MTL - Unique Legend-~ : The truth of that day

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Location: atlantis Time: 7.20pm

This is how it started.

After the winter vacation began, all the students returned to their homes. No one remained in the school except some of them to monitor the enchantment.

Of course, some people are exceptional, such as homeless robes or a few students who do not want to return home will continue to stay.

Nuoli, don't you need to go back to the clan?

After the ghost clan broke through the campus encirclement, the after-events of the tower in charge of the dormitory also followed. After finally relieving the enchantment, he saw that there was actually no matchup. People dangling in front of the crystal tower.

However, no matter how bad the other party is, based on the racial and peace-loving habit, Saita went forward to greet him.

Turning his head, the demon in front of him looked at him with a very beautiful smile: Hey, I don't like to return to the demon tribe. There is nothing interesting to look at a bunch of the same tribe, it would be much more interesting to stay here.

With that said, long nails painted with bright red flowers ran across the elf's almost beautiful face.

The face did not change, Saita slightly avoided the hand that could be regarded as harassment, and still maintained a smile: then because today is the time of the Oriental Festival, you are willing to pass along the snack as a sympathy to our still recuperating white A robe?

Then, he took out a beautifully packed box and handed it over.

No problem, but the cute elf boss, there is a price to pay for dealing with demons.

With that said, while the elf hadn't had time to react, she went out and grabbed someone to steal some sweetness.

Elf, which demon doesn't want to shoot such an interesting thing.

A little bit of cold fell across the devil's face.

Nuoli, do you want to attack an invincible elf?

Just before the elf was almost taken advantage, a certain degree of natural enemies passing by pulled out his own weapon, and it was just right between the lips of two people, so perfect that the devil could not get a little sweetness.

Taking a step back, Nuolili smiled and shrugged: Hey, today is really a loss, and even if our two bloodlines are considered a feud, you do n’t have to draw the weapon so fast, if you accidentally make me beautiful My face was scratched, but I have to pay for it with my soul.

Long fingers pushed away the cold weapon, and she tilted her head to look at the owner of the weapon.

The next second, the weapon dissipated in the air.

Sorry, this is an instinct.

After recovering the weapon, Anin, holding some data, smiled: But why do the demons haunt in this quiet place, I remember you would rather go to the administrative department than to come to the crystal tower.

Nu Lei shrugged: No way, I'm playing with some kittens, they are all drilling into the crystal tower, and now I'm probably comfortable sleeping in it.

Anin and Seta certainly knew what those kittens were talking about.

After removing the students and administrative staff, there will only be some fantasy beasts and small animals living in the school. At this time, it is often seen that the boring administrative staff is accompanied by those fantasy beasts Have fun; Nu Lili is one of them.

If it were those little visitors, they are now asleep in Kenta.

Saita smiled mildly and told her.

Alas, I knew it.

Shrugging, Nu Jinli shook the box on her hand: then I'll go to the medical class first to visit our cute child who is still recuperating.

After speaking, the shadow disappeared in an instant.

The two men who stayed in place exhaled.

Seriously, did you really hide when she just stepped in?

Looking at the place where there was no one, Anin retracted his gaze and looked at the friends next to him.

He was very skeptical of this. If he had just shot it, he didn't know what would happen?

Hmm ... I really didn't respond.

Maintaining the same smile, Saita took over the data from the opponent: Thank you for your timely clearance.

Looking at his smiling face was so brilliant, Anin suddenly felt that the elf in front of him was probably speaking irony.

You reacted at all ...

I just don't know what idea I'm working on.

Oh, who knows.

After the holidays began, medical classes began to become a lot easier.

At least when the outside is not lined up with all kinds of weird death corpses anytime, anywhere, it will definitely be much free.

After enjoying a cup of coffee leisurely, Tier enjoyed a rare leisure time.

You need to know that this time will not last long, because the medical class will then tell him where to go and support, so you must hurry up while you can.

Tyre ~ Assistant Chief.

The sweet voice came from outside, followed by the sound of opening the door, and then Tyle, who was trying to enjoy a leisurely tea time, put down his cup and watched the man who said he was going home and stopped to touch him. Little sister: Meow meow, why do n’t you do your own thing and come here?

Holding the fruit basket in his hand, Meow Meow smiled happily: Come to visit the doctor. Is n’t Lilia still recovering after being injured, Meow Meow came to visit the doctor.

In the third ward, go in by yourself.

Pointing at the door next to him, Tir snorted.

There are also assistants. Today is New Year's Eve.

Take out the beautifully packed biscuits from the fruit basket, and Miao Meow said in a good mood: Yang Yang also sent us a snack box.

