MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 006 There is no reason for my favorite woman to protect me in turn.

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Jiang Yuecheng asked everyone to look for it. Wei Muran and Zhang Ming went south along the village. Qi Youxuan quickly followed. [A lot of good-looking novels] A waste factory was found not far from the village. The factory door was locked, and the iron railings, chains and locks on the door were rusted.

Qi Youxuan looked at the lock, his fingers did not touch, and he pointed at it. "Recently, people frequently open the lock and there is rust in the middle of the chain."

Qi Youxuan took out the handkerchief from the trouser pocket and gently wiped it in the middle of the chain. As a result, the handkerchief was stained with brown crumbs and powder.

"But the lock, and the place where the chain is close to the lock is very smooth, which is why people often use touch." Qi Youxuan pointed to the part of the lock, this time without touching, the naked eye can see.

"I just asked the village head, this factory has been abandoned for two years, but there have been people watching the door, the key is in the hands of the person." Zhang Ming said, take out the phone to call Xing Jiadong, "Gadong, you go find The village head, let him bring the factory's janitor to the factory."

After that, he informed Jiang Yuecheng and asked him to bring someone over.

Not long after, Xing Jiadong came with the village head, followed by a man in his fifties, with white hair, wearing a blue cotton coat, driving a shackle, inside a white vest.

"He said that if he lost it." Xing Jiadong said that he was not angry, but also looked at the janitor.

"What happened?" Zhang Ming looked at the janitor with suspicion.

The janitor was scared and waved again and again. "Comrade comrades, you can't doubt me. I am honest and have never done anything bad. At most, it is greed and greed. This key was lost three months ago. Although this factory is It was abolished, but because it was a chemical product, I was afraid that it would be bad. I still have to look at it. I will give me 800 yuan a month until the factory is clean. In fact, it was already three months ago. It's clean. The factory has to be demolished, and the land has to be sold, so I will take the lead before I sell it. I... I’m afraid that if people know that my key is lost, they won’t need me. I lost 800 yuan in a month."

"How the key is lost, you think about it, or we will bring you back to the police station to ask questions, then you are the suspect." Zhang Ming said, Zhao Yiyang has called the nearby unlocked.

The janitor was scared to fight and screamed, almost cried out. "Police... Police comrades, I am really embarrassed, I... I dare not, police comrades."

"Then you think about it." Zhao Yiyang sighed.

"I... I remember that just three months ago, a company sent representatives to see the land. They didn't plan to dismantle the factory. They said that if they looked at it, they would buy the factory together. The original boss was very happy. I can also sell a lot of money. The representative asked me to open the door and went in and watched it carefully. After I sent him away, I didn’t go to see if the key was still there. After a few days, I planned to take a turn and found the key. I have disappeared. I... I don’t dare to tell people."

Everyone heard it wrong, Zhang Ming immediately said: "You give us the contact information of the company that contacted you three months ago, and the contact information of the original owner of the factory."

"Hey." The janitor took out his mobile phone and gave the number to Zhang Ming.

The unlocking also came, and the lock of the gate was opened. Jiang Yuecheng pulled the police cord outside and took people in.

The factory was abandoned for two years and no one has ever cleaned it. The ground is a thick layer of dust and there is no light inside. Outside, it was dark and white, and everyone was holding a flashlight. Under the light, the dust floating in the air became more obvious.

There was also a smell of mildew in the air. Wei Muran subconsciously leaned towards Qi Youxuan's side, quietly licking Qi Youxuan's arm and whispering: "Is it my psychological effect? ​​How do I smell a faint feeling? Bloody smell?"

"It's not a psychological effect." Qi Youxuan said calmly, "I also smelled it. Go here."

Qi Youxuan went to the front and led the way without knowing it. Wei Muran thought that he had not received any training in peacetime. He was afraid of danger and he could not avoid it. He quickly walked to her side. If there is nothing like it, he should be taken behind him.

In the darkness, his hand was caught by his warm palm, and his gentle whisper came from his ear. "There is no reason for the woman I like to protect me in turn. If you are injured, it is useless to me."

After she finished, she was kept behind her.

