MTL - Unlimited Cycles of Death-Chapter 119 Silent classroom 08┃ I will be back soon.

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Zhou Yue refused to leave as the faceless person said. He ignored the angry faceless person and started searching for the old building with the key number d-406.

First of all, Zhou Yue pushed the doors of the first floor of the old building in turn. Almost all the rooms were locked, but one door seemed to be broken. When Zhou Yue pushed hard, the door squeaked. Ringing, Zhou Yue made another effort, and the door lock clicked open.

This unlocked room used to be an office, with a few old desks and chairs in it, and nothing else. Because no one has used it for a long time, a thick layer of gray has accumulated on the tables and chairs. After Zhou Yue entered, he opened the desk drawers one by one, and successfully turned out a flashlight from the dust.

Illuminations are available, but unfortunately the flashlight has insufficient power, the light emitted after it is turned on is very weak, and the lighting range is also very small. But chat is better than nothing. Anyway, Zhou Yue can use it to illuminate some texts, so that he will not be a blind person in a black light.

Holding this flashlight, Zhou Yue walked out of the office, then stood at the door of the office, illuminated the doorplate of the office door with the light of the flashlight.

The house number is marked "d-102".

Sure enough, it was d building. After seeing the house number, Zhou Yue felt more at ease, and took out the key of d-406 in his pocket and took a look. He knew that the door lock corresponding to this key should be on the fourth floor of this building. He did n’t need to search. Others, just go up to the fourth floor in diameter to find the door number 406.

Then Zhou Yue stowed the key, turned and walked to the stairwell of Building D. Building d is different from other teaching buildings. There is an up and down staircase at the ends of the left and right sides of other teaching buildings, while building d as an old building has only one up and down staircase, which is built in the middle of the old building.

There is only one staircase, which means that if Zhou Yue goes up, it will be easily blocked by the killer upstairs, because there is no other exit. As long as the killer guards the stairs, Zhou Yue is the same as Langzhong Zhi, unless Zhou Yue escapes from the window to escape, otherwise Other methods.

The only good thing about the old building is that the floor is not high. There are many windowsills and windows along the top floor for climbing. Wan Yiyue is really blocked upstairs, and she can really climb out of the window. Even if you accidentally fall, it will not cause death, it will break a leg or something.

It wasn't just Zhou Yue who thought of this, and the faceless person who was next to Zhou Yue also thought. When Zhou Yue tried to go upstairs, the faceless person immediately reached out and grabbed Zhou Yue's arm, and said to him, "You really Want to go up? Don't kill Zhou Yue. The killer is still nearby. If you get stuck on it, don't take off a layer of skin. Don't think about it! "

Zhou Yue narrowed her eyes after hearing it, and thought of a trick, she said to the faceless man: "Then you can show me the wind and help me to keep the stairs. If someone comes, you shout and give me a warning, so I You can climb out of the window early. "

"So what do I do?" Zhou Yue's proposal frightened the faceless people.

"Don't say you didn't think of it." Zhou Yue smiled slyly. "When you told me that when you die you will restart the game, the killer is also present. He must have heard what you said. If the game restart is true, , Then the killer will certainly not easily kill you, because it is not good for him to keep the game restarting. It is impossible for the killer to do anything to you if there is still a chance of success. "

"Even if he doesn't kill me, he will hurt me and disable me, making me unable to move." The faceless man saw Zhou Yue's purpose, "You just want to throw me away, right?"

Zhou Yue was surprised: "How come?"

"I advise you not to hold on to this idea." Faceless people are a little angry, "If I die for various reasons where you cannot see and then reset the world, or when you need to reset But ca n’t respond to your needs, it ’s not good for you! ”

"Indeed ... this is very embarrassing." Zhou Yue thought with his chin.

"So I won't leave you." The faceless person intentionally raised his chin to show his face, trying to use this face to confuse Zhou Yue, "I will always be with you."

"Even if you say so ..." Zhou Yue didn't look at him, just groaned for a moment, then smiled indifferently, "I won't give up searching this building. If you don't want to show me the wind, you have to follow me "Surveillance" me around, so feel free to do it, anyway, I will only do what I want to do. "

"Zhou Yue!" The faceless person was anxious, "I'm doing this for your safety!"

"Really? I think you are only thinking for your own sake." Zhou Yue glanced calmly at the faceless man, turning his head toward the d-floor upstairs, he climbed the stairs very fast, and a figure turned away disappeared. , Leaving the faceless person staring back at him fiercely.

This guy is totally disobedient.