Staring at the little girl in front of his eyes, Tier grinned: The little ghost sent it to me, too, and the things in the original world were not like that.

That is to say, the little ghost actually uses someone else's law circle. If he is a law circle teacher, he must **** him to start school.

Then again, what did the little ghost send him a snack?

As long as it is sent by Yang Yang, everyone else likes it.

Put the biscuit on the table, meow and hum the song without continuing the conversation, then transfer to the temporary ward where there are still people.

As soon as the door was opened, the smell of flowers came first, and then she saw a few different flowers in the room.

Finally, the recuperating man on the bed stared at her.

Lilia, this is for you.

Before the other party spoke, Meow Meow put the fruit basket on the small table next to him and looked at the bouquets around him: many people came to give flowers.

Lilia retracted her gaze and sneered: You can take it, anyway, it's not a very important person.

The tone is neither good nor bad, but there is nothing particularly hostile.

When Lilia rests today and can go home tomorrow, look at Meow and ask for you.

With a big smile, Meow Meow opened his backpack on his knees: Qian Dongsui said that today is New Year's Eve in the country over Yang Yang, so I have to eat hot pot.

What do I do with hot pot ... Hey! Don't take out your stove here!

Thinking of that opponent, Lilia was in a bad mood, only to curse a few more words, the electric stove that was magically caught from the backpack stopped her.

Everyone is home. Chitose and Ryan also have things, so Meow Meow comes to you to eat.

After much deliberation, her family does not have this New Year's custom, and everyone else has to do her own business, so she decided to come here to find the most leisurely person to eat hot pot together.

Are you in the medical class so uncommon, who would eat hot pot in the ward! And I'm the wounded, can this kind of food be eaten!

Seeing that she took out the jug filled with broth from that little backpack, Lilia quickly tried to stop this inexplicable behavior.

The lower class is the lower class, and even the movements are so abrupt and impolite.

Rest assured, Lilia ’s injury is almost enough to go home, and Meow Meow has well-prepared ingredients, which can make up for her body by the way.

Continue to pull out a box of boxes of cleaning materials from the backpack, and Meow Meow told her happily.

It's really messy—most of the entire bed is full of ingredients, and Lilia can't see it. She slaps the medical bell next to it.

In a matter of seconds, the door of the ward immediately opened, and standing outside sipped coffee to drink half of Tyre: What the **** are you doing inside?

Eat hot pot and wait for you to cook.

Meow Meow raised his busy head and said with a smile.

OK, be careful not to burn my ward.

After that, the door closed and people left.

Lilia was dumbfounded.

Is this really okay?

The ward should not be able to open fire, right?

What happened to these people?

Wait a minute, you can eat soon.

Turn on the stove to cook the broth, Meow Meow smiled at her, then poured the mushrooms in the soup with some vegetables and meat and bones, and then took the dumplings out of the bag and stirred slightly: the Leprechaun's Leprechaun would also eat Hot pot?

I do n’t eat such things.

Staring at the pile of materials on the half of the bed and the soup being cooked, Lilia jumped out of bed and sat down in the chair next to me: I am a fairy noble, how could it be crowded with a group of people to eat this.

Oh, so Lilia has never eaten hot pot.

Inverted the bag, rolled out several seasoning jars, determined that there was nothing in it, and tossed the bag to the side. Shunbian helped the people in the seat to tear two tears: it's pitiful, there is no warmth.

I heard that it would be very warm for the whole family to eat on New Year's Eve. They were very happy and very happy when they went to the water. The pitiful Lilia had not eaten hot pot with everyone.

What's not warm! I don't want to eat this kind of thing!

Leaping from her chair, Lilia retorted loudly.

The hot pot is delicious. It is about to roll. What does Lilia want to eat? Would you like to eat meat first?

Speaking, Meow Meow opened the box and poured fresh meat into the pot.

Are you listening to someone speaking--

Just about to complain, a voice opening the door interrupted Lilia.

Alas, what fun things are you doing?

Then the situation evolved into something even stranger.

Lilia stared at the new demons and began to consider the possibility of changing rooms.

I want a little more spicy.

Holding the bowl, Nu Leli, who was originally a consolation product, now joins the hot pot. He took a bowl of seafood and took the seasoning: it is best to eat this when the weather is cold. Many flavors of hot pot, how about we eat together next time?

Meow Meow!

With a big smile, Meow Meow nodded strongly.

What the hell, this room should be a quiet recuperative place for Miss Ben!

As she thought about it, Lilia bitterly sipped a piece of meat to vent her anger.

But then again, this kind of thing is not so bad ...

As the hot pot soup rolled so hard, the door of the ward opened again: Meow, I'm sorry I'm late. Geng carrying a big bag came in with a sorry smile.

