MTL - Unlimited Cycles of Death-Chapter 116 The silent classroom 05 is very likely to love.

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"Redraw the cards?" Zhou Yue's eyes flickered, and she seemed to think of something interesting. "Do you shuffle? Does this mean that I also have a chance to draw the death card? Then I change my status and become a killer?"

"Well ... maybe it's okay? I'm not too sure ..." The young Muqin said something very meaningfully, and he smiled at Zhou Yue: "This game is a special two-player game with rules and five players. The rounds are not the same. I only know that two-round players can draw two cards, and they can also bring in a card from the outside. "

"Both players participating in the double round will be washed away most of their memory, but will retain the basic knowledge of the rules of the game ... so you can know what kind of game this is, and the effects and use of these cards."

"I'm curious." After the teenager Mu Qin explained, Zhou Yue narrowed his eyes and stared at him. "As an npc, you know too much, right?"

In the face of Zhou Yue's doubts, the young Muqin's eyes turned slickly, and he quickly thought of how to respond: "There is no way, the strength of the two-man round is very imbalanced with the ghosts. The possibility of human death is very high, so It is necessary that I know a rule that can help your npc exist. "

"I don't trust you." Zhou Yue shook his head. He looked at the young Muqin's eyes colder and full of subtle malice. "From beginning to end, you told me all of this yourself, and looked forward to me. Trust me to act unconditionally as you wish. "

"How can this happen?" Young Muchin looked up at Zhou Yue very innocently at once, "I, as an npc, cannot control the player's will. What you want to do and where to go in this game is all you need. Think on your own. "

"But I think you are inducing me." Zhou Yue's eyes were colder. "It's normal. I don't remember anything now. It's so simple for you to guide a person with amnesia in the wrong direction. "

"Zhou Yue ..." The young Mu Qin sighed and made a helpless look. "I know that because of amnesia, you are now full of vigilance and anxiety. You can completely disbelieve everything I have said. Word, but I really stand here to protect you. "

With that said, the young Muqin even reached out and touched the injury on his shoulder. He looked at Zhou Yue with a sincere look: "npc will protect the human side without reservation, so I can act as a meat shield for you. You can I fought to block the knife for you, just like before, if the killer's knife had been misaligned and tied around my neck, I would be dead now. "

"If you don't even believe the person who came to save you, I have nothing to say."

The young Muqin's words were sincere and touching, and there seemed to be no problem. For a time, Zhou Yue was dumb, Zhou Yue closed his mouth and remained silent for a long while, and looked at the young Muqin's eyes as if he was much softer. if.

But in fact, Zhou Yue's suspicion is very serious.

He found a problem at this moment-if the "backtracking" ability that Muqin said is true, then for the teenager, death is no longer something to avoid ... it may even have to happen, And even actively make it happen.

Therefore, even if the young Mu Qin gave himself up to save Zhou Yue, he was not necessarily out of genuine intention to protect Zhou Yue.

He may just want to keep this closed little world restarting.

At this time, the question is coming. What good is it for a teenager who is npc to keep restarting the game?

reshuffle the card? Lost memory? Zero income?

And there is another important thing ... this young npc said a word before, he said: "Restarting means ... your memory and the income from the game will be cleared and the card will be drawn again.",

However, when the teenager Mu Qin said this, Zhou Yue heard it and felt that there was some subtle ambiguity, because the teenager just said that "Zhou Yue" would be cleared of memory, etc., but did not say himself or the killer.

In general, shouldn't it be said: "Our memory and the proceeds from the game will be erased."

Or: "Everyone's memory and game proceeds will be erased."

But he didn't. He just emphasized that Zhou Yue would be cleared of memory, perhaps to intimidate Zhou Yue or cause Zhou Yue to attach importance to this matter. But to say that, it was as if he or the killer hadn't been affected much in this matter.

Moreover, the tone of the young Muqin's remarks even gave Zhou Yue an illusion, making him feel that in the process of "backtracking" in the game, only he would repeatedly lose memory, and everyone else would be fine.

Things became more and more complicated in Zhou Yue's thinking, and he hadn't sorted out the confusion of thoughts. At this time, the boy Mu Qin saw Zhou Yue kept silent, and suddenly interrupted his thinking.

npc said: "No matter what, you have to live in this game and escape from this school alive ... So, do you want to figure out where to go next and what to do?"