In the darkness, Wei Muran only felt that his face was hot. It seemed that there was hot smoke coming out of his ear. The brain was ringing and he had no ability to think at all.

However, she did not pull her hand out, let Qi You propaganda hold it, and the root of the ear was hot and pulled by him, and did not think about whether it would be seen.

Zhang Ming saw it first. When the thief thief smiled, he turned the light of the flashlight to another place. Jiang Yuecheng’s expression was a little stagnation, and he did not open his eyes.

Wei Muran was walking along, and suddenly the palm was scratched, and the slight itching of paralysis passed from the palm of his hand.

"Qi Youxuan!" Wei Muran bit his teeth and bowed his head.

"Don't move, we are here." Qi Youxuan's voice sounded serious, and as a result of his words, her hand was pinched by him, and the thumb was still on the back of her hand, and she was swaying and playing. <>Read the full text of the latest chapter

Wei Muran had to pick up his hand, but he had already entered the wolf's nest and was held tight by him.

"There is blood here." Qi Youxuan suddenly said.

He gathered the light from the flashlight to the wall, where the wall intersected the ground, and blood. Qi Youxuan approached, "The blood has not dried yet!"

Jiang Yuecheng responded very quickly, and immediately took the walkie-talkie to inform the colleagues who stayed outside. "People just ran, chase after!"

Others continued to check with Qi Youxuan here. Zhao Yiyang wore white gloves and grabbed a rope. "There is blood on this rope."

Qi Youxuan suddenly squats, "Who has a clean handkerchief?"

Wen Yan, Jiang Yuecheng and Wei Muran handed a handkerchief at the same time, others would not even bring paper towels.

Qi Youxuan was surprised. Jiang Yuecheng even had this habit. He looked at the handkerchief that the eyebrows had handed over. He skipped the past and took over Jiang Yuecheng.

Wei Muran grinned, not very happy to close it up.

Qi Youxuan looked at her with a smile and smiled. "There may be the thing that flows out after men and women have finished. You don't want your handkerchief to get in, even if it is thrown away afterwards."

When Wei Weiran, he felt uncomfortable and did not regenerate. He looked at Qi Youxuan wearing gloves and took Jiang Yuecheng's handcuffs to glue the liquid on the ground and put it in the bag.

"..." Jiang Yuecheng looked at his handkerchief and got something, and the whole person was not very good.

"How do you not use your own handkerchief?" Jiang Yuecheng asked.

"Oh, I just got rusted. I am not afraid of affecting the quality of the identification?" Qi Youxuan said very seriously.

Jiang Yuecheng: "..."

At this time, Jiang Yuecheng’s intercom was ringing. “The Chiang team, we didn’t find anyone.”

"I know, I will return the team and bring the janitor back." Jiang Yuecheng said.


Back in the team, Zhao Yiyang and Xing Jiadong went to ask the janitor, the representative of the representative who went to see the factory three months ago.

Qi You Xuan stood in front of the whiteboard, holding a pen in his hand, and said a simple record. "The kidnapping of Zheng Wentao and Zheng Xiaorui is the same person, but the things left in Zheng Xiaorui should not be kidnappers. Zheng Wentao and Zheng Xiaorui have serious whiplashes. But apart from that, there were no fists and injuries. The factory was dirty, but there was a very clean and obvious mark."

Qi Youxuan pointed to a photo. "Here, I must have let go of the chair before. The kidnapper has cleanliness, so the person who holds Zheng Xiaorui is not a kidnapper. This means that he is looking for someone to insult Zheng Xiaorui, or he has a accomplices, or another One person was also kidnapped and forced to hold Zheng Xiaorui. I prefer the second possibility."

"The people who have cleanliness have a strong desire to control. Zheng Wentao's death, he did not personally, but led Zheng Xiaorui to kill his own grandfather. And Zheng Xiaorui, he did not personally let another person hold and kill him. Such people will not find someone to cooperate."