Gengeng ~

Beckoning towards a friend, Meow Meow passed the clean bowl.

I just came back from the original world, and by the way buy some soda for you.

He grabbed a few cans of SARS from the bag, and Geng dragged a chair in from the outside.

This should be Miss Ben's ward, right? Why are there more and more people?

Looking at the newly joined population, Lilia continued to take a bite of hot pot.

Alas, there is no wine.

Looking at SARS, Nu Lili shook the devil's long tail: it is better to have a little alcohol when it is worth celebrating.

She doesn't like this gadget.

Meow Meow and Lilia have n’t had wine, ca n’t.

Geng patted the meow next to him, then took the bowl and filled the soup: Happy New Year, Lilia.

When she heard someone talking to her, Lilia nodded reflexively, without knowing how to talk.

Fairy aristocracy is not at this time ...

Alas, I want to drink.

He took out his mobile phone and Nu Leli called the phone: I told the slave to buy it for me.

There must be no bars in the ward!

I wanted to tell the demon in front of me like this, but the other side was her respectful black robe, and Lilia fell into the realm of heaven-human warfare for a moment.

Probably not long after the demon hangs up the phone, a full box of alcoholic beverages is quickly transmitted in.

The ward cannot drink alcohol, right?

Looking at the box of alcoholic beverages, Lilia decided to tell her that the most respected black robe was right. Meow Meow just saw Anin in the school.

After eating half of the meow, the meow jumped up: the hot pot requires many people to be delicious. Meow meow went to him.

After speaking, people disappeared immediately.

This is my recuperation ward!

Lilia was completely speechless.

About five minutes later, a demon's natural enemy appeared in the ward, with an additional elven.

Thank you for your invitation.

Sitting very gracefully in the room, An In took the bowl and chopsticks handed over by Geng: I heard that you also ate the things of the original world in the water fairy group last time.

Of course it's good, Xiao Meow's craftsmanship is first-rate.

The people who just mingled outside moved in, and the door of the room was opened to ventilate, because a lot of people were squeezed in to make the entire space slightly narrow.

Looking at the two black robes that appeared in the room at once, Lilia suddenly moved.

It ’s really a black robe ...

And there are elves who rarely see them.

Paying attention, Saita smiled back: This enchantment is really bothering you. I hope the atmospheric elves can bless your wounds to heal.

Ah ... no, you're welcome.

The whole face became hot, and Lilia quickly responded politely.

Ah, my god, if you can see so many black robes in the hot pot, then she will think about how much she will cook next time. Lilia takes the bowl filled with angels to her with gratitude. The hot pot is in Against the background of the black robe and the elves, it seemed to have become more advanced.

In this atmosphere where everyone was very happy, Nu Lili opened the first alcoholic beverage, followed by Tier Geng to pour soda, and then greeted everyone to eat more.

Things didn't start right from the back of An Yinji.

Alas, angels can't drink.

Taking advantage of the chaos on the table to steal the cup, Nu Lili, who replaced the soda with wine, looked at the angel who poured a glass very freshly, and considered whether to save an oil subsidy for being interrupted today.

But the glass was flattened, and the angel's alcohol was really bad.

Lilia gazed at one of the black robes that fell down: Mr. Ann, Mr. An, doesn't matter?

God, a black robe fell in front of her.

If this is in the mission, it should die!

It doesn't matter, letting him sleep will wake him up.

Saita smiled, and then helped Anin let him lie on the bed outside.

If you keep the person in front of the devil, I do n’t know if it will be so ...

As soon as I settled the person back into the room, I was caught by another drinker: Today is a day to celebrate, let's have a drink too.

Tyre hung on the elves' shoulders and was pleased with the beautiful creature.

Sorry, I ’m not too used to this drink ...

Hey, drink, that angel also drank.

Nulili, who had been coaxing, threw the soda out of the window.

So the drunk operation began.

Nope, Meow and Lilia cannot drink.

After grabbing the cup that the devil completely changed, Geng adhered to the old-fashioned rule that adults cannot drink.

They all say that it's a festival today, and of course you have to drink a bit.

The demon regained the cup happily and shoved it into the two little hands.

No, children cannot drink!

Meow Meow is no longer a child.

Some people started to argue for their own age.

Neither do I!

Although I don't know why I joined this meaningless war, Lilia also refuted.

Aha, since everyone is not, you're welcome.

Grasp the nearest meow, and hit the demon who thought the world should be chaotic from the bottom of his heart. Before Geng could stop it, he took his own cup and poured it into the kitten's mouth.


Anxiously grabbed his schoolgirl back, Geng gave the other a glance.

