MTL - Ultimate Martial Divine King-Chapter 1725 The source of the wickedness ...

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"God forbids blood prison ... your emperor is back ..." The **** light of the heavenly sky spread like a tsunami sky.

Suddenly, heaven and earth seemed to spread an ancient battle song.

The innumerable army of millions of strange demons sent out cheering laughter with torn vocal cords.

The demons and kings with a fierce head shaking their heads groaned.

Howling! Fear! The horror breath infiltrated into the soul is like a mountain that is slowly pressed down, causing the heart to contract and the pupils to enlarge, as if the throat was gradually strangled by the invisible palm from loose to tight.

的 The suffocation slowly extended, clear and terrifying.

…… "That is?"

The Star Emperor, the Waste Emperor, the Nine You Emperor, the Devouring Emperor and others all stopped the current battle, and everyone looked with horror at the Optimus Stele, which was changed by the Qitianling, Above it was a huge clear blood-stained ghost.

This terrifying breath.

熟悉 For them, familiarity is particularly disturbing.

... "Hurry up, destroy Qitian Ling!"

Emperor Huanghuang shouted suddenly.

Everyone's heart tightened.

A lot of people are trying to take action. However, the voice of the star emperor filled with a thick and solemn voice and then said, "It's too late ..." Heavy is like a hammer hitting everyone's heartstrings.

"Om ..." 云 The majestic momentum of the dark clouds stirred the whole heaven and the world, and the endless blood cyclones extended to other realms.

擎 Two Optima towers support Jiuxiao.

In the middle, the stele frame transformed by the Qiqi Heavenly Order is surrounded by a series of complicated and complicated ancient moire patterns.

"哐 当 ..." Then, a violent cyclone halo of "Wow ..." spread out in all directions within Qitian Ling, and thousands of light wings flickered into the sky.

Twenty-nine days above, it seemed as if a group of gorgeous scarlet lotuses had exploded.

"Rumble ..." The earth trembled, the mountains and rivers fissioned.

Inside and outside of the twenty-six realms, a red light source body containing endless killing breath is straight into the sky like a comet rises into the sky.

A violent storm shrouded the world's heads, and under the collapse of the last day, everyone in the seat took the lead in reflecting an extremely sharp huge sickle.

The sickle is like being immersed in blood for countless years, and every inch exudes endless gas of death.

Suddenly, beside the sickle, a figure that shocked everyone's soul quietly emerged slowly in the twisted and broken void.

I was like a dark nightmare that was gradually depressed.

The heavens and the earth were dark, and the space seemed to be still.

In front of it, everything in the world, billions of souls, are just humble ants.

I am humble! Really humble! Looking at the horrible figure that gradually became clear, countless people heartily felt their own smallness.

"In my name, the power of the heavens! With blood as a sacrifice, evil gods are coming to the world ..." Startled by the rhythm of layers of space, everyone's trembling heart was pressed to the deep valley.

"唳 ......" 霎 In that moment, the other side slowly opened his eyes. It was a pair of pupils like dark abyss without any white eyes.

Looking at the pair of black pupils, everyone just felt that the soul wanted to be involved.

In those black pupils.

I am full of killing and destruction! "I am, the source of the fierce evil, the Lord of all evil ... God is forbidden from blood prison, your emperor is back ..."

He was soaked in the six realms of killing, it was like **** on earth, and the devil was dancing in a mess.

... "evil, evil god!"

The words trembling with trembling spit out in the mouth of the devouring emperor.

These two words are like sharp swords against the throats of everyone.

Evil God! The Lord of God forbidden blood prison! The leader of hundreds of millions of aliens! Ten thousand years ago, the evil gods invaded the human realm and washed the human races in various states. At that time, the Chaos gods, named "Emperor of Heaven," led the major saints to resist alien demons. Drive the evil **** into the "chaos abyss" and suppress it to the bottom of the abyss.

Suddenly, the years are long, the world has been eternally long, the mountains are impermanent and the waters are impermanent. Now, the evil **** tears the abyss forbidden and reproduces the world.

Havoc! Absolute catastrophe! Everyone here was deeply aware of the breath that was coming.

... "Why?"

他 "He, why can he escape?"

... A lot of horror rose up in the hearts of everyone.

Suddenly, the Star Emperor, the Emperor Emperor, and the Jiuyou Emperor are still watching the "magic monument" that the heavenly order changes, and the demon who stands under the magical array of the six-man star.

"A big game ..." Mu Fei, the Lord of Heavenly Palace, frowned deeply, his expressions were extremely complicated.

Yan Fushu, who was beside him, was surprised and suspicious, and looked at the other with confusion.

The face changes of the emperors are almost the same as those of Mu Fei.

"After all, the road is one foot tall and the magic one foot tall."

"It, already expected this day."

... Looking at Tuoba Kill and Qi Tian Ling, everyone can't help but have all consciousness.

Chu Chuhen's face paled, "Did I release it?"

"It's none of your business ..." Bai Qianyu shook his head slightly, red lips lightly said, "It's the" killing gas "gathered here. Even without you, there will be another person who will change the" qitianling " Bring here ... "At this moment.

Chu Chuhen suddenly understood that besides being able to borrow the power of evil gods, Qi Tianling's most important use is to summon evil gods from the bottom of the chaos abyss.