The faceless man thought irritably. In the past, he needed to control someone ’s words. He only needed to invade the other person ’s brain and spirit. It was enough to give an implied instruction. He did n’t need to communicate with others repeatedly or imperceptibly. It was too time-consuming and inefficient. Let him have control of anyone but Muqin.

But in this game, he became mortal without this power.

This made the faceless person deeply feel the unprecedented sense of powerlessness, and everything deviated from his expected trajectory, not going in the direction he wanted.

Although he would not retreat because of this small setback, there was still an indescribable anger.

The faceless man had to take a deep breath to calm his anger. This critical moment did not allow him to take his time. He still decided to follow Zhou Yue's footsteps and follow him directly to the fourth floor. Instead, he stood at the entrance of the stairs.

In this way, the faceless person can see whether there is anyone coming up the stairs, can also see the house 406 Zhou Yue is going to search, and observe the movement of Zhou Yue.

Zhou Yue was too lazy to care where the faceless person was. As soon as he came up, he went directly to Room 406. When he walked in front of him, he shot a flashlight on the door of that room and found that Room 406 was actually a medical service There is an open schedule for the infirmary on the door, but the paper pasted on the door is yellow and the handwriting is blurred.

It is not a novelty to have an infirmary in the school, after all, it is for the health of the students.

But building d is an old building, and it is an old building almost abandoned. When Zhou Yue went upstairs, she noticed that most of the entire house in d was locked, and the corners and other corners were full of dust and garbage. Obviously this building has not been cleaned for a long time, and the school may be in the near future. In the future, this old building will be demolished, and a new building d will be built in other more suitable places.

Zhou Yue was puzzled, why did the student go to the security to borrow the key of the infirmary of such an old building? This infirmary seems to have been unused for a long time ...

Zhou Yue swallowed the question temporarily and took the key to open the door of 406. This key was indeed the key of this infirmary. The door lock quickly opened in Zhou Yue's hand. Zhou Yue lightly Push the door to open the door of the infirmary 406.

Zhou Yue took a flashlight and took a picture in the infirmary. There were ordinary tables and chairs and glass cabinets. There were scattered medicine bottles in the glass cabinet. Zhou Yue guessed that the useful medicines in the cabinet had been transferred, and the rest All are expired and useless.

There were also beds and sliding windows in the infirmary. Zhou Yue walked around and didn't see any abnormalities.

In fact, there are still strange shapes ... this room looks clean, and it seems that someone cleans it. Especially one of the beds in the infirmary was lined with clean mattresses and sheets, and folded quilts.

Is it the student who borrowed the key to sleep here? This is possible. There are always some students in the school whose family conditions are not good, their home address is far away from the school, and they cannot afford to live in the dormitory. in.

But why does this room look so familiar?

Zhou Yue thought inexplicably in his heart. He went to the glass cabinet in the infirmary, opened the glass cabinet door, and took out the same gadget that was placed in the cabinet.

This glass cabinet used to hold medicine actually contains a wood carving product. It is a mini piano carved from wood. It is very delicate and cute. It also has a small piano stool of the same mini. Every key on the piano is clearly visible. When Zhou Yue touched with her hand, she found that the keys could even be moved, and they could be pressed like real pianos, but they couldn't make wonderful music.

Zhou Yue rubbed the wooden mini piano with his fingers, and found that a note was affixed to the back of the little piano. Looking at the handwriting, it was written by the student who borrowed the keys from the security room.

Zhou Yue flashed the note with a flashlight, and the note read: "Give it to your favorite month, and wish you a happy birthday." ps: This is a mini piano handmade by my dad before his death, but it was not completed when he died. I finished it for him. This piano is very precious, I hope you like it.

Zhou Yue squeezed this small, thin piece of paper tightly, feeling that she couldn't breathe, and her brain was choked.

Zhou Yue would like to put this mini piano in his pocket for collection, although this piano is very small, it is still too big for his pocket.

Reasonably told Zhou Yue that even if he put this mini piano on his body, it would not help, and it was easy to damage it in bumps. And the map of this game is just a small world that is copied. Everything here is a copy. What Zhou Yue can take is only a copy ... not to mention he can't take it at all.

Zhou Yue had to resist the anxiety in her heart, put the mini piano back into the glass cabinet, and stared at it for a while.

He still couldn't remember anything. His memory was not sealed off, but rather sealed by some terrible power. This invisible power prevented him from recalling all related things. But he can feel the feeling, the joy that comes from the heart and the bitter feeling.

It seems that the student who borrowed the d-406 infirmary key from the security guard did not want to sleep here because of family poverty and other reasons, but used this infirmary as a secret base for dating his lover. He carefully cleaned the infirmary It was clean, the bed was laid, the gifts were laid, and maybe there were other things.