At this stage, it is still a little more cooperative, pretending to trust, so that this so-called npc can relax its vigilance. Zhou Yue thought like this, and then answered in a muffled voice: "Let's go and see at the school gate, maybe there will be any clues."

After speaking, Zhou Yue bowed her head unconsciously, rubbing her arm.

Zhou Yue's arm had a scar that had been scratched by the disfigured male with a knife. The wound was deep in bone, and a lot of blood was shed. Zhou Yue simply bandaged herself with a cloth strip. Perhaps the body's self-healing ability is working and the wound's skin is slightly itchy.

The injury seemed serious, but Zhou Yue knew very well that this was the result of the mercy of his opponents.

At that time, when he and the disfigured man confronted each other, the distance between the two was very close. With the power of the killer, they swiped across, not to mention leaving such a scar, it was easy to cut Zhou Yue's arm, but that disfigurement At the last moment, the man regained his strength, leaving only this scar on Zhou Yue's arm.

When he first met the disfigured man, the disfigured man poked at Zhou Yue's face, but the young man Mu Qin rushed to block the knife. In fact, that was also the effort, because when the young Mu Qin dealt with the injury later Zhou Yue found that the wound on his shoulder was lighter than he thought.

The killer who was supposed to be cruel and cold-blooded has always been merciful to Zhou Yue. Zhou Yue thinks that he must have a relationship with the killer.

So ... who will he be? My loved ones? friend? Even a lover?

The possibility of love is high.

Without showing any extra emotions, Zhou Yue then took the younger Mu Qin out of the sports equipment storage room of the playground. During the period, Zhou Yue observed the outside movement for a long time through the window, and found that the disfigured man did not catch up for a long time.

Zhou Yue then headed to the gate of the school, trying to search for clues that could escape the map.

Most of the school's campus is immersed in darkness, but one or two rooms in some of the teaching and office buildings are dimly lit, and there are several street lights on the sidewalk around the playground.

The sky above me does not know when the haze peaks, the clouds are everywhere, neither the stars nor the moon. It was quiet all around, without the slightest call of insects, and the cool and humid atmosphere was blowing in the air, which seemed to be a precursor to the storm.

When Zhou Yue and his teenager Mu Qin walked to the school gate carefully, it turned out to be a downpour. In a matter of minutes, Zhou Yue and his young Mu Qin were poured into a falling chicken. Care about this.

Zhou Yue looked around the entrance of the school. He and the boy Muqin are now at the front door of the school. The front door of the school was a huge iron door, locked with a strong lock. This iron gate is like a prison railing. It consists of long iron bars. The top of the iron gate has a spike design to prevent people from climbing.

There is a security room next to the gate, but the security room is also locked. Zhou Yue tried to push, unable to push.

He also looked at the window of the security room, but the window was equipped with anti-theft devices and the outer window profile was iron railed.

Although the security room could not be reached, a small blackboard hung on the wall outside the security room, which wrote the school's access control time, vacation leave time, and a list of lost items for students.

These messages indicate that the school's front door will open at 5am and lock at 11:30 pm. The person in charge of the door lock key should be the guard in the security room.

Zhou Yue looked outside the window of the security room for a long time, and vaguely saw a table and a chair in the security room, and a row of checkered cabinets for storing items.

Inside the trellis cabinet are some missing or stowed items, wallets, keys, backpacks, books, and more-even a cabinet dedicated to express delivery.

These things are so diverse that almost every grid on the cabinet is full. When Zhou Yue saw these things outside the window, she intuitively felt that there might be any clues that could help him.

But before getting these clues, he must first find a way to enter this locked security room ... Fortunately, this problem did not bother Zhou Yue for a long time, and he quickly found a solution.

Zhou Yue found a note in the gap at the bottom of the security door of the security room. Someone might have written it, and then she wanted to cram into the security room along the gap at the bottom of the security room, but left a corner outside.

So Zhou Yue took the note and took a look at it, and found that it was written with beautiful handwriting on the note: "Uncle Yan, when I came back to find the key, you were not there, and I hid the key. Thank you, old place. "

This line of words allowed Zhou Yue to conclude in an instant ... A student borrowed the key of the security guard at the school entrance for unknown reasons.

But what key did he borrow? School door key? The key to the security room door? Or any other door key?

As for how to still find the key first. Thinking of Zhou Yue here starting to wander around the flowerpot near the security room, he guessed that the old place mentioned on the student's note should not be far from the security room, under a certain flowerpot, in a stone gap, this kind of The small corner is really a good place to hide the keys.