MTL - Unfathomable Doomsday-Chapter 2 No winter night

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The New China Federation, after the Third World War, joined forces with several Asian countries around the Tian Dynasty.

Take this to fight against the USA and the European Union.

The form of this world has become very severe after the Third World War. There are knives in each other between the countries, and no one is allowed.

The development of science and technology and the cultivation of powerful superpowers among countries have also become the theme.

These are not in the pipeline.

“Call.” Lu Qiu walked out of his small house and built it on the roof of a dilapidated residential house. It is a common place in the slum area in Wenhan City of the New China Federation.

Lu Qiu had to hide here, because as a vampire, he was always the object of being killed in the era when the exorcist of this church was rampant.

How much did the church reach for the amount of Lu Qiu Tongyu?

A total of 700,000 new federal currency.

Even the most sinister criminals are just like this.

Lu Qiu is clear, what kind of end will a blood clan get caught by the exorcist of the church.

I have no power... I can only watch my own sister live and be burned to death by the church.

Now... I don’t need to hide anymore.

Lu Qiu looked at the red liquid shaking in his hand, and the scarlet pupil shone in the night.

I already have the power of revenge.

“It’s so cold.” Lu Qiu looked at the bright downtown area on the roof, and once again exhaled a breath and became a white fog. Now in the deep winter, Lu Qiu only wears a white T. Shirts and jeans go straight out.

Poor is one thing, on the other hand, Lu Qiu has no body temperature at all.

The blood... has long been frozen without any temperature.

After being strengthened by that system, Lu Qiu felt that his body had reached the level of ordinary vampires.

Power and agility seem to be about three times that of humans.

Lu Qiu looked down at this three-story residential building and jumped without any hesitation.

The road that has been in disrepair for a long time has sent a sorrowful sound, and a lot of cracks have occurred around the body of Lu Qiu.

"Good power."

Lu Qiu felt how much his body was strengthened.

"There is no way even if it is a D-class exorcist."

Put the church's disputes aside.

It is the goal to destroy the world now and get desperate values.

Lu Qiu looked at the contrast between the brightly lit city and the dark slums in the distance, and recalled the structure of the city.

The city is built by the river. There is a dam upstream to provide water for the entire city, and where the water is used by the residents.

And this dam is not too far away.

As long as the virus is placed in the dam, it will not be long before the city becomes a hell!

Lu Qiu walked in the direction of the dam.

In this dark slum, everything will be there... In this evening, the passers-by did not see a few, only in the well-connected streets, the road seemed a little lonely.

Therefore, the movement caused by Lu Qiu has not been noticed by anyone, even if someone pays attention and does not dare to speak out.

When entering a small alley with no street lights, Lu Qiu saw a scene that he liked.

A couple of young people dressed in strange costumes, holding control knives around them, surrounded a woman who looked young.

The body dress should be like an office worker. When I went home, I accidentally met this group of young people.

Robbery? No, not that simple.

She can already describe it with her clothes.

Lu Qiu glanced at the skin exposed in the woman's scattered clothes, and a strange desire suddenly rose in the mind of Lu Qiu.

"What's so good? If you don't want to die, you'll be rolling fast." One of the tall bald heads swayed against the road that stood there with a swaying knife, telling him to leave.

Lu Qiu wanted to leave, but I heard the scream of this guy.

I lowered my head and walked silently toward the alley.

"Hey, do you want to save this guy? What age? Do you still do this kind of thing, kid?"

Seeing a person who died in the autumn of the road came toward the alley, and the tall young men laughed and picked up the knife in their hands and pointed at Lu Qiu.

"Give your body a bloodletter! Ha... let you learn a little lesson, no ability to blame the hero."

"Sorry." Lu Qiu raised his head, the light in the scarlet pupil, let the young people stunned: "I, the most hated heroes!"


"Oh ah!"

In their horror, the intense pain spread on their abdomen, and Lu Qiu relied on a body that was about three times stronger than humans, and everyone slammed their stomachs.

Huge strength hit the other side against the back wall.

"You kid is a bit tolerant!" Which of the tallest bald heads, Lu Qiu has not come to the urgency, he immediately responded and pulled out a knife, stabbed Lu Qiu's head.

"And..." Lu Qiu cracked his mouth and stared at the guy. The shark-like teeth in his mouth looked extraordinarily scary: "I hate being blown!"

In a short moment, he kicked the tall body of the bald head and knocked the other side down into the wall and could no longer climb.

It is estimated that the lower body of these few is completely abolished.

After the event, Lu Qiu went to the woman who sat down on the wall and was not well dressed.

It was indeed a very beautiful lady, and the color of panic on her face has not faded away.

But after seeing the face of Lu Qiu under the moonlight, he also stunned.

In addition to pale skin, Lu Qiu's appearance is indeed a temptation for human females.

"Thank you for saving me." The woman seemed to feel safe. She sorted out her trembling clothes and stood up: "If... what rewards are needed."

"Of course."

The gloomy voice rang in the alley.

The face of Lu Qiu makes this woman feel the fear!

Compared to those young people... this man is even more horrible!

Lu Qiu reached out and grabbed the woman's neck, revealing her fangs. Under her fearful eyes, she did not have any mercy to bite.

Then the screams of women's fears spread out through the alleys, gradually weakened, the pupils began to scatter, and the resistance gradually became weak.

Blood bleed from her body, overflowing, splashing down, and the trepidation of the trepidation gradually reverberated around.

"Hey!" After the smoking was completed, Lu Qiu threw the woman's body to the side spit out a **** debris.

Also wiped the corner of his mouth.

"It's really unpalatable, is it not a virgin?"

As a vampire, she has a special liking for the blood of a girl. Lu Qiu is no exception.

Looking at the man who fell to the ground under the moonlight, Lu Qiu did not care to continue to the reservoir.

‘Get desperate value 1’

At this point, the system prompts at the ear of Lu Qiu.

How is it only a little? Lu Qiu sniffed the smell of the air, and there was no life around.

The bodies of the young people were too weak and were killed by Lu Qiu.

But why is there only a little despair?

Is it...

Lu Qiu looked at the expressions of the young people who died, and looked at the expression of the woman who fell to the ground before he died.

Tears and never-ending fear spread across her face, and her eyes widened and seemed to still not believe, why this kind of thing would come to me.

Is that true?

This is the so-called despair.

Lu Qiu finally understood the meaning of this desperate value. If all human beings fall into this desperation, then they can become true ancestors?

No... a more powerful blood-sucking species than the true ancestors.

Lu Qiu walked toward the dam with the expectation.