MTL - Unparalleled Concubine-v2 Chapter 1129 God Machine Camp (make up for yesterday's...)

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   Chapter 1129 God Machine Camp (make up for yesterday's...)

Taking over the capital is only the first step. More importantly, it is necessary to rationally transform the capital. At the very least, the balance between the vast majority of forces and the imperial court must be ensured. The power of the Southwest Army, which still has 100,000 people, cannot be suppressed.

   Therefore, transforming the forbidden army has become a top priority.

Li Xin's idea was to re-integrate the Southwest Army with these banned troops in accordance with the previous methods of reorganizing the Southwest Army, and then let Hou Jingde, He Siong and others, together with Muying and Li Shuo, divide the two battalions of the banned army, so that the Southwest Army with Li Xin as the core The group can control the vast majority of the imperial court's military power, plus the position of Li Xin's Grand Governor and Zhao Jia who masters the Shangshutai, it will not be long before everyone in the court will completely fall to Li Xin's side.

   Of course, this is just a big charter, and specific things need to be arranged in detail. Things in the capital are more complicated.

   This is a relatively huge workload. Even Li Xin estimates that it will take three years to sort out these things clearly.

Of course, apart from the power of opening the capital, what will be the attitude of the Ye family and the Chong family in the northern Xinjiang in the future, whether the frontier army is still similar to the old vassal town, or whether it is completely reverted to the imperial court, Li Xin needs to pay attention to it. things to consider.

Li Shuo was sitting on the bed, and after listening to Li Xin's thoughts quietly, he frowned slightly and said, "Brother, the reorganization of the Imperial Army and the Southwest Army is a good idea, but... the soldiers of the Southwest Army, in their hearts I'm afraid it will be a little uncomfortable."

   Li Xin was stunned for a while, and then he understood what Li Shuo meant.

   In the final analysis, the Southwest Army was the victor in this battle, and although some of the two battalions of the forbidden army did not participate in the war, in terms of the overall situation, they were undoubtedly the losers, and it could even be said that they were the "captives" of the Southwest Army!

Now, Li Xin, the general of the Southwest Army, has given an order to let the winners of the Southwest Army and their "captives" merge into one, regardless of each other, the people of the Southwest Army will naturally feel uncomfortable, and even There will be trouble.

Even if they were reorganized and merged according to Li Xin's will, the people of the Southwest Army would also look down on the people in the forbidden army. If the two sides were too weak, it would be fine. Except for firearms, the quality of the individual soldiers of the Southwest Army was no better than that of the people in the forbidden army. Strong, even weaker.

   Once the troops are united, there will be no war to "promote feelings" in a short period of time, there will definitely be conflicts, and even the forbidden army will rebound.

  Li Xin frowned and thought for a while, then nodded silently: "You're right, it's because I thought less."

Li Shuo coughed twice and continued: "Besides, there is the matter of the firearms battalion. In the past, the Hanzhou Army and the Ningzhou Army had firearms battalions, which belonged to the two armies respectively. The people who have made the most contributions, but if they are to be reorganized, these firearms battalions cannot be mixed with ordinary soldiers. What my younger brother means is to make the firearms battalion independent and become an independent battalion similar to the Praetorian Guards. A group of soldiers will be dispatched from this independent battalion to cooperate."

   "This firearms battalion is the lifeblood of the new dynasty, and it must be directly under the control of the elder brother, and must never pretend to be someone else!"

Li Shuo paused and continued: "On the East Expedition, the firearms battalion suffered a lot of losses. Now, it is estimated that there are only about 2,000 people. This number is not enough. According to my opinion, the number of the firearms battalion should be Between 10,000 and 30,000 people, with a firearms battalion of this size in hand, my brother should be able to…”

   Having said that, Li Shuo looked up at Li Xin and said in a low voice, "The world is invincible."

