MTL - Unlimited Cycles of Death-Chapter 107 Dream back 03┃ This is worthy of your thanks.

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"You may wonder why we want to keep a name to this day."

He Qiu said: "But this is actually the last wish of my foreign grandfather. Before he died, he required that his name and the thing he kept must be passed down from generation to generation. If future generations do not follow what he said, , Then something bad will come to their heads. "

He Qiu said with emotion and couldn't help laughing, "Although I now think that the" bad thing "that foreign grandfather said was just a kind of intimidation, most of the descendants still remembered the foreign grandfather's legacy.

"As a result, every generation of our family has named his son why he hates it. If he does n’t have a son, he will give it to his daughter. He will be required to have a son in the future to inherit his family business, even if he marries someone. Nor can they be named by their husbands. They must have any surname. "

"This kind of family rules and customs continues to this day ... Actually, it is quite amazing. You must know that the country has been in turmoil since the end of the Qing Dynasty, and it has gradually stabilized around 70 years ago. It is a wonder that the He family survived the war. "

After He Qiu said a long list of things about his family, Zhou Yue said he didn't understand, "your family ... what does this have to do with Mu Qin?"

He Qiu said, "The reason why I mentioned my family and my foreign grandfather ... didn't I just say that? My foreign grandfather had one thing, and that thing was passed down with his name, that's the kind of thing ... ... resulting in Muqin's situation. "

After listening, Zhou Yue felt funny: "One 'item' can make Mu Qin suffer from your so-called 'wake up' mental illness?"

"Yes." He Qiu answered solemnly, "That is a very evil thing."

"I can't understand." Zhou Yue stared thoughtfully at the man in front of her, "What the **** is that?"

"On the outside, it was just a crystal-like stone with a regular polyhedron. The surface of the stone was engraved with unknown words the size of rice grains." He Qiu began to describe what he called "items".

Zhou Yue was even more funny: "Like a crystal? Transparent? Full of characters? Stone?"

"That's right, that's the kind of stone ... it can be held with one hand. It's placed in a relatively delicate and ancient pendant box with blood stains." He Qiu said.

Zhou Yue asked: "Why don't you show me ... this amazing stone you said."

He Qiu sighed, "I can't show you, because this thing was lost about a few years ago."

"That is to say, you have lost the" Heirloom "that you have passed down from generation to generation?" Zhou Yue was surprised. "And now that this thing has been lost for several years, I can still make my Muqin awake. But a lunatic coming? "

He Qiu shook his head: "It wasn't me who lost it, it was my father. This 'heirloom' has been in my father's hands. I only saw it a few times when I was a kid, and it has been carried by my father."

"My father told me that this 'Crystal Stone' has terrible power, and anyone who has ever touched the stone will definitely become a 'Dream Man.'"

"Dream man?" Zhou Yue heard another term that he could not understand at all.

He Qiu explained: "It is literally the dreamer."

"Do you mean, as long as people who have come into contact with this crystal stone, do they have strange dreams?" Zhou Yue seemed to understand.

"Yes, as long as I touch this stone, I will have some terrible dreams." He Qiu said, "I do n’t know what the dream is. I heard people describe it as if I had dreamed it." hell'."

"These" dreamers "who dream about **** sometimes occasionally record the scenes of the dream in words or pictures, or even audio and video. So these things that record the dream will become a new medium. People who come into contact with these media will also become one of the 'dreamers'. "

Zhou Yue understood: "Does it spread like a virus?"

"Yes, it spreads like a virus." He Qiu gently clasped his desktop with his fingers unconsciously. "At first, my ancestors didn't know this ... This is a very interesting point. Others who came into contact with this stone People will become 'dreamers', but our family members will not. Maybe there is some magical power in the blood of that foreign grandfather who is protecting us. "

"The results of becoming 'dreamers' seem to be very miserable. Most of the 'dreamers' will die by death, either to kill or to be killed, and some dreamers will fall into a long sleep in their dreams. Into bones. And there are rumors that these dreamers will enter the **** of their dreams after death, experiencing a terrifying cycle of life and death. "

"Because of his bloodline protection, he would not be turned into a 'dreamer'. The ancestors of the He family all realized the power of this terrible crystal stone after a long period of experience and investigation. When the He family realized that the stone would give When someone brings disaster, He ’s family try not to let any outsiders come into contact with the stone, and began to recycle the items or documents left by those 'dreamers' who had contacted the stone that year, that is, recycling these media to prevent new 'dreaming' Man's birth. "

When He Qiu said here, Zhou Yue had realized what he was about to say next. Zhou Yue speculated: "Would you not have contacted Mu Qin with the" medium "left by the" dreamer ", so you are anxious Want to find Muqin? "