Meow Meow has a drink, if not a child, Lilia too.

The whole face turned red immediately, Meow Meow holding a full cup to break Geng's hand and leaned to Lilia next to it.

Smelling a scent of wine, Lilia frowned reflectively: I do n’t drink this cheap drink, just take it away from me ... Hey! What are you doing!

I do n’t know when the demon behind her was touched and grabbed her hand: Xiao Meow, come on!

You rude people, do n’t do it by hand-唔-

Already ignoring that behind her was her respectful black robe, Lilia kicked against her, then was brutally killed.

Don't let underage drink!

After protesting, Geng looked at the black line with a two-on-one tragedy.

Meow Meow is not a child ~

Throwing away Lilia, the meow who pours another glass of wine happily avoided the people next to him and jumped to another chair to drink.

Meow, stop drinking.

Then, Geng got up and started chasing the drunk meow all over the room.

Everyone drink more, and I'll order some more.

Speaking, Nu Leli called the slave and asked for more boxes.

no kidding!

Grab the meow and grab the wine glass, Geng shouted at the friend who was receiving the goods.

On the one hand, Tyre and Saita, who did not join the girls' battle, continued to toast.

The whole ward started to be noisy.

This is Miss Ben's ward. What are you arguing about here!

After a few minutes of being drunk by the devil, Lilia broke free of a devil's hand and stepped on a chair to announce the ownership of the room.

Firecrackers in the new year ~

Meow Meow grabbed a string of fireworks from his pocket and ignited it. The geng next to him flew to **** the fireworks and threw them out of the window almost instantly.

A few seconds later, there was a huge sound from the sky outside, exploding bright fireworks.

It's really pretty.

Nu Leli happily watched the fireworks bursting out of the window, toasting to the two gren sitting opposite.

The fairies are more beautiful, this is nothing ...

Standing on the chair and looking out the window, Lilia hummed inexplicably, and was pulled down by Geng while saying that it was too dangerous.

After the fireworks went out, Meow shrank under the window, then grabbed the phone and started dialing, the other party was quickly connected:

Yang Yang, Happy New Year.

After a pause, she laughed and continued: Are you happy?

The other end of the phone went off.

When she heard the name of an opponent, Lilia rushed over to grab the phone, and after a few seconds, she successfully got her hands: Chu Mingyang ... Duel ...

Snoring cut off the unfinished words.

Duel! Don't fight here! Remember meow shouting in the health room.

Roll over for me ... shouting at the end of the phone, and the phone was taken away.

Hey, happy new year. Meow Meow smirked and told the other friend.

Alas, you guys don't call Noisy.

After looking at the time, it was quite late before she knew it. Geng immediately picked up the phone. The two little ones wanted to grab the phone, and she immediately flew away: Yang Yang? Sorry, Mikoya and Lilia had just been drank by Nuoli.

After a pause, she avoided the **** again: disturbing you, happy new year. Although the student at the other end of the phone had some doubts, he responded.

Just wanting to cut off the mobile phone and confiscated, a hand suddenly came out from behind Geng and took it away: Hello, cute kid, would you like to come and play together?

The other party refused in a few seconds, and she shrugged: Okay, Happy New Year, we'll see you at school.

After speaking, the two little ones who ignored the call and immediately cut off the call.

Take back the mobile phone and confiscate it. Turning his head to suppress the noisy Geng accidentally found that Meow and Lilia had fallen asleep on the floor together.

Till, lend me a clean room ... Till? .

Dragging the two girls, Geng looked up and found that the assistant who had just been drinking with the elves had fallen to the ground, and several boxes of empty bottles were still open beside him.

She gave up.

Dragging the two girls, Geng admits that he is looking for a ward to release.

I'm going to sleep too, this time I'm taking a super high concentration ...

After yawning, Nu Leli shook her tail and walked out of the room to climb onto the angel's bed and fell down and fell asleep.

As a result, the only thing left in the room was a certain sober elf and the hot pot still hot.

Hmm ... does this mean that the cleaning work is left to me? Looking at the mess in the room, the elf smiled and drank the last bottle of demon liquor marked with high alcohol.

What a beautiful night.

It is said that the next day after that hot pot night, all the people who had touched had a severe hangover headache.

The only Geng who had escaped the disaster without drinking was taking care of the two girls who were full of beds.

From the angel's side, it sounded that there was an overdrinking elf who was lethargic for three days and was taken care of for three days before he was awake.

So, this matter was told when several friends came together after the school began.

And after the protagonist of the book, Chu Mingyang, finally figured out what happened to the phone call, she also made a big decision deeply in her heart. After the congregation absolutely never allowed anything with alcohol!