Qi Youxuan slammed the pen with his pen. "At the beginning, Zheng Xiaorui's Li Anqi was forced to commit suicide, and Zheng Wentao used his relationship to suppress this. The murderer kidnapped Zheng Wentao and let their grandparents kill and kill their lives. Threat, if Zheng Xiaorui wants to live, he must kill Zheng Wentao. At this moment of life and death, Zheng Wentao feels that he is old. If he must choose, he must give his granddaughter a chance to live, so Zheng Xiaorui will kill Zheng Wentao. This is why, the initial two knives are not deep, can see the hesitation of the knives. After all, it is to kill their own grandfather."

"And Zheng Xiaorui was forced to hold and hung from the heights after a strong hug*, which is the same as Li Anqi." Qi Youxuan pointed his pen and turned to return to the whiteboard and wrote, "The kidnapper is male, 25 years old. Up and down, looks ordinary, not easy to remember, face Sven, myopia, wearing glasses. There are cleansing, obsessive-compulsive disorder, habitual small movements, perhaps he has not noticed."

Qi Youxuan turned and said to Zhang Ming: "You said that Li Anqi's brother did not return to the country. Who was there when he was close to Li Anqi? Zheng Xiaorui's favorite boys were very good at school, indicating that Li Anqi is an attractive place. It is certainly not as simple as attracting a male voice. Check out those who have been close to Li Anqi. Also..."

Qi Youxuan stunned his eyes. "High school is a place where it is easy to pass on all kinds of gossip rumors. You can start asking questions from this. Get the graduation photo of Zheng Xiaorui and check it out from the photos."

"You said that 25 years old, if it is Zheng Xiaorui and Li Anqi's classmates, age does not match." Zhang Ming said.

"Is there a boyfriend at the time of Li Anqi? It is not common for high school students not to fall in love." Qi Youxuan said.

"I will check it out." Zhang Ming nodded and went to check.

When Xing Jiadong and Zhao Yiyang returned, Zhao Yiyang handed a portrait to Jiang Yuecheng. "This is a portrait drawn by the janitor Li Fusheng."

Jiang Yuecheng moved his face and handed the portrait to Qi Youxuan. "This is consistent with the characteristics you just said."

"Is Li Fusheng still there?" Qi Youxuan looked up and asked.

"Still, didn't let him go." Zhao Yiyang saw both Qi Youxuan and Jiang Yuecheng's face dignified, and my heart was also nervous.

Qi You nodded and nodded. "I will ask him again."

This time, surprisingly, Xing Jiadong did not say anything more than the same. Zhao Yiyang followed Qi Youxuan into the interrogation room.

Li Fusheng saw the two coming in, and he was anxious and embarrassed. "Why don't you let me go? I really didn't do anything."

"I know, there are still some questions to ask you, you think about it." Zhao Yiyang said.

Qi Youxuan sat on the opposite side of Li Fusheng and calmly asked: "You think about it carefully. The representative went to see you three months ago. Is there any strange place in his manners? Even if it is small and weird, as long as you think that ordinary people do not I will do that, you think that he is a fuss, it is a strange place. You can think about it, when he does something, you secretly pouted and thought he was too much."

Originally, Li Fusheng was still very confused. He could understand the words of Qi Youxuan later and he became more and more aware.

He nodded and remembered. "If you say this strange place, it does. He loves to be clean, Jane is so sick. We have more village roads, especially the road to the factory. It is all earth. He frowned as he walked. When he got to the factory door, he wiped the shoes with a handkerchief, then threw the handkerchief and took out a small bottle of disposable hand sanitizer to wash his hands."

"Isn't the door locked? He took out a handkerchief and moved it around the chain with a handkerchief." Li Fusheng grinned. "I don't know how he brought so many handkerchiefs."

"I opened the lock and accidentally touched him. He immediately bounced off, especially shouting at me, don't touch him." Li Fusheng glanced, "When I am sorry to touch him?"

"Because there is no light inside, I took a flashlight and listened to the sound of a squeaking sound. I turned around and looked at it. The man was always shooting his sleeves, clothes, as if there was dust on it, and took the hand soap after the filming. Wash your hands, take a shot after cleaning, wait for it to come out of the factory, I see his face is blue. It is really pitiful to see him, so he did not care about him. But he has been patronizing clean, the factory What kind of in it, I guess he didn't pay attention."

