MTL - True Marvel World-Chapter 397 origin

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Facing the big hand made of the black material of the symbiote, Gu Yi responded by condensing a shield to resist the attack.

But unlike before, the shield condensed by Manu Mani instead of resisting the large hands of the symbiote, it broke apart shortly after the contact and did not play any role.

Fortunately, Gu Yi's response was quick, he took a step back, and used magic to create a space door in place, so that the symbiote's big hand directly caught the other side of the space door, and then closed the space door directly.

I saw only a flash of light, and the big hand made up of the symbiotic body had only elbows left, and the cut-out place was full of dark black matter shaking slightly.

"First, the space here is linked to another space, and then the magic of the symbiotic hand I enter will close the magic of the linked space, and use the space to cut off the hand of my symbiote. Good magic means ... "

The God of the Symbiosis didn't care about the two broken arms at all, and even began to explain with interest what the magical principle that Gu Yi had just used. It didn't seem to panic at all.

Because the symbiotic body that was originally cut off by Gu Yi's space magic actually grew up again, and it was bigger than the previous one.

Huge is that the palm is no longer grasped this time, but directly lifted up and shot down towards Gu Yi from above.

There is no way, Gu Yi can only release the space magic again and open a door in place.

This time, instead of using the space gate to cut off the symbiotic body, she hid in.

Of course, Gu Guyi didn't run away. She opened another door at the other end of the space and connected directly to the rest of the people, pulling Skye, Eddie, Mr. Wonder, Invisible Woman, and Little Spider into it.

The God of the Symbiosis saw the movement of Gu Yi, didn't care, and even slowed down the movement, letting Gu Yi take the rest away.

But at the end of the first time when Gu wanted to take Ron away, the Symbiotic God couldn't help but wanted to stop it.

I just don't want Ron to leave without the sympathy of the gods.

He broke free from Gu Yi and asked seriously:

"Gu Yi, I asked you this question a long time ago, but now I ask you again. In your eyes, will it be important in the future or will it be important now?"

Is it important in the future, or ... is it important now?

Laogu was a little sluggish. She remembered that when she first wanted to ‘clean up’ Ron ’s unstable factor more than two years ago, the other party had also asked this question.

At that time, her answer was: if the future thing has not happened yet, then it is not true.

But then, she saw countless times in the long river that the young man named Ron destroyed the earth and even the universe.

It was the end of all life, and she was shaken finally, as if the real scene appeared before her again and again.

She believed in the countless possibilities in the future and thought that Ron would be the biggest threat in the future, so she made an agreement with the other party and wanted to change all this.

He was just Ron's words at this time, but he brought her into this cycle again.

Yeah, although Ron is the most terrible destroyer in the countless futures!

But is it now?

The present is only the present, although the future is not far away, it is still the present, not the future.

In this case, what reason does she think Ron will be the most terrible person in the future?

The ancient Gu Yi's idea gradually shaken, she looked at Ron deeply, and finally decided to relax a bet.

"Wait a while, if I still can't drive the intruder out, then you will help me again. But only once!"

"I see!" Ron nodded, he understood that the power that Gu Yi would use next would be her most powerful means.


"Fun ..."

The dark red eyes of the God of Symbiosis are increasingly interested, and I look forward to the two little lives in front of him to bring him more surprises.

Because in the endless years, he really seldom has such a powerful life in this universe except the gods!

"Symbiotes need more powerful hosts, this is a good opportunity ..."

Xu's memories began to appear in the mind of the symbiote, only then did he realize that he could conquer the two lives in front of him and get him into his avenger army.

In this way, his revenge army will be more powerful, so that he will have more strength when he kills the gods in the future!

Ron and Guyi certainly did not know what the Symbiotic God was thinking. After they reached a new agreement, Guyi finally no longer hesitated and exposed the eyes of Agomota who were around his neck.

The oval-shaped device is opened, and the green gemstone emits a mild light.

But this is not the case in the eyes of the Symbiotic God.

As soon as he saw the eye of the eye of Agomoduo, he overturned all previous conclusions and became careful and cautious.

The human life wearing a yellow robe and using magic, in front of him, was weaker than the **** of heaven, but he was not him.

He is still slowly building up his strength, not to mention that he is only a part of the consciousness when he comes to this planet.

He had full control before, but when the green light shone on him, he already knew the next attack he was about to face.

It's time, endless time!

He is very familiar with this kind of attack, and in the battle with Tenjin, some Tenjin will also make this kind of attack.

He was imprisoned in endless time, and it took countless efforts to break free.

I wonder if any of the gods in the time attack of this human life are so powerful?

In the prudence of the Symbiotic God, the offensive of time came quietly.

全新 A whole new world has appeared, it has no material, no life, and some, just endless cycles.

The God of the Symbiosis is the only existence in this circular world. After he appeared, the world began to flow wildly. A feeling of unspeakable charm came to his mind and made him tired.

的 Tired of everything, it seems that everything is no longer important!

If it was someone else, maybe the idea of ​​suicide had already been born, but the **** of the symbiote did not.

He faced all of this calmly, as if everything in front of him was smoke, and it would dissipate for a moment, not to mention.

The fact is exactly the same.

Endless time is still endless, there is no end.

But Gu Yi, which represents time, has an end, and she can't help it.

She is not because of patience, but because it requires countless mana, if she continues, there will only be two results.

At first, she fell into an endless darkness and became a slave to darkness.

Second, she was caught in endless time and could never come out again.

No matter what kind of result, Gu Yi is unacceptable.

