MTL - Unlimited Cycles of Death-Chapter 110 Dreaming back to 06 ┃ is because of an unrelenting request.

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"How did he fall asleep?" He Qiu's father ... The original name was also called He Qiu, but since the father had a son, he went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to change the name He Qiu, and the current name is He Xian.

Some people simply called him "Mr. He", and it was polite and smooth.

Mr. He is more than fifty years old, but he is not old at all. He and He Chou are worthy of being a father and son. They look a bit similar in appearance, have deeper outlines, and have foreign blood.

It's just that Mr. He is a slightly old-fashioned person. Since he appeared in the hospital until now, he has been stiff, with a gloomy momentum all over his body, without a smile.

Xu Haoyu felt that the elder was a bit similar to his father. They were all people who knew that they were very serious and not easy to mess with. This made Xu Haoyu tremble in front of Mr. He and carefully answered, "I took that After the snake cross was given to Zhou Yue ... he suddenly became like this. "

"Serpent cross?" Mr. He walked to Zhou Yue, who was lowering his head in a wheelchair, and squatted down to take a look at the snake cross held in Zhou Yue's hand. There seemed to be a flash in his eyes.

"Where did this cross come from?" Mr. He took the cross from Zhou Yue's hand and turned his head to ask Xu Haoyu.

Xu Haoyu shook his head honestly: "I don't know. This cross was originally Zhou Yue's thing. Later, it was taken away by Mu Qin. Mu Qin told me to put the cross in the locker of his ward before going to bed. Don't take it home. "

Xu Haoyu then added: "There was also a music box stowed away with the cross."

After speaking, Xu Haoyu went to the next cabinet and opened the cabinet door to show Mr. He the exquisite old music box inside.

When Mr. He followed Xu Haoyu ’s movements and looked at the music box in the cabinet, he soon frowned angrily and turned to look at the son He Chou who was always with him. Mr. He yelled at He Chou: "I did n’t tell you Have you ever seen my collectibles, don't show them to others, let alone give them to others! "

"I'm sorry!" He Qiu was startled by his dad's throat, and he bowed his head steadily. "I didn't mean it, dad. You haven't said that these collections are dangerous before. I thought they were ordinary. Collectibles, that's why ... "

"It seems that you completely took what I said as fart!" Mr. He was even more annoyed when he saw He Qi's quibble. He stretched out his hand and slapped his son's forehead. He Qiu did not dare to fight back, and obediently.

"Mr. He." Xu Haoyu was also anxious, and quickly dissuaded, "Even if you scold your son, it won't help! Now there is something more important. I heard He Qiu say you have a way to lift this weird sleep state, Just help and think of a way. "

"I don't know if it's okay." Mr. He also seemed quite distressed, his eyebrows tied into a knot, pacing back and forth with the snake cross in his hand, "Releasing the 'dreamer' sleep state was one passed down from my ancestor Method, but the implementation process is likely to make the 'dreamer' pay a great price, which requires the consent of their relatives. "

Xu Haoyu said: "Mu Qin has no relatives. I am almost his only friend ... As for Zhou Yue ..."

Xu Haoyu said looking at Zhou Yue in a wheelchair. He was not unaware of Zhou Yue's family situation, but he could not decide for Zhou Yue. So he said to Mr. He: "If Zhou Yue, I have to contact his mother first. . "

"Wait." Mr. He touched his chin and suddenly asked Xu Haoyu a strange question. "You said that the child in a wheelchair was called Zhou Yue, wasn't he?"

"Yes." Xu Haoyu nodded, thinking carefully. "He is the famous Zhou company in China ... Master."

"Then he's over, then." Mr. He looked at Zhou Yue with inexplicable eyes.

"What do you mean?" Xu Haoyu was startled. "Is Zhou Yue saved?"

"Zhou family ancestors have something to do with our family members," Mr. He sighed. "Their Zhou family had also been infected by the power of crystal stones because of certain coincidences. People ', was later implemented by our family ancestors to lift the state of' dreamers '. However, this ritual has to pay a blood price. This price will continue to future generations. If the descendants of the Zhou family are unfortunately changed into' Dreamer ', I can't save him. "

"And, this cross is also a medium." Mr. He put the snake cross obtained from Zhou Yue in front of his eyes and observed, "Since you said that this thing originally belonged to Zhou Yue, then Zhou Yue has probably become a" dreaming "long ago. People 'up. "

Xu Haoyu seemed to understand: "Zhou Yue did become a vegetative person due to an accident, and fell asleep for two years, and then Mu Qin returned to take care of him. Zhou Yue woke up under Mu Qin's care for a few days, But it did n’t take long for him to fall asleep again. After that, he and Mu Qin's state had a contradiction. Mu Qin couldn't sleep, but Zhou Yue fully recovered.

