MTL - Unparalleled Emperor-Chapter 19 Purple Tower

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This boy is enough to be tall. He is a giant. The creatures of this family are tall, adults are more than a dozen feet tall, and they are powerful, rare races, rumors of some terrible giants, Shoulder than the mountains, legs like pillars, can be seen how unattainable.

However, it is hard to imagine that a teenager of the Giants has changed to a young boy with a gorgeous dress.

Wu Penghai looks arrogant, squatting on the road, and his face is not happy. This kid's dress looks like a sly, even can enter the fifth floor? It makes him a little surprised, but that's it.

"I have blocked your way?" The look of Dao Ling was cold, and I didn't provoke them just now. It was a great tone.

Wen Yan, Wu Penghai's face was slightly gloomy, the giant boy glared at the big bell, and felt that he had got it wrong. He said: "A big courage, give me a slap in the face and admit my mistake!"

In the end, his palms grabbed the past, and the thick arms and ribs swelled up, like a puddle of water, lying in the air, and plucked his shoulders directly, letting him kneel and admit his mistakes. His attitude was extremely embarrassing.

The totem's fists were clenched, and the bells blew during the collision of the bones. His fists slammed forward and burst into full force.

The giant boy saw that he actually shot, his face down, and he whispered: "Be bold, this time it is not awkward, but dead!"

He looks disdainful. Who doesn't know that the Giants are born with infinite power. When dealing with a cockroach, it is a hand to come. His resistance is the rhythm of finding death.

The fists were banged together, and the air exploded. The waves of the atmosphere rolled, accompanied by bone cracks.

The giant boy and the Dao Ling banged, his arm suddenly twisted down, feeling that there was a terrible force in front of him, and the look of the giant boy changed greatly, and his footsteps quickly retreated.

The Tao Ling was cold, how could he spare him so much, his spine was twisted, and his blood was bursting out. The whole fist was golden, and he pressed it forward.

"Not good!" Wu Penghai's face changed slightly, the arrogance on his face converges, the body crosses the past, and his fists go.

The roar of the heavens and the earth, like the Tiangu is shaking, the bodies of the two are shaking, and the strength of the two fists bursting into the bang is getting fiercer and fierce. The gods are together.

Wu Penghai's look was cold, and he took back his fist and stared at Dao Ling. He said: "Hello, you have a lot of strength, and you dare to hurt my servant. I think you are impatient!"

The giants of the giants rushed out of the color of grievances. He walked over and gnawed his teeth: "You are a confusing thing, and dare to take a shot at my family. Do you know who my family is?"

"I care which green onion you are. If you want to fight, you will come over." Dao Ling’s eyes looked at them and sneered: "I don't want to hit it!"

Here is the psychic tower, everyone's strength will be suppressed to the realm of forging, no matter how big the other side is.

"Family!" Wu Penghai angered, holding his fist and shouting: "Looking for death, you give me life!"

A sensation, his breath vented, the blue glory lingers, the whole person is terrible, and the palms are densely rocky and directly slammed.

Dao Ling swelled in his breath, hunted and hunted, and his hair fluttered. His feet jerked and his blood broke out. The whole palm was covered with gold and pressed.

A bang, the thunder of the general thunder, the two pairs of flesh and palms criss-cross, the shaking air is shaking, the Dao Ling sinks, the body is stronger, the blood is pouring out, and the force is shaking.

"Ah!" Wu Penghai screamed in pain, his tiger's mouth was bleeding, and there was a hot energy rushing into the body, leaving him with a tendency to dry up!

He wants to mention the energy balance in the body, but the pressure on the fifth layer of the psychic tower is terrible. Because of the trauma, he is lying on the ground and suffering.

"What?" The giant boy was shocked, some incredible, Wu Penghai is the rare genius of Wu Dian, fabricated in the forging body is extremely high, and he is still some relationship with the Emperor!

Wudi is a young boy like Tianshen. Although he can suppress Wu Penghai with one finger, Wu Penghai’s combat power is not weak, and he is now defeated.

Wu Penghai's face was extremely angry. At this time, the energy in the body recovered. He climbed up directly and sacrificed a purple tower.

"What? Treasure!" Seeing this purple little tower, Dao's face was a joy, and did not give Wu Penghai the opportunity to push the treasure, directly under the pressure, his hand on his arm.

Wu Penghai almost scared to death, feeling that his wrist was crushed, and the purple tower in his hand fell to the ground and was directly picked up by the Tao.

