MTL - Unparalleled Concubine-v2 Chapter 1120 heart to heart

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   Chapter 1120 Heart to Heart

The two battalions of the forbidden army have withdrawn from the capital, and the capital is now fully taken over by the Southwest Army. Mu Ying is in charge of the city, and soldiers of the Southwest Army can be seen everywhere in the streets. Therefore, in the next two days, although there are still some people making trouble in the capital. , but on the whole there was not much of a storm.

  Because Mu Ying committed murder.

This black-faced general in the southwest would not be soft on these people. Within two days, as long as there was trouble in the capital, after being caught by the Southwest Army, he was not sent to prison according to Li Xin's intention. Blackface grabbed the knife and killed it.

  Mu Ying killed five people by himself, and the Southwest Army executed more than 30 people who caused trouble. The deaths of these people did not go through any judicial process, and they were killed by one knife without any reason.

   Mu Ying did this because he wanted to use these people to warn the major forces in the capital who had not had time to make trouble and were watching.

   Today, the Southwest Army is the capital. The Southwest Army can arbitrarily surpass any rules of the previous imperial court, and can kill if they want to.

   In front of Mu Ying's tough attitude, the day before the new emperor ascended the throne, the capital had already survived, and even the usual thieves in the capital had disappeared, for fear of being caught and killed by the Southwest Army.

   In the past two days, Li Xin has roughly completed the framework of the three guards. He gave Zhao Fang 20 or 30 people, and let him go to the major military camps to select people and form Yulin guards.

  As for the inner guard, he was handed over to the Anbu under Li Xin's command. Chen Shiliu, who was hiding in the shadows, personally came forward to select a lot of people, and they were incorporated into the inner guard camp and became the new inner guard.

   As for Qianniuwei, since it was said to be handed over to Mu Ying, Li Xin did not ask any questions. There is also a considerable force behind Mu Ying, who can quickly get Qianniuwei up.

   But even if a candidate is selected, it will take several months or even half a year for the three guards to make these "recruits" from all sides form a sense of identity. This kind of thing cannot be rushed, and Li Xin has not intervened too much.

   It’s night time soon.

   At this time, three days have passed since the Southwest Army entered the capital. Tomorrow morning, the new emperor will officially ascend to the throne in Weiyang Palace.

  At this time, both inside and outside the imperial city were busy and busy. Even Li Xin and Mu Ying didn't leave this evening, but watched in person in the imperial city.

  Around the time of Xu, a general of the Hanzhou Army came to Li Xin and bowed to Li Xin and clasped his fists: "General, a **** wants to see you..."

   Having said this, he paused and added: "A **** in red, following the emperor..."

   Originally, Li Xin was still thinking about who wanted to see him, but after hearing this, he no longer had any doubts. He nodded and said, "Let him come over."

   Soon, the soldier led a **** dressed in red to Li Xin.

   is Xiao Zheng.

  Xiao is an old friend of the Wei palace, and he entered the palace with the emperor Taikang. Later, because of the appreciation of the emperor Taikang, he was able to take over Chen Ju's class and take charge of the inner court. It has been more than ten years.

   When he entered the palace, he was not very young, only in his twenties, and now he is only in his early forties. Among the "big eunuchs" of all dynasties, he was considered extremely young.

   But even though he is only forty years old, this big eunuch's temples already have a little silver light.

   He walked in front of Li Xin and bowed to Li Xin: "Master Li, Your Majesty...I want to see you."

   His Majesty Xiao Zheng said would naturally not be someone else, Li Xin nodded slightly and said, "Eunuch Xiao leads the way."

At this time, it is close to midnight. When tomorrow morning, the emperor Yuan Zhao will abdicate, and at the same time, he will most likely lose his life. After all, Li Xin has a relationship with him as a master and apprentice, and he is also his elder. of.

Under the leadership of Xiao Zheng, the two entered the bedroom in the Weiyang Palace. At this time, the emperor Yuan Zhao in the bedroom was no longer the former emperor. Not only was his clothes untidy, his hair was also a little messy, and his eyes were clothed. Bloodshot, the whole person looks extremely decadent.

  Xiao Zheng took Li Xin to the dormitory, then stopped and did not follow.

Li Xin walked in, moved a chair and sat opposite the embarrassed emperor, his voice was calm: "These days have not been short of your food, you don't need to look like this, you are the emperor, you should have some of the emperor. Decent."

  The emperor lowered his head, his voice a little hoarse.

   "I...want to have a drink with the teacher."

  Li Xin nodded slightly and said, "Okay, I'll let someone bring wine and food in."

  The emperor slowly raised his head and looked at the teacher who had just entered middle age in front of him.

   The eyes of the two people looked at each other, as if they were separated from each other.

   I remember more than ten years ago, when the emperor was only ten years old, he would often follow Li Xin, and sometimes he would be naughty, and he would grab the beard that Li Xin managed to grow.

   In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed, and the two masters and apprentices are sitting together, and their situation is completely different from each other.

  Li Xin looked at the dazed emperor and sighed slightly.

   "I know, you don't understand why things are where they are today."

   Li Xin looked at this junior with a calm tone.

   "You want to go wrong."

   "I don't know how the late emperor explained to you before he left, but he explained to me before he left, let me take care of you for a long time."

  General Li sat on the chair, looked at the pale emperor in front of him, and slowly exhaled: "At that time, I promised to come down."

   "As a person, everything I say counts. I promised that the late emperor would take care of you, and I would take care of you. So when the ministers overstepped their powers, I took the opportunity to write a letter and wanted you to govern in advance."

   "At that time, as long as you nod your head, you can take over the court. I can take care of all the unstable factors for you, but you don't appreciate it."

  Li Xin frowned slightly.

   "Remember that it was in Weiyang Palace at that time, and you personally spoke to protect Shen Kuan and others. You thought you had the way of balance, and you were proud of yourself."

   Li Xin looked at his disciple and said in a calm tone, "Have you ever thought about what my teacher was thinking at that time?"

   "I...I...don't know..."

  The emperor looked pale, looked up at Li Xin, and said in a panicked voice: "Before leaving, the emperor told me to balance the"

   Li Xin's face was expressionless: "At the beginning, I said that the four major ministers were abolished, and I also resigned and did not do it. Why is it not balanced?"

   "And let go of this."

The Marquis of Jing'an snorted: "In less than half a year after this incident, you were pushed into the corner by Shen Yan and others in the courtroom. At this time, you remembered me as a teacher. To me, who is far away in the southwest, sent a letter."

"I was quite chilled at that time, and I didn't want to go back to the capital to interfere in political affairs, but because I promised your father, I couldn't watch you being eaten alive by those old men, so I went to Beijing again to cut you The knife on his head is wrapped around himself."

Li Xin stood up from his chair, with his hands in his sleeves, his voice was a little cold: "Shen Kuanyan and Shouzhuo are both assistant ministers at the time and masters in the literary world. After I entered Beijing, I said nothing. They've all been slaughtered, do you know how much I've been scolded over the years?"

   "How many scholars do you know, can't you use a pen to stab me, a reckless man who only knows how to kill?"

"I took all the infamy, and once again helped you take back the power of the court to myself. At that time, I could stay in the capital and take charge of the government through the murderous Yu Wei, but I didn't. I took my family back to Yongzhou. already."

   "But after this incident, how did Your Majesty treat me as a teacher?"

   Mrs. Li's voice was cold.

   "Your Majesty began to send assassins to Yongzhou!"

   "Have you ever thought about why your father asked you to worship me as a teacher?!"

   (end of this chapter)