MTL - Ultimate Martial Divine King-Chapter 1685 Great Changes in the Fire Domain

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Fire domain!

Thousands of miles away, all are crimson flame mountains.

The imposing peaks and peaks are like ancient beasts guarding this strange place.

It can be said here that nothing grows.

Even the magma river exposed can be clearly seen.

The winding, rugged magma rivers are like the red dragons that flow through the mountains and valleys.

However, in the middle of this incredibly hot mountain range, a Zen terrace stands in a particularly vast canyon.

The steps of the Zen platform are clear.

Surrounded by giant pillars.

In the center of that counter, there is a giant door that is particularly spectacular and strange.

Giant doors communicate back and forth, regardless of inside and outside.

From a distance, it looks like an iconic building.

Of course, if you look closely, you will find that the sky above the building like the legendary gate of the Tiangong Palace is a faint rainbow.

The extension of Guanghong is about a thousand feet in diameter.

It is like a complete rainbow.

The inner area of ​​the circular rainbow faintly emits strange space rhythms, which feels like a gate of time and space leading to another world.


"That's the entrance to 'Yan Yu'."

Three hurried figures flew across the sky, then stopped over the canyon Zentai.

Sirius Wei Rao Feiyu pointed at the colorful rainbow and said to Chu Hen slightly cautiously, "I'm still a bit worried, why don't I and Li Wuju go in and see what happened?"

A mysterious person who suddenly appeared!

Sudden "familiarity".

Especially during this sensitive period after the Thunder Saints were destroyed.

Chu Chen was called by the mysterious people to burn the holy tribe, which is really intriguing.

From injury-free is also a little serious look at Chu marks.

Nowadays, Chu mark's importance to the demon pupils can be imagined.

Once he made a difference, it was related to the future prospects of the entire demon pupil saint.

However, Chu Hen shook his head.

"No need ..."

They have already come here. In Chu Hen's view, there is no need to let Li Wushou and Rao Feiyu go to inspect first.

In any case, the sacred saints are also one of the ten strongest saints. Even if they want to unite with the god-eyes saints to deal with themselves, they do not have to play this kind of imagination, and they have the power to directly destroy the demon pupils.


Chu Chen was anxious to know the identity of the mysterious woman.

And the relationship between the other party and the chaos.

"Then go straight in!" Li Wushang said.


Chu Hen nodded.

Immediately, the three were directly in motion, and each turned into a streamer's aftershock that swept towards the rainbow aperture in the void.

"Om ..."

Circles of light ring-shaped ripples spread out in the middle of the circular rainbow, and the scarlet red arcs of light in the air startled.

"There are restrictions ..." Li Wushen said softly, and then he uttered a soft flick again, "Well?"

Chu marks, Rao Feiyao also flashed a surprise in their eyes.

It is not surprising that there is a ban.

For example, those ordinary sectarian gates will be banned at the gates or entrances to prevent outsiders from intruding.

Moreover, as one of the ten strongest saints, the Celestial Saints have a ban on the gates that connect to the Yan Realm.

To the surprise of the three people in Chuhen, the prohibition here seems to have been "broken".

Although it was activated, it did not appear to interfere with the three people.

One more thing, under normal circumstances, the three people are close to the entrance of the Yanyu, and even when they reach this flame mountain range, they should be noticed by the patrol guards of the Celestial Saints.

but now?

"There are situations ..." Rao Feiyu said firmly.

The three looked at each other, nodded slightly, and motioned to alert each other.

"Om ..."

Immediately, a strong spatial rhythm cascaded, and the three of Chu marks seemed to pass through a layer of water reflection.

Of course, on the other side of the water, there is another world.


The hot air rushed forward.

The sound of the large-scale burning of the flames was clear to the ear.

Presented in Chuchen, away from injury, in front of Rao Feiyao's eyes is a real "world of fire".

Endless fire fields in deep red, hot magma rivers flow under the majestic cliffs and giant peaks, and many hanging stone bridges highlight the general trend.

Looking from a distance, in the depths of the Yanyu, there are magnificent palaces, Qionglou, Lingtai and many other buildings with extraordinary magnificence.

Fire domain!

Ember City!

The separate spatial realm where the saint saint is located.

