MTL - Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Young Miss Has Arrived!-Chapter 743

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The red flame of the group shook a few times and it was shaped.

"Hey!" I didn't see it in the sub-season. The long gun stabbed from the back and was in the center of the flame.

The flame trembled and shattered with the wind.

The sub-season did not return to Lu Yiqian, his body shape gradually narrowed, and he became a silver-haired, silver-necked, silver-tailed teenager. He looked proud and his clothes were smashed, and his skin was white.

In the face of Lu Yiqian's worried eyes, his heart was warm in the spring, but his tone was very bad, his face was slightly awkward.

"Hey, woman, don't think that you look at me with such concern, this young master will give in."

Lu Yan’s mouth was a little bit, but he was speechless, but he saw blood on his body, or said: “Come here, I will help you with the wound.”

The sub-season, but still stunned, Lu Yanqian touched the hand of the ointment on his wound, his face could not help but red.

"Woman, don't forget what you said..." Hidden, hear him whisper.

Wei Mo silently looked at Lu Yi’s eyes, very light, very light, and the feelings contained in that one eyes could not be erased.

He set his heart, because he looked at Lu Qian, and she was looking at him as well.

A thousand words, only concentrated in that look.

As long as he knows that she is also concerned about him, it is enough.

His black hair is long and loose, and his peach eyes are cold and restrained. His jade-like face is full of dignity. He is slender and handsome. He is obviously a uniform, but he seems to be immersed in the whole space. In harmony with the surrounding environment.

Different from the gentleness he usually shows, he is actually a strong and extremely strong man. Because of his strength, he can be gentle and constant from beginning to end.

Therefore, the reincarnation in front of him, he must defeat!

His opponent, the No. 6 reincarnation, is a red crimson, a steel-like skeleton, with two flames in his head, his teeth are exceptionally sharp, and his hand is holding a long hook.

The number 6 reincarnation is different from other reincarnations. It should be said that all the reincarnations are obviously different. The sixth reincarnation thinks that all useless things should be simplified, flesh and blood can be hidden in the bones, and the moves can be opened. Weapons need to be able to change lengths. Strength, speed, change, all in one, enough!

This is an extremely difficult opponent. It may not be as strong as the No.1. It is not as good as the No. 2 on the cast. It is not as good as the No.3 on the cast. It is not as good as the No.4 on the magic charm, but not as good as the No.5 on the power, but it can simplify everything. Coupled with its mind, it can even be said to be more powerful than other reincarnations.

Just as well, Wei Mo is also a super-conscious character. Benefits, advances, disadvantages, retreats, soldiers are not deceptive!

The two sides have played against each other several times, constantly measuring each other, constantly finding the best point of the other party, constantly testing and measuring.

Perhaps only Bai discovered that Wei Mo is a natural stream of consciousness, a natural strong.

That is the more people who can inspire the potential in adversity, the more able to fight the wonderful battle!

Therefore, Bai will occasionally give pointers to him, and his entry into the world is only a thousand miles, but the strength can be increased, the most important thing is to rely on yourself!

At the foot of Wei Mo, he sacrificed Bai Lian, and Bai Lian was divided into nine layers. The defense was excellent, and between the electric and the Flint, it was a shot. The gun was given to him by Lu Yiqian, named ink dyeing, multi-function pistol, and varied. The gun can shoot in seconds, you can choose a powerful single guide, you can also choose to scatter the multi-channel. He practiced this day and day and has applied the gun to an extremely flexible and comfortable position.

Every gift given to Lu Yiqian that day is different. The ability is greater, and it is more inclined to use its own strength, but like Wei Mo, but it is more dependent on weapons.

But no matter what, it is best to be able to make an enemy.

It is Wei Mo, his use of weapons is indeed beyond everyone's expectations.

Wei Mo uses a single guide, and a shot is separated by a gun. It is often not allowed between the two, and it is played at the most suitable point. The accurate grasp is amazing.

But at this time, the 6th long hook stabbed, and when I went back to the hook, Wei ink bent over and escaped. A bullet hit the blade and did not make an enemy, but it could make the track slightly cheaper. This is the slight offset. That makes every hit on the 6th seem to hit the cotton, nowhere to focus.

"Wei Mo this kid, there is really a set!" The child's eyes are shining: "I can't think of this thing. I knew that I would use my Bai Ze." Lu Yuqian sent his gift, he hid himself, but it was I am afraid that it will be broken.

I cares for my dark color, but I have decided to ask Wei Mo for advice after the war.

Qinglong held the dance and his heart was full of warmth.

Double is very unhappy, what are the expressions of these two? However, he also regrets that when he fights, he compares with the reincarnation, and he only wants her to see her various gestures of wise and sacred (?), without using the gift she gave, it is really a mistake. .

However, at this stall, the No. 6 long hook was stabbed again. This time it changed the strategy, and when the long hook arrived, he also attacked himself.

The long hook intercepted the way of Wei Mo, attacked the road that blocked him, and he couldn’t enter, and he couldn’t retreat.

On the side of the gun in the hands of Wei Mo, he stuck the long hook and took the shot. He fired again, shot and shot, and was steady and anxious. The bullet only hit the joint of the sixth joint.

Wei Mo's move is even higher.

"It's amazing." Lu Yiqian was surprised. He had another layer of understanding of Wei Mo. He also had a layer of appreciation for him. Her current state of mind is somewhat complicated, worried and delightful. It is a kind of lover. Worried about the miraculous mood of his coup when he was in war. Now she knows that Wei Mo has used his gentleness to use his indomitable position, occupying a position in her heart, and she is not allowed to recognize it.

The so-called heart has a little bit of a pass, and that sincere praise is heard, even though he is fighting against his opponent at this time.

His heart is more determined. In any case, he wants to win. This is hard to admit, how can it be broken before it has produced a beautiful fruit!

His world has always been her only one, she has always been her only, so he is willing to make any effort for their world!