MTL - Unlimited Supplies: Take the Space Supermarket To Support the Right Minister-Chapter 459 It's the other way around

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  Seeing that the uncle refused to admit it, Li Dayan pointed at him angrily and cursed, "You still don't admit it? I saw it with my own eyes, and my family Daniel He also saw it.

  Daniu, come here, tell me, did your third uncle push your father? "

  Chen Daniu's temperament is as timid as his mother's, but thinking of his father's death, he also said loudly, "Yes, it's my father who was pushed by my third uncle, I saw it!"


  As soon as Chen Daniu finished speaking, the old man rushed over immediately, slapped his eldest grandson, and cursed angrily, "You're talking nonsense, which eye did you see? I'll cut out your eyeballs!"

  Old man Chen's ferocity made Chen Daniu tremble, he ran behind his mother in a hurry, and called mother timidly with a crying voice.

   "Don't be afraid, you go and take your brother back to the house to pack your things, take all the clothes you can bring, and mother will take you away later!" Li Dayan touched the top of Chen Daniu's head to comfort him.

   "Don't go!" Old man Chen blocked the way of the eldest grandson, "My grandson of the Chen family, how can you take him away as soon as you say?"

"Father, don't forget that we have already separated, and the separation document was still stamped by the county magistrate. On the separation document, I and Daniu Erniu belong to the same family. Why can't I take my child away? "

   In terms of wisdom, Li Dayan can stand up to three Wang Dafen, but she is timid by nature, always muddling along, and always kind-hearted and considerate of others.

  But at this moment, Li Dayan understood that it was time to hold back an inch. Once she became timid, her two children would have to be left as cattle and horses, contributing to the dowry money for Chen San's wife.

   "I can see it, you two plan to take the child away, so that you can get the monthly money all by yourself, right?

  Don’t forget, you can go to work because I agreed to split the family, and you only went to work. When the two of you earn half of the money, I will have half of it!

   If you dare not give it, then I will go to the government to sue you for disobedience! "Old lady Chen jumped and cursed.

  Old man Chen looked at Chen San, "Go and call your uncle, your two sisters-in-law are going to have a bad relationship!"

As Chen San walked out, he glared at Li Dayan, "I didn't expect you to pretend to be the most filial, but now that you have a job to earn money, you immediately showed your true colors. It's a pity that I still talk nicely about you to my mother! "

  Li Dayan saw Chen San walking with a lame leg, and hurriedly said to Wang Dafen, "Dafen, madam told us to go and come back quickly, let's go, don't make madam wait."

Wang Dafen also knew that once her uncle came with his sons, it would be hard for them to get away, and they might have to be beaten up, so she called her two sons and one daughter loudly, "Da Zhuang, Er Zhuang!" , Sanni, take your clothes, let's go!"

   "Da Niu, Er Niu, you also quickly get your clothes!" Li Dayan pushed her elder son's shoulder, signaling him to move faster.

   "No, no one will act!"

  Seeing the four grandchildren, this granddaughter, like the loach, took advantage of the loophole and ran away. The old lady Chen and the old man Chen didn't know which one to stop.

  Wang Dafen took the pole that he used to carry water on weekdays, and put it across in front of her in-laws, "Don't move, I'll slap your calves if you move!"

   "Wang Dafen, you reckless bastard, how dare you hit me?"

  Old man Chen didn't believe that Wang Dafen dared to kill him, so he took two steps forward. Unexpectedly, Wang Dafen directly hit his stomach with a shoulder pole, and he couldn't straighten up because of the pain.

   Didn't you say hit the calf?

  Why did you hit your stomach again?

  Old man Chen bared his teeth in pain.

   Mrs. Chen supported her old man, crying and cursing, "At the beginning, I said I couldn't separate the family, I couldn't separate the family, and I blamed you. Now it's all right, the wings are hard, and I don't want to obey."

   Even if she doesn’t go to work in this sausage factory, her family will be able to survive. After all, there are many people working. If the first room and the second room leave this time, then her family will really be left with old, weak, sick and disabled.

  Seven laborers, although the youngest one is only seven years old and not very useful, but digging wild vegetables, lighting a fire, etc., can be used!

  If they all go away, there will be no people going up the mountain to collect firewood in the future. Mrs. Chen is too impatient. She just hopes that her youngest son will call people over quickly so that they can be stopped.

  Old man Chen also regrets in his heart. It’s not that there is no one in his family who meets the requirements. He is over forty-five and he is not wanted. His youngest son is of the right age, but he is crippled and he is not wanted.

   Seeing that other families in the village have signed up and made money, how can he not feel itchy?

  Looking at it now, this is really picking up a sesame seed and losing a watermelon, the loss outweighs the gain!

   Just as old man Chen was remorseful in pain, Chen Daniu and Chen Dazhuang had already packed their clothes and came out, "Mother, we're done packing, let's go, or I won't be able to leave when Uncle Shunzi comes!"

   "Son, money, did you take the money that mother hid?" Wang Dafen asked hurriedly.

   "Take it, take it!" Although Chen Dazhuang is one year younger than Chen Daniu, he is much more courageous than Chen Daniu. If he hadn't fought hard with his mother just now, his mother would have confiscated his mother's copper coins.