Zhou Yue began searching for other parts of the infirmary. He opened the drawers of those tables, trying to find more clues in them, and sure enough, found a note in the bedside table drawer. After I opened it, I wrote a lot of dialogue.

It is a note that two students leave a message to each other, a bit like an exchange of diaries. What's more interesting is that most of the messages on this note are written in very complicated italics, because there are many italic strokes, which results in each page of the notebook being densely packed and lined up. What's more interesting is ... These carcass Zhou Yue actually understood.

Many of the messages are daily chores, basically: where did you go today, what did you do today, where do you want to meet later, and so on. A close nickname will also be added to the message, such as one called the other party called Yueyue, the other called the other party called Mumu, childish and cute, and the sweet teeth will be lost.

In addition to these intimate nicknames, there are occasionally shy passages in the comments. One of the students was very dirty. Many of the messages he wrote were thinking about how to do it, what posture he used ... And this message was written by many people. The more he wrote in the later book, it was basically his message. The four or five are all about writing everything, talking from time to time, verbally dialling each other out, and constantly expressing their love ... There is a feeling of fear that the other party will leave him.

In contrast, the other person is slightly restrained and has few words. But for the expression of love of the lover, they will still respond seriously, and they will be helpless but obediently accept various rude demands of the lover, giving people a feeling of unconditionally spoiling the other party.

This pair of student lovers is estimated to be homosexual, and both are male, because many of the words used in the message are masculine, and they seem to be in the same grade but not in the same class. There is a big gap in their identity backgrounds. It is difficult to be accepted by the surrounding teachers, classmates, and parents, which should be why they are looking for a secret dating place.

There are a lot of contents on the notebook, and almost the entire book has been written. Because there is no time, Zhou Yue only flipped roughly. He glanced at ten lines and quickly turned to the last page of the notebook.

The last message on the last page was left by the student with a restrained personality and few words. It was also the student who borrowed the security key and was called "Mu Mu" by him. He wrote this In one line:

"I really want to be with you forever, but there are still many problems between us. Can you give me some time? I will be back soon."

Zhou Yue squeezed the notebook tightly, her fingers trembling. Obviously it was all very sweet content, but the bitterness in his heart was getting heavier. He hesitated for a while, but finally he couldn't bear to put down this little book, then picked up his clothes and pinned the note to his belt. , Then cover it with a coat.

Although Zhou Yue read ten lines at a time, she remembered many key contents on the notebook. For example, the couple mentioned the summer vacation in the school and said that the school had to renovate the teaching building during the summer vacation and had to close the school. Students and teachers have to leave, and boarders have to buy a ticket to go home.

The school is on summer vacation. Of course, Yueyue and Mumu, who are in love, will also start to set the schedule during the summer vacation, but in the process of setting the schedule, Yueyue mentioned his "home" and said his father would be at Take him to a banquet during the summer vacation, and to travel abroad to participate in this banquet, it is said that the main venue of this banquet is on an island bought by a foreign rich man.

Yueyue has always shown an insincere taboo towards his family members. He doesn't seem to like his family, but he doesn't dare to resist his orders. He said that it would take him less than half a month to go abroad, and he would not be able to meet his beloved lover for some time.

Mumu later expressed his understanding in the message, but Mumu could not bear to Yueyue, and wrote that he hoped that Yueyue would come back soon.

Yueyue also wanted to return as soon as possible, so she came up with a clever idea. He said he would lie to his father that he had enrolled in a make-up lesson during the school summer vacation, and then he could cut the time abroad by half, so that he could come back and see Mumu earlier. .

Although the plan was good, Mumu was worried and wrote: But isn't the school going to renovate? What if your dad knows it?

Yueyue Road: He doesn't really care about me so he won't check these things. He went to the banquet to discuss business this time. He took me just to let me "see the world." Put me back as long as I perform well.

Mumu: Is this true for your family?

Moon Moon: They have always been like this.

After the two had agreed on the plan, Yueyue wrote: In order to show that I am really making up lessons, we will meet here during the summer vacation. It is said that the school renovated this time only to repair three teaching buildings of abc, repainting and repairing windows, etc. The de building remains unchanged, so we can still date here.

Mumu: Yeah, let me say hello to Uncle Yan and let him lend us the keys during the holidays.

After Mumu left this message, there was a short paragraph in the middle, and then Mumu wrote a message: I asked Uncle Yan, and he said that he would not be in vacation during the summer vacation, but would still be responsible for opening and closing the school and supervising the renovation. Team work. He will continue to lend us the keys here, but he needs my help.