He Qiu nodded: "Yes ... our family has collected a lot of these" media "left by dreamers. Most of these media were destroyed by us, but some of them were not. My father has never done anything about crystals before. What Shi He dreamer told me, so I always thought these 'mediums' were just ordinary collectibles. "

"My father has been away from home for many years. After the death of my mother, he accidentally lost the crystal stone, so he searched for crystal stones everywhere in the world. Recently he came back to me, The dreamer told me in detail, telling me not to contact the media with others, and I remembered that I had accidentally given a 'media' to Muqin as a gift ... "

"So you are in a hurry to find Mu Qin and want to get the media back?" Zhou Yue couldn't help but clenched his fists after hearing what He Qiu said.

He Qiu grabbed the hair on his head in distress. "It may be late. Mu Qin hasn't contacted me for a while. The last time he came to my side ..."

When talking about this, He Qiu seemed to think of something. He suddenly looked at Zhou Yue with shocked eyes: "Yes, when he came to my house last time, he came with you!"

"What !?" Zhou Yue suddenly lost his eyes and looked at He Chou inexplicably. "You said that I went to your house with Mu Qin? When did this happen?"

"About two months ago, when you were still in a coma ... because I only saw you once, I couldn't remember your face. When we just met, I didn't remember you." He Qiu recalled, " Mu Qin was pushing you unconscious to come to my house and said that he had encountered some trouble and wanted to hide in my house for a few hours. He even pointed at you in a wheelchair and said that it was his friend. At the same time, I gave him the media of the 'Dream Man', a music box, and you were picked up a few hours later. "

Zhou Yue had no idea that such a thing had happened. He lowered his head and covered his mouth subconsciously, his body shaking.

It turns out Muqin has been back! At this stage where Zhou Yue slept for two years, Mu Qin came back! Mu Qin even spent some time with Zhou Yue in a coma, but these things were not mentioned in a word.

After a while, Zhou Yue returned to God and said to He Chou, "Do you know who picked him up?"

"It should be Mu Qin's former comrade-in-arms." He Qiu recalled, "I don't know his comrade-in-arms, just remember that his comrade-in-arms should be Xu."

"Xu ..." Zhou Yue meditated on the surname, her eyes lowered, and she already had the answer deep inside.

He Qiu sighed long and said to Zhou Yue, "I'm sorry, these things I said may sound nonsense and open-mouthed to you. After all, this kind of thing really sounds strange, but I hope you Believe me, if you know where Muqin is, it's best to tell me as soon as possible, at this stage we still have a way to lift the dreamer's doom. "

"Wait ..." Zhou Yue heard He Qiu say a key point, "Do you say there is a way to lift the doom of the 'dreamer'?"

He Qiu said: "It should be my father who has a solution. He told me that if I meet a 'dreamer' who has been in the media and has begun dreaming, contact him and he can release the dreamer's dreaming state."

After speaking, He Qiu stared at Zhou Yue carefully: "In fact, you are also very dangerous, because you were also present when I gave Mu Qin the music box 'media'. If he accidentally let you contact the media, you also have The danger of becoming a 'dreamer.'

"So I want to ask you seriously." He Qiu frowned and asked Zhou Yue; "Did you ever dream of anything terrible in your dreams? Some people may not remember the scenes in their dreams after they dream, but they will Keep the remaining fear of that nightmare. If you've been waking up late and you're inexplicably afraid, then you'd better go with me to meet my father. "

Zhou Yue carefully reviewed her status for a while, then shook her head: "No, I don't think I have this situation."

He Qiu breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good ... I hope the severity of this matter has not further expanded."

"I'll help you find Mu Qin." Zhou Yue said to He Qiu, "Where are the others ... I already have a clue."

"That's great!" He Qiu kept pulling out his cell phone and exchanging contact information with Zhou Yue. He Qiu said, "Please contact me when you find Mu Qin. I'll leave for you immediately wherever you are. In While you are looking for Muqin, I will contact my father to ask for the situation. After that, if there are other things, I will also call you to inform you. "

Zhou Yue wrote He Qiu's number in the phone book of the mobile phone, and by the way silently meditation, then he looked up at He Qiu: "Thank you very much, doctor."

"Don't thank, in fact, it's my fault to confess this." He Qiu seemed a bit frustrated. "My father said when he was young that he should not move his 'collectibles', and don't give them to others or show them to others. I did not listen to him It's too much trouble for Muqin. "

"You know you made a mistake, and you are actively trying to redeem it, it is worth thanking you." Zhou Yue said.