MTL - Unlimited Cycles of Death-Chapter 109 Dream back 05┃ "This is hell."

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After Zhou Qiyuan said the proposal to let Jie Zhu and Zhou Yue's mother and son travel abroad, Zhou Yue's heart has been in a state of confusion. He knows that he can't go abroad, at least definitely not now.

Because he hasn't seen Muqin. After so many years of separation, Muqin finally had a chance to meet.

From the psychiatrist He Qiu and Mu Qin's old comrade Xu Haoyu, Zhou Yue can learn an important message. During his two years of becoming a vegetative coma, Mu Qin did return. Not only did he return, he also took care of Zhou Yue for a while, and he took care of it himself. Zhou Yue's eating, drinking, and drinking of Lazarus were all handled by Mu Qin.

Of course, this incident was not mentioned at all, and when it was closed, it did not happen. Zhou Yue also forgot everything neatly after waking up.

But Mu Qin's return is a fact ... No matter what reason Mu Qin returned, he would return to Zhou Yue, and Zhou Yue felt like he was going crazy.

He worried that Muqin would not like him long ago. Worried that after nearly a decade of separation, their relationship will drift away like a stranger. Worried that if one day meets again, Mu Qin will take hold of others and leave Zhou Yue behind.

Why do you still love him? Zhou Yue has been unable to figure this out. He clearly left Mu Yue's first step without mercy, and then left Zhou Yue's world without giving Zhou Yue any chance to struggle.

He should hate this talent pair, but now he still weeps over the news of this man's return.

The thought of Mu Qin sitting next to him asleep, holding his hand in his hand, took care of him with little attention. Zhou Yue felt very happy, dizzy and dazzled, just felt that there was nothing better and more amazing in this world.

So Zhou Yue now just wants to meet Mu Qin and want to be with him again, no matter what the price.

But in this period, Zhou Qiyuan suddenly made such a weird request ... and Zhou Qiyuan's weird attitude made Zhou Yue's heart even more confused.

Zhou Qiyuan is by no means the kind of person who cares about the personality of others, especially Zhou Yue ... he cares about dissolving the bamboo, but it is definitely not Zhou Yue.

As a father, he doesn't even care about his own son. Although this behavior feels extremely cold-blooded, but it is indeed Zhou Qiyuan's character. For so many years, Zhou Yue has been used to and see through.

It is often said that there must be monsters when things happen abnormally. Zhou Yue guessed that something must have happened that he didn't understand. Zhou Qiyuan was in the moment and chose to throw Xie Zhu and him abroad.

But what is going on? Zhou Yue couldn't ask Zhou Qiyuan himself, even though Zhou Yue was also very popular and decisive and sharp in his daily life, when facing Zhou Qiyuan, Zhou Yue still felt an inexplicable fear in his bones.

Presumably, the childhood shadow that this man brought to Zhou Yue was too tragic. He engraved a **** "can't resist" label in Zhou Yue's heart, so in front of Zhou Qiyuan, Zhou Yue was always at the mercy of others. Puppet.

Therefore, when Zhou Qiyuan gave his final word, Jie Zhu took Zhou Yue to travel abroad in three days. When he made these decisions, Zhou Yue said nothing and seemed to accept everything.

Zhou Qiyuan then left, and his time at home was always short. Before he left, he turned around and looked at Zhou Yue with a strange look, but Zhou Yue didn't dare to look at him, and turned away from Zhou Qiyuan's sight, so he didn't notice Zhou Qiyuan's profound eyes.

After Zhou Qiyuan left, Xie Zhu immediately ordered his servants to sort out the clothes and luggage of the mother and son. No matter how ridiculous Zhou Qiyuan's decision is, Jie Zhu will immediately execute her husband's order without hesitation.

Seeing that Xie Zhu was moving, Zhou Yue said coolly beside him: "So anxious? Pack your bags now? Didn't Zhou Qiyuan give us three days?"

"You want to call Dad ... forget it." Xie Zhu knew that Zhou Yue could not listen to her, so he sighed. "Although Qi Yuan said for three days, he actually expected us to act as soon as possible. Anyway, someone would help with the ticket. Book, you can leave today. "

"I won't go." Zhou Yue bluntly refused, "You can go, but I want to stay."

"Don't be willful, Zhou Yue!" Zhou Yue, who grew older and rebellious, made Xie Zhu very helpless. She made it clear, "You also know that your father's decision is irreversible."

