MTL - Unparalleled Emperor-Chapter 18 Wudi

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The girl in Tsing Yi is unparalleled in style, her clothes are fluttering, her eyes flashing with a sly color, and it looks like an odd elf, but the charm she radiates can not be ignored.

Seeing the girls who came out, there were a lot of arguments, and they were all very eager. They wanted to go and climb the relationship, but the guards and the followers around her were too close.

"She is Gan Yao, the little emperor of the Dagan Dynasty, the most favored emperor of the Emperor!"

"It turned out to be her. It is said that Gan Yao is a special physique, and the talent is very high. The cultivation is also the "Gan Huang Gu Jing""

"Yes, this dry ancient scripture is the highest verse of the Dagan dynasty. In the future, dry Yao must be a famous and powerful, the future arrogant woman!"

The people around us are all trembled. The Dagan dynasty is a super-power of the mysterious giants, and the supreme power of their family is even more terrible. It is difficult to have more than the other top-level exercises.

Dao Ling touched his hair. This kind of power was the first time he heard about it. However, it can be seen that the ostrich is very extraordinary, and the phoenix car is also very terrible. It is definitely a different treasure.

"Hey, isn't the little emperor not going into the pagoda?" Some people wondered, seeing Gan Yao go ahead, to know who wants to enter the pagoda, this tower has life essence, if it absorbs the flesh There are great benefits.

Moreover, the higher you go, the stronger your life will be!

A group of people followed the onlookers, and Dao Ling and Ye Yun also followed. The guards in front were very strict. A group of powerful guards guarded the Quartet and prevented the people next to them from approaching the little emperor. Many young talents could not help but regret. It is close to this kind of arrogant woman.

"I understand, the little emperor must have gone to the Xiaowudao monument, we are going to see!" Someone shouted.

"Oh my God, the little emperor is going to go to the Xiaowudao monument. She must be sure to take the name of the lettering. I don't know how many rankings she can rank?"

A group of old nephews are extremely eager, and they rushed over to watch, and they were able to see the name of the lettering, but a grand occasion, the ordinary did not encounter such a grand event.

"What is the Xiaowudao monument?" Dao Ling frowned, asked Ye Yun, this thing he heard for the first time.

Wen Yan, Ye Yun chuckled: "Qingzhou City has a small Wudao monument, is a mysterious secret treasure, can detect the strength of people, of course, the same realm, if you can press the people on the list, it will Leave a name on it."

"Hey, is it good?" The eyes of Daolin suddenly lit up and the tone was eager.

Ye Yun is speechless for a while. This is glory. Is he actually asking for benefits? But still laughed: "Look, you will know when you get there."

Soon, Dao Ling saw a golden stone monument standing in front, tall and tall, like a mountain standing in front, with golden afterglow, and there are many names on the stone.

He was taken aback and quickly looked up to the sky. The more he looked up, the more terrible the name was. Every name was filled with terrible martial arts will, and everyone was very trembled.

In the end, his eyes looked to the top, his heart trembled, and he felt that the flesh had to be crushed. This is a horrible martial law of the horror of the sky. It seems to be telling, surrender!

"Roll!" Dao Ling's eyes are round and round, and he is screaming in his heart. The **** turbulence in the body rumbling and screaming, and the pressure on the back of the heart is overwhelming, but his back also overflows with cold sweat.

Dao Ling gasped, and when he saw Cheng Miaofu looking up, he quickly pulled her sleeve and said, "Don't look!"

"What's wrong?" Cheng Miaofu was somewhat puzzled, but she still very well-received her eyes. She knew that Dao Ling would definitely not harm her.

"Don't look at it, the top name is terrible." Dao Ling's face shook his head solemnly, and the blood in his body began to boil. Only two names could not be seen, so how terrible!

If you encounter a real person, it is estimated that this kind of existence is released and can be crushed!

"The first is Emperor Wu, the name was engraved five years ago, and that year he was ten years old." Ye Yun muttered to himself.

The face of Dao Ling slammed, and at the age of ten, he pressed the first? What kind of character is this?

But I don't know why, the breath that I just released gives him a familiar taste, and seems to have encountered it somewhere...

"Wow, Wudi, a good reputation for domineering." Cheng Miaofu's jade hand clenched, very shocked.

Ye Yun is silent, it is very terrible, this is a generation of supreme, this generation he is destined to suppress thousands of geniuses, lead the wind and sing, perhaps he is the first person of this generation in the future!

