MTL - Ultimate Martial Divine King-Chapter 1686 Double emperor

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"The Great Emperor ..."

The majestic coercion shrouded like a mountain, and Li Wufei and Rao Fei's face were all drastic changes.

Their faces quickly turned from red to white.

The terrible breath filled the sky, causing a little trembling in all directions.

Fireland Ember City!


I still have to wait for Chuchen to figure out what happened, and the mysterious man in black who appeared suddenly seemed to be drinking like a head.

"Who are you?"

Chu Chen's dark and deep pupils were stunned, together with the sharp trembling of the air waves, and the eyes turned into a pair of magic purple pupils.

The nine black dots in the depths of the demon pupil slowly turned.

Chu Hen's demon-like eyes seemed to be seen through the mask on the other's face.

"Jiuxing Demon pupil, it is really nostalgic eyes, I thought I could not see it in my life ..."

The shivering ghost mask made a deep and heavy voice.

It sounded like it was deliberately modified, thick and uncomfortable like metal.

Chuhen's fists were slightly grasped, and there was a solemn meaning between the eyebrows.

"What did you do to the Celestial Saint? What conspiracy did you have ..."

"You are not qualified to ask me questions ..."

At the end of the conversation, the mysterious man in black once again released a majestic trend.

The palm of his hand is like a resurgent situation. The dark tide surges suddenly over the city of Ember, and the man in black sets off a tsunami-like offensive and runs towards Chuchen.

"Chuchen, be careful, don't resist ..." Rao Feiyu exclaimed.

The breath of the man in front of him is far beyond what the Thunder King can compare.

However, although Chu Hen has also achieved "the emperor's name", his last emperor's calamity has not yet passed, and I am afraid he is not his opponent.



Chu Chen's eyes were cold, and numerous purple spiral beams of light, such as a tornado storm piercing the earth, immediately probed Chu Chu across the air with one palm.

"Why ..." A sharp piercing wind blew, and a beam of purple light suddenly burst out.

There was a faint air mark in the air.

The purple light beam is extremely fast and exudes incredible penetration.

The speed of the mysterious man in black does not decrease, just at the point where the two are about to converge, the man in black "slaps ..." leaving a shadow in the void.

The moment the purple beam penetrated the afterimage, a disturbing breath hit the left side of the Chu mark.

So fast!

Chu Hen was startled.

It's like the transition of space.

The man in black was shocked to the left of Chu Hen, his hand turned into a palm knife, and he split towards Chu Hen.

Between the electric light and flint, Chu Hen evacuated without hesitation.

"Boom ..."

Just as the Chuchen volley jumped up, the palm-sword power from the man in black was vented directly on the ground.

Suddenly, the earth cracked the fault.

Along with the countless gravels set off on both sides, a huge rift nature seemed to be a rapidly breaking river.

The gully extends all the way, splitting the large square stiffly into two areas.


The absence of injuries and Rao Feiyu off the field was a big surprise.

A mere strike is such a terrifying power.

Definitely the emperor.

Who is it?

The minds of the two kept flashing over the figures of the emperors who shook ancient times on the ten-party throne platform at the saint meeting.


Of course, just then, a strong uneasy space rhythm moved over the other side of Ember City.

"So again?"

Without injuries, the faces of the two Rao Feiyao changed again and again, and a black figure quietly appeared in the void.

Also wearing a dark style mask, hiding the true face.

"Well ..."

The space in which the opponent is located seems to have a strange twist and overlap. The second masked man in black moves in a "jumping" form to the space above the Chu mark.


The strangeness of the body form is trembling.

"Another emperor?"

Rao Feihuan's face was pale.

Chu scar was also startled, and her pupils were purple.

"Om ..."

Suddenly, the endless purple storm spread out between the heavens and the earth, and the area where Chu marks was located immediately set off a tornado.

The overbearing incomparable flames of the Holy Holy Demon Flame spread to all directions.



Then, in front of and behind the evil flame storm, a giant beast burning with purple flames and flowing manic arcs rushed out in both directions.

Two purple electricity giants rushed to the two mysterious black men one after the other.

At the same time, Chu Hen flashed out immediately in the flame storm, and ran away from the wound, Rao Feiyu drank, "Go!"

No idea at all!

There is no hesitation.

If there is only one emperor, Chu Hen may still let go. This will directly result in two people. Even if Chu Hen is strong, I am afraid to explain it here, especially if I do n’t know what happened. Case of things.

Li Wushou and Rao Feiyu didn't care about the pain caused by the injuries in his body. He immediately got up from the ground and wanted to leave with Chu marks.




But just the next second, the storm over the city of Ember behind him burst with the storm, and the two raging fury monster monsters were blasted apart at the same time.

The air waves spread to the sky, and the purple flames emptied.

The two giant beasts are like detonated meteorites. In the turbulent chaos, two masked men in black are unscathed. They are like powerful masters from the mysterious land.

"Damn ..." Chu Hen cursed.

He snapped at the two innocent, "You go first ..."

"No, you're leaving alone!" Rao Feiyu said incomparably.

"We'll give it to your queen," Li said innocently.

By the way, the two of them are surrounded by purple streams of light. They are surrounded by a chaotic and overwhelming spiral of light ~ ~ Two extinct monsters like the giant of God of War immediately appeared in the world between.

Of course, just in the blink of an eye, a huge golden palm print covering the sky and falling from the sky, running through the power of the devil in the direction of the two.

"Boom ..."

There is no ability to compete at all, Rao Feiyu and Li Wushou are summoned directly by the falling terror of the horrible monster.

This power is so strong!

Both looked pale.

Immediately, Yu Wei, who was rushing down, was once again vented on them, and the two were again smashed hundreds of feet by the ground, smashed to the ground, and spit blood.


Covered with their faces.

Chu Chen was also terrified. Immediately, the nine stars rotated in the depths of his pupils, and the heavens and the earth exchanged like stars.

Gorgeous and splendid light and swirling shadows entangled outside Chu marks, Jiuxiao Sky Dome, winds and clouds were angry, and a vast and extinct demon like a mountain suddenly appeared in the void.

The purple light and flowing shadows intersect, and the domineering armor is like the emperor's helmet.

The wings spread behind him, setting off the sky.

Once this lonely demon appeared, Rao Feiyu and Li Wushou were summoned just like a child who had not grown up.


嘹 Liang sharp instrument tremolo rang.

A fascinating phantom streamer burst into the right hand of the extinct demon transformed by Chu Hen.

In that palm, holding a three-edged war halberd, the gorgeous and rich purple demon flames spread on the body of the halberd, containing endless divine power, exuding the peerless edge of cutting the galaxy.

"It turned out to be the death halberd of Emperor Demon pupil ..." One of the ghost masks in black was slightly surprised, and a low suspicion sounded in his mouth. (Tianjin Novel Network https: //)