MTL - Unrivaled Medicine God-Chapter 3034 Ten thousand contest!

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Chapter 3034 is a contest of the people!

"What is good-looking? The first in the list, it must be the dead face of Qin Baichuan!" Zuo Qingyi did not have a good air.

Qin Baichuan, the first person in the court of Huang Tianzong.

Of course, it is also the strongest genius of the Terran for three days!

Zuo Qingying and others are also peerless, but they are still slightly inferior to those of Qin Baichuan.

"That may not be! Three days ago, the ratio has passed, and I am not sure about it. I will not lose to the dead face!" Wang Ningyan refused to accept the air.

Zhou Xianchen also said: "Yes, I have always refused to accept the dead face! In order to defeat him in these years, I have suffered a lot! I don't believe, I will be worse than Zhou Xianchen!"

These geniuses are the existence of the peaks of the heavens, and there are even hopes to enter the realm of the other shore in the future.

How can they easily serve people?

In their eyes, the opponent will always only have oneself.

At the far end of the platform, a large stone stands on top of it.

On the top of the big stone, many names are engraved.

This is the vertical stone, which records the ranking of the vertical ladder.

The top ten names are especially prominent!

On the sheet metal, the atmosphere of the boulevard is exuded.

Everyone looked, the name of Wang Ningyan, was ranked first!

"Haha, congratulations to the fairy, and press the heavens!" Zuo Qingxiao laughed.

Wang Ning smoked the capital of the generation, these people naturally have the pursuit of heart.

So in the dark, it was all in front of her.

Zhou Xianchen also said: "The condensate smoke fairy is amazing! Huang Zhen and Yang Daiyun, this time also lost to your hand! Fairy this time, but for our Yuantong Yuandong long face!"

Wang Ningyan did not float, but faintly said: "Qin Baichuan has not yet shot, what is it worth celebrating?"

Zuo Qingyi said: "The fairy is awkward! He will calculate his hand, and he will surely win the fairy. In my opinion, you will win or lose, but the number of five or five!"

Zhou Xianchen nodded: "I agree with this statement! It is not a compliment to the fairy. The strength that the fairy has shown is much stronger than the previous three days! It can be seen that the fairy has been working hard over the years and it is also making great progress. Someone asked, I am afraid that most of them are not opponents of Fairy."

This is half compliment and half sincere.

Many years have passed, and everyone's strength has made great progress.

Really want to smother the smoke on the king, Zhou Xianchen asked himself will not lose.

However, the progress of Wang Ningyan is indeed very large, and he does not dare to take a nap.

This vertical ladder is a test for the genius of them, but they certainly will not come up with all the strength.

No one will be stupid, and all the cards are exposed here.

Of course, they are not willing to be married, so the strength of 80% is still to be taken out.

As expected, the top ten geniuses on the list are now all three days of genius!

On this list, only a thousand names were recorded.

Although the number is quite large, but for thirty-three days, how many geniuses?

Can enter the first thousand, it is a stunning generation, no one is a mediocrity.

However, the lower the ranking, the greater the change in name.

Many people have already been squeezed out before a thousand.

It is the top ten, not moving.

Finally, the names of the top ten moved!

The name of Wang Ningyan actually retired!

In the first name, it is Qin Baichuan!

"This guy is really unwilling!" Wang Ning smoked.

This scene, everyone is not surprised.

If Qin Baichuan is amazed, it is a surprising thing.

At this point, the top talents of the Terran for three days, finally all boarded the vertical list.

Everything is expected.

The first place, the court is a day, the human family Qin Baichuan!

The second place, Yuantong Yuandong, the human king Wang Ningyan!

The third place, John is a wonderful day, and the human race is like a crane!

The Terran is three days high and each has one seat.

Others are also intertwined in three days, not inconsistent.

"Well, the overall situation has been set, there is nothing to look at. The rest is to wait for the fanatic palace to open." Wang Ningyan faint.

The voice has not fallen, and the vertical list has changed.

And this change is still the first place!

The name of Qin Baichuan was suddenly squeezed!

"Yu Ming Tang Yao Tian, ​​Feng Qing璇? How, Suzaku family also blended in?" Wang Ningyan is very unhappy.

In fact, the incorporation of other ethnic groups is also expected.

After all, the skyless name is too loud!

Those who have experienced the war will never let the younger disciples try it.

What is uncomfortable for Wang Ningyan is that Feng Qingying actually took the first place away!

"Oh, the fairy does not have to be like this, these real spirits, where is the potential of our human race? And, isn't the fairy not doing its best?" Zhou Xianchen comforted.

"That is, these guys are trying to grab the first, deliberately trying their best. I guess, Qin Baichuan did not make full efforts." Zuo Qing said.

Wang Ningyan just snorted and did not speak.

But her eyes did not leave from the vertical list.

Several other people have also begun to pay attention to the vertical list.

They all realized that this battle of inheritance may be extremely fierce.

Soon, the vertical list has changed again.

The second Qin Baichuan was squeezed to the third!

The name of the second place has become a swearing oath, and the Mozu is empty!

This time, everyone is not calm.

It didn't take long for the vertical list to change again.

The third place of Qin Baichuan was squeezed to the fourth!

The name of the third place became a non-thinking river, and the feathers were feathered!


The top three were occupied by the Fire Phoenix, the Mozu and the Yu.

The geniuses of the human race have all been suppressed!

"Damn! I knew that I should do my best! Now, it’s a shame!" Wang Ning smoked his face and revealed a frost.

She has been pushed to the fifth place!

This ranking makes her proud and somewhat unacceptable.

Even the left aunt and others, the intestines are repentant.

They feel very depressed and have a feeling of being counted.

This day, this hand is too embarrassing, this is to make all the people of the heavens a pot!

This kind of competition is too intense!

It’s a stumbling, thousands of hate!

"Hey, I knew that we all worked hard! With the strength of the condensed smoke fairy, the one who is pressing the fire phoenix is ​​absolutely stable!" Zuo Qing said.

He has been pushed to the ninth place!

Just then, the leaderboard changed again!

This time, the change is the first place!

Feng Qingying, was squeezed to the second!

The first place, Tai Ming Yu is the end of the day, the human family Yang Qing!

Wang Ningyan and others looked at each other and looked shocked.

"Too Ming Yu is finished, what a ghost?"

"The human family that came out of this low-level plane actually passed the Suzaku, the Mozu and the Feather?"

"Where did this guy come from?"


These ethnic tribes are all arrogant, they are regretting, but I did not expect that a nameless generation from a low-level plane has even suppressed the younger generation of the Wan people and became the first!

The Promise of Oath is supposed to be the Mozu, the previous chapter has been bugged and has been changed.

(End of this chapter)