The purple tower is crystal clear, like a purple jade carving, surrounded by Baohui, nine layers high, looks very extraordinary.

Looking at the teenager who watched the purple pagoda with a pleasant look, Wu Penghai almost spit out an old blood. This is a different treasure, and he was taken away by him.

He is mad, and the value of this thing is very high. It is the honor of an elder of Wu Dian. If you lose it, you will definitely be punished.

"Hand over the treasures!"

The next sentence, let Wu Penghai could not help but cough up a blood, he gnawed his teeth and said: "You look for death, the martial arts things dare to grab, give me back!"

The giant boy was also frightened. The courage of this kid was too fat, and the treasures of the Wu Dian also dared to grab.

"Hey, the temple is also robbed." Dao Ling’s nephew looked at Wu Penghai, as if he was watching a gold ingot, his eyes were lighted and said: "Come on!"

"You..." Wu Peng was so trembled that he couldn't speak. This is a demon king. Even the things of the Wu Dian are dare to grab. He is dead, and no one can save him!

When he noticed the hot-eyed boy, Wu Penghai was shocked. This little demon would definitely rob me. He gritted his teeth and took out a jade symbol. After crushing, a wind rushed over and took his body and disappeared.

"You give me a wait, no one can save you!" Wu Penghai left a voice of resentment, if not because the psychic tower has the means to suppress the strength, with the strength of his own spirit, the anti-palm can suppress him.

"Getting started slowly!" Dao Ling felt a distress, and the jade character just now must be a treasure of escape, and actually slipped away from my hand.

At this time, when he saw the giant boy, his face was a joy, the giant boy was scared, and he was afraid of pulling his legs, but where can he run out of the palm of the hand, and was directly caught and robbed of his body. Then he threw him away.

At this point, Dao Ling's eyes gathered on a jade bottle, and after seeing it, he saw a **** remedy.

"Dan medicine!" Dao Ling's small face is very surprise, this kind of thing he saw for the first time, I have only heard of it before.

"Is this medicinal medicine, is it **** Dan?" After watching a few eyes, Dao Ling was stunned in his heart. This medicinal medicine he saw in ancient books, he was able to temper the flesh, and now he needs it.

Strolling around for a while, Dao Ling came to the sixth floor, and the pressure on the sixth floor was two or three times stronger than the fifth floor!

It seems that a hill is pressed against the body. His body is a little stiff, his feet are landing, and the earth is sag.

The life of this life is very strong, the green haze is flying in the air, some people sit on the sixth floor, and some terrible aliens are absorbing the energy in this area and quenching the flesh.

Seeing the people who came in, a group of people took a look and regained their These days, the psychic tower has come to a lot of masters. Someone can come to the sixth floor. They are not surprised, provided that they can How long does it last here?

Dao Ling is far away from these people, looking for a place where no one is sitting down. He intends to use the pressure inside to absorb the energy of the blood of the Leopard Lin beast, and then go to the top!

I have just heard about it below. There is no secret in the psychic tower from the sixth floor to the bottom. The seventh floor is said to have produced unacceptable treasures. Very few people can take it out because it is difficult to Hold on for too long, let alone treasure hunt.

The pressure is endless, the Dao Ling sits on his knees, and soon his skin overflows with bloodshot, but the body is unusual, the blood of the blood is constantly twisted under this pressure, collapsing in the gathering, overflowing the majestic energy, tempering him. flesh.

A sapphire energy pothole, flowing in the limbs, this energy is of great benefit to the body, tempering his body, Dao Ling feels his body is gradually increasing.

The people inside the psychic tower are all directed at this kind of energy. They know that this kind of life fluctuation can make the body very strong, the more it goes to the top, the more intense it is, and no one snatches it, and the next five layers Very rare, not enough to divide.

His body is strengthened, the skin is restored to the original, flowing and lustrous, like Baoyu, and the flesh is quietly changed. The blood in his muscles is just fierce. At this time, there is more rafting of life.

He frantically squeezed the energy of the woody nature of life, and felt that this energy is of great benefit to the flesh, so that after three days passed, his entire body was filled with vitality.

Some of the people who practiced here frowned and stared at the Tao, feeling that he absorbed the life of the air at a speed that was a little faster. When a thunderous thunder suddenly exploded, it seemed that the Tianzhu Leiyin, a group of people trembled.