"But you feel irreversible ... I never think so." Zhou Yue insisted, "I will never leave China at this stage."

"Because you can't bear Muqin?" Xie Zhu apparently guessed Zhou Yue's thoughts.

Xie Zhu emphasized this statement, Zhou Yue said nothing, and Xie Zhu knew that he was right. Xie Zhudao said: "When you went out to the hospital before, I sent your bodyguard to give me a report. They said that you talked to a psychologist at the hospital for a long time and I knew it was going to be bad."

Zhou Yue remained silent, and Xie Zhu continued: "I surveyed Mu Qin early and knew that he had a mental illness after he was discharged from the army. Therefore, he kept in touch with a psychiatrist named He. What you saw in the hospital was that Dr. He. "

"Then what?" Zhou Yue asked in response to Xie Zhu: "Do you want to tell Mu Qin's existence and then force me to compromise?"

Xie Zhu said, "I thought about doing this ... but ..."

Xie Zhu said, she couldn't help but start to take a deep breath. When she took a deep breath, she was trembling, as if unable to extricate herself from the tangled choices. After a long time, she said slowly, "Zhou Yue, I love you."

"Love this kind of thing, isn't it just talking about it?" Zhou Yue couldn't help sneering.

"Maybe you don't believe it, but I want to say ... It's not just me, your dad loves you too." Xie Zhu's next words made Zhou Yue really laugh.

"You said Zhou Qiyuan ... love me?" Zhou Yue laughed with a little stomachache. He couldn't help covering his belly, laughing and laughing, "Ha ha! This is the funniest joke I've ever heard."

"It's okay to listen to it as a joke." Jie Zhu stared at Zhou Yue's expression a little tenderly, she whispered, "I'll tell you a story, about the story of the Zhou family."

After waiting for Zhou Yue to speak, Xie Zhu talked about himself, "You know, the history of the Zhou family lasted at least from the end of the Qing Dynasty to the present day. .By the time of your grandfather's generation, your grandfather started from scratch and gave Zhou's business a prototype, which was then taken over by your father, and it has grown so much today. "

"I know that you have always been dissatisfied or even resentful towards your father's attitude. This is normal. Zhou Qiyuan has always been devoted to work, regardless of family, and the means of educating you is extremely extreme. Although he never beats you, he will Use imprisonment and cold violence to persuade you to yield. Under his influence, I have also adopted more or less improper education methods against you, and I never expected you to forgive us. "

Zhou Yue couldn't bear the intention of mocking the other person's heart, and sneered at the corner of his mouth to expand: "I'm afraid you don't need me to forgive me."

Xie Zhu froze slightly, but said helplessly: "There is something you must know. The Zhou family actually suffered a curse long ago."

"So you can't find any excuses now, and you're starting to do some weird theology again, right?" Zhou Yue completely took Xie Zhu as a joke.

"I said, it doesn't matter if you listen to it as a story or as a joke, I just want to tell you these things in tens and ten ... it is better to say that it is time to tell you."

Xie Zhu finds it difficult to communicate with Zhou Yue, because Zhou Yue has always maintained his disdain and ridicule, and he has no respect for Xie Zhu as a "mother". Although Xie Zhu doesn't care about this, she is a woman who has gone through many storms. She is patient and patiently tells her what she wants to say.

"I heard this from Zhou Qiyuan's father ... that is, your grandfather. It was about their Zhou family ancestors. In the late Qing Dynasty, because they were doing jade business, the Zhou family gathered all kinds of jade, processed and carved them. At higher prices to royalty or wealthy collectors. "

"At that time, the Zhou family started with a very weird 'jade', saying that it is not necessary because it is a piece of crystal, a gem. It is very beautiful, like the crystal of ice in winter, it seems to be carved by man. Into a very regular polyhedron shape, engraved with mysterious and unknown character numbers. "

When talking about Xiezhu, Zhou Yue suddenly clenched her fists, raised her head suddenly, widened her eyes and stared at Xiezhu with amazement.

Xie Zhu soon noticed that Zhou Yue's expression was abnormal. She stopped telling and frowned and asked: "What's wrong? How is this expression?"

Zhou Yue was horrified: "Is the crystal stone you said ... in a Western pendant box? Did Zhou Jiazu start with some people with the last name" He "?" Zhou Yue asked.

Jie Zhu's turn was shocked this time, "How do you know ... Qi Yuan has told you already?"

"No ... he didn't tell me, I learned these news from others." Zhou Yue reached out and held his forehead subconsciously, and lowered his head to hide his eyes in the shadows. "You can continue to say."

