MTL - Ultimate Martial Divine King-Chapter 1654 Burn the sky

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"that is?"

"The power of runes?"

Uh ...


Unparalleled gorgeous runes are like the stars of thousands of spirits floating in the sky, the evil spirits of the giant tree shape stand up in the sky, and the sharp four claws step on the strong wind cyclone pattern.

Everyone in the market was shocked and frightened.

Many people narrowed their eyes.

"What is this? Rune, rune?"

怎么 "How is it different from what you saw last time at Aresiya?"

Uh ...

痕 At the beginning, Chu marks the war with the Shrine in the land of the Inland State of Midland, and once exposed the existence of runes.

It is not a secret that Wu Chuchen Lingwu Shuangxiu is also a matter of a famous tattooist. [Dragon and Snake Romance Comics /].

Surprisingly, it is surprising that the behemoth that released the mighty evil spirit and the power of the powerful runes in front of him has changed a lot from the appearance of the rune beast.

Ye is also evil.

Dark and evil.

Uh ...

He did not give people too much time to calm his mind and think, and the cold eyes of Rune Beast transmitted the cold light of the forest.

Then, the rune beast's four claws volleyed, and suddenly a very amazing speed broke out.

Set off a surging vicious evil flame, he rushed straight towards the dead beast and turned into a desolate Yu Shenyin.

"桀桀 ..."

The beast of the dying **** sneered softly.

"Another thing not afraid of death ..."

The words were uttered, and the beast of death came out without fear.

Two swift afterimages were drawn in the empty space, and the two fierce monsters were hardened together directly.

"嗵 ..."

The two collided. If two unexpected meteorite mountains meet, the power of the violent beast meets the turbulent runes.

Alas, when it comes to explosive power, it is clear that the dead beast's blurry Yushen Yin is stronger.

With all kinds of mighty strikes, Rune Beasts actually flew out.

At the same time that the rune beast retreated quickly, Ke has an abyss-like mouth opening, and countless dazzling rune secrets 箓 instantly condensed into a complex and mysterious large rune.

The Rune Array emerges under the beast of the **** of death, moving in seconds.

"Wow ..."

The rapid hurricane soared to the ground, centered on the beast of death, and suddenly awakened an extremely violent tornado storm.

The tornado air flow stirred the sky and the clouds surged.

It is doped with countless sharp wind blades.



Uh ...

The dense and sharp wind blade is like a huge meat grinder, and the beast of the **** of death can not make a long and narrow incision.

Suddenly, the cut wound was just a momentary effort and healed quickly.

"It's too naive to hurt me in this degree of delusion ..."

The arrogant voice of Wu Yu Shenyin circulated from the throat of the beast of death.

As soon as his voice fell, Xun Ke released a strong spatial rhythm in the pupils of the extinguishing spirit over the other side.

"Demon flame storm ..." Chu marks the voice of the extinct demon.


Together with the sharp howling, the cold breath spread out in the void, and a purple flame was shocked out of nowhere in the storm that enveloped the beast of death.

The tyrannical purple flaming sacred demon inflammation immediately stained the layers of tornadoes.

Suddenly, the cyan hurricane tornado suddenly turned into a bright purple storm.

Uh ...

"That is?"

Looking at the spectacular scene in front of me, the people of all ethnic groups were shocked.

"It's a fusion of wind and fire ..." Yan Han, the holy tribe of Yantian, began to marvel.

Howling wind!

Can blow fire.

But the same can also make the fire spread faster.

With the blessing of "Hurricane Rune Art" created by the rune beast, the purple demon flame suddenly rose to the sky with the potential of burning the sky.

The incomparably large purple flame pillar storm exuded the horror that crushed everything.

Countless dense spiral wind blades have also been transformed into purple flame wind blades, and they are slicing and strangling the majestic body of the evil beast.



Uh ...

The bone-bone armor spreading out of the beast of the **** of death was cut off and burst under the cutting impact of the demon flame blade, and a series of narrow scars crisscrossed the other body.