"this is……"

Of course, what shocked the three of Chuchu was not the magnificent style of the Fire of the Flames, nor the magical work of the Ember City Palace.

It was the appalling and miserable scene in front of him.

The corpse was everywhere.

War is burning.

At a glance, a **** corpse cut off the breath of life.

"what happened?"

Looking at the corpse on the ground in Yanyu, without any injuries, Rao Feiyu's face changed greatly.

Even Chuchen tightened her eyes, and her brows were full of dignity and suspicion.

Burning Saints ... something happened!

An extremely disturbing breath came to the hearts of the three Chuchus.

At the same time, my inner doubts became more intense.

After a short period of hesitation, there was a flash of determination in Chu Hen's eyes, and then he moved, passing the giant peak Lingtai across the bridge, and flew directly in the direction of the "ember city".

"Chu ..."

Rao Feiyu wanted to stop the other party, but he hadn't finished speaking yet.

Immediately, Li Wushou and Rao Feiyu immediately traced back to Chu marks.

There were corpses everywhere.

Broken limbs are scattered all over the place.

The people who fell to the ground were, without exception, all the saints who burned heaven.

When the three people in Chuhen entered the "ember city", the tragic situation in the city was even more distressing.

The blood meets into a river.

The crumbling corpses were horribly vertical and lay everywhere, no matter whether they were male or female, young or old, or flame spirit beasts, there was almost no living mouth.

Most of the city center hall of Ember City collapsed.

The square in front was directly stained with blood, and the flag of the Saint-Fen family fell to the ground. Numerous pairs of eyes without eyes were rounded, staring at the world with extreme unwillingness and horror.


Looking at this scene, without injury, Rao Feiyu only felt trouble on his scalp, and his back was cold.

The words "annihilation" exploded in their hearts like a thunderbolt.

This scene.

Seems familiar!

Because in that year, the holy pupil of the demon pupil also encountered such a situation.

Too familiar!

Too dazzling!

Too much, it's scary!


What exactly happened?

"Who did it?" Rao Feiyan clenched his fist, Shen said.



Chu Hen's brow was tightly frowned, and a pair of deep and dark pupils filled with thick frost chill.

This is the "holy sacred tribe".

One of the ten strongest saints.

Speaking of extermination, are they exterminated?

Not even a little wind came out.

Wind sound?

The "mysterious woman" who made herself come up again appeared in Chu Hen's mind.

Did the forces behind her do it?

Can't believe it!

The power of that woman's control was indeed a "chaotic body".

Wanting to come to each other is related to the disappeared Chaos.

Will it be done by the forces behind her?

Chu Hen shook his head secretly.

Absolutely not!

If the forces behind her have the power to destroy the saints, they don't need to hide in this world, they can even appear in the saints conference with great swing.


Suddenly, at this moment, an extremely heartbreaking breath intruded silently into Chuchen's heart.

His face changed suddenly.

I saw a mysterious figure on a tower on the south.

The man was quite tall, wearing a black gown and a ghost mask on his face.

The mask is a pattern of sharp ghosts, with sharp corners and exposed blue teeth, which makes people feel like a **** of a ghost.

"Who is it?" Rao Fei shouted sharply.

Chu marks, from the wounded heart, are also very alert.

The voice didn't fall, and the figure in black wearing a ghost mask was grappling, and it came towards this side in a continuous flashing and transient manner.

The intangible majestic situation is like the storm.

Not waiting for Chu Chen and others to figure out what is going on, the other party directly gave a hand.

Suddenly, with the momentum of the mountains, the surging golden palms shrouded toward the three.

"Boom ..."

The power of one palm, the mountains and rivers want to split.

Chu Chen's body shook ~ ~ His arms were tilted outwards, and a whirlwind of purple light swirled like a hurricane.

Under the terrible palm strength, the purple storm outside Chu marks burst directly from it. Together with the hollow and twisted space and the collapsed tower building below, Chu marks were actually crushed by the opponent's palm The ground below the square, and without injuries, Rao Feiyao was even shocked to fly out, hitting a palace and a pavilion behind one after another.




The palace, the pavilion collapsed, Li Wushou and Rao Feiyu all covered their chests, spitting blood in unison.

The former frowned and shouted in disbelief, "The Emperor is powerful ..."

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