Xie Zhu had to continue the story, "If someone told you the origin of that crystal stone, I think the other person should have told you, the strange power of that crystal stone, right?"

"Yes," Zhou Yue replied. "The other person said that the crystal stone would make people dream about nightmares, and the dreamer would die or die, or could not sleep."

"Yes, that's it." Jie Zhu frowned, "It can be said that the reason that led to the decline of the Zhou family that was a rich and enemy country, in addition to the war ... partly because of this terrible crystal stone."

"This stone has killed many people in the Zhou family. As long as it has been in contact with the crystal stone, it will die in a few years. In addition to making people have nightmares, it seems to affect the feelings of others. Some people have a warm personality. After touching the stone for a period of time, his temperament will change dramatically, and he will become brutal and reckless. Many people have rumored that this stone will cause evil thoughts in people's hearts and expand them. "

"The disaster brought by the stone once wandered this big family on the brink of destruction. After the Zhou family realized the strangeness of the crystal stone, they began to try to destroy the crystal stone, using all the means they could think of at the time, to burn, Iron chisels still cannot destroy this seemingly fragile crystal stone. "

"So the Zhou family asked God to worship the Buddha, and they found a lot of 'exorcists' who seemed to be useful and seemed to be only magic sticks, and wanted to seal the stones. Later, they also tried to discard the stones and throw them into some rare mountains. Lao Lin. Of course ... these acts are of no use at all, and the disaster caused by the stone is still circling the Zhou family's head. "

"In the end, it was the He family who sold them to them in deep water. The He family bluntly said that the crystal stone had a terrible power and could never be contacted by outsiders. That was their family's heritage. And what was protected, but the He family had a few scums at that time, while the owner didn't pay attention to stealing the stone to sell it, He knew the matter and kept looking for the whereabouts of the crystal stone. "

"I won't tell you more about the specific situation." Jie Zhu told the story as briefly as possible. "After all, the Zhou family and the He family met together, and they cooperated. The Zhou family helped them find the lost crystal stone. The family helped the Zhou family touch the curse brought by the crystal stone. "

Zhou Yue immediately thought that He Qiu had told him in the hospital before, and He Qiu said that his father could release the "dreaming" state of "dreamer". Zhou Yue thinks that this "lifting the curse" that Xie Zhu said is probably a meaning.

So Zhou Yue could not help asking: "How did the family lift the curse?"

"I don't know how they got rid of it," Xie Zhu replied, "I only know that they succeeded. However, it takes a price to lift the curse."


"That's the price, which led to the people who inherited the blood of the Zhou family ..." Xie Zhu said, looking at Zhou Yue with deep eyes: "All are extremely ruthless."

"Why ... what?" Zhou Jie's remark made Zhou Yue a little hesitant, and she could only look at her somehow.

"The ancestors of the Zhou family, your grandpa, your dad, and you." Xie Zhu suddenly took a step and walked in front of Zhou Yue. Because Zhou Yue was sitting in a wheelchair, she bent down slightly and reached out and stroked Zhou Yue's cheek. "Everything is missing."

"Missing ... what?" Zhou Yue didn't quite understand.

Xie Zhu shook his head: "I don't know, I guess it was the He family who took away the" curse "from the Zhou family at the same time, and also took away some of the Zhou family's blood, although this made the Zhou family generations Your children and grandchildren can continue in the world smoothly, but each of you does not look like humans. "

"I don't understand!" Zhou Yue suddenly shouted impatiently. He felt that the explanation of Zhuzhu was becoming more and more absurd. "How can I not be like a human? When it comes to not being a human, it should be Zhou Qiyuan's bastard? Work is still work. I have never been interested in anything else. I am cold-blooded and ruthless like a robot! I have never seen Zhou Qiyuan sincerely grow up this time, even once! "

Zhou Yue is really excited. Maybe he wants to vent his deep emotions. He has been suppressed for too long and can't hold it anymore. So he reached out and grasped the wrist that knew Bamboo, and his words were trembling: "Mom--"

Zhou Yue looked at Jiezhu in disappointment: "Why did you marry that kind of person? Why did you give birth to me !?"

Xie Zhu didn't speak, she stared at Zhou Yue for a long time, and finally chose to gently open Zhou Yue and grab her wrist.

Her movements made Zhou Yue's heart cold, so she didn't wait for the bamboo shoots to open and let go of herself.