So soon, a woman wearing a yellow mage robe, with a big bald head, appeared in the cycle of time, facing the **** of the symbiote.

"Leave the earth, you can leave here!"


The God of the Symbiosis is not panic at all. He has experienced this kind of attack and knows that endless time seems to be endless, but in fact, as long as he stays on, any time will come to an end.

Especially this time is a case where life depends on items.

"Leave the earth, you can leave here!"

Yi Gu continued to tell, over and over again.

There was only one answer from the God of Symbiosis: "Why?"

Finally, Gu Yi couldn't hold on, and she could no longer maintain the world of time, and fell straight down.

古 With the fall of Gu Yi, this endless world of time no longer exists.

Everything returned to the original point, the symbiotic **** still stood in place, smiling and looking at another life that had not yet been shot.

"There is only one of you left, come on, let me see your attack ..."

Leaning aside, Ron quickly hugged the fallen Gu Yi, and let her sit on the ground to rest before facing the symbiotic God, which was floating on the ground in front of him.

A lot of things happened just now. In Ron's eyes, Gu Yi actually just fell down after exposing the light of Agomoduo's eyes, as if he had never fought at all.

But Ron, who has already begun to touch the time, and knows the power of time gems, knows that just a little while ago, he didn't know how long.

This is the power of time. In the original timeline, Dr. Strange, Dr. Strange, used this power to force Domham in the dark dimension back.

现在 But now, this kind of attack is totally useless to the symbiote god.

This is something he didn't dare to imagine before.

Is n’t this symbiote **** even better than Domam?

Ron wasn't sure, he began to realize deeply how helpful it was for him to know the story.

Maybe, this guy can tell himself?

"Can you tell me your origin? The **** of the symbiote?"

He looked at the guy who was looking down at him three meters high, and asked curiously.

"It's an interesting question."

The God of the Symbiosis is not in a hurry. He has already defeated one. He doesn't think that this person who needs to be defeated by the guardian of life can be as powerful.

So, he really started telling his origins.

"The God of Symbiosis is not my original title. At the beginning, I was only the master of the abyss, the cosmic life named Nar ..."

"At that time, I had the abyss alone ... but then, a group called Tianshen wanted to occupy my territory and drive me out of the abyss ..."

The story told by the Symbiosis is not complicated, even very simple.

Alas, and because of his arrogance, he even spoke out some of the details.

After finishing, Ron got a complete story, let him know clearly the source of the symbiote, and what kind of strength the guy in front of him probably has.

Simply put, when the Tenjin group in the Marvel world expanded their universe, they accidentally provoked the life in this original abyss.

Then, this guy went to war with a huge number of gods alone, and began to want to kill all the invaders.

He is just that the **** group is indeed the **** group, although their individual is not as powerful as the Lord of the Abyss.

But since the Tenjin group is called the Tenjin group, it means that they are not separate individuals.

Numerous gods surrounded Nal, the Lord of the Abyss, who has not yet become the **** of symbiosis. Although Nar is powerful, it cannot defeat the large number of Tens.

In the end, Nal, the Lord of the Abyss, tried his best, and in the end he just cut off the head of a **** and started to flee.

Taking advantage of the escape, he used the head of Tenjin as a foundry furnace, and forged a sharp sword with the blood of Tenjin.

Naar called this sword 弑 Sword, which means the sword used to kill the gods!

After a while, he began to go to war with the gods.

This battle was fruitful. He killed countless gods, but in the end he was surrounded by more gods, and his artifacts penetrated his body.

But amazingly, this guy is not dead yet, he just lost his body, but his consciousness came to a barren planet and survived.

In the battle with the Tenjin group, his 弑 Divine sword was also lost, leaving him with no weapon to kill Tenjin.

But Nal didn't care, he was going to take a rest and then make a comeback.

On that planet, Nahr assembled a kind of black life that was inextricably linked to him. When he found that this kind of life body had to belong to other lives before he could live, he gave this kind of life. Life takes its name-


And he also relied on this life to be able to condense out of the body again.

Then, the revenge officially began.

He began to expand his power, countless symbiotes began to destroy one planet after another.

Junar's army is getting stronger and stronger, but this is far from killing the gods.

Expansion continues ~ ~ until encountering obstacles on this planet.

Hit him, and Gu Yi!

After hearing all the stories, Ron just wanted to say one thing, Niubi!

It's worse than Domam with no dark dimension. Even if the story is true, this guy is even more legendary than Domam.

Although the Tenjin group's position in the Marvel world is embarrassing, it is more than enough, but their strength is still obvious to all.

I was able to slay the people of the Tenjin group, and finally survived. This symbiotic **** is also a bit of a brush.

现在 Now, this man with a few brushes is going to be his enemy.

This makes Ron so excited!

When I was in space before, he was looking forward to the encounter with Exterminator, but even if he killed the ebony throat, the Exterminator did not show up, I do n’t know why ...

But the fighting heart in his heart has not changed, there is no annihilation, and there are still many powerful existences in the Marvel universe.

His previous goal was to soon invade Earth's Domham, and later the more powerful Planet Devourer.

现在 But now, the **** of the symbiote is not bad.

Even according to the other party, he was only partially aware that the earth came, not all!

This will be his best opponent now!

Defeating the opponent, he will gain a lot of combat experience. This is an important basis for him to face a more powerful life in the future.

"You are not afraid of endless time, then, are you afraid of endless means of attack?"

All Ron's thoughts had been put down, and he began to face this battle extremely seriously.