If he talks about his name alone, he will be mad. In this world, who dares to take such a name?

Under the stone tablet, Gan Yao's wonderful eyes looked at the stone tablet. She rolled into the body and finally suppressed it to the forged body. A pair of jade palms broke out with horror fluctuations. The whole arm, like the real body of the phoenix, released the forceful road and directly slammed into the golden color. On the stone tablet.

With a bang, the golden stone was shaken, and the golden glow was suddenly glaring. Then the people around him slumbered and watched that the dry Yao began to be terrible. She stood in the space and swayed the glare, like a goddess. Finger lettering, every stroke, contains a burst of martial arts will.

Everyone is venting, and the ranking is that the eighty-nine dry Ling disappeared and replaced by Gan Yao!

Dao Ling is awkward, looking at the lettering, the girl with a naughty smile on her mouth, she seems to just squeeze out the name...

Some people quickly understood that the little emperor did not want to leak the strength. To know that many of the wizards in the world were hidden by snow, they would not miss their own strength, or they would be confronted by hostile forces.

The Dao Ling stayed completely. After her lettering was completed, the martial arts monument spit out a treasure that swayed the energy of the glare. After Yao’s face was closed, she left.

"Oh my God, the Xiaowudao monument spit out treasures, and the potential of the little emperor is not eighty-nine!"

"Yeah, Xiaowudao monument actually rewards the little emperor and treasure. This is a grand event that has not appeared in a few years. I remember that when Emperor Wu was ten years old, he took a treasure. At the beginning, it was the whole Xuanyu. I don't know him. What is taken away?"

The people around were shocked. I really wanted to know what treasures she got. I want to know that some people are engraving the top 30, and the Xiaowudao tablets will not spit out treasures. This is a strange thing.

Moreover, the treasures that Xiaowudao monument spit out are very extraordinary. Some people have obtained the ancient treasures. Some people have obtained the practice of practicing the ancient sages. Some people have obtained some holy liquids, and so on.

"Who is this treasure? Is there a lot of treasures in the Xiaowudao monument?" Dao Ling smashed the hoe. If this is the case, the strong should smash the martial arts monument and take out the treasure.

Ye Yun did not know much. Dao Ling felt that the world was amazing. He immediately looked at the pagoda and said: "Can the pagoda enter?"

"You want to go, I can help you in." Ye Yun licked his red lips and said: "When you join the Star Academy, you can enter with your token."

"The original psychic tower still needs an identity token. It seems that there is no power, and it is difficult to walk." Dao Ling slammed his mouth and learned more about the rank of the world.

When I came to the vicinity of the Pagoda, Ye Yun and a group of people who guarded the psychic tower talked, and she turned around and said, "Go in, remember not to be able to, if something goes wrong, no one can save ~ Ye Yun's heavy face, so that the mind of Dao Ling is also vigilant, it seems that it is not smooth sailing, there should be a battle.

This is a corridor. There are so many people coming and going. When you step inside, the heart of the tomb is shocked. It is very large. It is like a space. You can't see your head at once, and it is surrounded by smoke.

"I understand, this is a rumored space treasure!" Dao Ling took a deep breath, and when he came in, he felt a sigh of pressure on the world.

Some small teenagers next to him were struggling to walk. Dao Ling surprised in his heart: "It's a good place, it is tailor-made for me!"

He was trying to temper the flesh, and now the psychic tower helped him a lot.

Dao Ling patrolled inside for a while and went directly to the second floor. The pressure on the second floor was twice as strong as the first time, but it was not enough for him. He kept going up and walked to the fifth floor. !

Just stepping into the fifth floor, the pressure between the heavens and the earth, such as tens of thousands of pounds of boulder landing, his body is somewhat stiff, but the fifth floor of the world, gave him a great shock.

The haze is empty, accompanied by life essence, several times stronger than the fourth layer. He absorbs a bite and feels that this energy is very mysterious, and it is actually tempering the flesh.

"Dong Tian Fu Di!" Dao Ling was shocked. If he cultivated here for a long time, the body will be fully improved.

However, for many people, this is somewhat impossible, because the pressure inside is suppressing the body all the time. If you want to cultivate here, you must have a strong body.

"Get out of the way, don't block the road of my family!"

Just as Dao Ling used the pressure of the surrounding and polished the body, a cold drink suddenly exploded.

This is a tall boy, even Shenwu, he is a foot high, his eyes are like a bell, his head is as big as a bucket, giving him a fierce temper.