MTL - Unlimited Cycles of Death-Chapter 118 Silent classroom 07 ┃ powder body broken bones do not hesitate.

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He is so cute.

Zhou Yue thought about it when he bit his head and biting the killer's throat ... because the killer was really unreasonable. When Zhou Yue bit his throat, he couldn't resist at all, Zhou Yue rubbed his lips and kissed his lips when he He did not resist, even when Zhou Yue dared to put his hand into the other's pants, he did not resist at all.

Of course, it's a bit too much to touch your hands in other people's pants. Mr. Killer didn't respond much when Zhou Yue reached in his hand at the beginning. After Zhou Yue held the other's hands with impunity ... It seemed a bit shy, with one hand holding Zhou Yue's chest and gently rubbing it to pull away, and the other hand holding Zhou Yue's claws reaching into his crotch to keep him from touching.

This level of weak resistance is basically equivalent to obedience to Zhou · Rogue · Yue. Zhou Yue naturally got more and more intrusive. While sticking his tongue into the mouth of the opponent, he continued to reach out and "stroke his hands" in the crotch of Mr. Killer, killer. The gentleman didn't say a word, but was trembled by Zhou Yue.

Zhou Yue speculated that his vocal cords could not be uttered because of his damage, nor could he speak out to stop Zhou Yue's hooligan behavior. He could only shrink in Zhou Yue's arms and shiver like a small animal, but he was a soft and harmless small animal. It is with sharp teeth and claws, and a little accident will provoke a counterattack, and Zhou Yue will be blurred.

But Zhou Yue did n’t feel afraid to shrink back, and it made him even more excited. Just thinking that the fierce and terrible killer would give up resistance in front of him, lying flat like a cat and showing his belly to be slaughtered, Zhou Yue felt inexplicably numb in her brain, so excited that every cell in her body was screaming.

Excited Zhou Yue struggled to **** the killer's tongue, and he was inseparable from him. Despite knowing that the annoying npc behind him would soon catch up, Zhou Yue was still reluctant to let go of the person in his arms. He came up with the idea of ​​staying with this charming killer forever, wanting to hold him forever, thinking Have him all the time.

This kind of thought is very beautiful. It crawls around Zhou Yue's brain like a winding vine, takes root and sprouts in his brain tissue, entangles in the flesh and tangles tightly, and never separates until death.

Fully instinctual, Zhou Yue acted like a beast. He gave up thinking about who the killer, who had fascinated him so much, gave up thinking about the consequences and rationality of his doing so. He just wanted to follow the wave and completely surrender to the unrecognizable killer in front of him.

Even if the price is death.

So Zhou Yue hugged each other and murmured in his ear: "You are so cute."

"We must have known each other before. I must know your name. I must have hugged you like we do now. We must have promised never to be separated from each other."

Mr. Killer didn't speak. He put his head down on Zhou Yue's shoulder and hugged Zhou Yue's back tightly.

"Even if I don't remember anything, I still think I love you very much." Zhou Yue and his ears rubbed, "I love you so much, I feel that I have no other emotions in my mind than loving you."

The killer remained silent, but his hands contracted, holding Zhou Yue tighter. They were tightly attached and could clearly hear each other's breathing and heartbeat.

Zhou Yue said, "It's just that we are now in such a terrible game, a terrible reincarnation ... I'm sorry, I don't seem to have any way to give you more help and advice without memory. I don't know if you're following No one fights, and I don't know how to protect you. So I decided to act according to your ideas, and I will do whatever you want me to do. "

Even dead?

Mu Qin straightened up from Zhou Yue's arms, staring at Zhou Yue with wide eyes and blinking, while Zhou Yue also looked at him tenderly.

"Even dead," Zhou Yue replied.

It's strange that Zhou Yue didn't understand why he could be so ugly and ugly, and still stood up to him with the killer Mr. Zhou, who was on the opposite endlessly.

However, Zhou Yue really couldn't control his feelings. He just felt that when he faced this person, his heart was full of hot feelings, and he wanted to protect and love each other's feelings. Even Zhou Yue couldn't restrain himself at all. He felt like he was going crazy. He really turned into a moth that extinguished fire.


On the other hand, the faceless person of the incarnation of the young man Muqin has realized the weakness of this body. It is indeed a high school student at the age of fifteen or sixteen. The strength and physique are not the opponents of adults at all, plus the shoulders. The wound caused by the killer is still faint, which makes the faceless person slightly regret setting his image like this.

But even if you regret it, you can't change it temporarily because the faceless people deliberately pursued the so-called "fairness" when creating this game.

Fairness made him lose all power in this game, and he became a fragile ordinary person. This feeling is very novel ... but it is also terrible.

After he had power, he had never tasted fear, hesitation, and helplessness, but now he felt it.

The faceless man looked at himself because he climbed the railing and accidentally scratched the wound left on his wrist. The blood beads continued to leak from the wound. The pain hovered in his brain. The body's ability to heal was extremely slow, making him Clearly appreciate how vulnerable humans are.

He actually wanted to be such a creature, and he was still working hard, and he didn't even regret it until now.

When did this start ... and where will it end?

