MTL - Ultimate Martial Divine King-Chapter 1708 Life under the blade, death under the blade

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"Buzz ..."

The overbearing breath is turbulent.

The anger of the Dragon Blood Emperor in front of Kowloon was shrouded in the shadow of Chu as if it were an extinct storm.

In addition, Chu Chen is also fearless, and his body is covered with gorgeous purple flames, surrounded by black shadow wings behind him, quickly condensing into a shadow like a demon.

"Well ..."

The star burst and the wind shattered.

Chu Chen and Dragon Blood Emperor are like two meteorite met unexpectedly in the void.

Once the two collided, it could be described as upside down, and the space in the entire Kowloon area fell into a state of distortion and rupture.

The mighty chaotic blast wave sweeps in all directions.

The rivers in the lower waters drove sharply, and the fierce aftershocks swept out in a rolling force, and the surrounding melee crowds were successively set off.

"This guy can hold the dragon blood emperor's offensive?"

Royal beast saints, rock saints, storm saints and others are still shocking.

Although before this, Chu Hen was able to cut the Thunder Emperor and achieve the name of "Chu Emperor", but compared with the Dragon Blood Emperor, the Thunder Emperor is obviously not on a level.

The Dragon Blood Emperor is an extraordinary existence that stands at the pinnacle of this world.

Chu Shen's life is not even a hundred years.

It's hard to imagine that Chu Hen could be so resistant to the attack of the Dragon Blood Emperor without falling into the wind, which was really shocking.


"How are you, Lord Murphy?"

At the same time, Yan Fushu brought the prince of the heavenly palace, Mu Fei, to another giant cloud boat.

Although Mu Fei covered his chest with one hand and his face was extremely pale, he resisted the injuries in his body and stood up looking out over the "Kowloon Field".

"I didn't expect Longling to come here, I was really overwhelmed ..."

Mu Fei regretted and said helplessly.

Yan Fushu's eyes were also dimmed, and even he did not expect that the dragon blood emperor would guard the beast world.

You must know that the other four realms all have the presence of an emperor-level commander.

It stands to reason that the other party should go to those four realms.

But the Dragon Blood Emperor appeared here.

It's really surprising.

However, if you think about it, this is exactly what the other party is "smart."

Because there is no emperor in the conquest team attacking the beast world, the dragon blood emperor can easily defeat the invasion here.

This is also the opponent's tactics!



In the space of the Kowloon area, the extremely chaotic true elementary countercurrent is like a wide open storm.

The two people, Chu Hen and Dragon Blood Emperor, a purple flame flared, a black shadow attached, a golden mantle shrouded in shadow, surrounded by dragon shadows ... The two battled the world in the realm space, the fists intersected.




Both attacks were particularly fierce and fierce.

It can be described as fist to flesh, palm to palm.

The chaotic fists and palm prints are overwhelming and dazzling.


Dragon Blood Eucharist.

Among the top ten strongest saints, its explosive power is second only to the flood desert saints.

However, while having a powerful explosive power, it also has a very strong defensive force.

In close combat with physical strength, the dragon blood saint is definitely better than the demon pupil saint.

However, Chu Hen is not only pregnant with the bloodline boundary of the demon pupil holy body, he also has the chaotic bloodline boundary that once dominated the Shifang Saints.

The physical strength of the chaotic blood of the chaos was absolutely unmatched.

Each confrontation between the two is comparable to the collision of stars, and Mars is splashing like a confluence of mountains.


"Don't be too self-conceited, the bloodline boundaries that have already been abandoned, don't come out and be ashamed."

The Dragon Blood Emperor screamed angrily, his arms waved sideways, and he grasped Chuchu's throat like a cracked lightning.

Approaching Chuchen's throat, the Dragon Blood Emperor's arm turned into a sharp and sharp dragon claw.

The golden arc-blade claws swept through the air, and several gaps in the space were immediately torn apart.

Chu Mark's face changed slightly, and his body was on the back side, almost avoiding the claws of the Dragon Blood Emperor.

Immediately afterwards, the other dragon's arm waved forward and forward.