"桀 ..."

The beast strangled the roar like a violent trapped beast locked in it.

I saw everyone in this scene trembling with fear, but felt that their backs were cold.

The most powerful sacred geniuses and evil spirits, including Chen Chen, the wind, the cold feathers, and Mo Nanquan, are faintly sweating. If they were to be replaced by them, they would be crushed by the scorching storm.

Uh ...

"Humanity, God repels great power!"

鳞 The beast of death, which was torn by the endless vortex blade, screamed.

"嗵 ..."

At the moment when the voice of the puppet fell, its head was lifted up, and a violent invisible shock wave suddenly burst out from the body of the beast of death.

Bafang space immediately twisted the depression.

The terrible reverse repulsive force is like the ripples of the water surface swinging in all directions. 霎 The majestic purple wind column that filled the sky and the sky burst out from it.

The mighty purple halo is like a star burst.

The heaven and earth were dark, and Jiuxiao was pale.

Seeing the trembling eyes, Hurricane Ziyan, who was about to break the sky, shrouded the sky over the entire Grand Canyon, and swept all the way out.

"Rumble ..."

Thunder and lightning flashed, as if the horses galloped on.

Howling winds and turbulence, if the tsunami is approaching.

The people of various ethnic groups who were outside the Grand Canyon suddenly felt as if they were facing the end of the doomsday's collapse.

Many people who are bad at repairing are even more swollen with blood and numbness of the scalp by the aftermath of this release.

Uh ...

Overthrowing the "combination of wind and fire", the beast of the **** of death transformed by Yu Shenyin was covered with blood and mist. I saw that the skeletal armor outside of him had broken in many places, but the numerous narrow cuts on his body were visible to the naked eye Speed ​​heals.

"Om ..."

Suddenly, not waiting for Yushen to have any chance to rest, I saw a gorgeous rune light in the eyes of the rune beast in the distance.

Thousands of complicated rune secrets flicker over the back of the beast of death.

蓝色 Two blue irises floated behind the Beast of Death and shrouded outside the Demon Demon.

"噌 ......" Accompanying the trembling space rhythm, 霎, the extinct demon who was still below a second before suddenly appeared to the back of the death beast.

Uh ...

"The art of space transfer?"

Everyone's heart trembled again.

"This rune beast even controls the rune art of the power of space?"

Uh ...


I'm shocked!

And thick and unbelievable spread over everyone's face.

But there wasn't much time for everyone to feel wrong. The demon spirit that was directly transmitted by the rune beast to the back of the beast of death had already raised the huge blade in his hand.

"Ku 哧 ..."

A steady stream of thunder and robbers wandered up and down the giant sword ~ ​​ ~ The purple electric pole is like a manic thunder python.

The green arc is like a bright spirit vine.

Storm howling.

Thunder thundered.

Silent Demon holds the power of Wanjun Thunder in his arms, and the sword cuts down in anger, tearing the space, and sturdyly slashing on the back of the death beast transformed by Yu Shen Yin.

"Lao Tzu is cutting your skin today ..."

"哐 当 ..."

Thousands of thunderous lightning exploded in the void, like a three-dimensional large net that bloomed.

The heavy explosion sounded through the eardrums of everyone outside the field.

The sturdy and solid Jianmang was like a light spin splitting chaos. A sword fell, and the skeletal armor on the back of the beast of death was broken and broken, and even the spine body was sunken.

"嗵 ..."

Yan Jianchao is empty, like the blade of divine punishment.

A huge wound that traversed hundreds of feet was immediately spread and torn apart on the back of the beast of death.

"Roar ..." A terrifying howl uttered in the mouth of the beast of death, and the incomparable huge force fell down. With countless pairs of horrified eyes watching, the behemoth of the thousands of bodies looked like a smash. Meteorites fell to the ground and hit the ground in the Grand Canyon Division fiercely.

Suddenly, the rocks and rocks collapsed, and a tsunami-like shock wave directly flattened the entire Grand Canyon area.