MTL - Unlimited Cycles of Death-Chapter 106 Dream back 02┃ and the name continues to this day.

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Of course, He Qiu could not ask about the location of Mu Qin's ward. All the records of Mu Qin's hospital in Xu Lin were managed by Xu Lin himself and deleted from the central network information repository in the computer room of the hospital.

After learning that Mu Qin exists, in addition to Xu Lin and her brother Xu Haoyu, there is also a carer whom Xu Lin trusts very much. Xu Lin has brought in a care worker who specializes in sleeping patients like Mu Qin.

This caregiver is also an old employee who has some relationship with their Xu family. He is over forty years old and has always been tight-lipped and loyal to practical matters, so Xu Lin is not worried at all.

So the hospital's front desk received the name "Mu Qin". After checking it on his computer, a polite smile said to He Qiu: "I'm sorry, sir, our hospital did not call Mu Qin's patient in the hospital. There is a female patient named Mu Qin, a female patient who is about forty years old. May I ask if you are looking for this Mu Qin? "

"No ... No, it seems that I'm looking for the wrong place." He Qiu sighed regretfully, and didn't force it, turned to leave Xu Lin's hospital.

At the same time, Zhou Yue next planned to leave with the doctor He Qiu. They walked to the door of the hospital. Zhou Yue talked with He Qiu in a few words and wanted to get the news about Mu Qin from He Qiu's mouth.

He Qiu turned to look at this young Master Zhou in a wheelchair. Although Zhou Yue was sitting in a wheelchair, her body was emaciated due to her coma in bed all year round, her face was pale and she was pale, her whole body looked pale and she could fall down.

But behind such a fragile patient, three or four people were tall, muscular, and in black suits, all of whom looked bad, and at first glance, they knew that there were so many bodyguards.

He Qiu knew that Zhou Yue in front of him was a big trouble. He didn't want to cause trouble, so he said to Zhou Yue, "Although you said you are a friend of Mu Qin, I'm sorry ... as a psychiatrist, you should keep the patient safe. Secrets are my responsibility, so I will not tell you about Muqin's condition, if you want to know, you can ask him in person. "

"But I can't find him." Zhou Yue explained, "I haven't contacted Mu Qin for a long time. I'm not sure where he is now or where he is."

"Then I shouldn't have told you, did I?" He Qiu said, "I don't know if Mu Qin wants to contact you. If he doesn't want to, then I rashly tell you about him. This behavior is very inappropriate. Right? "

Zhou Yue said, "It's a bit inappropriate ... but I don't want to act with proper behavior now."

Zhou Yue said here, and suddenly turned to look at the bodyguards who followed him, and winked at the bodyguards. The bodyguards were very eye-catching, immediately understood, one by one came out and surrounded them. He encircled He Qiu.

This aggressive posture obviously made He Qiu feel uncomfortable. He Qiu looked down at Zhou Yue, and Zhou Yue drew a corner of his mouth and smiled at him: "Occasionally ... I'm like a **** who is bullying.

"So, this psychiatrist, would you like to talk to me at a nearby coffee shop or restaurant?"

He Qiu had no choice but to sigh and only compromised: "Okay, you can."

After He Qiu finally compromised, the bodyguards dispersed, but if there is no way to surround He Qiu and Zhou Yue, He Qiu can only follow Zhou Yue and follow Zhou Yue to the hospital. A coffee shop.

After sitting face to face in the cafe, the two ordered a cup of coffee of the right flavor. Zhou Yue dispelled the bodyguards who followed her, and asked the bodyguards to wait at the table next door, and she talked to He Qiu.

"Can the doctor really tell me more about Mu Qin?" Zhou Yue pinched the spoon in the coffee cup and stirred randomly.

He Qiu didn't answer for a while. He sat in his position, pulled down the hood on his head, and the mask on his face, and finally exposed his whole face in front of Zhou Yue.

Zhou Yue could not help but take a closer look at the face of this psychologist ... This is a man who seems to be very ordinary, about 1.75 meters tall, not fat and thin, with slightly long hair that looks messy. Looks average but looks pretty good.

Interestingly, Zhou Yue found that the doctor's hair was dark brown under the light of the cafe, not completely black hair. His eyes are also a little different from the black eyes commonly seen in Asians. The eyes are pale in color and cannot be seen without careful look.

Zhou Yue speculated that the doctor may be carrying a bit of mixed genes. Perhaps one of his ancestors was a foreigner, but this foreign gene did not show up in the doctor's body. It may have been passed down for several generations, causing the foreign gene to occupy The proportion has decreased.

While Zhou Yue was observing the appearance and details of the psychologist, the doctor over there stared at the coffee in front of him motionlessly. After a long time, the doctor said to Zhou Yue: "Tell you more ... This is against my Professional ethics, which will cause trouble for me and my patients. "

"Okay." Zhou Yue didn't take coercive measures such as forcing a question as soon as he came up, but asked step by step: "Let's find out how about the two sides? My name is Zhou Yue, doctor you?"