"Well ..."

Several rapid winds burst into the ears suddenly, and saw a few golden daggers flying out of the palm sleeve of the dragon blood emperor.

Every dagger capital is surrounded by the dark breath of killing.

The shape of the dagger is particularly bizarre.

The sharp blade is like an open dragon claw, and the dagger is covered with fine dragon scales.


"It's" Inverse Scale Shadow Spike "," Yan Fushu exclaimed, "Chu Chen is careful ... that is an artifact with Jiulong Ding."


A few dagger shadows lingering around the dark edge passed by Chu Hen.

Although Chuchen's response was fast enough, several neat and deep wounds were marked on the chest and back.

The sharp pain conveys every nerve in the body.

Blood dripped quickly.

Chu scar's complexion changed slightly, and the wound could not heal?

You know, with the current repair of Chu Hen, this injury can be recovered in an instant.

To his surprise, he apparently felt that the wound was not able to heal.


"The person injured by the" Inverse Scale Shadow Sting "cannot repair the hemostasis in a short period of time." The Dragon Blood Emperor sneered sneer, immediately turning his fingers.

"Well ..."

The dragonscale dagger that flew out turned back again along the trajectory that flew out.

Chu marks dodge again and again, although he has escaped several major shadow stab attacks, he still has two more blood marks on his body.


"Chu marks are too great." Mu Fei frowned and said slightly uneasily.

Yan Fushu is also dignified.

The opposite is the Dragon Blood Emperor.

Ling proud of the existence of the top of the human respect field.

And the "Inverse Scale Spike Shadow" is a coexistence of Jiulong Ding on the artifact list.

The two are integrated and can be separated independently.

One main attack, one partial functionality.

Especially in the hands of the Dragon Blood Emperor, this "Inverse Scale Spike Shadow" can exert a very strong lethality.


With several Shadow Daggers returned to the Dragon Blood Emperor's hands, the invisible edge shook all over again.

Feeling the endless chill of mankind revealed from the Dragon Blood Emperor, the purple demon pupils of Chu Hen immediately burst into a powerful wave of power.

The nine stars rotate and the wind rises.

Then, countless purple beams of light gathered outside Chu Hen like a whirlwind.

"Nine-star demon pupil, demons vanish ..."

"It's only too late now, isn't it too late?"

The Dragon Blood Emperor provoked a frivolous sneer ~ ~ 咻! "



Then, the dragon's blood emperor's eyes flashed, and I saw it as the center, and nearly a hundred inverse thorn shadows spread out in all directions.

The Dragon Blood Emperor is like being placed under an endless shadow blade.

Then, the other person flashed like a phantom, and immediately flashed to the front of Chu Hen.

"Stabbed shadow, no life under the blade, only death under the blade ..."

Along with the falling momentum, the Dragon Blood Emperor raised his hand and pressed it gently in the center of the still demon that had not yet fully transfigured.

"Kill you, this is enough!"

"Om ..."

The seemingly gentle and light palm of the Dragon Blood Emperor fell in front of Chu Hen, accompanied by the peerless sharp suffocation that penetrated the heavens and the earth, and saw that nearly a hundred inverse scale shadow blades scattered in the void were concentrated on a single flying And yet.

The dense shadowblade dagger exudes a sharp killing air.

The shadow blades that came in from the center split the purple beam stream that filled the sky.

A dull and loud sound of "嗵 ......", the inverse scaled thorn shadows gathered in one point directly penetrated the body of the annihilated demon that has not yet completely changed shape, and the offensive has continued to increase, and it is moving towards the annihilated The Chu marks inside the spirit center gathered.

The concentration of the inverse scale blade is extremely fast.

It's like a stream of flying shuttles, meeting in an instant.

Like an anti-nest eagle owl, like the sword of Guizong.

"His ..." Chu Hen was directly hit by the shadow blades gathered, and the strength of the Dragon Blood Emperor was also implemented.

Immediately, under the countless double shocked eyes, Chu Hen's chest burst out from it.

Bone viscera was quickly crushed by the inverse scale blade.

"That's it ..."