"I'm sorry, boy." Jie Zhu remained gentle ... and seemed to be in a calm tone. "Some things are beyond my control."

"I still hope that you can do what your father said. Qi Yuan picked this time to spend us abroad. It must be because something happened in the country that even he was not in control of, so we were sent away for security. . Therefore, you should not be willful or temperamental at this critical juncture, my father and I want you to live well. "

"After all, I just want me to be obedient." Zhou Yue laughed at herself, "I have no choice at all, do I?"

"No ... In fact, there are choices." Jie Zhu seems unable to restrain her desire to tolerate Zhou Yue. This may be due to her rare motherhood. She said, "If you really like Mu Qin so much, I You can secretly ask someone to take Muqin with you, provided that you can find Muqin. "

Zhou Yu was surprised by Xie Zhu's compromise and couldn't help shouting, "Mom ... you ..."

"Don't say it." Jie Zhuji didn't look at Zhou Yue at the beginning, frowning helplessly, "This is the last time I give in to you."

Xie Zhu said with a sigh, "I knew that you liked a man before, and I didn't tell Zhou Qiyuan about it. I helped you hide it, and I never challenged the relationship between you and Mu Qin. This is my greatest concession. And this is the last concession. If you really like him so much, go abroad with him and listen to your father after you come back. In the future, you will inherit the Zhou family. Your father and I will never be able to control you again. . "

Xie Zhu's attitude really shocked and delighted Zhou Yue. He couldn't help wondering if he had heard an illusion, so he couldn't help confirming: "Mom ... are you telling the truth !?"

"Do you know how to call my mom at this time?" Jie Zhu helpless, "Of course I said it is true, if I really care about your relationship with Mu Qin, I will not go to Mu Qin to take care of you Now. "

"Wait a minute ..." Zhou Yue jumped at the heart after hearing Jie Zhu's statement. "Did Mu Qin come here?"

"Yes. You slept for two full years. The doctor said that you are unlikely to wake up, so your father doesn't seem to want to care about you any more. But I can't bear it. I know you have no feelings for me and Qi Yuan. So I try to find those friends or loved ones you had a good relationship with, and let them come to talk to you one by one, take care of you, and want to wake you up by this almost miracle means. "

"I've searched for your friends, and finally it's Mu Qin. I found out his existence by looking through your diary and honestly tangled for a while, when he found him, he readily agreed, and Come and take care of you for three months. He is very patient and can see that he is also a gentle person. "

Xie Zhu couldn't help but pause for a moment, and seemed to remember Muqin's appearance.

"The look in your eyes reminds me of what I was when I looked at Qi Yuan." Jie Zhu smiled peculiarly, looking away, "Don't look at me like this, I actually ... really I like Zhou Qiyuan very much. "

After Xie Zhu said, he started to be in a daze, and Zhou Yue was also in a daze, because from the place of Xie Zhu, I heard that Mu Qin had taken care of himself by himself, and it seemed that Mu Qin still liked Zhou Yue. Therefore, Zhou Yue was happy and could not help but feel a little hesitant.

Then Xie Zhu stood upright, straightened his clothes, and said to Zhou Yue, "You have to bring Mu Qin yourself within three days, so I will secretly send you out of the country together, otherwise you will not count it before, you do you understand?"

"I understand." Zhou Yue nodded. Then hesitated for a while, and then cleared the bamboo path: "I'm sorry ... Mom, I said that to you before."

"No need to apologize." Xie Zhu turned his back and turned his back to Zhou Yue. "I'm not the kind of person who deserves your apology."


Now that she has the support of Understanding Bamboo, Zhou Yue can go to Mu Qin more boldly this time. However, because there were only three days and the time was still urgent, Zhou Yue immediately called Xu Haoyu and asked Xu Haoyu if he had contacted the psychiatrist He Qiu.

Xu Haoyu said: "I contacted He Qiu and He Qiu told me the story about that crystal stone. He knew that Mu Qin could not sleep right now and was very anxious, so he was coming over to me."

"When He Qiu arrives, don't rush to let He Qiu meet Mu Qin first." Zhou Yue said immediately, "I will rush to your side now, let me see Mu Qin first, will you?"

Xu Haoyu hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, you two are a pair anyway, toss and toss are going to meet."

What Xu Haoyu thought at the moment was that he violated what he had promised Mu Qin and asked Zhou Yue to come and meet with Mu Qin, hoping that Mu Qin would not blame him when he woke up.

