MTL - Under the Tutelage of the Golden Lion: The Beginning of the Overlord-Chapter 15

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At this time, the huge square in the center of the town.

The tall execution platform stands in it.


Shane fell slowly.

Immediately after, Ace turned over and landed on the execution platform flexibly.

From here, you can see the view of the pier.

The darkest night before dawn is about to pass, the sky is white with fish belly, and the morning sun emerges from the dark clouds and wants to fall.

The sea is vast and boundless, making people yearn for it.

The two stood quietly on the execution platform, as if they did not notice the movements of the navy around the square.

"Actually, I don't want to be a Pirate King at all!"

Suddenly, Ace spoke first, breaking the silence.

"That's not good!"

Xia En glanced at the boundless scenery and responded lightly.

"Don't you want to know why?"

Hearing this, Ace looked sideways, his eyes full of curiosity.

"Why should you know?"

"What a strange guy, why has he been unknown in the East China Sea!"

"I've been studying with an old man all these years, and I just went to sea not long ago!"

"I have also had an old man over the years who often came back to teach me, but I failed his kindness."

Ace smiled bitterly, his eyes dimmed for a moment.

"That's a coincidence! It seems that we all have an amazing old guy behind us!" Shane said with a smile.

"Why did you go to sea?"

At this time, Ace looked sideways, with a deep doubt in his eyes.

He had asked about it when he was on the boat.

It's just that Shane didn't answer.

"For what? Naturally, to open a new era!"

"New era? Like Roger?"

Ace was surprised.

"No, I won't use my own death for some purpose, not even if the time is short!"

Xia En's eyes were sharp and he grinned: "I will live to open a new era, and I will live to witness the arrival of the new era."

Tone, of course.

Even Ace was stunned.

It's like returning to the windmill village and listening to the cute little brother constantly shouting that he wants to be the pirate king.

It's just that, unlike Luffy, what Shane said was full of reason and power.

Not a hot-blooded impulse.

At this time.

The darkest before dawn is about to fade.

The morning light pierced the darkness, and the golden light shone down from the end of the sky, instantly landing on the towering travel platform.

It also fell on Shane and Ace.

"The old era will come to an end, and the new era will follow, and we..."

Speaking of this, Xia En raised a wild smile on his face, and said in an unmistakable tone: "It's a new era!"

Just finished.

In my mind, the system prompt sound suddenly came.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting an extraordinary sign-in opportunity! 】

【Do you want to sign in? 】


Shane blinked, his eyes glowing with surprise.


PS: 嘤嘤嘤, today I asked the big guys in the group for advice. They were beaten to the core. They said that there is no need to insist on junk novels that have no collection, no flowers and no evaluation tickets! ! Woohoo, Little Transparent is about to cry! .

Chapter 20: Listening to the Voice of All Things (2 more)

Extraordinary level of sign-in.

Each time comes with great growth.

Xia En also did not expect that the sign-in inspired this time would be an extraordinary level.

Today is also lucky, it seems a bit against the sky!

"Sign in!"

Without even thinking about it, Xia En pondered directly in his heart.

"Ding! Congrats to the host, you have obtained the domineering power of seeing and hearing: listen to the voice of all things."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have obtained one of the six naval styles: Lan Legs Cheats!"

"Ding! Congrats to the host, you have obtained one of the six naval styles: gun finger cheats!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have obtained one of the six naval styles: Iron Nugget Cheats!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have obtained one of the six naval styles: paper painting cheats!"

"Ding! Congrats to the host, you have obtained the pulp-washing and cutting-butan*5!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, get attribute points *5!"



Listen to the endless beeps in your head.

Shane was stunned.

He thought that signing in at the extraordinary level would bring great benefits.

But never thought about it.

The extraordinary sign-in this time was more than double the previous one.

"After going to sea, my luck is getting better and better!"

After the surprise, a bright smile appeared on Shane's face.

Whatever it is for him!

As long as you can get stronger, it doesn't matter.

"Except for washing the pulp and cutting the hair dan, all of them are extracted, and the attribute points are still added to the kendo!"

Shane made a decision.


As the voice fell, the original kendo perception suddenly skyrocketed, and countless sparks continued to collide in Xia En's mind.

But unfortunately.

The distance to breakthrough is still a little short.

The extraction of the secrets of the Sixth Form of the Navy is filled with a large amount of skills and application knowledge, as if imprinted on the flesh and blood cells.

Shane could clearly sense it, and his body instantly had a memory response.

As long as he wants to, he can display it at any time, the powerful six-style of the Navy.

Moreover, the six-style superhuman technique has a trend of fusion and change.

"As expected of one of the strongest physical arts in this world, I believe that I will be able to reach the height of the profound meaning of physical arts in a short time."

Feeling the changes to the body from learning the six poses, Xia En's eyes were full of anticipation.

"Lan Tian" 45634⑧77O

That is the highest physique that is higher than the Sixth Form and based on the Sixth Form.



Immediately afterwards, Xia En's eyes glowed brightly, and his insensitivity became extremely sharp.

The range of seeing and hearing domineering has expanded several times.

The soldiers hiding around the square, whether it was the number or their communication in a low voice, Xia En knew all about it.

Lantian 784881178

In fact, everyone's breathing rate is within Shane's perception.


In the street in the distance, amphibious three-wheeled motorcycles spewed out smoke and came at a high speed.

"Is that, Smoker?"

Standing on the execution platform, Shane tilted his head slightly.

His line of sight was obviously blocked by the building, but in his mind, he saw Smoker in the distance from the street.

Very strange vision.

He is domineering and has the ability to perceive biological breath.

However, after cultivation and improvement, different abilities can be developed.

In the original book, Anilu, who perceives biological thoughts, Fujitora, who perceives objects at the farthest distance, and Katakuri, who foresees the future.

This is all domineering, the cultivation and improvement in different directions.

However, there is one more.

rather special.

That is, listen to the voice of all things!

This ability that only a very few people can have, not only cannot be obtained through cultivation, but only a very small number of people, or people with a certain bloodline, can have it.

But for some unknown reason, the system actually attributed this ability to arrogance.

Xia En can only say that it is too defiant.

Moreover, his ability to listen to everything is not a passive ability, but an active ability.

Just be willing to listen.

Whether it is flying in the sky, swimming in the sea, or running on the ground, as long as he wants, he can hear the thoughts and voices of animals.

But not humans!

"Maybe it's because humans are special, right?"