Li Xin was silent for a while, then smiled: "You are shrewd, your Ningzhou army's firearms battalion is almost empty, and there are only three or four hundred people left. The state army's firearms battalion, you are willing to hand over these three or four hundred people, how can Mu Ying be willing to hand over his treasure?"

Li Shuo's face was calm: "Brother has mastered the source of firearms, so he can naturally have the final say, and besides... General Mu is a smart man, at least he is loyal enough to his brother at the moment, and he will do whatever he says at this time. "

   "For that very reason."

Li Shuo said in a low voice, "Brother has to finish what he needs to do at this juncture, and can't leave hidden dangers in the future, people's hearts are unpredictable and changeable, not only General Mu, even me, standing at a high place for more than ten years After that, I have enough strength in my hand, maybe I will think about looking up."


Li Shuo's eyes were calm, and he said, "Also, even if my brother has enough power to suppress us, but one day, my brother will die. When we raised troops in the southwest, my brother said that we can't lay the seeds of trouble for future generations. , the same is true for today's events, the elder brother should be more decisive when he receives the power in his hands, and he cannot lay the seeds of trouble for future generations..."

   After listening to Li Shuo's words, Li Xin was silent for a long time.

   There is a saying that the **** decides the head.

In the past, he was just a courtier, and he could understand why several emperors of the Ji family were so mean. Someone already helped him think.

  Thinking of this, he thought of the slightly cautious His Royal Highness King Wei.

   General Li sighed silently in his heart.

   Maybe you didn't blame me, and I didn't blame you either.

   But your son... But he really couldn't help me.

General Li was silent for a long time, and finally said slowly: "I will talk to Mu Ying about the firearms battalion in the past two days, and it will be done as soon as possible. As for the reorganization of the Southwest Army and the forbidden army, it seems that it needs careful consideration Consider."

   A smile appeared on Li Shuo's face.

"According to my opinion, there is no need to reorganize the two armies. The number of the Southwest Army is not enough. You can recruit soldiers from Gyeonggi or nearby prefectures and counties to fill the Southwest Army. By the way, you can also take the opportunity of recruiting to replenish the firearms battalion. manpower."

   "This kind of recruits don't have any labels on them, and they won't be looked down upon by the veterans of the Southwest Army. Moreover, my brother's firearms battalion also needs these clean recruits, so it will be easier to control in the future."

   "As for the Imperial Army..."

Li Shuo said softly: "When we entered the city, General Hou and General He contributed a lot. According to the younger brother's wishes, we can still hand over these forbidden troops to them. These people will still be stationed near Gyeonggi in the future, but not necessarily. To protect Gyeonggi all the time, if there is a shortage of people in the western frontier and the northern border, the elder brother can recruit people to support them."

   "I still think that, as long as the firearms are in the hands of my brother, there will be no big problem."

   said, Li Shuo was silent for a while: "As for how to arrange the current Southwest Army, my brother has to carefully consider it."

   "Of course they have merit, but to put it a bit harshly, the merits of firearms are far better than those of these southwestern sergeants. Of course, how to treat them depends on the meaning of the elder brother."

Li Xin looked at Li Shuo in astonishment, then sighed and sighed: "You have grown a lot more than before, listening to what you said, I think you are more suitable than me to sit in my position. many."

   Li Shuo quickly shook his head and said with a wry smile, "It's just that he's been in bed for more than half a month and has nothing to do, so he thinks a little more. If the elder brother calms down, he must be more thoughtful than the younger brother."

   "For so many years, no matter when and where, my brother has always had a benevolent heart in his heart. This is the blessing of those of us, and the blessing of the world."

   He looked sincere: "Brother is the person Li Shuo admires the most in his life."

  Li Xin waved his hand and said with a smile, "You don't need to slack off."

   "What you said makes sense. The firearms battalion is the lifeblood. I have been preparing for it in the past two days. As for the name of the firearms battalion, it should be changed."

   General Li laughed and asked his cheap brother.

   "What do you think about Shenji Camp?"

   (end of this chapter)