There is no time to think too much, he must follow the footsteps of Zhou Yue as soon as possible, he must stare at Zhou Yue tightly for a moment, in order to prevent Zhou Yue from getting out of his control ... In fact, there is no problem if he gets out of control. In addition to "backtracking", the faceless person also has other hole cards.

The faceless person quickly followed Zhou Yue's footsteps to the back of the auditorium and the radio station, and saw the two old buildings listed at the back. The old building was completely lightless, and the surrounding area was completely dark, and Zhou Yue could not be seen. , The faceless person subconsciously opened up and shouted Zhou Yue's name: "Zhou Yue!"

His shout made Zhou Yue, who was hugging the killer tightly, come back, Zhou Yue had not been willing to let go of the person in his arms, and the killer had relentlessly pushed him away.

After the killer pushed Zhou Yue, a turn quickly dissolved in the darkness. His speed was very fast, and his steps were so light that his footsteps were unheard of. When Zhou Yue was attracted by the faceless shouts, The killer no longer knows where he went.

But Zhou Yue thought that he should still be in these two old buildings and didn't run far.

Zhou Yue turned her head in response to the call of the faceless man over there, and said, "I'm here."

Hearing Zhou Yue's response, the faceless man followed the voice and came to the old building hall where Zhou Yue was. There is no light here, so dark that he can't see his five fingers, and the faceless man fumbled for it also took a lot of effort. He tried to identify Zhou Yue's figure in the darkness, and saw Zhou Yue standing still in the center of the hall, he was puzzled Asked, "What are you standing there for?"

Zhou Yue paused, his voice was a little hoarse: "Nothing, I'm watching if this building is the d building I'm looking for."

"It's too dark here, you can't see anything." Faceless Humane, "It's best to try to turn on the lights, or find a lighting object such as a flashlight."

"I'm looking for it." Zhou Yue replied. He stepped to the corner of the hall and seemed to touch something like a light switch on the wall. He pressed it, but nothing happened.

So Zhou Yue turned back to the faceless humane: "I'm afraid this old building has no electricity."

The faceless man ignored Zhou Yue's words, and stared at Zhou Yue suspiciously: "What did you just do here?"

"What did you do?" Zhou Yue looked innocent, "I didn't do anything."

"Anyone else except you was here just now." The faceless man said again, and he looked around again. Although he didn't really see anything, he always felt that something was wrong.

When Zhou Yue saw him suspicious, he sneered, "I think it's you who should be suspicious enough to see a doctor."

"I'm not questioning," said the faceless man. "I'm convinced ... that the killer has been here?"

"I don't know what you are based on, so I'm so sure that the killer must have been here."

"Because you didn't do anything! Zhou Yue ... During the period when I overtake you and rushed to your side, I don't believe you have been standing still." The faceless person followed with a sneer, "I'm not bragging about you, but you have always been a strong person. You haven't done anything but just observe? You think this lie I believe?"

"Looks like I can't hide you." Zhou Yue didn't expect to hide each other, simply opened things up: "The killer was just here."

"What did you say?" The faceless man clenched his fist unconsciously.

"Say what?" Zhou Yue was alert and deliberately misled each other. "We didn't say anything. This guy seems to be a dumb man. He stood here and confronted me, silent from beginning to end, waiting to hear you speak out After me, he ran. "

The faceless man seemed unbelievable: "That's it? Didn't he attack you?"

Zhou Yue smiled: "No, it's strange, isn't it?"

The faceless man stared at Zhou Yue with a mix of doubt and unwilling eyes. He always felt that Zhou Yue must have concealed something, but felt that Zhou Yue had nothing to hide. Zhou Yue could never restore her memory, and Mu Qin was destroyed in appearance and voice. There was no means for communication between them, and there was no cooperation without communication.

In addition, the identity of two people is a person and a ghost. In this closed small world, nothing can be done except killing.

The faceless person thinks that he may think things are too complicated. In fact, he doesn't need to worry about this and worry about that. He just needs to go all out to help Zhou Yue win in this game and let Zhou Yue escape, so Mu Qin will If he loses, Mu Qin will fulfill his promise and stay in the marginal world obediently.

"Since the killer has run away, do you see where he went?" The faceless man took a deep breath to calm his emotions.

Zhou Yue said, "I didn't see clearly. This place is too dark. He probably didn't run far."

"He should come and attack us again," said the faceless man. "We better leave here first."

"This is not okay." Zhou Yue took out the key that she had obtained from the security room. "I have to figure out the lock for this key. It is definitely an important clue."

"The clue is not as important as your life, and it is the same to go elsewhere to find clues." The faceless person just wanted to widen the distance between Zhou Yue and Mu Qin as soon as possible.

Zhou Yue deliberately urged him: "You said that npc will not interfere with the player's decision, so I decided to stay here to search. I think you should not object?"

"So are you going to stay here to die?" The faceless man was a little angry.

"It doesn't matter, does it still have you? I just want to try if the" backtracking "you said is true." Zhou Yue smiled indifferently.

Faceless people are even more angry: "I don't care if I die, but if you restart the game, your memory and the efforts you make in the game will be cleared. It is not a joy to pass the customs and return to the origin. I don't recommend you repeat too much, because I can't guarantee what will happen. "

Zhou Yue still laughed fearlessly: "You don't need to worry about people because there is no worse situation than now."