Zhou Yue didn't expect that much. He learned from Xu Haoyu that Mu Qin was in Xu Lin Hospital and was hidden in an isolation ward. Thinking of meeting Muqin, he was so happy that the whole man could almost jump off the wheelchair.

Then he immediately packed up and prepared to go out. Xie Zhu did not send three or four bodyguards to follow him this time, but he also sent a bodyguard to avoid accidents. Before leaving, Xie Zhu told Zhou Yue: "How long can I hide from your father, but if you can't keep it, you must be careful."

Zhou Yue nodded to show that he could not wait to fly out of the house. He got in the car and ran towards the S city where Xu Lin Hospital was located. The driving bodyguards are sophisticated, and they returned to City S in less than an hour and came to the front of Xu Lin's hospital again.

Xu Haoyu was already waiting over there. After seeing Zhou Yue, he came to greet Zhou Yue. The two chatted a little, and Zhou Yue couldn't wait for Xu Haoyu to take him to see Mu Qin.

Knowing that he could not wait, Xu Haoyu pushed Zhou Yue into the hospital and arrived at Mu Qin's ward.

"He has been asleep." Xu Haoyu pushed Zhou Yue into the door and said, "After you gave me He Qiu's mobile phone number, I also discussed with He Qiu carefully. Before Mu Qin could not sleep this time, he did have In the case of long-term nightmares and becoming drowsy, I often sleep for a couple of days. "

"He Qiu told me that he would ask his father to come and resolve Muqin's situation." Xu Haoyu continued, "He Qiu has contacted his father via international telephone, and Dad He Qiu is now in the United States. But it is a coincidence Yes, his dad has already booked a return flight ticket, and he will be back tomorrow. "

Zhou Yue was so excited, while listening to Xu Haoyu confusedly, she looked at the bed as soon as she entered the door, and then she saw Mu Qing lying there quietly.

It should be Mu Qin who hasn't seen him for a long time, but Zhou Yue feels that the other party is very familiar. It's completely different from a young boy in high school. Now Mu Qin has become a mature man with a slightly thin body, but he can see that he has exercised well. The facial features faded from childishness, seductive eyes, and a little handsomeness, which completely did not match the appearance of the soft white rabbit.

He looks so good.

Zhou Yue turned her wheelchair to Mu Qin's bedside, looked at Mu Qin up close, and blinked without blinking.

When Xu Haoyu looked at him, he laughed, "He is fine, he has no other problems, he just slept a little longer."

"Mu Qin told me before going to bed that I shouldn't let you two meet."

"Don't let us meet?" Zhou Yue turned back, but couldn't bear to look away at Mu Qin and asked Xu Haoyu: "Why?"

"I don't know why, it's like joking, saying that if you wake up, you will want to kill him."

Zhou Yue was inexplicable, and a little bit angry: "I won't kill him!" I love him too late ...

Xu Haoyu saw that Zhou Yue had been staring at Mu Qin. He was obsessed with an obsession. At the same time, he couldn't help feeling sour. He sighed, and then took out something from a cabinet in the ward. Now, you went to my sister's hospital before, didn't you say you want to find a model of "snake cross"? This model has been here in Muqin, do you want it? "

Xu Haoyu mentioned this model, and Zhou Yue seemed to suddenly realize something, slowly turning her head to look at the snake cross model that Xu Haoyu had taken out.

Zhou Yue looked at the model. He looked like he had been fixed by the fixation technique, and his pupils were subtly enlarged, like the eyes of a dead person.

Xu Haoyu saw Zhou Yue motionless, holding the model strangely and shaking in front of him: "What's wrong?"

Zhou Yue didn't say anything. After a long time, she slowly put out her hand to get the model in Xu Haoyu's hand. After he took it, he held the model firmly in his palm. Then he lowered his head and stopped looking at Muqin on the bed.

"Zhou Yue?" Xu Haoyu didn't feel right, reached out and held Zhou Yue's shoulder, "What's wrong with you?"

Zhou Yue still said nothing. He was paralyzed in his wheelchair. Xu Haoyu found that his eyes were still open, but he seemed to have lost consciousness, his expression was dull, and his eyes were cloudy.


"You're back here again." In the silver moonlight, on the throne of ice crystals entangled with thorns, the faceless man looked at the confused Zhou Yue under the seat.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want you to come back." The faceless man smiled at Zhou Yuezhen. "But I must let him die."

"Who are you?" Zhou Yue didn't seem to realize what happened, he looked around, "Where is this?"

"This is hell," the faceless man answered quietly.