"Listen to you, did this child named Mu Qin save Zhou Yue?" Mr. He seemed to understand another meaning from Xu Haoyu's account.

Xu Haoyu shook his head stupidly: "I can't figure out what's going on. The two men have been vague and never told me the truth of the matter. I only know ... there is a strange and terrible unnatural thing. The power is persecution. "

"It's that stone." Mr. He's voice was low, mixed with exhaustion and helplessness, "He and our family have been guarding for generations ... or the guardian's crystal stone."

Xu Haoyu became more and more puzzled: "Mr. He, what is the origin of the crystal stone? How can we have this power and how should we deal with it?"

Mr. He did not answer immediately. He turned to look at Xu Haoyu, pondered for a moment, and said to Xu Haoyu: "You are the son of General Xu Dayu, Xu Haoyu, right?"

Xu Haoyu didn't conceal her identity either, nodded smartly, "Yes."

"You and your family have considerable power, so do me a favor."

Xu Haoyu bit her lower lip unconsciously: "What's busy?"

Mr. He groaned for a moment, and set his eyes back and forth on Mu Qin on the bed and Zhou Yue on the wheelchair next to him. "I want you to help me, move these two people abroad and take them to my designated location, or stay still. Sensual ... Do it as soon as possible. "

Xu Haoyu has a lot of concerns: "It's fine to send abroad, but it's a little trouble to stay calm ... Besides, Mr. He, how can I believe what you say?"

"Don't you want these two people to wake up?" Mr. He looked at Xu Haoyu. "If you don't want to, I don't have to bother ... let them continue to lie here."

Xu Haoyu almost bit his lips and bleed. He clenched his fists and looked at Mu Qin on the bed. He took a deep breath and said, "Of course I want to wake them up, but I am not sure whether you are trustworthy or worth me. Will you leave my important friend with him? "

"If you really don't believe me, you can take my son as a hostage." Mr. He gave a terrifying expression to He Qiu next to him. He Qiu turned his head to look at his biological father. Dad didn't even look at him. He reached out and grabbed He Qiu and pushed him in front of Xu Haoyu.

Mr. He said, "I will leave He Qiu here. Our He family attaches great importance to future generations, especially the name 'He Qiu'. With my current age, losing an only child is a very serious blow. So if these two people In the event of an accident, you can probably kill my son directly ... I believe it is not difficult for you to make someone disappear without any change with your Xu family's ability. "

"Hey!" He Qiu was terrified and shouted, "Dad! Are you really my Daddy !?"

Before waiting for He Chou to be terrified, Xu Haoyu smiled and reached out to shake hands with Mr. He: "The deal! Mu Qin and Zhou Yue, I will be sent to where you say, and your son stays with me, is it okay?"

"No problem." Mr. He completed the "transaction" with a serious face throughout.

He Qiu, who was regarded as a trader, was even more frightened. He stared at his dad with unbelievable eyes, but his dad never gave him any look. Mr. He took the snake cross and the cabinet. The music box left Mukin's small ward in a bold step.

He Qiu had to turn his head to look at Xu Haoyu, but saw Xu Haoyu smile at him as a "consolation", "Don't worry, your dad takes you so seriously and won't let you be easily taken away."

He Qiu could not help shaking.

After that, Xu Haoyu quickly used his sister's power in the medical field and part of his relationship to obtain two volunteer positions for a Chinese-foreign medical experimental cooperation project abroad, and then allowed Mu Qin and Zhou Yue to forge two The identity of the medical experiment volunteer was sent to Northern Europe by special plane.

This matter is easy to say, but the various procedures and troubles made Xu Haoyu have to ask for some people he did n’t want to ask for help in the past, I am afraid it will still be true on the side of his general dad, and he will be chased afterwards responsibility.

But Xu Haoyu did, and he also contacted a secret service of the Security Bureau about the incident.

Although rare, there are indeed mysterious existences and mysterious forces in this world that are unknown and difficult to explain with science.

In response to this, the National Security Agency has established an invisible department with unknown members, unknown bases, and no registration. Not registering is to protect the entire department and its members.

It is also because there is no registration. This department does not have a specific name. People familiar with the matter, including Xu Haoyu, called this department "x department", x means "unknown thing" in Arabic, and x means unknown in mathematics, so This unknown department is called department x.