"... Zhou Yue?" Strangely, when the psychologist heard Zhou Yue's name, he suddenly looked up at Zhou Yue and hurriedly asked: "Your name is Zhou Yue?"

Zhou Yue was startled by the doctor's reaction, and she turned her head slightly strangely: "I'm Zhou Yue, is there any problem?"

"It turns out you are Zhou Yue ..." He Qiu reached out and rubbed his temples. "Since you are Zhou Yue, I don't think I need to hide you anymore, Mu Qin and I mentioned you."

Zhou Yue's heart moved slightly: "Mu Qin ... did you mention me?"

"Yes, he mentioned you." He Qiu said, "It's better to say you have been mentioning you almost every day ..."

Zhou Yue felt that her heartbeat was accelerating: "Is he really ... mentioning me every day?"

"Yeah, he gets better when he talks about you."

"Mu Qin was suffering from a post-traumatic stress syndrome due to some accidents after he was discharged from the army ... It seemed like a holiday alone when he encountered a group of vicious robbers robbing gold stores. He stopped and killed those robbers. Bandit. But the judiciary accused him of being defensive or even murderous, and he was almost going to jail. "

"But in the end, there was evidence that the robbers were a group of four or five criminals, each carrying more than two lives, and they had guns on hand when they robbed the gold shop. The gun, he took the opponent's gun and countered it when the gangster tried to shoot and murder the clerk. After he countered the gangster, other gangsters also shot at him but all were shot by Muqin. The judge judged him to have Sin was released but dismissed. "

"He was detained and interrogated for a long time before the court ruling came out. Because the plot was serious, he was kept alone. He was under a lot of pressure during that time and had a certain effect on his psychology, so After that, he found me. "

He Qiu said, "When I was treating him, in order to improve his mood, I tried to let him remember some beautiful things. So he told me his emotional experience completely. When talking about you, his feelings became significantly positive. On the positive side, I encourage him to retrieve this memory more often, and even hope he breaks the mirror and regains his relationship. "

He Qiu began to speak for Zhou Yue. In those years, Mu Qin's unknown side, He Qiu said, "But Mu Qin is very good in other aspects, but he is extremely timid when facing feelings. He said that he did not follow You leave as soon as you say it. If you go back suddenly ... he is very, very afraid that you will hate him. "

"I won't hate him." Zhou Yue replied subconsciously. After saying this, Zhou Yue couldn't help covering her mouth ... He didn't know why there was such a relationship, he hadn't talked to Mu Qin for many years. I met, but still today, when I heard Muqin's news from the mouth of a stranger, I was deeply moved and even felt uneasy.

He Chou smiled without a trace: "I can see that Mr. Zhou does not hate Mu Qin, and I am happy for Mu Qin. If Mr. Zhou can find him, I hope you can treat him well ... It looks very strong, but it is actually a slender and vulnerable person. "

Zhou Yue asked him, "Doctor, have you not seen Mu Qin recently?"

"I haven't seen it for a while." He Qiu expressed some concerns. "I must find him as soon as possible. I have something to get back from him."

Zhou Yue added: "Doctor, you said that Mu Qin's mental illness was very serious, and he would never wake up without finding him. What does this sentence ... mean?"

He Qiu did not immediately answer Zhou Yue. He supported his hands and elbows on the table in front of him. He also learned Zhou Yue's movements and stirred the coffee in front of him with a spoon, but never tasted it.

Under the light of the cafe, He Qiu's eyes seemed to flicker slightly. Zhou Yue didn't urge him either, watching the other side silently and waiting for the other side to speak.

"This sentence ..." Finally, He Qiu said after a long silence. "Complicated, it actually involves my personal problem, and it has nothing to do with Mu Qin."

"What do you mean?" Zhou Yue didn't quite understand.

"I don't know if Mr. Zhou can see it?" He Qiu said, took out a pen and paper from his pocket, wrote a name on the paper for Zhou Yue, and said, "I'm a half-breeder, although I My parents and grandparents were Chinese, but my grandfather told me that my grandfather ... I did n’t know which generation's grandfather was a foreigner, or even which country he was. This grandfather ’s name is' He Qiu '(hé, qiú). "

Zhou Yue glanced at the name written by the doctor on the paper, and suddenly understood: "Your foreign grandfather is called 'He Chou'? Is this a Chinese name?"

"It's just pronounced like the words" He Qiu ", so I used these two words as the Chinese name of a foreign grandfather. In fact, it could be called He Qiu, but when my grandfather came to China, China was in the Qing Dynasty. During the reigning period, the ancients seemed to have a literary and artistic flavor. The word 'chou' was the same as '逑' in the ancient times, meaning companion, spouse ... Isn't there something to say that a lady or gentleman is good? "

The doctor continued: "So my grandfather was named He Qiu at the time, and the name has continued to this day, and my name is also called 'He Qiu'."