After Qi Youxuan had finished asking, he went out with Zhao Yiyang and let Li Fusheng go.

After a while, Zhang Ming came in with two photos. "This is the high school graduation photo of Zheng Xiaorui. There are individuals who describe it like you and Li Fusheng."

Zhang Ming pointed to a man sitting in the left position of the first row and showed him a two-inch certificate. "He is Dong Zhengfeng, who was originally the first experimental high school, that is, Zheng Xiaorui and Li Anqi in high school. Chinese teacher. When Li Anqi jumped from the building, he happened to be underneath, watching Zheng Xiaorui jump down, a pool of blood. He said that the teacher who is still teaching at the school said that his first reaction was to catch up with Li Anqi. The foot was in a pool of blood, and both hands and clothes were covered with blood. Since then, Dong Zhengfeng seems to have been dyed with cleansing. He has to wash his hands several times a day. When he uses chalk in class, he must wear a handkerchief. This is already a mental illness, so he has also seen a psychiatrist, but now it seems that the result is not very good. Coincidentally, after Zheng Xiaorui graduated, he also resigned, and there is a familiar with him. The teacher knew that he did not go to another school to teach after he resigned, but instead entered a food company. The company did not consider building a factory in Nanshan not long ago."

"Go to Dong Zhengfeng immediately!" Jiang Yuecheng did not dare to delay, and took the person to Dong Zhengfeng's company, Wei Muran naturally followed, but Qi Youxuan did not follow.

The case was resolved quickly, and he had to think about his own affairs.


Wei Muran thought that Dong Zhengfeng must be afraid of sin and flee, and would not let them catch it so easily. Obviously everyone else thinks so. Rao is Jiang Yuecheng who was surprised when he saw Dong Zhengfeng sitting in his office as usual.

After they explained their intentions, Dong Zhengfeng was even more surprised, but did not panic, even a look of disbelief, I think they must be misunderstood.

Wei Muran felt that Dong Zhengfeng was either acting too well or was really smashed. However, she believes that Qi Youxuan’s judgment can be seen by Dong Zhengfeng, and that the performance of a person’s acting is not so good.

Dong Zhengfeng did not panic, and even followed them back to the police station.

Qi Youxuan did not personally interrogate him, only looking at the inside through the glass.

For the death of Zheng Wentao and Zheng Xiaorui, Dong Zhengfeng did not admit it, and even surprised.

"Can you see what?" Jiang Yuecheng stood with Qi Youxuan.

Qi Youxuan frowned. "He didn't lie, but people did kill him."

Jiang Yuecheng, what is the reason?

"My inference can't be wrong, people are killing him." Qi Youxuan squinted and said, "But his reaction indicates that he did not lie."

Zhao Yiyang and Xing Jiadong really can't ask anything. Jiang Yuecheng can only let Dong Zhifeng go to the lie detector.

Seeing Dong Zhengfeng on the lie detector, still not flustered, answering the flow, Jiang Yuecheng is somewhat intolerant, "Mr. Qi, can't because you are confident that your own inference is correct, let us all consume, we can only take him at most Close to tomorrow, he will be released when he arrives."

Qi Youxuan thought for a long time and suddenly said: "From Nanshan to his company, it takes an hour and a half. The blood in the factory is still dry. There is still one person in his hand. He wants to go back to the company immediately, and he has no time to deal with those. Something. Go check his car!"

Qi Youwei watched Dong Zhengfeng through the glass and found that his feet were uncomfortably crushed on the ground.

"His shoes are dirty." Qi Youxuan suddenly said,

Jiang Yuecheng was puzzled and did not understand what he meant.

"There must be something on his shoes that will make him feel so uncomfortable with a clean person." Qi Youxuan explained.

Jiang Yuecheng immediately informed Zhao Yiyang and Xing Jiadong to take off Dong Zhengfeng’s shoes.

Dong Zhengfeng, who has been very calm, suddenly resisted so badly that he would not let them take off their shoes. Zhao Yiyang and Xing Jiadong are going to hold him down. He is even hysterical. "Don't touch me! Dirty, don't touch me!"