Few people knew about department X. All of Xu Haoyu was fortunate to learn that this department existed because his general dad accidentally said a leak. By being questioned by Xu Haoyu, his dad quietly told him some facts.

After that, Xu Haoyu also heard a lot of anecdotes about department X and its solution or tracing from his dad's mouth, all kinds of ghost and spooky events, although most of these spooky events were later confirmed to be caused by human or accident. But there are also some things that really can't be explained scientifically so far.

In addition to tracing spiritual events, department X will also track events related to astronomy and outer space life ... such as suspicious signals from space, traces of suspected aliens left on earth, and so on.

As a result of tracing these nihilistic and uncertain things, the department has been given a strong sense of mystery and the highest right to freedom of movement.

However, the investigation of department X is sometimes full of unknown dangers, and sometimes boring. It is often the case that the bamboo basket is drunk, and neither the investigation process nor the results are recognized. For a long time, department X has almost completely disappeared. .

However, they always appear quickly when needed.

Xu Haoyu does not want his best friend Mu Qin to be involved in the investigation of department X, because department X is an organization secretly set up above, and when they are involved, it is bound to be involved in a higher-level power struggle.

However, things have long been out of Xu Haoyu's control. After He Qiu and He Qiu's father explained the mysterious crystal stone and the "dreamer" to Xu Haoyu, Xu Haoyu felt that this situation was no longer under his control. of.

Because according to He Qiu's father, Mr. He, the crystal stones supervised by their He family generations were stolen by unknown forces a few years ago. Mr. He has so far been trying to investigate those who stole the crystal stones. With the help of some other forces.

But the other forces that Mr. He sought, although they were indeed helping Mr. He to investigate and find the crystal stone, they did not intend to return the stone to Mr. He after the crystal stone was retrieved. They were curious about the power of crystal stone In an attempt to take this stone as his own.

After understanding this situation, Mr. He stopped cooperating with other forces. He knew that if this continued, this terrible stone would be known by more people, and those with bad intentions would totally ignore the disaster that the crystal stone would bring, thinking that As long as you have it, you can master this magical power.

But the He family is very clear. No one can control the power of this stone. Even the He family cannot do it. The He family can only be immune to the infection of the power of the stone and become a "dreamer".

Once this stone contacts more people outside, more and more people will become "dreamers". The disaster brought by the stone is like a virus spreading, and countless people will go crazy, die, or Can't sleep.

All dreamers will enter the terrible, hell-like world in their dreams in their sleep.

At this time, Xu Haoyu thought it necessary to try to believe in his high-level power.

Holding this idea, Xu Haoyu successfully contacted department X through the military's secret line. A female voice who seemed to be on the phone exchanged with him for a while, and then the female voice said to Xu Haoyu: "Please major, please Wait, I have a member closest to your location come to you to contact you. If you have any questions, you can talk to this member. "

After that, the female voice didn't say much any more, and did not wait for Xu Haoyu to respond, and actively suspended the communication.

After hanging up, Xu Haoyu stared at the mobile phone for a while, and then another phone bell rang. An unknown caller number was displayed on Xu Haoyu's mobile phone screen, and Xu Haoyu was connected.

On this call was a teenage voice that apparently seemed to have a little sleep, saying, "Hey, hello, I'm the liaison of x. Our reception asked me to call you."

Xu Haoyu said, "Yes, I have just with your department ..."

"Don't talk nonsense." The teenager didn't seem to want to talk to Xu Haoyu about extra things. "Where are you, I'll go to you now."


"Otherwise? Of course it is now!"

Xu Haoyu reported his current address, and the boy over there immediately hung up the phone.

Xu Haoyu, who was hung up on the phone twice, thought that the style of the x department was really interesting.

In less than an hour, members of department X who had communicated with Xu Haoyu by phone arrived at the hospital where Xu Haoyu was located. Xu Haoyu was still staying with Mu Qin and Zhou Yue at the moment, and was sending the two men abroad according to Mr. He's words. Before that, he needed to get some information with Department X.

I have heard of the name of department x for a long time, and Xu Haoyu also has a little expectation for it, but after seeing the legendary member of department x, Xu Haoyu's expectation disappeared.

The person who came was a teenager who looked like he was seventeen or eighteen years old. He was about 1.7 meters tall, wearing student shirts and jeans, and carrying a large black backpack. The backpack was very heavy. Hump. He also wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses, looking very ordinary, the face of a public who was never found in the sea.