Over the past few years, Qitianling has been hiding in Chu Hen, and the demon that controls Chu Hen has created a large number of killings. When he gains the "killing power", the evil gods sealed in the chaos abyss gradually wake.

The last time he was in Kuncheng, the day he rescued Tuoba was killed, the evil **** was awake.

The evil spirit is waiting for an opportunity.

I waited for the blood to splatter, and when the killings permeated the world, I broke through and reappeared.

…… "How to do?"

The Emperor Huang asked in a deep voice.

"Don't be too scared. The evil **** has been sealed for tens of thousands of years, and its power must be far from its peak."

Emperor Xingchen said.

"But ..." the wasteland emperor paused.

You must know that now is the time of the all-out war between the Holy Alliance and the Six Realms. At this time, God forbids blood prison to come out of the mess, so that everyone is on the cusp of the storm.

Suddenly, the human race and the demons have been incompatible since ancient times.

In this case, although he is extremely unwilling, he must stand on the same front against God ’s bloodshed.

However, just when he was hesitant on the side of the Holy Alliance, the evil pupils' black pupils like the vortex of the abyss swept straight towards the reincarnation emperor.

"Ushin is lonely, your promise, it's time to fulfill ..." His voice was very light and a little playful.

committed to?

承诺 What promise?

The hearts of all the people were puzzled, and there was still a puzzled look towards the reincarnation emperor.

As compared to any of the great emperors present here, the mood of the reincarnation emperor is still the most stable one. He is as calm and calm as ever before, and is extremely calm and proud above the void.

Even though the blood in the six realms is diffused and the evil **** Ruoshan approaches, the reincarnation emperor's aura is still strong.

... "What promise?"

Wu Xingchen emperor asked with a fist.

There was a sickle-like arc around the corner of the evil god. He smiled and looked at the calm face of the reincarnation emperor. "Oh, of course, after I helped him get rid of the" day emperor ", he promised to cut the human realm into half ... Get rid of Emperor! committed to! "哐 当 ..." During that time, everyone's minds were directly scalp and troubled as if they exploded on a sunny day.

"what did you say?"

The faces of the emperors of various ethnic groups changed dramatically.

Even the Devouring Emperor, the Emperor Honghuang, and the Dragon Blood Emperor who fell to the ground looked at the Reincarnation Emperor in shock.

The storm saints, the rock saints, and others were all confused.

"Yu Shen Gu Ji ... Do you even collude with the demons?"

Killed the emperor? "

Wu Yan shouted loudly.

The other members of the Chaos clan clenched their fists and became angry.

Alas ... Alas, there were also many refutations.

大家 "Don't believe it, this devil is trying to provoke alienation."

"That's right. It just escaped from the chaos abyss. It must be because we are afraid to unite against it, and only use this despicable means to trouble our position."

... The emperors looked at each other, but their hearts raised a lot of doubts.

After the "Emperor of Heaven" sealed the evil god, he disappeared strangely, and no one even saw him.

I think now, really strange.

... "Oh, Yu Shen Gu Ji, it seems that you have been hiding well! In order to get rid of the Emperor for you, I have been in the abyss of chaos for so long, and you should fulfill your promise.

The evil spirit laughed strangely.

The hearts of everyone were disturbed again.

"Shut your mouth, we won't believe you ..." someone in the samsara roared loudly.

"Hugh has to pour dirty water on the emperor, and we will not believe it based on your words."

"Yes, unless you can come up with evidence."

... "I have evidence!"

Suddenly, at this moment, a cold female voice suddenly came from the direction of the beast world.


Followed by a deafening roaring roar.

Immediately, with the fierce power of shaking the sky, a violent giant ape covered with golden fur broke into the heavenly realm in a row of mountains.

"It's a little monkey ..." 瑶 Ye Yao, Long Qingyang, and others on the other side of the battlefield stunned.

Chu Chuhen was also shocked.

I saw a teenage girl standing on the changing monkey's shoulder.

The little girl is not someone else, it is the disciple that Xifengzi received before, Qingxue.

... "I am the evidence!"

Qingxue once again passed into the ears of everyone with a icy voice ~ ~ She pointed to the reincarnation emperor and said, "I can prove that it was Yushen Gokuji and the **** Hexuanhe who killed Tiandi ... "" Who are you?

I'm talking nonsense here. "

Some people yelled at the Liuliu world.

"Hum, what are you?"

Alas ... Suddenly, in the face of people's doubts, Qingxue still looked coldly towards the reincarnation emperor.

During the rapid movement of the giant ape, suddenly the frost sprinkled the ground, and the extremely cold cold current began to pour into the heaven and the world.

Frost covered the ground in all directions, and white snow fluttered on the earth.

"Yu Shen is lonely, can you still recognize who I am ..." Qingxue's body suddenly revealed her extraordinary temperament that was extremely incompatible with her age.

She is like a spirit from the snow and ice.

Wherever I went, there was a chill that permeated the bone marrow.

... "Okay, so cold!"

"What a terrible frost cold power, with such a powerful glacial power, I am afraid there is only one person in the world."

"Is she the one who has disappeared for a long time?"

... "hum!"

Everyone's complexion changed again and again, the eyes of all the emperors suddenly looked blank.

"Nothing wrong!"

"She is, the master of Beichuan, the spirit of the ice field ... ice, emperor ..."