MTL - Unlimited Cycles of Death-Chapter 115 Silent classroom 04: He is already in hell.

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The disfigured man approached Zhou Yue and the young Mu Qin slowly. He was slow at the beginning, but gradually accelerated in the middle, and almost ran up in the end.

The disfigured man stabbed at Zhou Yue with his sharp blade, his momentum was too rampant, and his speed was too fast. The blade edged through the air in midair, shaking people's ears like a roar. !!

It is interesting that the primary attack target of the disfigured man was not Zhou Yue, but the young Muqin around Zhou Yue.

The disfigured man ran to the young Muqin in an instant, and the point of the knife pointed directly at the young man's heart, intending to take the young man's life directly. The killing revealed in the eyes and actions made people goosebumps cold.

Zhou Yue also acted at that moment. He grabbed Muqin's arm and pulled him back quickly to avoid the hit from the killer. Zhou Yue even tensed his arms tightly and threw them back like throwing sandbags.

Young Muqin's body is too slender and he weighs very little. Throwing him out is not difficult for Zhou Yue.

It was just that Zhou Yue didn't understand Lianxiangxiyu too much, and the force of throwing the boy out was so great that the young boy Muqin's body was slightly emptied and fell heavily to the ground.

Seeing that the prey was thrown out by Zhou Yue, the disfigured man stepped past Zhou Yue and wanted to pursue it. Of course, Zhou Yue could not let him succeed. He stretched out his arms and fought hard, but he spoiled the disfigured man!

The disfigured man was thrown from the side by Zhou Yue. At this moment, he was caught off guard and could only lie on the ground. Zhou Yue pressed on him. For the first time, he held the disfigured man's wrist and tried to remove the knife. He grabbed it.

Dare to take the knife from the killer, this bold behavior is rare in the world.

So Zhou Yue failed.

The disfiguring man's mastery of this short knife is obviously far beyond Zhou Yue's imagination. When Zhou Yue controlled the right hand holding the knife, the killer instantly used the clever energy to throw the knife into the air, and the knife was thrown high. In the air, draw a perfect parabola.

Before waiting for Zhou Yue to raise his hand to pick up the thrown knife, the disfigured man had first raised his uncontrolled left hand, catching the blade, and then struck Zhou Yue's face immediately and struck hard. Zhou Yue Had to instinctively raise his right hand to protect, the knife failed to scratch his face, but cut a deep visible bone scar on the arm of his right hand.

This ditched and unrecognizable man is a wonderful person to Zhou Yue.

Zhou Yue didn't disapprove of his completely destroyed appearance. He didn't think he was ugly or even thought that he was very beautiful. He also had a good smell that Zhou Yue liked, and his hands were good-looking and well-shaped. Let Zhou Yue have the desire to embrace ...

Like a demon, Zhou Yue thought that he must have been brainwashed by something weird, so much so that he felt that ... This disfigured man liked everywhere, even crazy.

But such a beautiful person with spikes, Zhou Yue was stabbed with blood whenever he approached. He knew that whatever he liked would have to be kept alive, and he couldn't ignite the fire like a moth, although he really wanted to rush towards the hot flame just like that.

However, the instinct of self-protection still prevailed. After being scratched by the disfigured man, Zhou Yue had to step back and distance himself from the opponent. Immediately after taking a deep look at the disfigured man, Zhou Yue picked up the young Mu Qin who had just got up from the ground, took him around and ran, and quickly went downstairs to avoid the killer's pursuit.

After they ran downstairs, the disfigured man followed from the ground and looked down at the blood on his blade.

The sharp edge of the knife was stained with Zhou Yue's blood, and the ugly face of the disfigured man was still faintly reflected.

He was captured in appearance and voice.

If there is no way to speak, it means that Zhou Yue cannot be told the truth, especially if Zhou Yue has no memory, the situation will become worse.

Quite attentive.

The chance of being able to communicate with Zhou Yue was eliminated, and the face of Mu Qin's youth was used to provoke alienation, intensifying the conflicts between the two sides, killing each other, and even more shamelessly directly developing a "backtracking" skill-just to prevent things You can start again when you are out of control.

To some extent, the birth of this retrospective skill is precisely because the faceless person was stunned by Mu Qin's "cold and ruthless" speech before the game started. The faceless person was afraid that Mu Qin really crossed the river and demolished the bridge. Endlessly, in this game, Zhou Yue is killed directly, and he escapes from the fringe world.

In order to prevent this from happening, the faceless talents specially developed the backtracking skills ... just to protect Zhou Yue's life, Wan Zhouyue suffered a mortal blow in the game, and the faceless man who faced the face of the boy Muqin also returned You can commit suicide immediately to restart the game.

The effect of this "backtracking" skill is probably similar to that of many stand-alone games. But Mu Qin can guess ... No, he can even confirm without thinking. If this game really returns, Zhou Yue will be washed out of memory again, and Zhou Yue's memory will be cleared again and again at the beginning of the game.

