiosis slightly lowered his head, but still looked down at Ron with a smile on his face.

"Ordinary human, Ron, is there anything else you want to ask?"

Ron frowned fiercely, this character he had never heard of put a lot of pressure on him, as if he was a lamb ready to be slaughtered at any time.

This was something that had never happened before.

"No, you are not ordinary." The symbiotic **** shook his head gently, but did not ask any more, but turned his head to where Gu Yi was, and asked with a smile:

"You are also very good, how about you?"

"Extreme Master, Gu Yi!" Gu Yi is still a serious look, said nothing concealed.

Uh ...