Xing Jiadong directly twisted his arm behind him, pressing his upper body to the table, holding his arm in one hand and pressing his head tightly on the table with one hand.

"Let me go." Dong Zhengfeng’s voice suddenly changed. It was not as flustered, calm, and even cold, as if without a trace of human feelings.

Xing Jiadong couldn't see it, but Zhao Yiyang on the side found that Dong Zhengfeng had even changed his expression.

"Let me go, don't take off my shoes." Dong Zhengfeng said coldly, "Zheng Wentao and Zheng Xiaorui are not killed by me, but they are indeed dead. You don't have to check, I admit it."

Xing Jiadong surprised him and let him see the coldness and ridicule of Dong Zhengfeng's face.

"He is courageous and doesn't know the things I do. You ask him if it's useless, and you can't get results." Dong Zhengfeng said sarcastically.

"You..." Xing Jiadong looked at him in amazement.

"Personality splits." The door was suddenly pushed open, and the voice of Qi Youxuan passed.

Jiang Yuecheng also followed in and closed the door.

Dong Zhengfeng smiled and did not deny it.

"Does he know your existence?" Qi Youxuan asked.

"Maybe, I think he should know. As long as he falls asleep, I will appear. Sometimes when his emotions are intense, I will also appear. When he leads the body, I know what happened. But when I led, I didn't want to let him know, he didn't know. But when I led the body, I did a lot of investigations about Zheng Wentao and Zheng Xiaorui, including the rapist. There are many photos in the family, one day. He found out, shocked, burned all the photos, and pretended to be nothing. But I know he knows, just escaping."

"Since you are so eager to admit it, it is better to tell us clearly, don't let us ask in a sentence. Zheng Wentao and Zheng Xiaorui, why are you killing them?" Jiang Yuecheng asked.

"Don't you guess the reason? When Zheng Xiaorui was beaten by Li Anqi, he jumped into the building and committed suicide. Zheng Xiaorui did not get the punishment he deserved. He was also indulged by Zheng Wentao. Zheng Wentao covered his granddaughter and ignored justice. Since the law Without punishing them, I will personally take the shot."

"I first kidnapped Zheng Wentao, and then used him to attract Zheng Xiaorui, torment them, and let them whips each other to each other. If anyone smokes lightly, then the person who is drawn will slap me a heavier whipping. So They don't dare to deliberately release water, one is more than one." Dong Zhengfeng's expression gradually became crazy, and his eyes had no focal length.

"The two have no strength in pumping the other side. I threw a knife in them. Whoever grabs the knife first and kills the other, he can live." Dong Zhengfeng sneered, "Zheng Wentao really loves his granddaughter." Zheng Xiaorui went crazy to grab the knife, but Zheng Wentao did not move in the same place. It may be that he saw Zheng Xiaorui’s move, and he himself was chilling, taking the initiative to let Zheng Xiaorui kill him.

"That Zheng Xiaorui is really cold-blooded and selfish for her own life. Even her grandfather can get a hand. She will be scared at the beginning of the two knives, but from the third knife, she is getting more and more crazy, almost stopped. I started. A knife smashed into the chest of Zheng Wentao, and blood was sprayed on her face."

Qi Youxuan’s heart was slightly moved, and the report of Bai Mo’s also said that Zheng Xiaorui had Zheng Wentao’s blood.

"Like Zheng Xiaorui, this kind of greed is afraid of death, how can she let her live in the world for her beasts who can kill her grandfather? How can she live is a scourge. At the beginning, she can harm Li Anqi, and now she can kill her grandfather by hand. What else can't be done in the future? Zheng Wentao is also pitiful, and he is so worried that he has raised such a white-eyed wolf. Zheng Xiaorui’s death is also considered to be harmless for the people."

"When she was hurt, Li Anqi, now I have to come back. So I found the gang that held Ang Lee and grabbed him. He was also deserved, I personally smoked him, he was desperate, not I dare not listen to me. I let him hold Zheng Xiaorui, he has to do it. If he wants to live, I let him push Zheng Xiaorui from the roof of the factory, he has to do it."

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