Mumu then wrote: Uncle Yan said his wife was nearing the birth period, and the child was probably born in the summer vacation. At that time, in order to take care of his wife and children, he would be responsible for buying food for breakfast at home. Wait for him to prepare breakfast and take over.

Mumu went on to write: My school is very close. It's okay to get up early. Uncle Yan said he would bring me breakfast.

Moon Moon: How long will it last?

Mumu: For a month, Uncle Yan said his mother would come to help take care of his wife and children, and he would be able to work as usual.

Moon Moon: Will it be too hard? You have to get up so early in summer vacation, if you ca n’t, just refuse.

Mumu: It won't. I get up at about 4:30 every day during school. The biological clock is fixed and there are no other activities during the holidays. I can earn free breakfast for helping Uncle Yan.

Yueyue seems very distressed: I hope you can sleep late every day.

Mumu drew a smiley expression: I would be lazy as a pig every night when I slept :-D

Yueyue: I will raise you after becoming a pig.

The message here is basically the sweet flirt between Yueyue and Mumu, but from this message, Zhou Yue still has an important message, that this student named Mumu once lasted for a month Here, every morning, the security guard of the school opens the door, and this also means that the key to the school door during this time is in the hands of Mumu.

Then Zhou Yue continued to look down at their messages, brushed over a dozen pages, and skipped the contents of the honey in the oil, the two later mentioned this in the message, but they mentioned it again When things happened, the time span was very large. It seemed that the summer vacation had passed and it was the second semester.

In the second semester, the school organized a large-scale extra-curricular activity. The school rented a few buses outside and planned to take a grade student out for three days. However, this activity is self-participating. Students can choose to pay for the registration, or they can choose not to participate. However, students who do not participate are not equivalent to vacation and still have to come to school for self-study.

Mumu and Yueyue chose not to participate. Yueyue's family is excellent and should be very rich. After returning from abroad in the summer vacation, he took Mumu secretly out and played several times. He was not interested in the activities organized by the school. He is not as interesting as dating Mumu.

And Mumu is of course to accompany the beloved lover.

Those who do not participate can only study on their own in school, but there are not many students left in school for self-study classes and there is no teacher supervision, so they have more time for dating.

Among them, Yueyue was disheartened in order to fight for time with Mumu. He lied to his family that he had participated in school tourism activities and had to follow the school bus to the foreign city for three days. However, in fact, he stayed in the school's d building 406 for the past three days, using it as a temporary residence, and squeezed into sleep with Mumu every day.

At the time, building d also had electricity and water supply. It was okay to wash and be with lovers. It didn't care about the simplicity and comfort of the environment.

It ’s just not a way to sleep in the small infirmary d building 406. The beds here are single beds, which are too narrow, and it ’s hard for two people to sleep together.

Although buildings d and e are old buildings, usually no one comes and walks around, but there will also be cleaners and electricians coming over for daily maintenance. When some people are afraid to turn on the lights, they are afraid to be found, so they have to use their mobile phones. The light barely illuminates, and then writes in a notebook to communicate.

At this time Mumu suddenly remembered something. He wrote in his notebook that he had not opened the school door for Uncle Yan for a while during his summer vacation? At that time, Uncle Yan gave him the key to the school gate, but gave him the backup key. Later, Uncle Yan seemed to forget to ask him to get the backup key back, and Mumu himself forgot about it.

He was afraid of losing the key and kept it in the mezzanine of his wallet, so he took it with him all the time.

Yueyue immediately proposed to use the key to open the door to go to the small hotel outside.

Mumu seems to agree, because there is a blank space after this message, the blank message is the next day.

Zhou Yue flipped the notebook a few more pages, and saw Mumu mentioned in the message that he wanted to return the backup key of the school door to Uncle Yan, but it didn't seem to have been implemented because the two students were already the second semester of high school. In next year's senior year, his studies will become extremely heavy, making Mumu forget this incident again.

Finally, the message that mentioned the backup key of the gate was written like this: Yueyue ~ I hid the key on the rooftop where we ate together at noon today, you know where I put it, and you can take it for me and give it back to Uncle Yan ? After school, the teacher will keep me down to turn on the stove.

And Yueyue's answer is this: I will look for it when I have time.

After this message was blank again, in the new message, the two of them did not mention the key or did they return it to Uncle Yan, but instead focused on the topic given by the teacher. Mumu said that the teacher had left the homework. Too difficult, and Yueyue said to help him review.

Continue to scroll down, the two seem to have completely forgotten this key to the door, and the content of the message is basically all about academic matters. It can be seen how much the two focus on learning.

But Zhou Yue seized the point, and the back-up key borrowed from Mumu was likely to still be hidden on the rooftop of a building.