If this game is repeated many times, then every time the memory is cleared, it is very likely that Zhou Yue will cause spiritual and even spiritual damage. Zhou Yue still remembers his name as Zhou Yue. If the game is repeated a few times, I'm afraid he doesn't even know whether he is a ghost or not. He may go crazy and become an idiot.

Zhou Yue, whose memory has been washed thoroughly, is also more easily controlled, but if Muqin is a little bit soft, it will not make Zhou Yue suffer in such endless ways.

Mu Qin did not worry that his memory would also be erased. Faceless people could not peep into Mu Qin's thoughts ... Mu Qin's existence was very special, unlike other people. This particularity also prevents faceless people from interfering with Muqin as they interfere with others. Not to clear Mu Qin's memory like Zhou Yue's memory.

Therefore, this game is not so much a game between Zhou Yue and Mu Qin, it is more like a confrontation between Mu Qin and the faceless person.

Because Zhou Yue has long been reduced to the puppet of the faceless person.

Thinking of this, Mu Qin uses the blade in his hand as a mirror, and according to his own ugly face that can't be seen at all, he will not be sad because his appearance is destroyed, but it is a little difficult to face his own dilemma.

What should I do?

What can I do to save my loved one?

But he knew it, Mu Qin knew it.

If he wants to save Zhou Yue, he only needs to lose the game. He only needs to not obstruct and let Zhou Yue escape smoothly, so that Zhou Yue can leave the marginal world forever and no longer be bound by the power of the faceless person ... Even if it comes at the cost, Muqin must stay here in his place.

But it's better than letting Zhou Yue lose amnesia, come back, and become an idiot in this terrible cycle, isn't it?

Muqin loved him so much that he even became timid.

Afraid of all the people or things that will break them up, and thinking of the other side if they can't be around, there is no desire to live.

Without Zhou Yuezai, it was like living in hell.

No, he is already in hell.


Zhou Yue and his teenager Mu Qin temporarily hid in the sports equipment storage room of the school playground.

The storage room is quite large, and there are two doors that can be opened in the front and back, and there are a lot of equipment and sundries in the storage room, which can form obstacles. If the killer finds it, he can circle him here.

Considering all aspects, Zhou Yue also deliberately moved the equipment in the storage room, sorted out the smooth road, and arranged some small organs, such as being able to push down certain debris to hinder the killer when being pursued by the killer.

After Zhou Yue dealt with these things, he was free to see the young Muqin who had not said a word since the beginning. The young Muqin sat on a cushion and lowered his head as if thinking about something.

Zhou Yue watched the young Muqin for a long time without a trace, then suddenly said, "You don't look like an npc."

Zhou Yue suddenly made the young Mu Qin a moment's stun, took a look back from his thoughts, and evoked the arc of his mouth to look at Zhou Yue: "I am npc."

"Really?" Zhou Yue lifted a barbell that had collapsed on the ground and moved it to the corner. Then he straightened up and patted the dust on his hand. "If you are an npc, why do you turn into 'Muqin'? To blind me? "

"You can't blame me." Young Muqin said, "My image is systematic. The system requires me to face this face. Do I have any other choice?"

"You don't look like you have no choice." Zhou Yue thought for a moment, and looked at the young Muqin with an inquiring look. "And the killer just now ... Do you know him?"

Zhou Yue's question made the young boy stunned, his face was quietly subtle, and he whispered: "How do you think I know him?"

"Because his killing is aimed at you." Zhou Yue looked at the boy intently. "He was obviously irritated and irritated by you, so he tried to attack you and kill you for the first time, but I think Don't understand why he is provoked because of what you say? Something you do? What is the relationship between you and him? "

"You think too much." The young Muqin smiled. "He is a killer. He tries to attack and kill others at any time ... maybe he thinks I am an obstacle, so he wants to rule me out and solve you? "

"After hearing that this game will restart when you die, still trying to kill you?" Zhou Yue smiled slightly ironically. "The killer is really a bit silly."

"Maybe he wants to try it out and see if the game can really restart after I die?" Young Muqin spread his hands innocently. "After all, some things have to be tried to know the results."

Zhou Yue didn't answer. He still stared at the young Muqin as if trying to see a clue from his face. After looking at it for a long time, Zhou Yue said, "You are hiding something from me."

"Your suspicion should be referred to a doctor." The young Muqin appeared contented.

Zhou Yue sneered and said, "If I can still see the doctor."

The young Muqin was silent.

And Zhou Yue continued to say, "I don't want to talk too much nonsense with you, tell me what is your ability to" backtrack "?"

"Did I say that? After I die, the game will start again."

"How do you restart the law?" Zhou Yue asked, "Is it just that we are reopened when we return to the place of birth?"

"No, restarting means ..." The boy paused. "Your memory and the proceeds from the game will be cleared and the cards will be drawn again."