   "Let's go, let's go!" Wang Dafen threw the pole, greeted her children, and ran out.

   "Dafen, let's go this way!" Li Dayan yelled, and went out of the village from that side, and ran into the head of the Chen family and his family.

  Although Wang Dafen was a bit reckless, she was not stupid, and she trusted her sister-in-law very much. Seeing Li Dayan calling her, she immediately turned around and followed Li Dayan to the back of the room.

   A few people walked and started to run, and as they ran, they laughed.

  Even the youngest, Chen Sanni, ran fast, for fear of falling behind and being caught back.

   "Mom, we won't go back to that house again?" Chen Dazhuang was very excited.

   "I won't go back, mother will take you to the factory, where there are white flour buns to eat every day." Wang Dafen also smiled happily.

   "That's great, I don't want to go back to that family again." His grandparents used to favor his third uncle, but now that his father and uncle are dead, it's only natural that his grandparents favor him even more.

  Seeing that it was time to go to the sausage factory, Li Dayan said, "Dafen, I think they won't come after me. Slow down, I have something to tell you!"

   "Sister-in-law, what's the matter?" Wang Dafen slowed down.

Li Dayan said loudly, "Listen to me when I say this. When you get to the place, you must not run around, let alone mess with other people's things. If I ask you to work, you will work, but you must not Steal and steal.

   If Manager Liu or Manager Sun sees it and tells the magistrate's wife, it will be terrible. They will think that our hands and feet are not clean, and then we will be kicked out. If we are kicked out, we will have nowhere to go. "

  Wang Dafen originally thought it would be a trivial matter to steam a few more steamed buns so that the children could eat enough, but now after listening to her sister-in-law's analysis, she suddenly felt that a small matter could become a big one.

  Once they are kicked out, they will really be homeless, so they can't make even the slightest mistake!

"Yes, what your aunt said is right, I listen to your aunt, especially a few days ago, when you just went there, they might watch you specially, each of you gave me something to look at, especially you, Da Zhuang, you are the most scouring, and there is no limit to scouring!" Wang Dafen nodded her eldest son's forehead with a warning face.

   "Mom, I did some shopping, but when did I get you into trouble?" Chen Dazhuang refused.

   "It's true, my Da Zhuang has never caused me any trouble. This kid is a bit of a mess, but he has a sense (measured) in his heart!"

  Wang Dafen is happy again, she still likes her eldest son very much, since her man is gone, her eldest son seems to have become sensible all of a sudden, she is very borrowed.

  Li Dayan agrees with Wang Dafen's words. She also likes Da Zhuang, who really protects his mother and protects his mother desperately. Unlike her big cow, who only hides behind her.

   "When you get there, everyone gets the same amount of food. Don't yell that you are not full and what else do you want to eat, do you hear me?"

  Li Dayan instructs the children in detail, for fear that she will be negligent for a while, and forget to instruct her if she misses something.

  The children nodded obediently, until Li Dayan thought that she had been instructed in all aspects, and then took the children back to the sausage factory.

  Back to the kitchen, Zhang Jinhua and Zhang Yinhua were washing the dishes and tidying up the kitchen.

"You guys are back, come on, bring the kids in quickly, I've saved the food for you, Dayan, quickly bring the kids over to wash your hands and eat!" Sun Manhong was sitting on the small wooden bench by the door, holding a bag of food in her hand. Nibbling the ripe melon seeds.

   "Where's Madam? I'd better bring the children to see Madam before I come back for dinner!" Li Dayan had already told several children on the way that after meeting Yu Xiaolian, she asked them to kowtow to Yu Xiaolian to thank her.

   "She went back to the house in the south, and said she was going to take a nap for a while, so that no one would disturb her, so don't go, and make arrangements for the child to eat!"

  Sun Manhong had tasted the taste of starvation and knew that starvation was not good. Seeing the smell of the food and the bells ringing in the stomachs of several children, she immediately asked Li Dayan to take the children to eat first.

  Li Dayan heard that Yu Xiaolian had gone to take a nap, and knew that she could not disturb her, so she led the child into the big kitchen.

   "Jinhua, Yinhua, you are tired at noon today, you rest from the work tonight, we will do it!" Li Dayan said with a smile as she asked the children to wash their hands, rolling up their sleeves.

   "It's okay, I'm not tired!" Zhang Jinhua and Zhang Yinhua were also smiling.

   "Yes, I will wash the pig's intestines in a while, you two don't stretch out your hands, it stinks, don't touch your hands, let's wash it!" Wang Dafen said loudly.

  Zhang Jinhua and Zhang Yinhua smiled and remained silent.

  Sun Manhong was a little curious about the Chen family, and asked, "You just brought the child out like this, and they let it?"

  Wang Dafen distributed steamed buns to the children who had washed their hands, and at the same time learned from Sun Manhong the thrilling situation in Chenjia Village just now.

When Sun Manhong had finished inquiring, she ran to talk to Yu Xiaolian briefly about what happened in Chenjiacun. That's right, Yu Xiaolian didn't sleep at all. She thought that Li Dayan must want the children to thank her. It was endless, she was too lazy to deal with it, so she simply hid.