And the adolescent was obviously deprived of sleep and had dark circles around his eyes. The voice also had a nasal sound and seemed to have a cold. Maintaining a decadent attitude throughout the process, he shook into Xu Haoyu's room.

"You ... you are the x ..."

The boy sat on the sofa chair in front of Xu Haoyu with great carelessness, and seemed to be very satisfied with this chair, so he sighed comfortably and replied, "Yeah, yeah, I'm the X department."

Without giving Xu Haoyu shock or questioning time, the teenager then dropped the backpack on his back and took out a laptop from the backpack. After opening it, he quickly operated on the computer.

"Our reception said that the reason you contacted our department was that you had obtained some information about the" Crystal Stone "." The young man said to himself and said, "If you talk about the Crystal Stone, it is the one that will make people crazy and fall into nightmares. Crystal stones that can't sleep for a long time, then I think this is an item we have been investigating. "

Xu Haoyu was shocked when he heard: "Have you already investigated this crystal?"

"Of course there is, what department do you think we are for?" The teenager glanced at Xu Haoyu with a disdainful look, quite proud. "Since the last century, department X has been collecting information about this crystal through various means. According to the information of the stone, we also know the 'holder' of this crystal stone-He Qiu.

"We have been monitoring the He family, so when you major ..." The teenager pointed at Xu Haoyu. "After contacting and contacting the He family, we have got the news for the first time. If you do n’t call us today, Contact and we will come forward to contact you. "

Xu Haoyu was even more shocked: "You already know about the family ..."

"I knew it a long time ago." The teenager turned the laptop he was operating around and let Xu Haoyu look at the computer screen with a file on it.

File number x-7530. Below the number is a photo taken of a delicate old European pendant box. A small crystal stone is lying in the box. The stone is condensed like ice crystals and has a regular polyhedron. The surface Unknown fonts like rice grains are carved in full.

The teenager pointed at the crystal stone in the photo and said to Xu Haoyu, "This is the crystal stone that has been passed down by the He family. This photo was taken about ten years ago."

"Since you already knew about this crystal stone, why ..." Xu Haoyu wanted to question.

"Why not take some action?" Waiting for Xu Haoyu to finish, the teenager interrupted him, "We have taken action. After knowing the relevant information about this crystal stone many years ago, department X tried to communicate with the He family, Attempt to let them handle this stone for us. "

"But you can guess that the He family didn't answer. After that, my former ex-boss kept on doing it, forcibly grabbed their stones for research, and set the research code as" nightmare. "

"Then the nightmare really appeared, as long as the researchers or technicians who have contacted this stone have been caught in crazy nightmares without exception, these nightmares have greatly changed their personality, and they still sleep I can't wake up anymore. "

"The study of nightmares has completely failed, and many people in the department have been sacrificed. A few survived. It was later that we went to He's family for help, and they performed the ceremony of lifting the 'dreamer' to survive."

"This stone is like a source of infection, the kind that cannot be destroyed. We cannot control the power of this stone, especially those who become 'dreamers' because of crystal stones. Some of them will leave special 'media'. These media It will spread the nightmare to more people and make more and more people become 'dreamers'. "

"We are not yet able to pinpoint the specific method of this nightmare infection, but this infection is catastrophic. Anyone who touches the crystal stone or related media, or even some people just look at it from a distance, may be successful. Only the family is immune. "

"Then the department X returned the stone to the He family and reached a cooperation agreement with them. The department X would provide funds and manpower to the family, but the family needed to continue to hand over the situation of the crystal stone and carry out the recovery. And the work of destroying the media. "

After hearing this, Xu Haoyu finally understood, "So it is, then I should have told you about Mr. He, right?"

"Yes, before seeing you, Mr. He has contacted us," said the young man. "And, there are two" dreamers "here who may have fallen into a dream state, which is also information we already have."

Xu Haoyu was helpless and angry, and even couldn't help but fist and knocked at the table: "Since this is the case, why don't you say it earlier, it made me tangled for a long time!"

"We have confidentiality regulations." The teenager stared at Xu Haoyu thoughtfully. "These news must not be exposed, and I believe the major is also very clear in his heart."

"Rest assured, I will not reveal any information." Xu Haoyu rubbed his temple uncomfortably.

"Then I will rest assured." The young man stood up from his seat. "Then please ask the major to act in accordance with Mr. He's arrangements and send the two 'dreamers' in your hand to the place designated by Mr. He."

"As for me, the reason why I came to you is because of a kind invitation."